You can listen to this meditation ad free on InsightTimer: As well as ad-free meditation music:
Beautiful meditation, but I second the motion to move ads to the beginning and end rather than smack in the middle! it's quite a shock when you're in trance.
Beautiful meditation 💞 The ads were very interruptive to the experience tho, Can select to have them happen at the beginning before the meditation begins so that it isn’t disruptive
Unfortunately we have no control over the ads at the moment. Please listen ad free on InsightTimer:
I have to say this was amazing . my womb felt warm and when the earth mother was holding me I imagined it was my own mother who isn't very loving towards me, she loves me but doesn't say it often . I adore her and love her and this made me cry . I am going to write my mother a letter and tell her how much i love her and how thankful I am that she gave me life . I need healing so badly in my uterus not naming the issues but will just say post menopausal issues and they will be clear and gone when I have a scan in December.
Grand Rising Goddess, Beautiful Souls...About 1 minute into this meditation journey I found myself starting to cry, then it escalated into bawling I felt myself releasing all the control I've been holding on to...As the Feminine, which represents Mother, Wife, Healer Bringer of Life we often represent as the glue that needs to hold everything together to ensure that everyone else is well while not being aware that we are storing all this within, manefesting as dis-ease within our bodies, within our Womb...& as this beautiful voice spoke of The Ultimate Mother's Embrace I felt myself melting in her Sweet Nurturing Embrace...I appreciate this experience more than words can express...Namaste🙏🏽
My body felt intense waves of deep emotion when you were guiding us through our yoni petals and the sacredness. I remembered, and my body felt it. So powerful this is thank you so much 💚💚💚
Multumesc din suflet 🙏 Excelente exercitiile, sper sa aiba efect tot mai puternic caci imi simt interiorul, pantecul contractat. E mult de lucru, am incredere ca o sa fie bine ❤️🤗✨
Wow I had a full somatic trauma release from my eomb up through my lower lumbar and out my throat. It was quite intense and painful but beautiful. There's still alot there but enough for today my body is so ready to heal n let go.
Very impactful meditation. I felt the light from Mama Gaia and saw it. This definitely touched me in a profoud way. Any English interpretation for the light language? Thank you
@@MoonseedMeditations I have been receiving synchronicities of blooming flower so this meditation came at such a perefect time, I wish you knew how much it has helped me.
@@sybillewebb1677 Hi! Before doing this meditation, I got a message of "you would hear light language in a few days and you won't understand but don't worry, your soul will". So while receiving guidance on working with my womb, I searched and found this beautiful meditation. At first tbh, I was quite uncomfortable hearing the light language spoken but then I remember what I was told before and relaxed into it. As I work closely with my womb, I can release trauma and more importantly, create a safe place for me to experience repressed emotions and tap into the divine feminine to nurture my inner child. All in all it has been a very magical and healing journey and I can't wait to do more meditations like this. Thank you so much beautiful souls!
@@malia7653 thank you so much for this beautiful share, Malia. We feel honoured that you are receiving this healing meditation so deeply and it is helping and nurturing you on so many levels. This is a gift to us. Blessings on your journey of healing.
Hi, do you think you can remove the ads off this video? At least in the middle? I used to use it all the time to meditate but I can’t anymore because two ads play in the middle during the meditation and it’s so loud and terrifying every time.
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we have no way to control ads at this time until our channel qualifies for monetization, in accordance with TH-cam rules. Alternatively, you can find our meditations on Spotify which is ad free if you are a Spotify subscriber. Ads on Spotify play intermittently between tracks if you want to listen for free. I hope that helps!
Tamarah Ney describes her "Light Language" in the following quote; "It came to me during my spiritual emergence as a gift, a presence that feels to me of a divine mother. When I speak light language my heart opens to a grace and beauty beyond my mind, bringing a frequency I feel as deeply healing and nourishing. At times it is gentle as a caress and others, strong and powerful. It varies in sounds from clicks, tones, to words and melodic chants. It is always with me and in my heart, and is often awakened through love, compassion, beauty and being near water. I am deeply grateful to have this presence with me during these times we are navigating, as I often have a knowing it is here to share a particular geometry of sound through my heart to yours, and to the waters that run through all of us." ❤
We have no way to control the ads right now. You can listen ad free on InsightTimer:
You can listen to this meditation ad free on InsightTimer:
As well as ad-free meditation music:
Beautiful meditation, but I second the motion to move ads to the beginning and end rather than smack in the middle! it's quite a shock when you're in trance.
Listen ad free on InsightTimer:
This is by far the most healing meditation
Beautiful meditation 💞 The ads were very interruptive to the experience tho, Can select to have them happen at the beginning before the meditation begins so that it isn’t disruptive
Yes indeed
Unfortunately we have no control over the ads at the moment. Please listen ad free on InsightTimer:
I have to say this was amazing . my womb felt warm and when the earth mother was holding me I imagined it was my own mother who isn't very loving towards me, she loves me but doesn't say it often . I adore her and love her and this made me cry . I am going to write my mother a letter and tell her how much i love her and how thankful I am that she gave me life . I need healing so badly in my uterus not naming the issues but will just say post menopausal issues and they will be clear and gone when I have a scan in December.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Blessings to you on your journey towards healing.
Grand Rising Goddess, Beautiful Souls...About 1 minute into this meditation journey I found myself starting to cry, then it escalated into bawling I felt myself releasing all the control I've been holding on to...As the Feminine, which represents Mother, Wife, Healer Bringer of Life we often represent as the glue that needs to hold everything together to ensure that everyone else is well while not being aware that we are storing all this within, manefesting as dis-ease within our bodies, within our Womb...& as this beautiful voice spoke of The Ultimate Mother's Embrace I felt myself melting in her Sweet Nurturing Embrace...I appreciate this experience more than words can express...Namaste🙏🏽
Thank you for sharing your experience and for your beautifully expressed reflections. ♥
I felt saw the healing light energy enter. Thank you ❤
Same here. That made me tear up.
And you’re light language was touching, thank you thank you thank you
The light language was so deeply powerful! I felt a big shift through my being - Thank you🧚🏼♀️💕
🌺 thankyou
My body felt intense waves of deep emotion when you were guiding us through our yoni petals and the sacredness. I remembered, and my body felt it. So powerful this is thank you so much 💚💚💚
Thank you! I’m having a procedure done in two days and this is such a blessing to me.
Wishing you a successful procedure and recovery.
Beautiful Thank you Gracias
Ssooo beautiful, sssoooo Healing ❤️….thank you kindly xx
This was incredible, will be adding this into my arsenal.
I cried so damn good
That was a beautiful healing, thank you.
Thank you🙏
It was beautiful ❤
Multumesc din suflet 🙏 Excelente exercitiile, sper sa aiba efect tot mai puternic caci imi simt interiorul, pantecul contractat. E mult de lucru, am incredere ca o sa fie bine ❤️🤗✨
Thank you soo much🤍✨
Thank you 🥰💖
Thank you, that was beautiful, love & light to you. 💕🙏🏽
Wow, blessings to you, so much gratitude in my heart for this divinely guided creation 🧡 Thankyou sister 🧡🌹
Thank you so much for your kind comment ♥
Absolutely love this meditation! Why did it disappear from Spotify?
We are on InsightTimer:
Thank u❤
🙏🏻❤bless you
Beautiful potent and thank you so much💙✨💞💜🙏🌅
Powerful. Thank you 🌹
Wow I had a full somatic trauma release from my eomb up through my lower lumbar and out my throat. It was quite intense and painful but beautiful. There's still alot there but enough for today my body is so ready to heal n let go.
thank you 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Thank you so much!
Very impactful meditation. I felt the light from Mama Gaia and saw it. This definitely touched me in a profoud way. Any English interpretation for the light language? Thank you
so beautiful, thank you so much🌸
Thank you for your lovely comment.
@@MoonseedMeditations I have been receiving synchronicities of blooming flower so this meditation came at such a perefect time, I wish you knew how much it has helped me.
@@malia7653 We are always happy to hear how these meditations affect people, so if you would like to share, we would be glad to hear... 💚
@@sybillewebb1677 Hi! Before doing this meditation, I got a message of "you would hear light language in a few days and you won't understand but don't worry, your soul will". So while receiving guidance on working with my womb, I searched and found this beautiful meditation. At first tbh, I was quite uncomfortable hearing the light language spoken but then I remember what I was told before and relaxed into it. As I work closely with my womb, I can release trauma and more importantly, create a safe place for me to experience repressed emotions and tap into the divine feminine to nurture my inner child. All in all it has been a very magical and healing journey and I can't wait to do more meditations like this. Thank you so much beautiful souls!
@@malia7653 thank you so much for this beautiful share, Malia. We feel honoured that you are receiving this healing meditation so deeply and it is helping and nurturing you on so many levels. This is a gift to us. Blessings on your journey of healing.
Hi, do you think you can remove the ads off this video? At least in the middle? I used to use it all the time to meditate but I can’t anymore because two ads play in the middle during the meditation and it’s so loud and terrifying every time.
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, we have no way to control ads at this time until our channel qualifies for monetization, in accordance with TH-cam rules. Alternatively, you can find our meditations on Spotify which is ad free if you are a Spotify subscriber. Ads on Spotify play intermittently between tracks if you want to listen for free. I hope that helps!
I loved this. Such a shame about the adverts. X
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Healing life 2022 :
Me and my biologic mom
What's that sounds at the end??
Such a deep & powerful womb meditation, from my heart to yours, thankyou 🙏💜
Thank you for your kind reflection!
I need to know what the prayer is at the end is there a translation available? 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽
I too would like to know what language a d what the translaction is please
Towards the end she was using light language ladies & gents be & hope all is well🤍✝️👑
@@hood7empress114 is that a real language? Think it’s important to know what is being imprinted in your subconscious
Thank you for your meditation and yoni healing work. It was a bit off putting to have 2 or more ads through the meditation 😕
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What was the language spoken at the end?
Tamarah Ney describes her "Light Language" in the following quote; "It came to me during my spiritual emergence as a gift, a presence that feels to me of a divine mother. When I speak light language my heart opens to a grace and beauty beyond my mind, bringing a frequency I feel as deeply healing and nourishing. At times it is gentle as a caress and others, strong and powerful. It varies in sounds from clicks, tones, to words and melodic chants. It is always with me and in my heart, and is often awakened through love, compassion, beauty and being near water. I am deeply grateful to have this presence with me during these times we are navigating, as I often have a knowing it is here to share a particular geometry of sound through my heart to yours, and to the waters that run through all of us." ❤
Amazing sister 💓😍
It was OK until the loud advert. I couldn't return to relaxation after that.
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Doing this on my period thanks 🙏
The ad was too loud. I gave it a thumbs down so maybe they will come fix that loud ad.
We have no way to control the ads right now. You can listen ad free on InsightTimer: