Yes, I am having a blessed day. I'm older than dirt, and while I know that using a cane and now a walker, everything must be easy to do. God has given me four Boysenberries bare root plants last year, and now they took off on me during the rain we had here in the California valley. Looking for ideas, I also did the same by watching videos of trellis ideas on TH-cam, Absolutely no way could I do what they did. So here you come with such an easy way to stake my boysenberries. Fantastic! God has heard my cry over these berries way too long. Now I can enjoy watching them grow. P.S. I met Mr. And Mrs. Knotts back in the 1950s. We use to purchase their boysenberries every year out there in Anaheim before they started Knotts Berry theme park. These plants I'm planting right now came from the original plants. Startng my own mini Berry Farm. Also, My dad worked at Disneyland in 1953-55 as they were building it. I remember meeting Walt Disney as a kid while his daughter was standing next to him. He absolutely loved talking to children, and his voice was just as nice as his smile. He was really thrilled about that park, and we loved him for it. Have a blessed day, and thank you for your video. Loretta
Yep I remember the Knott's family as well. My grandma Use to take us kids to Knott's berry farm in California for chicken dinner . I still make some recipes from there. Mmm good. Still have their recipe book if you ever want any of the old recipes just let me know. 😁
After years of using a weedeater to beat back weeds, I didn't do it this year. Black berries showed up. I have a whole row along a fence line that I didn't know was there. I am glad they are hard to kill because I tried. Now I am going to nurture them.
I’m a read and write learner but sometimes I do need a visual. Thank you so much for actually walking around and showing exactly how you constructed this and not just talking about it like many others do. Much appreciated!
I like your info and how you describe everything, it’s rare most people are annoying, you are not, so thank you for what you do lol keep up the good content thank you!! 😎👍👍
I have been wanting to plant a red raspberry patch but the expense of the premade trellis systems have discouraged me. This trellis system looks easy, less expensive, and long lasting. Can't wait to try this next spring.
I noticed a few others asked and I believe you answered one person by saying you placed the t-posts 10’-15’ apart, but you were answering lengthwise. I surmised you placed your t-posts 15’ apart bc you planted your blackberries 3’ apart for a run of 30’. What (others and) I would like to know is what is the width of your trellis? If I were to guess, I would say about 2’, but…?? We have 15+ blackberry plants that are over a decade and I’ve been looking for a simple trellis system. Thank you for a great video!
We are propogegating a blackberry plant over the fence from our neighbors yard! Do you know when we should cut & trellis into our own yard? we are going to build your trellis! Thank you!
Good questions! They are easy to grow, taste great, and provide good caloric density for a very low caloric input to care for them. Definitely an important aspect of the overall goal/ strategy to become more food independent
@@tannerfarmstead That's a great explanation! Do you have a "from nothing to nerd level" video that could help a newbie like me put together a solid plan and then execute it?
It’s working well. I added another wire in between the bottom and top wire for more support. I’m going to do another video on it sometime this summer as a part 2
Goodness "my first year growing blackberries" so now i will tell you how to do it? LOL don't you think you should wait until you have at least 5 years better 10 or more experience to try to tell anyone anything?
I’m documenting my journey and showing folks how I’ve done things. I don’t claim to be an expert or claim to know everything. If everyone waited until they had 10 years experience in something to share with others then no one would ever learn. I believe that we all should be sharing and helping people within our passion even that means we are only 1 step ahead of the person we are helping.
How rude. You were obviously looking for how to build a trellis when you found this video. He is showing everyone how he is building his. People these days!
Ty for doing the homework! Helpful.
Yes, I am having a blessed day. I'm older than dirt, and while I know that using a cane and now a walker, everything must be easy to do.
God has given me four Boysenberries bare root plants last year, and now they took off on me during the rain we had here in the California valley. Looking for ideas, I also did the same by watching videos of trellis ideas on TH-cam, Absolutely no way could I do what they did.
So here you come with such an easy way to stake my boysenberries. Fantastic! God has heard my cry over these berries way too long. Now I can enjoy watching them grow.
P.S. I met Mr. And Mrs. Knotts back in the 1950s. We use to purchase their boysenberries every year out there in Anaheim before they started Knotts Berry theme park. These plants I'm planting right now came from the original plants. Startng my own mini Berry Farm.
Also, My dad worked at Disneyland in 1953-55 as they were building it. I remember meeting Walt Disney as a kid while his daughter was standing next to him. He absolutely loved talking to children, and his voice was just as nice as his smile. He was really thrilled about that park, and we loved him for it.
Have a blessed day, and thank you for your video. Loretta
Yep I remember the Knott's family as well. My grandma Use to take us kids to Knott's berry farm in California for chicken dinner . I still make some recipes from there. Mmm good. Still have their recipe book if you ever want any of the old recipes just let me know. 😁
After years of using a weedeater to beat back weeds, I didn't do it this year. Black berries showed up. I have a whole row along a fence line that I didn't know was there. I am glad they are hard to kill because I tried. Now I am going to nurture them.
I’m a read and write learner but sometimes I do need a visual. Thank you so much for actually walking around and showing exactly how you constructed this and not just talking about it like many others do. Much appreciated!
It’s encouraging to know it helped someone. That’s my ultimate goal with my videos. I appreciate your comment! It means a lot!
I like your info and how you describe everything, it’s rare most people are annoying, you are not, so thank you for what you do lol keep up the good content thank you!! 😎👍👍
awesome i am doing it i grow triple crown.
I agree with you about Texas Prepper and this trellis system. You are starting as you intend to grow! Well done!
Thank you Nancy!!
Will be building this soon thank you!
Good luck!
ive always put berries along a fence--makes it so limiting space wise.... this method makes me excited to easily find new places for berries!
That’s a great way to do it as well!
I have been wanting to plant a red raspberry patch but the expense of the premade trellis systems have discouraged me. This trellis system looks easy, less expensive, and long lasting. Can't wait to try this next spring.
Good job!
Thanks!! Got the idea from you!! Keep it up 💯
Love the detailed how to action plan! …. Time for blackberry cobbler!
Amen to some cobbler!!! My fav
I use cattle panels a t-posts
Thank you. I was looking for something permanent but less expensive than wood.
I drove my t-posts in with a big ass hammer (10 lb head I think?) and worked fine. I drove in 56 t-posts using it.
I noticed a few others asked and I believe you answered one person by saying you placed the t-posts 10’-15’ apart, but you were answering lengthwise. I surmised you placed your t-posts 15’ apart bc you planted your blackberries 3’ apart for a run of 30’. What (others and) I would like to know is what is the width of your trellis? If I were to guess, I would say about 2’, but…??
We have 15+ blackberry plants that are over a decade and I’ve been looking for a simple trellis system. Thank you for a great video!
Sorry about that. Yes I’d say 2 ft. I’ve seen moved this trellis and the blackberries but yes I’d say around 2 ft
Awesome stuff man thank you! Super helpful.
Great video. Thank you!
Thank you for the comment! I appreciate the encouragement
Will or have you posted updates on their growth? Just started planting in my backyard and I'm stoked to be learning this stuff
Yessir! You can go check out my blackberry trellis part 2 video on my channel page
We are propogegating a blackberry plant over the fence from our neighbors yard! Do you know when we should cut & trellis into our own yard? we are going to build your trellis! Thank you!
Great , tks
I have blackberries growing all over my yard imma try to Trail us a good bit of them up because it's annoying having to bend over all the time
Your dog came walking up like "what the hell you doing to my yard?"
Haha yea she loves getting into the garden and eating cherry tomatoes
Why grow blackberries in general? Does it make up an important piece of your overall garden strategy?
Good questions! They are easy to grow, taste great, and provide good caloric density for a very low caloric input to care for them. Definitely an important aspect of the overall goal/ strategy to become more food independent
@@tannerfarmstead That's a great explanation! Do you have a "from nothing to nerd level" video that could help a newbie like me put together a solid plan and then execute it?
Thanks! Yes I’m actually working on building out a beginners/foundations of gardening/homesteading video course. It’s in it’s baby stages
how far apart are the pairs of t posts?
I’d say 10-15 ft. I haven’t measured precisely
You're going to want to get them closer than that. 8 ft at the most. Trust me
What kind of berries are you growing?
Prime ark freedom
It looks like Tanner is using rail posts not tee posts. Rail posts are much stronger and will not bend.
Maybe you have already answered this question. How far apart (width) did you space your T-posts?
It’s about 2 ft
It's been ten months, how'd it turn out?
It’s working well. I added another wire in between the bottom and top wire for more support. I’m going to do another video on it sometime this summer as a part 2
Ah, good, because i copied your set up this weekend when i dug up and transplanted my blackberries.
Nice! It should work well for you!
Tractor 🚜 supply: Don’t buy from them if you can they will over charge their customers seriously 😳 buy from Home Depot or Lowes if possible.
Why can't I smack it in with a hammer....that's what I always do... lol.
Lol go for it
How far apart are your t post in length and width?
Goodness "my first year growing blackberries" so now i will tell you how to do it? LOL don't you think you should wait until you have at least 5 years better 10 or more experience to try to tell anyone anything?
I’m documenting my journey and showing folks how I’ve done things. I don’t claim to be an expert or claim to know everything. If everyone waited until they had 10 years experience in something to share with others then no one would ever learn. I believe that we all should be sharing and helping people within our passion even that means we are only 1 step ahead of the person we are helping.
How rude. You were obviously looking for how to build a trellis when you found this video. He is showing everyone how he is building his. People these days!
Blessed? Let's keep your religious beliefs of TH-cam. I was here for the trellis and you had to curse me? Boo!
It’s my content and I can share my beliefs and values if I so choose. If you don’t like then don’t watch
I sub to your channel for your Contant and your religious views. Thank you very much for sharing. Have a blessed day.
@tannerfarmstead Great response. I'm not religious but your statement didn't bother me a bit. Have a great day..