That ling of evil is extremely stupid ngl. I lost for words. Lord fight when tigreal ult he didnt even move, when the lord is low he didnt even try to steal when he has ult, when the lord is pushing he clear mid. Like wtf is that player? He looks like an epic ranked player😭
That ling of evil is extremely stupid ngl. I lost for words. Lord fight when tigreal ult he didnt even move, when the lord is low he didnt even try to steal when he has ult, when the lord is pushing he clear mid. Like wtf is that player? He looks like an epic ranked player😭
Now imagine how stupid other Junglers in Singapore except hadess, for getting gapped against this stupd player 😂
Ling stood there didn't go and try? 😂😂
Boyet, is that BoyetDR from Minana Evos of MPL-PH? The teammate of Brusko and Domeng before?
Filipinos makes everyone in this game their own minions😂 They are the overall mastermind in MLBB!
team 3v1il need 1 more season to get the good chemistry...
i hope markyy saw this replay. he always plays safe.. thats not good if i am ur team8..
Loll lowrank
Indeed low rank spotted.
Rg boy mindset
Lowrank mindset
Hadess's ign when he was on geek fam was janaaqt right?
EVIL weaklink is their exp player.....EVIL weaklink is their exp player.....EVIL weaklink is their exp....
Marky is playing way too safe gets 5 auto in and backs off.
LoL ling even though he still have a retri didn't do anything???
Ggwp well done na flash
Legit kurtTZY of the TZY clan?
Noob Yung core ni Marky