3 year old scolds dad in store

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 พ.ค. 2015
  • On Monday May 4, 2015 I took my two youngest daughters with me to the store. Kamryn (7 years old) kept telling me about all the snacks that she needed to get for her lunch box. I kept telling Kamryn no since my wife gave me explicit directions to stay away from the junk food. Kamryn eventually approached me with a plastic jar of chocolate syrup and asked if I could get that since we were getting milk. I told her no for the last time and that was when Kymoree, my 3 year old daughter decided to really tear into me.
    She started off circling her face and asking if her face looked happy, and that was when I knew that I had to get out my phone.

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