If God Is That Good, Let Us Eat! (Feasting as Worship)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2024
  • As surprising as it sounds to many, our relationship to food is an important potential avenue for worship. For most, fasting and participating in the Lord’s Supper come to mind-but an often-neglected theme across the pages of scripture is feasting. God’s people have always been a feasting people and their feasting, at its best, has always been a joyful, celebratory, worshipful response to God’s character and work. May we learn to step into this great practice as we await the greatest feast yet to come when Jesus restores all things. A sermon by Cameron Heger. [Part 4 of our series “The Praises of His People: A Practical Theology of Worship”]
    Questions for discussion: 1) What is the most memorable meal or feast you’ve ever been a part of? What made it so special? 2) Why did the Israelites break out into worship in Nehemiah 8:1-12? 3) Why do you think God commands feasting as a response to Him and His Word? What does this say about Him? 4) Nehemiah 8:10 says in part, ‘And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.’ How is joy in God a source of strength? What does this mean for how we celebrate? 5) One of the greatest gifts of the gospel is an invitation to the wedding supper of the lamb (Revelation 19). How is our feasting today related to that great feast that is yet to come?

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