The Bagpiper is playing the tune "Flowers of the Forest" which is only allowed to be played in memorial and funerals of soldiers and veterans who fought for their country. It's a sign of great and deep respect for the Argentine soldiers who did their duty to their country and died for it. Rest in peace to all soldiers who died in 1982. El gaitero toca la melodía "Flowers of the Forest", que sólo se permite tocar en homenajes y funerales de soldados y veteranos que lucharon por su país. Es una señal de gran y profundo respeto por los soldados argentinos que cumplieron con su deber para con su país y murieron por él. Descansen en paz todos los soldados que murieron en 1982.
I am Argentinian and have no feelings against the English, quite the opposite... we are a poor country without intelligence, unable to have values. England after the end of the war... TRANSFER BACK TO ARGENTINA TO THOUSANDS OF SOLDIERS!!!!! on ships such as the remembered Canberra (tourist ship). I mean.... THEY TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR MOVING THE ENEMY TO THEIR HOME!!!!!!!! ...... Incredible!!! (it's NOT BELIEVING.... MAY THE ENEMY TAKE YOU HOME!!!!!) The cemetery they made to Argentine fallen in combat in Darwin...... all this is talking about the human quality of English, Argentines are a long way from all that capacity... IF THE WAR HAD BEEN WON BY ARGENTINA.... A CEMETERY WOULD HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE ENGLISH FALLEN IN THE WAR?.......I'M SURE YOU DON'T! MANY ARGENTINIANS DO NOT HAVE THAT HONOR .... NOR THAT SENSE OF HUMANITY.... and I know of many testimonies of Argentine soldiers who were not killed. because this was not necessary... A MEDICAL ENGLISH SURGEON WAS DECORATED HERE IN ARGENTINA FOR SAVING MANY ARGENTINE SOLDIERS.... all this was not public as it would have had a negative impact here.... Finally....I pay homage to all the fallen on both sides... (fraternized war)... AND I AM CONVINCED THAT THE ISLANDS ARE BETTER CARED FOR IN ENGLISH HANDS THAN IN ARGENTINE HANDS
nosotros hicimos lo mismo, no a gran escala por que la mayoria de ingleses no salieron dañados, pero con los que si ubieron asta condecoraciones, otra cosa no digas pais pobre a uno en vias de desarroyo, que tengas un buen dia
True I agree with you … my wife & I enjoyed to stay in fantastic capital city of Buenos Aires on our holiday trip in 2003 - we received a very wonderful & fabulous hospitality from warm Argentine people who were proudly showed us a very interesting tour of this lovely-vibrant city. We met some friendly Argentine veterans who had fought against our British soldiers, sailors & pilots & it made all of us really enjoyable discussing our honest truths without bitterness or guilt about the conflict between Argentina 🇦🇷 & UK 🇬🇧. They have introduced us to visit a very beautiful war memorial park in honour of fallen Argentine servicemen not far away from our fabulous hotel … we paid our tribute to those who were courageously sacrificed their lives in the war like our country of UK 🇬🇧 where my wife & I have attended & paid tribute to our UK 🇬🇧 servicemen at some war memorial places which they fought bravely & died graciously in the Falkland Islands 🇫🇰. Famous Argentina football was created by a Scottish school headmaster who was set up new school in Buenos Aires … they won the World Cup three times. And also, some Welsh Guard soldiers were enjoyed to liaise with some surrounding Argentine soldiers in Port Stanley because they could communicate very well in their same Welsh language - what an amazing !!! Admittedly my wife & I have a soft spot in all lovely Argentine people. Salute to all fallen bravest Argentine servicemen 🙏🇦🇷🇬🇧🙏
It wasnt rich man fighting for rich man it was british soldiers fighting for the falkland islanders against a military junta dictatorship. Your talking nonsense!
@@matiasmarcos3804" ilegal occupation" they have beem there for nearly 200 years you twit, also if argentina had people there woild that not be colonial occupation? You moron!
Honor a nuestros caidos en Islas Malvinas 2-4-82 / 14-6-82 que descansan en paz en el cementerio Darwin y asus adversarios 🇬🇧 , el recibimiento de la banda militar escocesa y respectos a los familiares de nuestros caidos 🇦🇷👍.
@@clemrumley9691 en mi pais🇦🇷 nuestros gobernantes, DESMALVINIZACION y ocultaron a nuestros excombatiente fueron resibido x la puerta de atras en julio de 1982 y se lo llaman chicos de la guerra. Honor a nuestros caidos y a los caidos adversarios 🇬🇧🇦🇷 A sus familiares que pasaron, x el mismo dolor la perdida de un sus hijos o maridos. CLEM RUMLEY🇦🇷🇬🇧👍.
@Gareth Cooke yo tenia 6 años en 1982 cuando mi pais y su pais entramo en guerra 🇦🇷🏴 , en mi pais nuestros excombatiente los resibimos x la puerta de atras, y se desmalvinizacion me duelo como argentino , me ciento orgullo de nuestros excombatiente , 74 dias en malvinas , respecto coronel Geoffey Cardozo regresó a las islas para ayudar en la exhumación de los cuerpos no identificados, cementerio de Darwin , 237 cuerpos 🇦🇷 descansan en Malvinas, se pudo reconocer el cuerpo gracias a la cruz roja , del soldado RI 6 Echave Horacio Jose , nacido en mi pueblo de Bolivar Prov. Bs. As el soldado caido en combate 14 Junio de 1982. El corresponsal de guerra Eduardo Rotondo 🇦🇷 , gracias a el les sacara una foto asi cuando se publicara. A sus familias sabria que estaban bien. Ese fue el caso del soldado Horacio Echave, del Regimiento de Infanteria 6 quien moria en las ultimas horas del 13 de Junio de 1982. Dentro de su tristeza de sus familiares , en perder a un hijo (lo mismo dolor para los 🏴 con sus caidos). La madre del soldado pudo llevar flores a su hijo en el cementerio de Darwin. Un orgullo de que me ecriba un veterano del conflico de Malvinas 🇦🇷👍
Pointless war made up by politicians, Margaret Thatcher wanting to win another election and the military junta (at that time politicians dressed up as generals) trying to cling onto power !
Rest in peace to all the fallen soldiers of this dumb war, it makes me sad knowing that there were young men who fought and never returned back home, I'm glad that at least now the families have closure, respect to argentina from england.
Los britanicos son un pueblo muy respetuoso y civilizado....dieron la oportunidad a los familiares de visitar en las falkland sus fallecidos. Quien sabe si argentina hubiera hecho lo mismo con los ingleses....quien sabe...
Durante la guerra y en un combate entre fuerzas especiales, muere el Capitan ingles Hamilton del SAS, los argentinos no solo lo enterraron con honores militares, bandera britanica sobre el ataúd inclusive, si no que gracias al reporte escrito por ellos el capitan Hamilton fue postumamente condecorado por su valor. Ah otra cosa, la Nacion Argentina tambien condecoró al Capita Rick Jolly, quien estaba a cargo del hospital britanico por haber salvado vidas argentinas. No se de donde sos, pero quiero que sepas que, mas allá de algunas excepciones, los argentinos no odiamos a los britanicos, yo por ejemplo, siendo un militar de carrera, me enorgullezco de decir que tengo hermanos de armas britanicos, que sirvieron conmigo en misiones de paz. Saludos
tu comentario es el tipico de cipayo genuflexo! por supuesto que nosotros hubieramos hecho lo mismo. En la guerra se combatió con honor de ambos lados, y los soldados argentinos y británicos se tienen mutuo respeto y admiración.
The sad thing is that in the immediate aftermath of the war the British offered to repatriate all Argentina soldiers who had fallen, but the Junta refused. So the British buried the Argentinian dead with full military honours in the formal cemetery on East Falkland.
@@seryo666Surgeon Commander Rick Jolly was introduced to General Menedez after the Argentine surrender. Jolly shook Menedez’s hand and thanked him for preventing any further casualties. There was a documentary on the (10th?) anniversary where a number of veterans were interviewed, including Rick Jolly, he was holding back tears recounting that episode.
To all Argentinien comrades please , shut up , dont cause a fight in a Place where we are supposed to make honor to the dead , i think the faklands are argentinian , but you guys are giving the image that the Argentinian are brutes , cheers from argentina to the brits! 🇦🇷🇬🇧
shame on those who glorify their countries for taking control of the islands, this is not about the flags, or the soil. this is about the lives that were cut short because of this conflict, respect to those men who fought this war, true heroes who died for nothing.
@@laxxen4277 i do not mind if they are british or argentine anymore, my grandpa was a soldier in this war, 18 years, prisioner. I dont know much of the british side of the story but the argentine side of the story talks about food and clothes that were sent for the soldiers but never received, about brave boys of my age that decided to go to war and fight for us,2 of april is the islands day, the day that all of our heroes were forgotten by the history, they never lived to age old, they had to survive before learning to live.
@@laxxen4277 I think the result of this War proves otherwise. The people of these Islands are British and have been since before Argentina existed. Better for you ro accept this as we shed British blood to retake them and so will never give them away. Our Islands our people
Fact when the dead were brought in from the surrounding areas there own officers were asked to identify the dead solders and most officers said they would not help thats why most have no names
Was this mad military venture to save a failed Argentine government reall worth the loss of even one of these young lads? Hopefully, it will never happen again, but having heard how some of the Argentines speak about the Falklands, i doubt it
Las Islas Falkland han sido una posesión británica desde 1833, sus habitantes son ciudadanos británicos desde 1983 y abrumadoramente leales al Reino Unido. El argumento de Argentina, basado en la “descolonización,” es más que todo ridículo, pues en las islas nunca hubo nativos que fueron colonizados a la fuerza por europeos, y hoy en día los habitantes son ciudadanos británicos que, en su mayoría, no desean ser gobernados desde Buenos Aires. Por lo tanto, la idea que las Malvinas deberían “volver a manos de sus dueños originales” no aplica, y si lo hiciera, esos dueños originales ciertamente no serían argentinos, ni de piel blanca, ni tendrían nombres como Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Aparte de esto, el hecho que Argentina tuvo posesión de las Islas durante unos años en el Siglo XIX le da, en teoría, el mismo derecho a Francia y a España a restablecer soberanía sobre ellas, pues estos países las ocuparon antes de que lo hiciera Argentina. Y si las Malvinas han de pertenecer de nuevo a España o a Francia, ¿por qué no también el resto de sus antiguas colonias?
Argentina would win falkland island through demigraphic change. First make good relationships and settle and outnumber the british. After then , vote which side to go. But they did mistake and probably will not get the island.
Most of these men never wanted to even go there. The battle for Stanley could have been a blood bath for the British and would haven taken way longer to win if they used all the equipment and artillery they were given, but they didn’t use it they just wanted to go home. So sad that the government of Argentina can’t move on and uses these poor families to there political gain.
Your wrong and clearly you never talked to an argentine veteran,the Artillery strike the british until burn the baterys,even after the surrender there was a Skirmish in Sapper Hill, and if you watch the pics most of them aren't happy of surrender. The Argentine General surrender because they didn't have enough equipment, because Galtieri never cared about the war.
@@JavierSanMateo13 Not gonna happen Argie. What I cannot understand is that Argentine like yourself cannot seem to understand is that only one of two ways will get you the Falklands: 1) make nice with the Islanders and prove that joining with Argentina would be both socially and economically beneficial or 2) military invasion. Argentina is currently little more than a 3rd world country so option 1 is out the window as well as the fact you keep pestering the Islanders instead of respecting their rights; and as for number 2 lets be real Argentina's military is a joke and would be slapped by even a cursory UK task force. So keep running your mouth as you will never get the Falklands back
There is little doubt the best, unexpected outcome of the Falklands War was the liberation of Argentina from military rule and the introduction of democracy and civil government, which have persisted ever since. None of the Argentine dead, in the end, died in vain, given that outcome.
For the history the two country and more those respect for the people more important the people in the island the live here. The soldierd died for you family and the veteran englands and argentina recording respect for you and not more ward and died people innocent for fuckings gobiernos
The British and Falklanders have shown grace throughout the years towards the Argies, they buried their dead with respect. Where is the memorial for the fallen British in Argentina?
@@carolschroder2437 buen chiste. Cuáles misiles si su economía está muy mal. Ni tienen dinero para sobrevivir y se están muriendo de hambre. Ahora la Argentina se está volviendo en la nueva Venezuela. Lo único que pueden hacer es aceptar la derrota y estas islas se llaman "Falklands", no Malvinas.
@@federicoaprile2046 Why do many people of these "invaded" countries still like to come to England if they're so hated? Why do they still stay in the Commonwealth?
@@federicoaprile2046 The Malvinas were empty and Argentina did not exist. Europeans invaded South America and invented Argentina on someone else's land, but this is not the place to argue, this is not why folk are visiting this page. Lets keep the peace folks and remember that no one holds the moral high ground , British and Argentinian kids died because of politicians. Direct your anger at them.
@@1984isHereNow europeans did not invented argentina grab a book they dont bite.. we kicked them out and invented our country so much ignorance lies within you
Wouldn't it be just if persons started the war did the fighting them selfs instead of sending young ,old destroying families. No solutions or winners in wars 😢
Hay que dar la gracias a los ingleses...dieron la oportunidad a los familiares caidos argentinos de visitarlos en el cementerio deblas falkland...quien sabe si lo mismo argentinos hubieran dado esa oportunidad a los ingleses. Los britanicos son un pueblo muy respetuoso i demasiado civil al respeto de los suramericanos.
tu comentario es el tipico de cipayo genuflexo! por supuesto que nosotros hubieramos hecho lo mismo. En la guerra se combatió con honor de ambos lados, y los soldados argentinos y británicos se tienen mutuo respeto y admiración.
They lost despite our numbering the British and Gurkhas and many deserted But the end of the Falklands war invited so much rage in Argentina that the Junta government fell and the Argentine people finally got their actual democracy back and the internal "Dirty War" of torture and murder via disappearing of the Argentine people came to an end So Argentina surrendering to an inferior number of liberating troops was the best thing for all of Argentina
VenusInFurs2100 wow your an expert, I can tell? ;). And the Argentinian economy is in a seemingly never ending depression. Your leaders must be more stupid than you. Maybe I will visit Argentina for holiday one day, cheap prices and beautiful scenery. Now you go and kiss the Nazi Pope on his ring and tell him I said Hi....
I´m Argentine, born and raise here, and if you are a respectful person, you can come to my house, and I will personally defend you against any other Argentinian who tried to mess with your for being English. Don't confuse the stupids that decide to start a war, with a lot of people in argentina, that are peaceful and educated people who never think of harm another person.
@@Kode154 as an Argentinian i agree. I don't care about the farkland islands. Also i am pro UK i now this may be a little mindblowing. I would have loved if we were a british colony.
@@Kode154 i am not a fan of Europe as most people are. Britain Is the only country of Europe that i do actually like. I Will say Russia but i am a bigger fan of the soviet union.
It is wrong for you to bring politics into such a video, this video is to commemorate the fallen of Argentina, and their relatives, suffering because a mad general wanted to distract the people of Argentina how bad things were. But now youve started it lets mention that the islands were British before Argentina was invented and Argentina itself is stolen land. Its populated by Europeans who are non indigenous to South America. Go back to Italy or Spain.
Yeah, I mean with an army full of brave and ferocious keyboard warriors like yourself. Fully trained in the art of writing angry comments sitting in their childhood bedrooms at their mother's house. I mean to be fair your comment gives an impression that you are a failure in most aspects of normal life, so maybe if you could motivate yourself to find a way to the recruitment office a spell in the military might sort you out.
This video isn’t about who owns the islands (the people there want to be British so don’t force them to be Argentinian) so don’t bring up the politics of it because it’s insensitive, it’s about the young men who fought and died, the Argentinain conscripts who were forced to fight, respect to the Argentinian army, navy and airforce from the uk
@@zr71offroad20 the British shouldn’t just hand their own territory over just because someone thinks they can throw a few thousand troops at it. That’s just giving into bullies and why we defended the islands from enemy aggression (and won comprehensively).
The presence of armed British army personnel blowing their bagpipes sucked! Totally out of place and offensive!. There were Argentine relatives of fallen soldiers coping with grief and loss. No need of that circus. Shame on you!
The presence of sad little trolls born many years after the war putting hate filled messages sucked! Totally out of place and offensive. There are Argentine families coping with grief and loss. No need for the circus of dumb ass trolls like yourself. SHAME IS ALL ON YOU!!!
It was a war that the Argentinians started and lost, they killed British also. Why would the British be remorseful for it? It’s just what happens when you start a war.
@@redtob2119 The Argentines didnt start the war. The corrupt dictatorship did. The vast majority of the population never wanted a war but young men of 18 years were forced to fight without any equipment. The whole operation was a pointless disaster.
@@dubeeisbsishawijsbcisnnaiw4433 you talk like they never had an advantage lol to say conscript young is wrong they have guns they had air control from mainland and was better equipped with hardware. they was also fighting a smaller army they was dug in. it was 8000 miles away for the uk. who really had the disadvantage here, Argentina also had special forces on them hills with night vision goggles. this crap over the years about conscript is propaganda to down play the uk impossible victory with smaller numbers
@@topbanana4013 There are plenty historical and factual documentaries regarding the war. Argentina was in no state for war. So many soldiers froze to death on ships before they even arrived at the islands. Nobody is trying to downplay any victory. The poor economic state in Argentina during that particular period is factually based, with plenty of evidence.
These graves are well looked after ,when I went down there in 1994 we went on a patrol to goose green ,we had to take some brass to clean and polish there plaques paint the crosses. Etc . I don't know who does it now ,but I'm guessing the commonwealth war graves commission.?
The Bagpiper is playing the tune "Flowers of the Forest" which is only allowed to be played in memorial and funerals of soldiers and veterans who fought for their country. It's a sign of great and deep respect for the Argentine soldiers who did their duty to their country and died for it. Rest in peace to all soldiers who died in 1982.
El gaitero toca la melodía "Flowers of the Forest", que sólo se permite tocar en homenajes y funerales de soldados y veteranos que lucharon por su país. Es una señal de gran y profundo respeto por los soldados argentinos que cumplieron con su deber para con su país y murieron por él. Descansen en paz todos los soldados que murieron en 1982.
I am Argentinian and have no feelings against the English, quite the opposite... we are a poor country without intelligence, unable to have values.
England after the end of the war... TRANSFER BACK TO ARGENTINA TO THOUSANDS OF SOLDIERS!!!!! on ships such as the remembered Canberra (tourist ship). I mean.... THEY TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR MOVING THE ENEMY TO THEIR HOME!!!!!!!! ...... Incredible!!! (it's NOT BELIEVING.... MAY THE ENEMY TAKE YOU HOME!!!!!)
The cemetery they made to Argentine fallen in combat in Darwin...... all this is talking about the human quality of English, Argentines are a long way from all that capacity...
IF THE WAR HAD BEEN WON BY ARGENTINA.... A CEMETERY WOULD HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE ENGLISH FALLEN IN THE WAR?.......I'M SURE YOU DON'T! MANY ARGENTINIANS DO NOT HAVE THAT HONOR .... NOR THAT SENSE OF HUMANITY.... and I know of many testimonies of Argentine soldiers who were not killed. because this was not necessary... A MEDICAL ENGLISH SURGEON WAS DECORATED HERE IN ARGENTINA FOR SAVING MANY ARGENTINE SOLDIERS.... all this was not public as it would have had a negative impact here....
Finally....I pay homage to all the fallen on both sides... (fraternized war)... AND I AM CONVINCED THAT THE ISLANDS ARE BETTER CARED FOR IN ENGLISH HANDS THAN IN ARGENTINE HANDS
The late Captain Richard Jolly OBE, RN.
nosotros hicimos lo mismo, no a gran escala por que la mayoria de ingleses no salieron dañados, pero con los que si ubieron asta condecoraciones, otra cosa no digas pais pobre a uno en vias de desarroyo, que tengas un buen dia
You are the smartest Argentinian ever
Well argentinians seems to be, in your prejudice and ignorance, sub humans not able to be decent and empatic...
You should visit Argentina
Es verdad, yo a los okupas de las islas no les haría ni un pozo ciego.
It’s sad that young conscripts were forced to fight highly trained soldiers, it was a death trap.
Agreed, once the British forces had landed, the days of the Argentine soldiers were numbered, no contest..
Chris Wilde yeah
Shouldn’t have taken our land
@@Krieger-productions6149 No they shouldn't have..
Chris Wilde does not belong to them
My respect to the british and argentines soldiers 💪
Most r dead on Argentina side tho 4 times greater
@@cvkaustubh7521 so? One death is a lot for one family. Everyone suffers from the war. Don't act like a kid.
True I agree with you … my wife & I enjoyed to stay in fantastic capital city of Buenos Aires on our holiday trip in 2003 - we received a very wonderful & fabulous hospitality from warm Argentine people who were proudly showed us a very interesting tour of this lovely-vibrant city. We met some friendly Argentine veterans who had fought against our British soldiers, sailors & pilots & it made all of us really enjoyable discussing our honest truths without bitterness or guilt about the conflict between Argentina 🇦🇷 & UK 🇬🇧. They have introduced us to visit a very beautiful war memorial park in honour of fallen Argentine servicemen not far away from our fabulous hotel … we paid our tribute to those who were courageously sacrificed their lives in the war like our country of UK 🇬🇧 where my wife & I have attended & paid tribute to our UK 🇬🇧 servicemen at some war memorial places which they fought bravely & died graciously in the Falkland Islands 🇫🇰. Famous Argentina football was created by a Scottish school headmaster who was set up new school in Buenos Aires … they won the World Cup three times. And also, some Welsh Guard soldiers were enjoyed to liaise with some surrounding Argentine soldiers in Port Stanley because they could communicate very well in their same Welsh language - what an amazing !!! Admittedly my wife & I have a soft spot in all lovely Argentine people. Salute to all fallen bravest Argentine servicemen 🙏🇦🇷🇬🇧🙏
Imagine all those kids that never had a dad. So sad. In the end it will always be the poor man fighting the rich mans battles
Most of the argentinean soldiers where kids themselves, they were 17-19 years old. Some of these relatives you are seeing are their parents.
It wasnt rich man fighting for rich man it was british soldiers fighting for the falkland islanders against a military junta dictatorship. Your talking nonsense!
Shouldn’t have invaded the falklands then , however my respects to the fallen , and that is all fallen soldiers of the falklands conflict
@@jason-gf8dg no it was a dictatorship trying to expel a colonial ilegal ocupation
@@matiasmarcos3804" ilegal occupation" they have beem there for nearly 200 years you twit, also if argentina had people there woild that not be colonial occupation? You moron!
I have so much respect for the war dead on both sides of the conflict.
they died like dogs at the command of their masters
@@meorrrrw4020 who?
Honor a nuestros caidos en Islas Malvinas 2-4-82 / 14-6-82 que descansan en paz en el cementerio Darwin y asus adversarios 🇬🇧 , el recibimiento de la banda militar escocesa y respectos a los familiares de nuestros caidos 🇦🇷👍.
Thanks Manuel for you nice comment. I had it translated on internet.. May all sides rest in peace
@@clemrumley9691 en mi pais🇦🇷 nuestros gobernantes, DESMALVINIZACION y ocultaron a nuestros excombatiente fueron resibido x la puerta de atras en julio de 1982 y se lo llaman chicos de la guerra.
Honor a nuestros caidos y a los caidos adversarios 🇬🇧🇦🇷
A sus familiares que pasaron, x el mismo dolor la perdida de un sus hijos o maridos. CLEM RUMLEY🇦🇷🇬🇧👍.
@Gareth Cooke yo tenia 6 años en 1982 cuando mi pais y su pais entramo en guerra 🇦🇷🏴 , en mi pais nuestros excombatiente los resibimos x la puerta de atras, y se desmalvinizacion me duelo como argentino , me ciento orgullo de nuestros excombatiente , 74 dias en malvinas , respecto coronel Geoffey Cardozo regresó a las islas para ayudar en la exhumación de los cuerpos no identificados, cementerio de Darwin , 237 cuerpos 🇦🇷 descansan en Malvinas, se pudo reconocer el cuerpo gracias a la cruz roja , del soldado RI 6 Echave Horacio Jose , nacido en mi pueblo de Bolivar Prov. Bs. As el soldado caido en combate 14 Junio de 1982.
El corresponsal de guerra Eduardo Rotondo 🇦🇷 , gracias a el les sacara una foto asi cuando se publicara. A sus familias sabria que estaban bien. Ese fue el caso del soldado Horacio Echave, del Regimiento de Infanteria 6 quien moria en las ultimas horas del 13 de Junio de 1982. Dentro de su tristeza de sus familiares , en perder a un hijo (lo mismo dolor para los 🏴 con sus caidos). La madre del soldado pudo llevar flores a su hijo en el cementerio de Darwin.
Un orgullo de que me ecriba un veterano del conflico de Malvinas 🇦🇷👍
RIP to all the heroes in this pointless war. May it never happen again and we can be nations together at peace.
Pointless war made up by politicians, Margaret Thatcher wanting to win another election and the military junta (at that time politicians dressed up as generals) trying to cling onto power !
Rest in peace to all the fallen soldiers of this dumb war, it makes me sad knowing that there were young men who fought and never returned back home, I'm glad that at least now the families have closure, respect to argentina from england.
Los britanicos son un pueblo muy respetuoso y civilizado....dieron la oportunidad a los familiares de visitar en las falkland sus fallecidos. Quien sabe si argentina hubiera hecho lo mismo con los ingleses....quien sabe...
Durante la guerra y en un combate entre fuerzas especiales, muere el Capitan ingles Hamilton del SAS, los argentinos no solo lo enterraron con honores militares, bandera britanica sobre el ataúd inclusive, si no que gracias al reporte escrito por ellos el capitan Hamilton fue postumamente condecorado por su valor. Ah otra cosa, la Nacion Argentina tambien condecoró al Capita Rick Jolly, quien estaba a cargo del hospital britanico por haber salvado vidas argentinas. No se de donde sos, pero quiero que sepas que, mas allá de algunas excepciones, los argentinos no odiamos a los britanicos, yo por ejemplo, siendo un militar de carrera, me enorgullezco de decir que tengo hermanos de armas britanicos, que sirvieron conmigo en misiones de paz. Saludos
tu comentario es el tipico de cipayo genuflexo! por supuesto que nosotros hubieramos hecho lo mismo. En la guerra se combatió con honor de ambos lados, y los soldados argentinos y británicos se tienen mutuo respeto y admiración.
The sad thing is that in the immediate aftermath of the war the British offered to repatriate all Argentina soldiers who had fallen, but the Junta refused. So the British buried the Argentinian dead with full military honours in the formal cemetery on East Falkland.
@@seryo666Surgeon Commander Rick Jolly was introduced to General Menedez after the Argentine surrender. Jolly shook Menedez’s hand and thanked him for preventing any further casualties. There was a documentary on the (10th?) anniversary where a number of veterans were interviewed, including Rick Jolly, he was holding back tears recounting that episode.
@@seryo666 De hecho, el tiempo ha pasado. Ahora amistad y respeto.
Both sides fought and died for their countries. They are united in death.
Riposate in pace fratelli argentini🇦🇷🇮🇹
To all Argentinien comrades please , shut up , dont cause a fight in a Place where we are supposed to make honor to the dead , i think the faklands are argentinian , but you guys are giving the image that the Argentinian are brutes , cheers from argentina to the brits! 🇦🇷🇬🇧
shame on those who glorify their countries for taking control of the islands, this is not about the flags, or the soil. this is about the lives that were cut short because of this conflict, respect to those men who fought this war, true heroes who died for nothing.
yes respect to the fallen soldiers but the malvinas are argentine
@@laxxen4277 i do not mind if they are british or argentine anymore, my grandpa was a soldier in this war, 18 years, prisioner. I dont know much of the british side of the story but the argentine side of the story talks about food and clothes that were sent for the soldiers but never received, about brave boys of my age that decided to go to war and fight for us,2 of april is the islands day, the day that all of our heroes were forgotten by the history, they never lived to age old, they had to survive before learning to live.
Laxxen the falklands are british and have been british since before argentina was even a country
@@laxxen4277 I think the result of this War proves otherwise. The people of these Islands are British and have been since before Argentina existed. Better for you ro accept this as we shed British blood to retake them and so will never give them away. Our Islands our people
Así es maestro es raro encontrar capos como vos
Fact when the dead were brought in from the surrounding areas there own officers were asked to identify the dead solders and most officers said they would not help thats why most have no names
They managed to identify damn near all of them with DNA now. Some red cross effort got it done not long ago
This video shows that Argentines and British people can be friends. Even after a war.
All nations soldiers can be friends the battle is not with them it's with WORLD LEADERS POLITICIANS AND WAR PIGS WHO WANT TO BECOME MORE RICH.
Rest in Peace to all Fallen British and Argentina military personal who Lost their lives in the Service of their Nations.
May peace remain.
Sad that that war even happened Britain and Argentina were never enemies before that
R I P Sons of Argentina. you were pawns in a corrupt world. Don't do it again!
we will return fucker
@@federicoaprile2046 Haha an you will get beat again 😂.
Volveremos piratas
@@laxxen4277 entonces beberás del mar y te pudrirás en el suelo -
then you will drink from the sea and rot in the soil
@Kula Cnt yours leave in body bags too
I vow to thee, my country...
And all earthly things above
God bless them all 🙏❤️
Was this mad military venture to save a failed Argentine government reall worth the loss of even one of these young lads? Hopefully, it will never happen again, but having heard how some of the Argentines speak about the Falklands, i doubt it
Heartbreaking watching this. No winners in war.
@MI 6 Tell that to the families of both nations who lost loved ones. But you know better I suppose.
Las Islas Falkland han sido una posesión británica desde 1833, sus habitantes son ciudadanos británicos desde 1983 y abrumadoramente leales al Reino Unido. El argumento de Argentina, basado en la “descolonización,” es más que todo ridículo, pues en las islas nunca hubo nativos que fueron colonizados a la fuerza por europeos, y hoy en día los habitantes son ciudadanos británicos que, en su mayoría, no desean ser gobernados desde Buenos Aires. Por lo tanto, la idea que las Malvinas deberían “volver a manos de sus dueños originales” no aplica, y si lo hiciera, esos dueños originales ciertamente no serían argentinos, ni de piel blanca, ni tendrían nombres como Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
Aparte de esto, el hecho que Argentina tuvo posesión de las Islas durante unos años en el Siglo XIX le da, en teoría, el mismo derecho a Francia y a España a restablecer soberanía sobre ellas, pues estos países las ocuparon antes de que lo hiciera Argentina. Y si las Malvinas han de pertenecer de nuevo a España o a Francia, ¿por qué no también el resto de sus antiguas colonias?
Argentina would win falkland island through demigraphic change. First make good relationships and settle and outnumber the british. After then , vote which side to go. But they did mistake and probably will not get the island.
Exactly. That's why it's so crazy Argentina would send it's citizens to fight when there are no Argentine people on the island
One of the most stupid and utterly ridiculous war ever...
Despite not liking the Argentina football team....
But this makes me cry.
My uncle are now sleeping in a Argentinian Grave in Falklands
@@Lorddonen thanks ❤
Two friends of mine are buried at sea down there, we share the loss. Much love to you
Britian won the war
Argentina won their freedom back from the Junta
Respect to the war dead of both sides.
I'm glad that my country Chile, supported the UK in the Falklands
God bless Chile
We don't forget our friends. Lord Cochrane smiles upon Chile, for our historic ties :)
si y cuando el barro te tapo te fuimos a rescatar nosotros araucano mandibula torcida
chileno gil , no te quiere nadie
mais países do mundo amam Chille do que argentrena
Most of these men never wanted to even go there. The battle for Stanley could have been a blood bath for the British and would haven taken way longer to win if they used all the equipment and artillery they were given, but they didn’t use it they just wanted to go home. So sad that the government of Argentina can’t move on and uses these poor families to there political gain.
Don't be daft, in what way is the govt using them? you really are clueless, poor guy.
It seems to me that you are confused. What a pity that even in these times you are still ignorant of war
You stole the islands in 1833, you pirate
Your wrong and clearly you never talked to an argentine veteran,the Artillery strike the british until burn the baterys,even after the surrender there was a Skirmish in Sapper Hill, and if you watch the pics most of them aren't happy of surrender. The Argentine General surrender because they didn't have enough equipment, because Galtieri never cared about the war.
Great British islands, the Brits are great people...
@@JavierSanMateo13 Not gonna happen Argie. What I cannot understand is that Argentine like yourself cannot seem to understand is that only one of two ways will get you the Falklands: 1) make nice with the Islanders and prove that joining with Argentina would be both socially and economically beneficial or 2) military invasion. Argentina is currently little more than a 3rd world country so option 1 is out the window as well as the fact you keep pestering the Islanders instead of respecting their rights; and as for number 2 lets be real Argentina's military is a joke and would be slapped by even a cursory UK task force. So keep running your mouth as you will never get the Falklands back
@@harlequin2614 the malvinas are british
@@laxxen4277 Only if the Islanders wish to remain so, however i doubt Argentina is going to win them over one way or another
those islands belong to Argentina
@@CINNDIRELLA No, they belong to Britain.
The British were vastly outnumbered but well trained. They were also fighting the cold war aswell. With thousands of troops and equipment in Germany.
I belive there are me there buried as unknown because after the fighting there own officers would not identify there own men for the British
Agustin Trappa Winterhalter - There was nothing wrong with that writing except one trivial typo.
@AgusTrappa 43 You are completely wrong ! There is British & Argentine cemeteries of the brave fallen on the islands.
The family's deserve justice. Their loved ones died because a bunch of rich elites forced them to attack foreign land. Shameful! 🇬🇧❤️🇦🇷
Heartbreaking .. these soldiers were heroes on their country .. was sent to die for their country.
There is little doubt the best, unexpected outcome of the Falklands War was the liberation of Argentina from military rule and the introduction of democracy and civil government, which have persisted ever since. None of the Argentine dead, in the end, died in vain, given that outcome.
For the history the two country and more those respect for the people more important the people in the island the live here. The soldierd died for you family and the veteran englands and argentina recording respect for you and not more ward and died people innocent for fuckings gobiernos
Poor souls
The British and Falklanders have shown grace throughout the years towards the Argies, they buried their dead with respect. Where is the memorial for the fallen British in Argentina?
the same as why there isn't one in England.
Literally most of the falklanders hate the argentines,unless the most young aren't like that anymore
If Argentina won the falklands war, I bet they would’ve made it into a huge industrial area
And we will do it in the future
@@carolschroder2437 what Argentina win a war over the falklands? Pfft even the penguins are stronger than them
@@tomAS-27 Si? que bueno que piensen a si! por que Argentina ya planea lanzar unos cuantos misiles condor hacia los usurpadores de malvinas!
Bruh all Carol does after someone calls her shit out is say stupid shit in spanish
@@carolschroder2437 buen chiste. Cuáles misiles si su economía está muy mal. Ni tienen dinero para sobrevivir y se están muriendo de hambre. Ahora la Argentina se está volviendo en la nueva Venezuela. Lo único que pueden hacer es aceptar la derrota y estas islas se llaman "Falklands", no Malvinas.
When you invade another countries territory you shouldn't be surprised if they get angry with you
british invaded 70% of the world including Malvinas no wonder why people hace british
@@federicoaprile2046 Why do many people of these "invaded" countries still like to come to England if they're so hated? Why do they still stay in the Commonwealth?
@@federicoaprile2046 The Malvinas were empty and Argentina did not exist. Europeans invaded South America and invented Argentina on someone else's land, but this is not the place to argue, this is not why folk are visiting this page. Lets keep the peace folks and remember that no one holds the moral high ground , British and Argentinian kids died because of politicians. Direct your anger at them.
@@1984isHereNow europeans did not invented argentina grab a book they dont bite.. we kicked them out and invented our country so much ignorance lies within you
@@pigstrotters4198 as all invasions some aborigenous can benefit
Wouldn't it be just if persons started the war did the fighting them selfs instead of sending young ,old destroying families. No solutions or winners in wars 😢
Time heals.
Hay que dar la gracias a los ingleses...dieron la oportunidad a los familiares caidos argentinos de visitarlos en el cementerio deblas falkland...quien sabe si lo mismo argentinos hubieran dado esa oportunidad a los ingleses. Los britanicos son un pueblo muy respetuoso i demasiado civil al respeto de los suramericanos.
Concuerdo con vos. No digo que todos sean unos irrespetuosos, pero la hay una gran parte de los sudamericanos que no tienen sentido de civilización
tu comentario es el tipico de cipayo genuflexo! por supuesto que nosotros hubieramos hecho lo mismo. En la guerra se combatió con honor de ambos lados, y los soldados argentinos y británicos se tienen mutuo respeto y admiración.
Siempre estaran en nuestros corazones nuestros heroes de Malvinas . Honor y gloria por siempre a los caidos y a los que combatieron !!!
They lost despite our numbering the British and Gurkhas and many deserted
But the end of the Falklands war invited so much rage in Argentina that the Junta government fell and the Argentine people finally got their actual democracy back and the internal "Dirty War" of torture and murder via disappearing of the Argentine people came to an end
So Argentina surrendering to an inferior number of liberating troops was the best thing for all of Argentina
Blame your ego driven Generals.
The Argentine cemetery should be a sacred place and the fact that it isn’t makes me very sad.
All war graves that the UK war graves commission keep are sacred ground
It is sacred ground.
I wonder what Argentina would have done with fallen British had they taken the island...
What a stupid question
VenusInFurs2100 it’s not stupid. I imagine the argies would have burned them or dump them in the sea.
@@VenusInFurs2100 The argies would have ruined the sheep based economy and more!!!
@@corsai7506 like you did with your own? haha ignorant Ricardo, go get your benefits go go go
VenusInFurs2100 wow your an expert, I can tell? ;). And the Argentinian economy is in a seemingly never ending depression. Your leaders must be more stupid than you. Maybe I will visit Argentina for holiday one day, cheap prices and beautiful scenery. Now you go and kiss the Nazi Pope on his ring and tell him I said Hi....
If the British had lost would the Argentines allowed the families like this? No.
We don't know that, let's not make any assumptions.
im argentinian and i would fight for the right of the british families to visit their fallen soldiers. Honor should never be forgotten
What the fuck did you know? Don't make stupids comments
there are more than 10.000 British people living in Argentina, you moron!
I´m Argentine, born and raise here, and if you are a respectful person, you can come to my house, and I will personally defend you against any other Argentinian who tried to mess with your for being English. Don't confuse the stupids that decide to start a war, with a lot of people in argentina, that are peaceful and educated people who never think of harm another person.
The War never is an option
It is though, the Argentines didn’t need to invade British territory
@@Kode154 as an Argentinian i agree. I don't care about the farkland islands. Also i am pro UK i now this may be a little mindblowing. I would have loved if we were a british colony.
@@issacnuri5924 wow haha, tbh your country would be a lot stronger if you were
@@Kode154 yeah....i don't want to offensive but spain was one of the most useless empires in history.
@@Kode154 i am not a fan of Europe as most people are. Britain Is the only country of Europe that i do actually like. I Will say Russia but i am a bigger fan of the soviet union.
What are the argentinian-british relations today? Just wondering.......
If you talk the opinion of the people nobody hates the oter but us (argentinians) obviously are a little mad you now they keep our lands
@@matiasmarcos3804 I am not british but i don`t believe the Falklands ever belonged to you.
@@reuterromain1054 why not?
@@matiasmarcos3804Because Britain already owned the islands (1830s) even before Argentina was created.
@@reuterromain1054 no Argentina exist since 1810 they colonized the Islands in 1833 wen they took it from us
Argentine Falklands
sergio hetfiel Democracy says no
@@lordcharles9786 BUT YOUR MOM SAYS YES
@An honest chap thanks.
Laughs in harrier
The Falkland Islands, I mean, Isles Malveenas, belong to the country of Argentina.
You know damn well they do not.
It is wrong for you to bring politics into such a video, this video is to commemorate the fallen of Argentina, and their relatives, suffering because a mad general wanted to distract the people of Argentina how bad things were. But now youve started it lets mention that the islands were British before Argentina was invented and Argentina itself is stolen land. Its populated by Europeans who are non indigenous to South America. Go back to Italy or Spain.
@@shanesimpson3455 yes they are and you know it
@@aldinewestfield5821 they are British, have been for 300 years. Argentina didn't exist when Britain found the islands
No, you are wrong. 150 miles vs 9000 miles. British pirates stole it from the natives. Now, F ck off.
Both still LOST
Huh, wdym with that?
Malvinas Argentinas
No. Cry about it.
Numb comment really in the context of the video
@@zigongosaurus5274 lets go putin !!!!!
Yeah, I mean with an army full of brave and ferocious keyboard warriors like yourself. Fully trained in the art of writing angry comments sitting in their childhood bedrooms at their mother's house. I mean to be fair your comment gives an impression that you are a failure in most aspects of normal life, so maybe if you could motivate yourself to find a way to the recruitment office a spell in the military might sort you out.
Malvinas Argentinas forever !!!!!
This video isn’t about who owns the islands (the people there want to be British so don’t force them to be Argentinian) so don’t bring up the politics of it because it’s insensitive, it’s about the young men who fought and died, the Argentinain conscripts who were forced to fight, respect to the Argentinian army, navy and airforce from the uk
Falkland Islands War belongs to Argentina and it is at the door of the Argentine family. Double standard dog
You're right Falklands war did belong to Argentina as they started it, But luckily the British finished it.
You folded like a set of deck chairs silly tosser lol.
Oh shut the fuck up
Hay que tener más respeto por ellos al igual que ellos tienen respeto por nosotros
Piratas!! malvinas de Argentina de America!
@@ragingtoastnextgen1458 lol
Yes and there is nothing you can do about that, is there?
Disgusting. Neither the relatives nor the soldiers should be there!
you piece a shit, have some respect
Well, the british should have turned over administration then this never would have happened.
@@zr71offroad20 the British shouldn’t just hand their own territory over just because someone thinks they can throw a few thousand troops at it. That’s just giving into bullies and why we defended the islands from enemy aggression (and won comprehensively).
have some respect man
Las islas Malvinas ❤🇦🇷👏😊
The presence of armed British army personnel blowing their bagpipes sucked! Totally out of place and offensive!. There were Argentine relatives of fallen soldiers coping with grief and loss. No need of that circus. Shame on you!
Take it you are not ex military? You sure sound like you've never served.
It's a sign of respect for the fallen. It was a guard of honour for the families
You clearly are militarily illiterate. An ignoramus void of sacred sentiment concerning the fallen. Buffoon.
The presence of sad little trolls born many years after the war putting hate filled messages sucked! Totally out of place and offensive. There are Argentine families coping with grief and loss. No need for the circus of dumb ass trolls like yourself. SHAME IS ALL ON YOU!!!
Falkland is part of argentina not part of british but british is europ parth
ah the British are trying to have sympathy. They have no remorse for those killed. all for show.
It was a war that the Argentinians started and lost, they killed British also. Why would the British be remorseful for it? It’s just what happens when you start a war.
@@redtob2119 The Argentines didnt start the war. The corrupt dictatorship did. The vast majority of the population never wanted a war but young men of 18 years were forced to fight without any equipment. The whole operation was a pointless disaster.
@@dubeeisbsishawijsbcisnnaiw4433 you talk like they never had an advantage lol to say conscript young is wrong they have guns they had air control from mainland and was better equipped with hardware. they was also fighting a smaller army they was dug in. it was 8000 miles away for the uk. who really had the disadvantage here, Argentina also had special forces on them hills with night vision goggles. this crap over the years about conscript is propaganda to down play the uk impossible victory with smaller numbers
@@topbanana4013 There are plenty historical and factual documentaries regarding the war. Argentina was in no state for war. So many soldiers froze to death on ships before they even arrived at the islands. Nobody is trying to downplay any victory. The poor economic state in Argentina during that particular period is factually based, with plenty of evidence.
These graves are well looked after ,when I went down there in 1994 we went on a patrol to goose green ,we had to take some brass to clean and polish there plaques paint the crosses. Etc .
I don't know who does it now ,but I'm guessing the commonwealth war graves commission.?