Vim Tsob Noob Yuav Poob P3
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Vim Tsob Noob Yuav Poob P3.
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YEESSS!! I was not expecting a part 3. But Thank You!! I'm so invested in this story somehow. Wow! Great story!
Wheres part 1 and 2? I would like to listen to it in her TH-cam page. You will find it. Its just right before this part 3 video.
Wow zaj neeg neej no txaus2 ntshai tiag22 li os kuv Mas nyiam mloog thiab ho ntshai22 thiab tiag os yom sister may aw ❤❤
Zoo siab kawg li os niam ntsuab teev koj hais dab neeg zoo kawg li
Kuv nyiam cov neej neeg dab no heev, ua tshaug os may aw
Kv nyiam mloog kj cov neej neeg dab no heev li os lo hai dua os mam2 hnov li lawm os tu niam lau❤❤❤
Zoo hmloog kawg li os kuv nyiam koj hais nab neeg neej neeg kawg li os
Omg Zaj no scary heev, it gave me chills.. 😂 this is a great one!
Hais tau yog kawg li os phooj ywg kuv tuaj caum kj lawm os
Xav mloog ntu 4 ua kev kawm vim yog ib txoj neej neeg zoo heev
Txau ntshai tiag2 li zaj neej neeg no
Muab ua tau movie mas txaus ntshai heev lauj yom….
Niam laus ntsuab teev.kuv xav2 mloog kj cov dab neeg qub qub os.niam laus.
Kv mloog ma kv ntshai tiag2 li o kv nia siab mloog xb o
Zaj no qhia rau peb tib neeg ua neej kom txhob siab phem thiaj tsis tau kev lwj siab npaum li tus niam tsev no thiab nws tus txiv.
Yog kuv ntshai heev li os lawv aw xob ib ce tas li o
Niam ntsuav teev koj txoj dab neeg yog muaj tiag no ca yuav muaj ib txhia neeg siab phem txau ntshai ua luaj thiab
Zaj no Yog muab ua ib zaj movie no Tshe yuav zoo saib thiab txaus ntshai heev li os.
Sau kom zoo zoo Hais Thiaj haib zaj no neb sau tau tsis tshuaj khaws heev pes tsawg tab tsis kav tsij puav dab vim peb nyuam nyuam mloog dab neeg dab heev li
Moral of the story; don’t do evil because the price is heavy and no amount of money can make up for it.
😮2 niam txiv no mas siab tawv tiag tiag tuag tau neeg yam lim hiam tshaj plawg. txawm dab nyab los hem tus niam npaum twg los yeej tsi paub tshai li lawm.
Wow txau ntshai tiag tiag li os
2 niam txiv ntawd xav tias nkawd cov nyiaj thiab ntsejmuag zoo yuav yeej txhua tus, txhuayam hauv ntiaj teb no. Txawm muaj thiab zoo npaum cas los lub siabphem tua neeg limhiam ces tsis muaj leejtwg los dabtsi pab tau. Twb yog tim nkawd tub ntxhais thiaj yuam kev thaum pib.
Can’t listen til day time.The hubby not home. 😆
Maj2 hnov li lawm os
So sad 😭😭😭
Love it! Can’t wait for part 4
Can't wait to hear some very scary stories
Tus niam tag ho kv
Tsi zoo mloog
What a scary, interesting story.
Ntuj aw cas cov neeg muaj nyiaj yeej phem kawg li no ntxhaus ntxhais kawg os lawv aw ntxhob xav tias muaj nyiaj es yuav pab Tau
Kv tos2 kawg
Hais tau dag2
To mloog daim 4
Oh! So?! The story is not done yet? Waiting for part 4! Feel so sad for the kids!
Wow!! So, zombie do exist???😱
Tus niam tais aw, vim kev txhaum koj thiaj nyob tsaus ntuj npaum li ko ces los ntseeg Vajtswv es los lees txim rau Vajtswv xwb mas koj thiaj yuav dim koj lub txim ko naw. Tsis muaj lwm txoj kev li lawm os.
Vuag Peb hmoob thaum ub txawj ua zonbie thiab los, cas txaus ntshai thiab laiv yom.. txhob siab phem rau tus neeg yus tsis nyiam, yus thiaj tau zoo ua neej nrog teb chaws...
Zaj no mas txaus ntshai thiab zoo mloog kawg li nawb tos phaj 4 lawm nawb
Holly cow this is a long frustrated story
Zaj no qhia rau cov neeg uas niaj hnub no tseem thuam cem saib tsis taus cov phem nkauj, phem nraug thiab cov txomnyem tsis muaj nyiaj. Kom tseg lub siab phem tsam tsuamtob txiav rau hluav taws kub.
Yog Nyob ib leeg txaus txaus ntshai
Txoj kev siab phem ua cas ho ntshai tuag ua luaj thiab mas. Luag tias ua neej nyob tsim tsis tau tuag lawm mam los tsim muaj tseeb tiag.
Zaj no ma kv tshai thb kv xaxa mlooj thb os
Cas no neeg no yuav siab nyoo ua luag na
Yog ib qhov kev kawm loj tsaj plawv lo nyob 6 zaj dab neeg no
Yog ma ca txau2 tsai li os
Shiajjj, this story is scary!!!!! Tshiab pob tw ua luaj.
Zaj dab neeg no txaus ntshai kg li es yg tiag lo dag ne yom
Cas mloog mus mloog los zoo li dag lawm xwb nes! 😅
Zaj dab neeg no ces fake xwb os. No dead can talk, cas zaj dab neeg no muaj dab ua luaj os dab mas heev li heev xwb oa yom... lol...
But it's still cool to listen, too!
Koj hais dab neeg tau zoo hmloog thiab txim tsaig heev lis😮
Tej dab neeg no kuv ntseeg tias thaum ub yeej muaj tseeb tiag!! Cov neeg thaum ub tsis muaj kev vam meej ces yeej phem tiag tiag, tiam sis yog ntev ntev heev los lawm xwb!!
Great story but what I'm confused the most is how the story transitioned from 3rd person point of view to 1st person 🤔🤔
Neb tsim nyog tuag
Ua zoo tsam peb si ceeb thb os
This story is soooo dragging
txiv neeb tau zoo nyob ces nyob twj ywm cia nkawv los cab kom tau niag niam tais ntawm kod mus siab phem dhau
Zaj dab neej no ib niam txiv no siab phem tshaj plaws li nawb.
Cas txau ntshai tiag22 lis o
Did the story went from a third person narrative to a first person narrative😅?
I was thinking the same thing. Lol.
What a good story but no ending? Is there a continue to this??
Laj to ua luaj li os
Mloog zaj no tsi tau luag sawv lo tso zis li 😂😂
Niam laus ntsuab teev aw,CA huub no kj tsi tso dab neeg ຕໍ່ .4 lawm os.tos2 kawg li os.
Will there be part 4 😭😭
Is there part 4??? There's got to be part 4.
Nov yog dabneeg,los yog thiag mas?
tsis muaj tsuam tob tsis muaj lub ntuj li hmoob hais dab ntxwg nyoog dag nej xwb, yog muaj lub ntuj li nej hais ces thaum ib tug neeg yuav ua phem lub ntuj yeej nyooj laws ces twb tsis muaj tej teeb meem no, los nrog peb ntseeg VAJTSWV nej thiaj li yuav dim dab lub voj hluas yuav tsis poob ntuj tawg yuav tau txoj sia tsis txawj tu
Tej tus niam txiv no mas phem tiag tiag li os
Omg don’t tell me this story has up to 112+ parts like the story Xa Tas. Heck no…not looking forward to that. Lol
Ca ntu no kj hai tib co dab neeg txau ntshai xwb os niam laus
Why would you torture a child like that! 😡
100% agree
She’s one heartless witch, that’s why!!
Yim hmoob no mas siab phem siab nyoos tiag tiag. Cas zoo li 2 niam txiv no tsis muaj kwv tij neej tsa li na? Neeg siab phem ces yeej kawg npam xwb xwb.
This story is very repetitive 😑 but the worst parent ever award goes to these two
Tus poj niam no siab tawj tiag2 li os
Txhob tshai os may.koj muab xav tia zoo li koj hais xov xwm xwb no es tsi tshai dab tsi.
Yog qos tiag los lam has dab neeg xwb os
Ob niag neeg siab phem thiaj li muaj txojkev khaum kev npam.
Hmoob ruam leej twg muaj pov thawj dabtsi los prouve tias ib lub xeem sib yuav tsis tau ? Vim li cas tsev neeg Huab tais tej tub tej ntxhais ho sib yuav tau ? hmoob ruam txojkev phem lim hiam yuav tsum cia rau lub ntuj daim av muab rau txim kom tsim nyog.
Tooo long...I give up
The dad is such a coward!
Tus niam tais siab phem 😮😢
Tus niam tais aw.. neb 2 niam txiv e siab phem tag npaum li os.. siab nyoos tshaj plaws li koom siab tua taus neeg tuag tseem tua limhiam tshaj… koj tus ntxhais koj yug kiag e tsis mob koj lub pim li lo..e tseem muab ntaus muab tsim txom kom tuag kiag.. txawm yog tus tub tau ua txhaum los muab nplua nyiaj xwb.. yuav muab luag tsim txom hlais ciaj tseem muab dai tuag tibsi…koj ibleeg tseem faus tau koj tus txiv thiab nyob nrog koj tus txiv hauv tsev cas yuav txaus ntshai ualuaj li
tos e neb tua taus neeg los neb lub siab tawv tiag2 li os…
yog tej menyuam lub neej xwb yuav muab tsim tuag kiag
Siab phem dhau lawm os
Thov kom lub ntuj txiavtxim
ncajncees rau tus tub thiab tus ntxhais los cab neb mus teemtxim
In my opinion, this is a fictional story.🫨
Maj2 hnov li lawm os
Txoj kev siab phem ua cas ho ntshai tuag ua luaj thiab mas. Luag tias ua neej nyob tsim tsis tau tuag lawm mam los tsim muaj tseeb tiag.