Who could have imagined that a prophesy of a minor prophet 725 years before Christ, even before the Assyrians conquered Samaria, would have such an influence on Herod the Great (monarch) - a man who had strangled his favorite son Alexander, set up Archaleus to be ethnarch of Judah & Samaria, Antipas to be tetrarch of Galilee, and Phillip II as another tetrarch, such that he would have all male infants in Bethlehem killed following a visit from wisemen. All of this in order to destroy a prophesized King.
Who could have imagined that a prophesy of a minor prophet 725 years before Christ, even before the Assyrians conquered Samaria, would have such an influence on Herod the Great (monarch) - a man who had strangled his favorite son Alexander, set up Archaleus to be ethnarch of Judah & Samaria, Antipas to be tetrarch of Galilee, and Phillip II as another tetrarch, such that he would have all male infants in Bethlehem killed following a visit from wisemen.
All of this in order to destroy a prophesized King.