This was interesting! Thank you! Re-inforcing the value of 1. Think about your code before you start writing - aka write down pseudocode. 2. Know your algorithms and their complexity. 3. Use cache!
Love this video, regarding cache, it seems like he is creating a class that is a hashtable. You can pipe an array into a hash table (convertto-hashtable functions are available online. Quick call out, the function needs error handling for null key values and doesn't handle multiple keys ex: samaccountname, and distinguishedname using 1 single hash table) and uses it for reference. I had this exact problem. I had a set of data with the file name or folder and who the parent folder is. In order to identify the path of the file, I had to do a lookup against the parent until I got to root. I had 25 million files to identify.
This was interesting! Thank you! Re-inforcing the value of
1. Think about your code before you start writing - aka write down pseudocode.
2. Know your algorithms and their complexity.
3. Use cache!
Love this video, regarding cache, it seems like he is creating a class that is a hashtable. You can pipe an array into a hash table (convertto-hashtable functions are available online. Quick call out, the function needs error handling for null key values and doesn't handle multiple keys ex: samaccountname, and distinguishedname using 1 single hash table) and uses it for reference.
I had this exact problem. I had a set of data with the file name or folder and who the parent folder is. In order to identify the path of the file, I had to do a lookup against the parent until I got to root. I had 25 million files to identify.
i really liked this presentation to bad pscache was out of time. but ill bet it will popup somewhere sooner or later.