My wife and I are going to see and possibly purchase a 2019 Runaway RangeRunner this weekend and might have to use your bed / couch idea. Your Runaway looks great.
We probably will not use the sofa setup very often, but it is nice to have there. Also, if folks are very tall, they will want to make the platform lower.
She is so handy! I already Love her. Cant wait to meet you guys soon in one of the Runaway meetup. Thank you for your contribution to the Runaway Community. We just bought our first Runaway. Im excited to start modifying it
Something to consider if you ever want to replace the magic string is that because you have a board that holds the slats together that rides on the slider thingie that you found laying around the house, that you could put a "ramp" from a wedge shaped bit of wood and the end of the run. When the slider thingie reaches the end of the run, it automatically rides up the ramp to step up.
Mauro Marzorati Thanks. I will tell Susie, but I think she is happy with the way it is. It will be a bed most of the time we think. Thanks for watching.
Excellent job on building the couch/bed. We don’t have a runaway yet but seeing how you did that helps decide which model to buy. As always your videos are excellent.
Thanks - we love it. This week I am adding to roof vents - A MaxxFan Deluxe 5100K and also a passive MaxxFan. I will post videos of the install. Thanks for watching.
We sold that Runaway and did a van conversion of a 2018 Ford transit. We loved our Runaway days, but we really are enjoying our Ford transit. On this channel you can watch our van build series.
Thank you so much for all of the information in the video. My wife and I are planning on getting a runaway in about a year after we complete the upstairs bathroom redo next summer.
Love the bed frame! Do you have a materials list for the bed frame available? We would love to have something similar and wanted to price out the lumber and fasteners.
Amazing work!!! We hope to have the same camper by next spring. What size wood did you use for the bed? I love the shelf with the fabric totes underneath. I’m definitely making that.
Instructions for the construction of a light weight and portable platform for the mattress that comes with a Runaway Navigator I wanted a platform that could be easily removed so that I would to be able to clean the floor or to use the camper to haul things. I just did not like the idea of making it permanent. I wanted more storage space, but also I found out that it is much easier to get in and out of the bed when it is elevated, and I can put on my shoes more easily. Gather or buy some stuff: • !urring strips that are 8 feet long. Need twelve (12). I bought mine at Home Depot for a dollar each. It doesn’t matter if it’s pretty, but it needs to be straight when lying flat. These are light weight, but do the job. • Screws(oryoumightalreadyhavesome).Onebox. • One 4x8 sheet of sanded plywood 3⁄4 inches thick. One 4x8 sheet at my Home Depot was $39.98. Home Depot can cut the plywood for free - they used to charge for doing this. You will need two pieces: 4 feet x 3 feet 4 feet x 2 feet • One sheet of coarse sand paper. (somewhere around 60 - 80) OR you can use a concrete surface to rub the splinters off the ends of your strips. • One sheet of fine sandpaper. (somewhere around 150) • Duct tape to cover the rough edges of the plywood. I used a light beige color. • Fabric - one yard of soft furry fabric to use as a buffer between the platform pieces and the walls of the camper. I used light brown. • Scissors • Pencil • Tape measure • Extension cord. • Drill and drill bit to make pilot holes. I think my bit was a 1/8, just a bit smaller than the screws. • Light duty staple gun. Don’t forget extra staples! • Pliers - to pull out staples when they don’t go in correctly. • Circular saw (protective glasses and ear plugs) • Someone to use the circular saw if you don’t know how. Be cautious! 1. INSIDEyourcamper,measurealongasidewallfromthebackwalltothedoor. Mine was 60 inches. 2. Cutalltwelvefurringstrips1/4inchlessthanthatmeasurement.Icutmineat59 3/4 inches. Save the left over pieces. 3. Sandthesplinteredcutendswitheithercoarsesandpaperorscrapeitona rough concrete surface to smooth out the ends. 4. Sandanyroughspotswiththefinersandpaper. 5. Fromtheremainingpiecesoffurring,cut: • 24 seven-inch pieces and • 5 three-inch pieces. 6. Sandasin#3&4. 7. Drill guide holes in the long furring strips at 20 inches and 40 inches from one end. Now you are ready to build: Attach a seven-inch piece at the first guide hole (20 inches from one end). The long strip should be flat. The seven-inch strip should be at a 90 degree angle and turned like it would if you were building a ladder. Drill one screw in the guide hole. Repeat by adding the second “rung” of the ladder. Now add 1 “rung” at the end by drilling guide holes and inserting one screw in each end. Make sure screw head is flush with the surface. Turn the piece upside down. Take another long furring strip and attach it to the top in the same manner that you used before, making guide holes and screwing in flush. The first “ladder” will look like this: Now make seven more “ladders just like the first. Then combine two ladders together with the three-inch pieces to make one support: I attached 3 three-inch pieces on the top by drilling down with two screws in each. Then I turned it over and attached two three-inch pieces on the other side (the bottom). Now make another support just like this one. The third support will need to be modified just a little if you have a power strip in the back of your Navigator. The support will have to be shorter here to allow for the cord that comes up from the bottom of the floor. I cut out about 2 inches off the end of one side and cut a notch in the other side. Next, I cut strips of the furry fabric and stapled it to the top and outside of two of the supports, making sure one of them was the shorter support that fit over the power cord side. I stapled the fabric on any surface that would touch the walls of the camper. Finally, I covered the bottom of the supports with this gripping (not griping) shelf liner by stapling it to the wood. I made sure the staples went all the way in and were smooth on top so they would not scratch the camper flooring. The supports should be set on each side and in the middle. Now take the duct tape and carefully cover the edges of the sanded plywood. Cut strips of the furry fabric and staple it to cover the three edges of the larger sanded plywood that will come in contact with the walls of the camper. Then do the same with the smaller piece of plywood. Now you are ready to put the larger piece of plywood in the camper. Beware! This is kind of like a Rubik’s cube. The camper must be empty. You will need another person to put in the supports while you hold up the plywood. It needs to go in on its side, taken to the back (past the windows) and only then it needs to be carefully turned on end and then lowered down. I lower it down on my feet (while sitting with my legs straight out facing the back). Then have your friend bring one of the supports. Make sure the side with the notch goes on the side with the power strip (if you have one). Your friend will put it in on one side while you are holding up the plywood with your feet and knees. Help to lift it to the back (it shouldn’t slide easily because of the gripping material on the bottom. Repeat with the other side. And finally insert the middle. I wanted to keep the supports from moving while on the road, but I used only three screws. Each support was attached to the large plywood piece by a 2 inch screw. Later I plan to use bolts and washers to make it more portable. Now all you have to do, is to add the last piece - the smaller piece of plywood. You have to take it to the back to lay it down (past the windows) and then slide it up onto the bare supports. This has been sturdy enough for us, and quite useful. Being up higher lets us enjoy more of a breeze through the windows when sleeping. I love all the storage underneath. Storage idea: I use a long cloth with the gripping shelf liner under the first tub in the very back. Then the other tubs go next. Then, all I have to do is pull on the cloth to get the tubs out, one by one.
I love your problem-solving skill and willingness to “jump in”. What is the clearance under the bed (distance between the floor and the underside of the bed)? I have a guitar & banjo to store! Thanks.
I could run out to the garage and measure, but really, you will need to measure your instrument cases and make your bed platform the right height for you. Happy building! Measure twice, cut once - we do not ALWAYS accomplish that! : )
Charles Moman I need 8 inches for my instruments, but, a few inches taller would be more comfortable. I think I need to find the perfect combo of being able to sit upright but store the guitar case. Thanks for your videos!
If you see this Charles and are able can you list the products used inside the interior for modifications, specifically the flooring and lighting. Ever think to add a mini frig and mini microwave? Or is that a/c wall not deep enough?
I have recently sold it because we have just finished a Ford Transit van conversion - full series here on my channel. A small microwave would fit - many do that. The flooring is just the foam puzzle pieces you see on Amazon.
I love what y'all do!! Not nearly as handy as Susie. Right now our Range Runner can be completely emptied and look like it just came from the factory...except for badly placed Command Hooks. Apparently I can do harm with them.
In a soon-to-be-uploaded video, we will talk about it more. We put a sheet of Reflectix insulation around the bed cushions for two reasons. One - for more insulation in addition to the fiberglass panels of the 2020 Runaway. Also, if we somehow got condensation on the walls, it would keep the bed sections dry. However, we have camped already in cold weather and have had zero condensation on the walls to ceiling, but yes - some condensation on the window metal trim and the metal connector metal strips - like any other small camper in cold weather.
DFWHETRO I don’t think we will do the axle flip on this one. We already have a screen room and two walls. Not sure if we will bother with the awning room this time either.
What an inspiration!! I'm not sure I can make the bed but I like how you made the shelf and will be trying to copy that. QUESTION: how many tiles did you need for the flooring?
Has your experience shown that, when in bed config, gap between 1x4's is bit too much? Also, if the end of "sliding" slats had been beveled, could the string/rope have been eliminated with ends then still sliding smoothly up onto base frame at rear?
Your bed seems a bit narrow for 2 people- I'm guessing it is only a full size? Is it an issue with the bed turned sideways, for the back person to climb over the other if they need to get up (use the restroom or etc.. ?) at night??
Susie, on your slide bed, did you attach the main part of your platform to the back wall or bolt it to floor to secure it when slide you slide in and out to keep it from moving.
It is not attached to the floor or the back wall. So far, not problems with that plan. When the bed is pulled out, she cut two small pieces of wood that go between the bed frame and the metal edge of the door. I wish TH-cam would let me post a photo to answer you.
@@charlesmoman I had same question. Understand perfectly about the wood spacer between bed frame and the metal edge of door that juts slightly into camper. Our Rouser has just the one door, but think this solution still may work. Thanks much for your many vids. Good luck with the new rig!
@@charlesmoman I see both bed and bed /couch options. We are trying to decide which build of a bed we want. Can you tell me if you found the need to use it as a couch very often?
Are the windows in the Rangerunner the same size as in your 4x8? I watched Susie’s explanation of making curtains for the 4x8. We are getting the 2020 Rangerunner in about a week and I wanted to make the curtains in advance if possible.
The extreme velcro strip Susie put on the wall is about 34 inches - so it goes past the window for privacy. The curtains are 34" wide too and 23" tall. Need more info? Email me at if you need more advice from Susie or she could call you. Do not put your phone number here though! : )
Not really. Susie just wings it. Do a search on TH-cam and you should be able to find some plans. I would suggest searching sliding bed platform for a camper. Or something like that.
Our previous 4x8 was smaller! : ) We love it, but it is not for everyone. I think Susie shows the end product pretty well in this video. It would be best if you two could see one in person, in order to really know if it would work. It is a camping trailer, not an RV. Good luck!
Thank you. I called the main facility in Florida a few weeks ago if not a month or more and they have none to look at, they said there made only when one is ordered or I would make that long drive from Virginia :(
I don't see where there at In indiana but i see theres one in Herndon PA alittle over 4 hour drive. I'll check with them. If we could just see one in person and if we like I'll order from Florida for there alittle cheaper lol. Thank you for the info
I love your idea Susie! I have 2 questions: 1. Do you know the weight of the bed without the mattresses? 2. How many inches is the platform from the floor and how many inches does Charles have overhead when sitting on the couch? TIA
No idea about the weight - sorry it would be a hassle to take it out to do that - it is just a bunch of 2x2 boards . A seven inch clearance. My head touches depending on where I am sitting. The answers I give you are really not important because you can make your own at any height you want. Some would make a lower clearance under to have more headroom. With the Ford Transit build we will now change out the bed platform - make it longer and put in a full or queen foam mattress. We will just go to the camper to sleep. Otherwise we will be in the spacious Transit! : )
Susie has the back of our caravan built with nice shelves and pull out drawers and it works great as our kitchen. We NEVER cook in the camper. We cook outside and almost always eat outside too. Works perfectly fo us.
@@ShenaMiloni-vj8ku It would hold moisture that easily can develop in a small camper. While camping you will being in dirt and sand sometimes and carpet will hold it all. Just not a good option.
This helps my wife C liked what you have done . I am more interested then my wife in a Range runner. Money and the fact I could pull it with the car I own now a 2017 Toyota Prius tow capacity 1600 pounds OKed by dealer to tow with in the limits not to void warranty or extended warranty.
I too have viewed many vids illustrating this slat bed design. This short vid has, without a doubt, been most useful. Thanks, Mrs Moman!
My wife and I are going to see and possibly purchase a 2019 Runaway RangeRunner this weekend and might have to use your bed / couch idea. Your Runaway looks great.
Very simple. Thank you.
Hope you got your garage cleaned up nicely and pressure cleaned the driveway too.
Very nicely done Charles. I especially like the bed platform and think this is the best way to go
We probably will not use the sofa setup very often, but it is nice to have there. Also, if folks are very tall, they will want to make the platform lower.
Susie is so darn cute! I love her bed design :)
I think so too!
You're not kidding!😉
She is such an inspiration, I need a lady like her in my life!😘
She is so handy! I already Love her. Cant wait to meet you guys soon in one of the Runaway meetup. Thank you for your contribution to the Runaway Community. We just bought our first Runaway. Im excited to start modifying it
We will be at the Homecoming Rally in February at Runaway Acres. Have fun with the mods and be safe.
Something to consider if you ever want to replace the magic string is that because you have a board that holds the slats together that rides on the slider thingie that you found laying around the house, that you could put a "ramp" from a wedge shaped bit of wood and the end of the run. When the slider thingie reaches the end of the run, it automatically rides up the ramp to step up.
Mauro Marzorati Thanks. I will tell Susie, but I think she is happy with the way it is. It will be a bed most of the time we think. Thanks for watching.
Susie said that is a great idea.
Love your informative/educational videos. Thank you!🤗🎉
you guys have the best bed design out of them all !!!
Susie is really good at figuring things out!
Excellent job on building the couch/bed. We don’t have a runaway yet but seeing how you did that helps decide which model to buy. As always your videos are excellent.
We were happy with our original 4x8, but we LOVE the "roominess" of the 2020 RangeRunner! We enjoy making the videos.
I love your result! I am considering a Runaway trailer and what you did makes it very comfortable and roomy!
Thanks - we love it. This week I am adding to roof vents - A MaxxFan Deluxe 5100K and also a passive MaxxFan. I will post videos of the install. Thanks for watching.
This video and ideas 💡 Are so awesome 👌 Genius
Thanks for sharing..from Kentucky
You are one kewl lady, Lady!
(Nice job, too. Thanks for the extra details.)
She is indeed!
You designed a great little unit. Now hit the road and enjoy it.
We sold that Runaway and did a van conversion of a 2018 Ford transit. We loved our Runaway days, but we really are enjoying our Ford transit. On this channel you can watch our van build series.
Thank you so much for all of the information in the video. My wife and I are planning on getting a runaway in about a year after we complete the upstairs bathroom redo next summer.
The new fiberglass models are great!
Turned out stunning! Great Job!
She does great work.
@@charlesmoman For sure. Been testing out that Velcro with some of our Molle Panels ;)
Love the bed frame! Do you have a materials list for the bed frame available? We would love to have something similar and wanted to price out the lumber and fasteners.
Not really. We are out on the road right now. It was not expensive.
Love what you have done to it. I can see now I will be putting in an order for one. Thank you for sharing your awesome videos.
They really are great and now 20% lighter than previous models.
Wonderful design Susie!
She is great designing stuff!
Amazing work!!! We hope to have the same camper by next spring. What size wood did you use for the bed? I love the shelf with the fabric totes underneath. I’m definitely making that.
Instructions for the construction
of a light weight and portable platform
for the mattress that comes with a Runaway Navigator
I wanted a platform that could be easily removed so that I would to be able to clean the floor or to use the camper to haul things. I just did not like the idea of making it permanent.
I wanted more storage space, but also I found out that it is much easier to get in and out of the bed when it is elevated, and I can put on my shoes more easily.
Gather or buy some stuff:
• !urring strips that are 8 feet long. Need twelve (12).
I bought mine at Home Depot for a dollar each.
It doesn’t matter if it’s pretty, but it needs to be straight when lying flat.
These are light weight, but do the job.
• Screws(oryoumightalreadyhavesome).Onebox.
• One 4x8 sheet of sanded plywood 3⁄4 inches thick. One 4x8 sheet at my Home Depot was $39.98.
Home Depot can cut the plywood for free - they used to charge for doing this. You will need two pieces:
4 feet x 3 feet 4 feet x 2 feet
• One sheet of coarse sand paper. (somewhere around 60 - 80) OR you can use a concrete surface to rub the splinters off the ends of your strips.
• One sheet of fine sandpaper. (somewhere around 150)
• Duct tape to cover the rough edges of the plywood. I used a light beige color.
• Fabric - one yard of soft furry fabric to use as a buffer between the platform
pieces and the walls of the camper. I used light brown.
• Scissors
• Pencil
• Tape measure
• Extension cord.
• Drill and drill bit to make pilot holes. I think my bit was a 1/8, just a bit smaller
than the screws.
• Light duty staple gun. Don’t forget extra staples!
• Pliers - to pull out staples when they don’t go in correctly.
• Circular saw (protective glasses and ear plugs)
• Someone to use the circular saw if you don’t know how. Be cautious!
1. INSIDEyourcamper,measurealongasidewallfromthebackwalltothedoor. Mine was 60 inches.
2. Cutalltwelvefurringstrips1/4inchlessthanthatmeasurement.Icutmineat59 3/4 inches. Save the left over pieces.
3. Sandthesplinteredcutendswitheithercoarsesandpaperorscrapeitona rough concrete surface to smooth out the ends.
4. Sandanyroughspotswiththefinersandpaper.
5. Fromtheremainingpiecesoffurring,cut:
• 24 seven-inch pieces and
• 5 three-inch pieces.
6. Sandasin#3&4.
7. Drill guide holes in the long furring strips at 20 inches and 40 inches from one end.
Now you are ready to build:
Attach a seven-inch piece at the first guide hole (20 inches from one end).
The long strip should be flat. The seven-inch strip should be at a 90 degree angle and turned like it would if you were building a ladder. Drill one screw in the guide hole.
Repeat by adding the second “rung” of the ladder.
Now add 1 “rung” at the end by drilling guide holes and inserting one screw in each end. Make sure screw head is flush with the surface.
Turn the piece upside down. Take another long furring strip and attach it to the top in the same manner that you used before, making guide holes and screwing in flush.
The first “ladder” will look like this:
Now make seven more “ladders just like the first.
Then combine two ladders together with the three-inch pieces to make one support:
I attached 3 three-inch pieces on the top by drilling down with two screws in each. Then I turned it over and attached two three-inch pieces on the other side (the bottom).
Now make another support just like this one.
The third support will need to be modified just a little if you have a power strip in the back of your Navigator. The support will have to be shorter here to allow for the cord that comes up from the bottom of the floor.
I cut out about 2 inches off the end of one side and cut a notch in the other side.
Next, I cut strips of the furry fabric and stapled it to the top and outside of two of the supports, making sure one of them was the shorter support that fit over the power cord side. I stapled the fabric on any surface that would touch the walls of the camper.
Finally, I covered the bottom of the supports with this gripping (not griping) shelf liner by stapling it to the wood. I made sure the staples went all the way in and were smooth on top so they would not scratch the camper flooring.
The supports should be set on each side and in the middle.
Now take the duct tape and carefully cover the edges of the sanded plywood.
Cut strips of the furry fabric and staple it to cover the three edges of the larger sanded plywood that will come in contact with the walls of the camper.
Then do the same with the smaller piece of plywood.
Now you are ready to put the larger piece of plywood in the camper. Beware! This is kind of like a Rubik’s cube.
The camper must be empty.
You will need another person to put in the supports while you hold up the plywood.
It needs to go in on its side, taken to the back (past the windows) and only then it needs to be carefully turned on end and then lowered down. I lower it down on my feet (while sitting with my legs straight out facing the back).
Then have your friend bring one of the supports.
Make sure the side with the notch goes on the side with the power strip (if you have one).
Your friend will put it in on one side while you are holding up the plywood with your feet and knees. Help to lift it to the back (it shouldn’t slide easily because of the gripping material on the bottom.
Repeat with the other side. And finally insert the middle.
I wanted to keep the supports from moving while on the road, but I used only three screws. Each support was attached to the large plywood piece by a 2 inch screw. Later I plan to use bolts and washers to make it more portable.
Now all you have to do, is to add the last piece - the smaller piece of plywood. You have to take it to the back to lay it down (past the windows) and then slide it up onto the bare supports.
This has been sturdy enough for us, and quite useful. Being up higher lets us enjoy more of a breeze through the windows when sleeping. I love all the storage underneath.
Storage idea:
I use a long cloth with the gripping shelf liner under the first tub in the very back. Then the other tubs go next. Then, all I have to do is pull on the cloth to get the tubs out, one by one.
I love your problem-solving skill and willingness to “jump in”. What is the clearance under the bed (distance between the floor and the underside of the bed)? I have a guitar & banjo to store! Thanks.
I could run out to the garage and measure, but really, you will need to measure your instrument cases and make your bed platform the right height for you. Happy building! Measure twice, cut once - we do not ALWAYS accomplish that! : )
Charles Moman I need 8 inches for my instruments, but, a few inches taller would be more comfortable. I think I need to find the perfect combo of being able to sit upright but store the guitar case. Thanks for your videos!
Tonya Lewis You are quite welcome.
That is freaking brilliant.
If you see this Charles and are able can you list the products used inside the interior for modifications, specifically the flooring and lighting.
Ever think to add a mini frig and mini microwave? Or is that a/c wall not deep enough?
I have recently sold it because we have just finished a Ford Transit van conversion - full series here on my channel. A small microwave would fit - many do that. The flooring is just the foam puzzle pieces you see on Amazon.
@@charlesmoman okay. Thanks for answering.
You should share some of the nature scene in videos from your travels one day.
Enjoy and safe travels.
Great mini-series guys 👍
Thanks - we enjoy doing them.
I love what y'all do!! Not nearly as handy as Susie. Right now our Range Runner can be completely emptied and look like it just came from the factory...except for badly placed Command Hooks. Apparently I can do harm with them.
I am not nearly as handy as Susie! : ) She just figures things out!
You have great ideas. Love your videos
Susie is great!
Great job. 👍🏽👏🏾👏🏾What’s the silver sheeting that’s going around the bed??
In a soon-to-be-uploaded video, we will talk about it more. We put a sheet of Reflectix insulation around the bed cushions for two reasons. One - for more insulation in addition to the fiberglass panels of the 2020 Runaway. Also, if we somehow got condensation on the walls, it would keep the bed sections dry. However, we have camped already in cold weather and have had zero condensation on the walls to ceiling, but yes - some condensation on the window metal trim and the metal connector metal strips - like any other small camper in cold weather.
I'm curious if you'll add the room to the awning and have the axle flipped. Great set up.
DFWHETRO I don’t think we will do the axle flip on this one. We already have a screen room and two walls. Not sure if we will bother with the awning room this time either.
You have a really nice setup
It is working out well, thanks.
What an inspiration!! I'm not sure I can make the bed but I like how you made the shelf and will be trying to copy that. QUESTION: how many tiles did you need for the flooring?
I do not know - look and see what size the squares you will buy. A RangRunner is 6x8 inside - actually a little less with the 1" walls.
After my knee injuries, I'm taken by the foam floor panels.
Has your experience shown that, when in bed config, gap between 1x4's is bit too much? Also, if the end of "sliding" slats had been beveled, could the string/rope have been eliminated with ends then still sliding smoothly up onto base frame at rear?
We no longer have that camper, but it worked fine for us. Cannot answer about beveling.
Your bed seems a bit narrow for 2 people- I'm guessing it is only a full size? Is it an issue with the bed turned sideways, for the back person to climb over the other if they need to get up (use the restroom or etc.. ?) at night??
It is less than full size but works for us. Not a problem for me to climb over but I rarely do.
Hi guys, I'm 6 feet tall, do you think in your couch set up that my head would still clear the ceiling. Love your videos
With that exact set up - probably no but you can build the bed frame lower.
How many tiles did you guys buy to complete the floor?
I believe we bought them off Amazon and got the 48 square feet box since it is a 6x8 footprint.
Will you be installing the Fantastic Fan and passive vent as you did on the 4x8?
We sold the 4x8 for charity.
@@charlesmoman So no Fantastic Fan on the new RangeRunner 6x8 in the future?
I did add a MaxxAir fan and passive vent on the new 2020 RangeRunner. We love it.
Susie, on your slide bed, did you attach the main part of your platform to the back wall or bolt it to floor to secure it when slide you slide in and out to keep it from moving.
It is not attached to the floor or the back wall. So far, not problems with that plan. When the bed is pulled out, she cut two small pieces of wood that go between the bed frame and the metal edge of the door. I wish TH-cam would let me post a photo to answer you.
@@charlesmoman I had same question. Understand perfectly about the wood spacer between bed frame and the metal edge of door that juts slightly into camper. Our Rouser has just the one door, but think this solution still may work. Thanks much for your many vids. Good luck with the new rig!
Is Charles able to sit without hitting his head when the bed is in the couch position?
@@charlesmoman I see both bed and bed /couch options. We are trying to decide which build of a bed we want. Can you tell me if you found the need to use it as a couch very often?
Nice job and neat camper
Thanks. The Runaway is perfect for us.
Are the windows in the Rangerunner the same size as in your 4x8? I watched Susie’s explanation of making curtains for the 4x8. We are getting the 2020 Rangerunner in about a week and I wanted to make the curtains in advance if possible.
The extreme velcro strip Susie put on the wall is about 34 inches - so it goes past the window for privacy. The curtains are 34" wide too and 23" tall. Need more info? Email me at if you need more advice from Susie or she could call you. Do not put your phone number here though! : )
Are there printed plans for a bed/sofa frame like Susie built?
Not really. Susie just wings it. Do a search on TH-cam and you should be able to find some plans. I would suggest searching sliding bed platform for a camper. Or something like that.
Did you paint the interior walls?
No. That is the color of the composite walls.
Great video. Can you do another video of the inside now that you have it all set up. Trying to get my wife interested in one.She says it's to small.
Our previous 4x8 was smaller! : ) We love it, but it is not for everyone. I think Susie shows the end product pretty well in this video. It would be best if you two could see one in person, in order to really know if it would work. It is a camping trailer, not an RV. Good luck!
Thank you. I called the main facility in Florida a few weeks ago if not a month or more and they have none to look at, they said there made only when one is ordered or I would make that long drive from Virginia :(
Just shocked me none to look at
@@off2f Well, I own one and they are taking orders. They have prototypes, but I do not know if they are on display. Indiana is closer than Florida!
I don't see where there at In indiana but i see theres one in Herndon PA alittle over 4 hour drive. I'll check with them. If we could just see one in person and if we like I'll order from Florida for there alittle cheaper lol. Thank you for the info
I love your idea Susie! I have 2 questions: 1. Do you know the weight of the bed without the mattresses? 2. How many inches is the platform from the floor and how many inches does Charles have overhead when sitting on the couch? TIA
No idea about the weight - sorry it would be a hassle to take it out to do that - it is just a bunch of 2x2 boards . A seven inch clearance. My head touches depending on where I am sitting. The answers I give you are really not important because you can make your own at any height you want. Some would make a lower clearance under to have more headroom. With the Ford Transit build we will now change out the bed platform - make it longer and put in a full or queen foam mattress. We will just go to the camper to sleep. Otherwise we will be in the spacious Transit! : )
How does the string work when you have cushions on it?
You have to push the cushion out of the way to use it.
Where do you store your kitchen stuff?
Susie has the back of our caravan built with nice shelves and pull out drawers and it works great as our kitchen. We NEVER cook in the camper. We cook outside and almost always eat outside too. Works perfectly fo us.
Great job!
a futton would work also
We used to use one but decided to go this route,
That would work for me.
Why doesn't anybody use all carpet and then put your furniture on top of that it's just a soft
@@ShenaMiloni-vj8ku It would hold moisture that easily can develop in a small camper. While camping you will being in dirt and sand sometimes and carpet will hold it all. Just not a good option.
Grfeat job.
Susie does great!
This helps my wife C liked what you have done . I am more interested then my wife in a Range runner. Money and the fact I could pull it with the car I own now a 2017 Toyota Prius tow capacity 1600 pounds OKed by dealer to tow with in the limits not to void warranty or extended warranty.
Our RangeRunner, I believe, weighs about 750 pounds - I am talking the new fiberglass model.And we do not carry a lot of weight in it when traveling.
Hi i love your work and i love Romans 10:13 beautiful scripture.
Thanks - we have the same verse on our Ford Transit, plus others. Blessings on you!
Is your wife available to build my house?
I think she will skip that request! : ) Thanks for watching.