I never had a strong sense of self because of some traumatic experiences in my childhood. I don't want to let it go; I want to first experience what it means to feel your personal self to the maximum, before finally losing myself.
I think you are abslolutely right. In fact, from other Shinzen's videos I take the conclussion of he sees it the same way. The lack of sense of self of a traumatized person is not the same thing than the overcoming the self. I'm saying this due a personal experience.
Good teacher. 15:00 Lots of ways (and next couple minutes great stuff) 19:24 next couple minutes great stuff 23:30 great stuff 24:40 "....requisite of self.....a tangling of things...." 25:00 Alexander era Greek studied, tells about. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menander_I 31:06 !!! good easily used suggestion....(under Wikipedia Buddhism article) 32:05 other flavors of no self.....
Apparently there is a verse in the Siva Sutras that says those who don't go deep enough into it conceive of the ultimate reality as void and empty (probably because they only notice the absence of objects aspect, or what it is not), but those who realise its essence find the effulgence of the divine reality (what it is in itself in the absence of even absence or you could say emptiness of emptiness)
I have found that emptiness could be interpreted in modern language as subjectivity. Basically all sensory perceptions are subjective and form is as it is in the now only due to the conditioning that makes it appear as so. There is an uncarved block or a source that powers this subjectivity and conditioning which gives it the particular form being experienced.
@@obiessen I believe he's saying conditioning is the process of subjectivity and that the unconditioned is the objectivity that gives rise to subjectivity
One teacher told me that we are stuck with the term emptiness, but it's rather unfortunate because it would be better translated as the infinite or infinitude.
Lives, like leaves scattered by the wind, form fleeting patterns. Patterns come and go. The world itself, like our ever-shifting thoughts, is shaped by impermanent forces. Yet, beneath it all lies awareness, free from form and limitation. This pure awareness, untouched by suffering, is the essence of love and awakening. It's the ground of your mind. It's eternal. This is what you may begin to experience.
Awakening is realizing you are the first belief of existence repeating your first belief of existence infinitely, reality of existence is your first belief of existence and your first belief of existence is infinite existence. Infinite is repeating, replicating is Infinite, eternal recurrence, neutral.
21:15 I have never heard it described like this before, this is EXACTLY how I would describe the experience as it is most commonly felt to me. For a long time I struggled with this and had doubt because it is not the 'blankness' that is often described. Are these your own insights? Is there further information I could read about this somewhere?
Enlightenment is when nothing bothers you and you feel happy all the time without getting excited. You are always good for others and you don't cling to anything. You release the concepts of "mine" (my money, my job, my personality, etc.) and are open to flow from a universal source coming through you. You don't make decisions; you are guided by a flow that comes from outside (the universe), then inside (your spirit), then outside (manifestation). :-) One has to attain a certain state of consciousness to have this happen; this can happen spontaneously, sometimes through being born inclined to this (e.g. Ramana Maharishi), through suffering (e.g. Eckhart Tolle) or seeking and meditation (e.g. Buddha, S.N. Goenka, Yeshua, others). There are other ways too -- maybe Einstein was enlightened by deep study and knowledge of the physical universe, which led to realization, which led to enlightenment. Namaste! (I'm not enlightened yet by the way; stream-enterer / sotāpanna.) :-)
Saying that is akin to avoiding even trying to overcome suffering in some cases, what people already are is usually miserable and in pain, no need to glorify this state - just saying it because it sounds like another form of illusion, but I may be mistaken. i hope everyone finds their own way, but at least acknowledge the fact that the fact that the way they already are is very different to the way "enlightened" people are.
24:39 - "Uno de los requisitos para la _something-ness_ del yo es que haya cierto entrelazamiento [en el sistema interno / entre los distintos espacios de percepción]"
According to Jack Kornfield, sometimes, psychedelic trips can induce genuine satoris (enlightenment) that are every bit as authentic as meditation-induced states. What psychedelic trips or intelligent repeated use of psychedelics can do for many people is remove huge psychic blockages over time or suddenly lift enormous burdens of existential anguish off them, which can both have a profoundly liberating effect on people. I would never have been able to get anywhere on my path without ketamine therapy, which is used over time, and I have heard that in particular 5 meo DMT is very effective at lifting the crushing existential angst that constantly pushes down people like me. Liberating the angst, dread and terror can actually make it easier to then experience further states of liberation with spiritual practice, because now you are not desperately clinging to your old self. Also, psychedelics vastly increase neuroplasticity, which can make your meditation practice (or neurofeedback, or therapy) much more effective. I know psychedelics are not Shinzen's background, but I'm kind of surprised he doesn't mention them more considering their myriad benefits when used intelligently. The research on them is advancing quickly. Shinzen does research precise brain stimulation for triggering states of no-self, so he is not close-minded by any means. It's just rather odd, that's all. Perhaps he doesn't feel qualified because of his own lack of experience with psychedelics - but then again, he's never needed them, considering he had his first major - and permanent! - glimpse of enlightenment after four whole years (!) of practice, which is just insanely fortunate.
Excellent topic. I just wonder how is Taoism different from Buddhism on that matter? I mean is there any basic and fundamental differences between the two schools? Which one is more concise?
@rickydee5863 no not true. Christians believe in Christ and those than don't repent go to hell how does this all lead to same road? Muslim believe all will go to hell that are not believers of Allah and his prophet how does this lead to same road? Pls don't make nonsense comments liek that again by saying all religions lead to same road than is soo far of the truth I I lose even to will to start correcting people like that. How could one believe in such a devious concept.
I am confused by a fundamental point here (but maybe it's just words): my own experiences of awakeness, is that it is - putting into words -'Inner alive space'. Some very real awakenings... And yet you eqaute this with the 'self -and part of the no-self is the Collpase of that!'
You are observing your body, your body is not a being, it's just a combination of infinite parts. You don't have any responsibilities in reality, as you are everything that exists.
Shinzen Videos thank you so much for these videos I would give anything to go to a retreat but not possible for me currently. These are such sublime substitutes though!
Actually. St. Theresa did get into trouble. She was hauled up before the Spanish Inquisition twice & was at real risk of being burned at the stake as a heretic.
too quick to conclude/judge without entertaining the idea that there might be other possibilities involved, that is also what we try get enlightened to
@@yurievtv „Ich rede nicht davon, was ich bin. Ich werde mich nie definieren können. Ich werde mich nie erkennen können. Ich werde nie wissen, was ich bin. Doch ich weiß hundertprozentig, dass ich bin. Und dass alles, was kommt und geht, was als Zustand, als Erscheinung, als Information stattfindet, da ist, weil ich bin. Ich bin nicht da, weil etwas erscheint. Ich bin die Urbedingung. Der Urgrund, damit überhaupt etwas passieren kann.“ (Karl Renz)
Shinzen, whether you believe there is a self or not, no matter how much you meditate or not, no matter what language you use, there is no self, and that has implications.
It is dangerous to elaborate enlightment if one is not an enlightment being. It will be very misleading but it can be very entertaining to worldling. This one is speculative. And is empty vessel. It is more on self view and idea and love attention. Good only to listener who are not really BUDDHIST. Lots of speculation.
I will share my experience of enlightment the real experience many will not understand because they haven't experience it themself. Please pay attention and print out this article that i am going to write and keep it and read it over and over to see if you can understand my explaination or see if you can feel it with closed eye to feel my experience. In today enviroment, people are moving further and further away from the ultimate truth taught by the BUDDHA. Enlightment has been interpreted in many wrong ways. Yet it is on going and is unstoppable. The reason behind this are due to ignorance of teachings. Meaning to say many are teaching when they do not really understand the 4 noble truth of LORD BUDDHA. The 4 noble truth are the four block diagram of the whole teaching of the BUDDHA. If one who meet an Ariya who has reach the last truth of the 4 noble truth, he will tell you all dhama are conceptual way and it is not to be serious grasp to it while one is seriously practicing clear comprehension of breath. It is only by not giving any thought on any scripture, dhamma and just being able to continuously following the movement of the breath (clear comprehension) that brings the mind to see things as they really are. Only by coming to see these so call things as they really are, then one who sees it clearly the true meaning. see non self, see impermanence, see nothing we can do about and seeing the cause and effect of this mind and body we have totally non control over it. Seeing dukkha come in this body and mind package. Then only by this clear comprehension, one will be able to come to really see clearly the last truths of the 4 noble truth. In this moment of truth, one cease to exist momentarily. That moment is good enough to awaken one from the past, presant and future existence. One is liberated from ignorance of birth, sickness, ageing and death. The BUDDHA say only the wise one will know. Come and experience it yourself. I have obediently follow the BUDDHA instruction and i too have seen what is impossible to be seen if without the BUDDHA ways of mind and body instructions. Enlightment is when the moment our connection to this existence momentarily cut off when your mind is shut down. When this moment occure, you are free from all sufferrings and it is not death of conciousness it is freedom where words cannot described. May all see the path to Enlightment and known it clearly. It is not falling endlessly from a cliff. This is definatel not enlightment. BUDDHAM SARANAM GACCHAMI
Enlightment is explain in the 4 noble truth. The last truth explain the END of sufferring is experience only by one whose mind is at just a single moment touch the supreme moment of full detachment of greed, hatred and delusion by keen and clear comprehension(samadhi) of the meditation object that finally calming the mind weakening the 5 hindrances thus bring one to come out of the sphere of greed, hatred, delusion, realizing aniccha, dukkha, anatha, then follow by seeing the four foundation of body and mind phenomenor and penetrating it in depth until such time in a split moment one suddenly experience the ceesation of conciousness. This single moment are experience by the sharpening of the mind over certain time frame and until it is timely enough to totally in a single moment, momentarily freeing the mind from greed, hatred and delusion and one enter into the state of The end of sufferrings.(Buddhist call entering the stream or in pali is call magga and in english is entering path) One clearly enter this moment in buddhist terms known as magga or entering the path(this moment is ceesation of conciousness and that means you are no more exist in this single moment or to make it simple for you to understand, it is at this moment you are disconnect from this existence which mean you are no more living in this samasara for that nibanna experience moment. As the mind at that moment are so sharp after all the long meditation training and the mind is ready to remove all greed, hatred and delusion in the mind at that single moment of ceesation of conciousness. This is correctly to be understood the meaning of the last noble truth says : END of sufferring This explaination will be unknown by even many samatha and vipasanna practioners. The reason is simply because these practioner mind training has not yet ripen. They are only on queue still their mental training are on going like still on going tuning. Tune away the frequency of greed, hatred, delusion so as to reach the frequency of nibanna. which is the moment one conciousness momentarily ceased completely. Wish my message will one day be appreciated by another(ariya) one who has also successfully tune away the frequency of hatred, greed and delusion, one who is also finally are awaken and he/she will know what i have said here. Suki hotu. BUDDHAM SARANAM GACCHAMI
This is all unnecessarily confusing. I learned nothing. There certainly is a self, and it's not different than what you already are. Buddha lacked a vocabulary that we have today. Now, we can say the self is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. There is no material self.
@@chatchi you don't know what I know. I don't remember this video, but from my comment, he must have said there is no self, which is not something the Buddha said, and which is an incorrect statement. It's just BS. Nobody undergoes a metamorphosis into something else when atoms+space+time are left behind.
@@JavionForster feelings belong to the body. Expressed in the form of consciousness. I don't know exactly what consciousness is, but it seems to be a bidirectional field of the nervous system wherein sensory input is radiated. Awareness reads this, and intent writes to it to initiate thought or muscular movement or other actions in a dream or to maintain an attention. We are bound to this 'field' due to intentions associated with it. Ie, sensual desires/intents. Which may may be expressed by mind, but originate in our spirit/self/being/sentience/life-principle/presence/sense of 'am here'/awareness+conscience/kamma+power of intent. Whatever you call it. It is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. And it doesn't change because it is not made of anything. It animates the body+mind. So it seems to me, in modern language. Just as if I were to ask: what are you in a dream? How can you describe it? You are the presence. And it has awareness of an environment, and a power of intent. And a conscience, some kind of signal that alerts us as necessary. And it has an ability to 'sense', or have a 'sense', which may be part of awareness. It can recognize the situation or condition of familiarity.
If you're a carnivore, the first thing that hits your teeth is the genuine article. If it's sweet, it's poison. And that is nirvana level nutrition. #lchf #keto
It's accurate to say that while the Buddha didn't directly teach "emptiness" as we understand it today, his core teachings on "no-self" and impermanence paved the way for later interpretations and the development of the concept of emptiness in various schools of Buddhism.
Mister Zen, please...huh?...o.k. - Mister Shinzen, please stop saying "um" and "uh" - think of how slow Ram Dass talks - if you actually slow down and breathe you can drop the ums and uhs and yes, this is how I teach musical instruments ("Anyone can play anything!") and I'm in Hollywood would it kill ya to visit Ya-a? Ya-a is the ancient Indian word for L.A. Just kiddin'. Not. Do-re-mi....
I never had a strong sense of self because of some traumatic experiences in my childhood. I don't want to let it go; I want to first experience what it means to feel your personal self to the maximum, before finally losing myself.
I am in the same boat!
I think you are abslolutely right. In fact, from other Shinzen's videos I take the conclussion of he sees it the same way. The lack of sense of self of a traumatized person is not the same thing than the overcoming the self. I'm saying this due a personal experience.
The idea isn't to overcome anything... It's to understand that there's never been anything to overcome
"You have to be somebody before you can be nobody."
@@squamish4244 If that's how you look at it, that's how you look at it! We'll all get there eventually, just be nice to your self along the way! 🙂🙂🙃🙂🙂
Good teacher.
15:00 Lots of ways (and next couple minutes great stuff)
19:24 next couple minutes great stuff
23:30 great stuff
24:40 "....requisite of self.....a tangling of things...."
25:00 Alexander era Greek studied, tells about. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menander_I
31:06 !!! good easily used suggestion....(under Wikipedia Buddhism article)
32:05 other flavors of no self.....
This helps clarify some questions I had after attending one of your Home Practice programs earlier this year. Thank you!
Oh man, I really wanted to hear that part about LSD!
I feel validated. lmao
Apparently there is a verse in the Siva Sutras that says those who don't go deep enough into it conceive of the ultimate reality as void and empty (probably because they only notice the absence of objects aspect, or what it is not), but those who realise its essence find the effulgence of the divine reality (what it is in itself in the absence of even absence or you could say emptiness of emptiness)
I have found that emptiness could be interpreted in modern language as subjectivity. Basically all sensory perceptions are subjective and form is as it is in the now only due to the conditioning that makes it appear as so. There is an uncarved block or a source that powers this subjectivity and conditioning which gives it the particular form being experienced.
I love that description and I totally agree with it.
Excellent observation man, I'm gonna keep thinking about this one.
is conditioning subjective?
@@obiessen I believe he's saying conditioning is the process of subjectivity and that the unconditioned is the objectivity that gives rise to subjectivity
One teacher told me that we are stuck with the term emptiness, but it's rather unfortunate because it would be better translated as the infinite or infinitude.
Lives, like leaves scattered by the wind, form fleeting patterns. Patterns come and go. The world itself, like our ever-shifting thoughts, is shaped by impermanent forces. Yet, beneath it all lies awareness, free from form and limitation. This pure awareness, untouched by suffering, is the essence of love and awakening. It's the ground of your mind. It's eternal.
This is what you may begin to experience.
Awakening is realizing you are the first belief of existence repeating your first belief of existence infinitely, reality of existence is your first belief of existence and your first belief of existence is infinite existence. Infinite is repeating, replicating is Infinite, eternal recurrence, neutral.
21:15 I have never heard it described like this before, this is EXACTLY how I would describe the experience as it is most commonly felt to me. For a long time I struggled with this and had doubt because it is not the 'blankness' that is often described. Are these your own insights? Is there further information I could read about this somewhere?
“Not TH-cam comments” is one answer to this question :-)
Enlightenment is when nothing bothers you and you feel happy all the time without getting excited. You are always good for others and you don't cling to anything. You release the concepts of "mine" (my money, my job, my personality, etc.) and are open to flow from a universal source coming through you. You don't make decisions; you are guided by a flow that comes from outside (the universe), then inside (your spirit), then outside (manifestation). :-) One has to attain a certain state of consciousness to have this happen; this can happen spontaneously, sometimes through being born inclined to this (e.g. Ramana Maharishi), through suffering (e.g. Eckhart Tolle) or seeking and meditation (e.g. Buddha, S.N. Goenka, Yeshua, others). There are other ways too -- maybe Einstein was enlightened by deep study and knowledge of the physical universe, which led to realization, which led to enlightenment. Namaste! (I'm not enlightened yet by the way; stream-enterer / sotāpanna.) :-)
You can't become enlightened but you can discover what you already are.
@@hellucination9905 Nietzsche?
There is nothing but consciousness.
Saying that is akin to avoiding even trying to overcome suffering in some cases, what people already are is usually miserable and in pain, no need to glorify this state - just saying it because it sounds like another form of illusion, but I may be mistaken. i hope everyone finds their own way, but at least acknowledge the fact that the fact that the way they already are is very different to the way "enlightened" people are.
@@mikelindinger exactly
24:39 - "Uno de los requisitos para la _something-ness_ del yo es que haya cierto entrelazamiento [en el sistema interno / entre los distintos espacios de percepción]"
What is the difference between enlightenment and drug-induced altered states of conscious ala DMT trip?
The first is lasting, the second is time limited - but the second may inspire a quest for the first.
@@wasssand6913 -perfectly written
According to Jack Kornfield, sometimes, psychedelic trips can induce genuine satoris (enlightenment) that are every bit as authentic as meditation-induced states.
What psychedelic trips or intelligent repeated use of psychedelics can do for many people is remove huge psychic blockages over time or suddenly lift enormous burdens of existential anguish off them, which can both have a profoundly liberating effect on people.
I would never have been able to get anywhere on my path without ketamine therapy, which is used over time, and I have heard that in particular 5 meo DMT is very effective at lifting the crushing existential angst that constantly pushes down people like me. Liberating the angst, dread and terror can actually make it easier to then experience further states of liberation with spiritual practice, because now you are not desperately clinging to your old self.
Also, psychedelics vastly increase neuroplasticity, which can make your meditation practice (or neurofeedback, or therapy) much more effective.
I know psychedelics are not Shinzen's background, but I'm kind of surprised he doesn't mention them more considering their myriad benefits when used intelligently. The research on them is advancing quickly. Shinzen does research precise brain stimulation for triggering states of no-self, so he is not close-minded by any means. It's just rather odd, that's all. Perhaps he doesn't feel qualified because of his own lack of experience with psychedelics - but then again, he's never needed them, considering he had his first major - and permanent! - glimpse of enlightenment after four whole years (!) of practice, which is just insanely fortunate.
Excellent topic. I just wonder how is Taoism different from Buddhism on that matter? I mean is there any basic and fundamental differences between the two schools? Which one is more concise?
All roads lead to rome
@rickydee5863 no not true.
Christians believe in Christ and those than don't repent go to hell how does this all lead to same road?
Muslim believe all will go to hell that are not believers of Allah and his prophet how does this lead to same road?
Pls don't make nonsense comments liek that again by saying all religions lead to same road than is soo far of the truth I I lose even to will to start correcting people like that. How could one believe in such a devious concept.
I am confused by a fundamental point here (but maybe it's just words): my own experiences of awakeness, is that it is - putting into words -'Inner alive space'. Some very real awakenings...
And yet you eqaute this with the 'self -and part of the no-self is the Collpase of that!'
Wake up in the dream and die before you die ressonates with me .
If I am the observer/ consciousness/ awareness,, who is this being I am observing? What is my responsibility to it?
You are observing your body, your body is not a being, it's just a combination of infinite parts. You don't have any responsibilities in reality, as you are everything that exists.
What does he mean by expansion and contraction?
Why was the video from the other day taken down it was so good!! 🙁
Shinzen Videos thank you so much for these videos I would give anything to go to a retreat but not possible for me currently. These are such sublime substitutes though!
A retreat with Shinzen Young is available each month online:
My no self is floatiness with a very deep groove. Yup. Not so bouncy, yet light.
Actually. St. Theresa did get into trouble. She was hauled up before the Spanish Inquisition twice & was at real risk of being burned at the stake as a heretic.
What are you talking about...? What color is your T-shirt...?
6:30 LSD part 😂
My god, two microphones. Who is the technical person responsible for this debacle? He surely is NOT mindful.
Probably one for the audience and another one for recording the video?
too quick to conclude/judge without entertaining the idea that there might be other possibilities involved, that is also what we try get enlightened to
Think it was a joke
Es hat noch nie einen Erleuchteten gegeben und es wird auch nie einen geben.
Dazu müsste man erst mal einen Un-Erleuchteten finden, was unmöglich ist.
There is no person that can be enlightened, for this you'll have to find this person, that in reality doesn't exist.
„Ich rede nicht davon, was ich bin.
Ich werde mich nie definieren können.
Ich werde mich nie erkennen können.
Ich werde nie wissen, was ich bin.
Doch ich weiß hundertprozentig, dass ich bin.
Und dass alles, was kommt und geht, was als Zustand, als Erscheinung,
als Information stattfindet, da ist, weil ich bin.
Ich bin nicht da, weil etwas erscheint.
Ich bin die Urbedingung. Der Urgrund, damit überhaupt etwas passieren kann.“ (Karl Renz)
@@mikelindinger - yes very true
Shinzen, whether you believe there is a self or not, no matter how much you meditate or not, no matter what language you use, there is no self, and that has implications.
I find myself actually in a self.
@@stefaniemuller3475 is that self your true nature?
Saying you have no self is actually the same as saying everything is self
It is dangerous to elaborate enlightment if one is not an enlightment being. It will be very misleading but it can be very entertaining to worldling.
This one is speculative.
And is empty vessel.
It is more on self view and idea and love attention.
Good only to listener who are not really BUDDHIST.
Lots of speculation.
I know right.. Let's wait until this guy decides to do mahasamadhi, then he is an enlightened one.
I will share my experience of enlightment the real experience many will not understand because they haven't experience it themself. Please pay attention and print out this article that i am going to write and keep it and read it over and over to see if you can understand my explaination or see if you can feel it with closed eye to feel my experience.
In today enviroment, people are moving further and further away from the ultimate truth taught by the BUDDHA.
Enlightment has been interpreted in many wrong ways. Yet it is on going and is unstoppable. The reason behind this are due to ignorance of teachings. Meaning to say many are teaching when they do not really understand the 4 noble truth of LORD BUDDHA.
The 4 noble truth are the four block diagram of the whole teaching of the BUDDHA. If one who meet an Ariya who has reach the last truth of the 4 noble truth, he will tell you all dhama are conceptual way and it is not to be serious grasp to it while one is seriously practicing clear comprehension of breath.
It is only by not giving any thought on any scripture, dhamma and just being able to continuously following the movement of the breath (clear comprehension) that brings the mind to see things as they really are. Only by coming to see these so call things as they really are, then one who sees it clearly the true meaning.
see non self, see impermanence, see nothing we can do about and seeing the cause and effect of this mind and body we have totally non control over it.
Seeing dukkha come in this body and mind package. Then only by this clear comprehension, one will be able to come to really see clearly the last truths of the 4 noble truth.
In this moment of truth, one cease to exist momentarily.
That moment is good enough to awaken one from the past, presant and future existence. One is liberated from ignorance of birth, sickness, ageing and death.
The BUDDHA say only the wise one will know.
Come and experience it yourself.
I have obediently follow the BUDDHA instruction and i too have seen what is impossible to be seen if without the BUDDHA ways of mind and body instructions.
Enlightment is when the moment our connection to this existence momentarily cut off when your mind is shut down. When this moment occure, you are free from all sufferrings and it is not death of conciousness it is freedom where words cannot described.
May all see the path to Enlightment and known it clearly.
It is not falling endlessly from a cliff. This is definatel not enlightment.
Enlightment is explain in the 4 noble truth. The last truth explain the END of sufferring is experience only by one whose mind is at just a single moment touch the supreme moment of full detachment of greed, hatred and delusion by keen and clear comprehension(samadhi) of the meditation object that finally calming the mind weakening the 5 hindrances thus bring one to come out of the sphere of greed, hatred, delusion, realizing aniccha, dukkha, anatha, then follow by seeing the four foundation of body and mind phenomenor and penetrating it in depth until such time in a split moment one suddenly experience the ceesation of conciousness. This single moment are experience by the sharpening of the mind over certain time frame and until it is timely enough to totally in a single moment, momentarily freeing the mind from greed, hatred and delusion and one enter into the state of The end of sufferrings.(Buddhist call entering the stream or in pali is call magga and in english is entering path)
One clearly enter this moment in buddhist terms known as magga or entering the path(this moment is ceesation of conciousness and that means you are no more exist in this single moment or to make it simple for you to understand, it is at this moment you are disconnect from this existence which mean you are no more living in this samasara for that nibanna experience moment. As the mind at that moment are so sharp after all the long meditation training and the mind is ready to remove all greed, hatred and delusion in the mind at that single moment of ceesation of conciousness.
This is correctly to be understood the meaning of the last noble truth says : END of sufferring
This explaination will be unknown by even many samatha and vipasanna practioners. The reason is simply because these practioner mind training has not yet ripen. They are only on queue still their mental training are on going like still on going tuning.
Tune away the frequency of greed, hatred, delusion so as to reach the frequency of nibanna. which is the moment one conciousness momentarily ceased completely.
Wish my message will one day be appreciated by another(ariya) one who has also successfully tune away the frequency of hatred, greed and delusion, one who is also finally are awaken and he/she will know what i have said here.
Suki hotu.
Shinzen is a Borg! Run for your lives!
Dennis Mason you had me roflmao
This is all unnecessarily confusing. I learned nothing. There certainly is a self, and it's not different than what you already are. Buddha lacked a vocabulary that we have today. Now, we can say the self is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. There is no material self.
Just go do the practice. All of this will make much more sense as you develop
@@chatchi you don't know what I know. I don't remember this video, but from my comment, he must have said there is no self, which is not something the Buddha said, and which is an incorrect statement. It's just BS. Nobody undergoes a metamorphosis into something else when atoms+space+time are left behind.
@@chatchi I am very mistrustful of a lot of this type of content. In my view, many talk about things they have no business talking about.
@@chadkline4268what does it feel in the body
@@JavionForster feelings belong to the body. Expressed in the form of consciousness. I don't know exactly what consciousness is, but it seems to be a bidirectional field of the nervous system wherein sensory input is radiated. Awareness reads this, and intent writes to it to initiate thought or muscular movement or other actions in a dream or to maintain an attention. We are bound to this 'field' due to intentions associated with it. Ie, sensual desires/intents. Which may may be expressed by mind, but originate in our spirit/self/being/sentience/life-principle/presence/sense of 'am here'/awareness+conscience/kamma+power of intent. Whatever you call it. It is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. And it doesn't change because it is not made of anything. It animates the body+mind. So it seems to me, in modern language. Just as if I were to ask: what are you in a dream? How can you describe it? You are the presence. And it has awareness of an environment, and a power of intent. And a conscience, some kind of signal that alerts us as necessary. And it has an ability to 'sense', or have a 'sense', which may be part of awareness. It can recognize the situation or condition of familiarity.
"Um" is Sanskrit for "Be Here Now Dummy!"
agree. unbearable
If you're a carnivore, the first thing that hits your teeth is the genuine article.
If it's sweet, it's poison.
And that is nirvana level nutrition.
Buddha never taught emptiness
It's accurate to say that while the Buddha didn't directly teach "emptiness" as we understand it today, his core teachings on "no-self" and impermanence paved the way for later interpretations and the development of the concept of emptiness in various schools of Buddhism.
"Here....gone...." hee.
Mister Zen, please...huh?...o.k. - Mister Shinzen, please stop saying "um" and "uh" - think of how slow Ram Dass talks - if you actually slow down and breathe you can drop the ums and uhs and yes, this is how I teach musical instruments ("Anyone can play anything!") and I'm in Hollywood would it kill ya to visit Ya-a? Ya-a is the ancient Indian word for L.A. Just kiddin'. Not. Do-re-mi....
Dear Mister pickpocket, Ram Dass talks slow because he had a stroke. "When a pickpocket sees Jesus he only sees his pockets."
Stop being a troll Dennis
Dennis Mason um, ok, Mr. Toastmaster.
Shinzen speaks effortlessly. You just have a bug up your ass.
um ni pat me um