The table was hitting the tripod. If you can place just a little further next time there won't be a metal hitting noise. (NO HATE, WANT TO HELP COMMENT)
Yeah sometimes it happens :( can’t help it since it’s pretty crowded, a lot of times I don’t have any space at all and the tripod is literally on the edge of the table and right on me sorry about that!
RIP Law, I missed the law vids :(
Same :(
bro why was he so mad the whole game like dam
Did you let him pop your luffy through Sabo's immunity or did I miss something
Where you'll from?
The table was hitting the tripod. If you can place just a little further next time there won't be a metal hitting noise. (NO HATE, WANT TO HELP COMMENT)
Yeah sometimes it happens :( can’t help it since it’s pretty crowded, a lot of times I don’t have any space at all and the tripod is literally on the edge of the table and right on me sorry about that!
Lucci player was not having fun I bet lmaoooo
How do you film these videos? I want to start this type of channel but don’t know what to get
Just get a tripod! I use my phone to record :)
Me n you could join force