*To the one reading this, remember that in every circumstance, God is your constant companion. He leads your way, stands by your side, and watches over you. Take confidence in the knowledge that God is present in your life. Amen*
People knew God gave them the land to his people and when it was destroyed, the people lost hope, so God chose Nehemiah to rebuild Jeremlem and give them hope and trust God in, Halelujha, Amen 😊😊
Your presentation is almost word for word based on the book (Prophets and Kings) by Ellen G White Thanks for sharing Gods holy law is for everyone Praise the Lord
God can do anything if your willing to pray and believe 🙏 🤲 🕍 thank you my loving father God and king I 🤴 understand and believe I 🙏 ❤️ I love you very much amen
Well done. Appreciated the artwork except for a glaring error - a couple of slides showed the dome of the rock, which was not there in Nehemiah's time. And, some of the other slides looked nothing like Jerusalem. Great job overall.
*To the one reading this, remember that in every circumstance, God is your constant companion. He leads your way, stands by your side, and watches over you. Take confidence in the knowledge that God is present in your life. Amen*
In Yeshua Messiah name Amen
That’s true for some, however he abandons some to the wolves.
Thank you for your love and protection over us
People knew God gave them the land to his people and when it was destroyed, the people lost hope, so God chose Nehemiah to rebuild Jeremlem and give them hope and trust God in, Halelujha, Amen 😊😊
Praise God hallelujah hallelujah amen
Your presentation is almost word for word based on the book
(Prophets and Kings) by Ellen G White
Thanks for sharing
Gods holy law is for everyone
Praise the Lord
Amen and amen ❤
Amen Amen Amen
What’s up with the dome of the rock in the background? 😂
AI generated and who ever put it together ignored it.
God can do anything if your willing to pray and believe 🙏 🤲 🕍 thank you my loving father God and king I 🤴 understand and believe I 🙏 ❤️ I love you very much amen
good job
Well done. Appreciated the artwork except for a glaring error - a couple of slides showed the dome of the rock, which was not there in Nehemiah's time. And, some of the other slides looked nothing like Jerusalem. Great job overall.
No Dome of The Rock
I think he ment a sword rather than a Gun. Although a gun would have been a much better deterrent .
Just say no to A.I. generated videos. Stop feeding the Beast.
Ai is like money
Its how we use it that can be a benificience of good or evil
A gun