@dre009 which is crazy because theyre already sweet enough. my friend's mom made fruit leather with just mashed up mango pieces and it was amazing like fruit jerky
The dried mango I get from Costco is great. There is some added sugar but it's not overly sweet like candy as some other brands I've had. Very natural tasting as well because the ingredients are only mango, sugar, citric acid, and sodium metabisulfite (preservative). Tropical Fields is the brand.
@@fbgmerk8178ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm😊 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 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As a chef... what you need to do. Is add a little honey to some warm water. Dip your fruit into the water before you dehydrate them. This will add a little more flavor as they are drying. This way your kiwis will not be so bitter or sour.
Bad idea. Maple syrup is a good option cause honey in warm water with fruits dipped into it and when fruits go into dehydrater with honey it makes fruits toxic. It shouldnt be used in baking or cooking too.
Great.👍 didn't know that machine like this exist for dehydration😮. We in india make many varietiey of chips like this, but for dehydration we just put the food in hot sun for few days. There is a banana called 'Nenthiram'. I don't know it's english name, we should cut it into small pieces and can directly deep fry into oil, no need for dehydration and its tastes good.👍
These machines generally aren't terribly expensive, and they're especially useful because they minimize risk of insects getting to the food and make dehydration simple even in places and times where it's colder or damper. They use a fan and a heating element to move warmed air across the food.
Despite studying Physics diligently for two years I have never gained the confidence that im getting watching this amazing series. You are making every concept crystal clear. I believe that I may get incredible score in Neet 2024 with help of urs. May God showers all his blessings upon u Sir and ur loved ones. You will always be in my prayers.
I am from India want to tell some people who are blessed with nature they have fertile soil and all the natural things we need to survive infact more than that we use and remained exported to the country who have used and takes benefits most out of it people who have everything don't know what to do but when the thing is we can use every part of the fruits like peel and remained stuff can be use to make fertiliser we should not waste at all a single piece of vegetables thank you
my grandma used to dehydrate apples on hotbed of furnace in her house as long as i remember her. 0$ for electricity bills plus it cooked much faster (natural fire heat). dad was bringing huge bags full of dehydr apples 3 feet tall and 1 feet wide every season.
This is the same way for vegetables and Indians were really used to it but bye time the seasonally vegetables nd fruits are being available for all seasons and people forget these ideas 😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
We used to do this in Kashmir in my grandparents’s times as there would be a prolonged winter and the roads closed due to heavy snow. Ppl used to dry veggies and fruits during summer so that they could have them during winter.
The skin tastes just like the flesh, it's just got an icky texture. If you're drying it out (or blending it up) anyway, there's not much point in being precious about it though, the texture is mostly just bad in context.
I love your videos, I feel like they’re gonna come in handy one day and I actually like the idea of using these tips for a survival pack in my car since I’m in a very snowy area
If I had my own house or apartment I’d do so many things .. foe years I’ve saved videos and ideas to try out .. recently houses skyrocketed in price ,guess I’ll die in a trailer .
I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat, or trailer, as it were. And although I'm grateful to have somewhere to live, it will never be the same as owning a nice house, on your own land. We must keep the faith though. We just never know what the future has in store for us! 🤗🤗
@@EvolvingDaily65Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. 🙁 I've been there... Wishing you all the best, but you are doing the right thing by getting out, if it's that bad. Please be safe! It's hard out there.
P.S. guess all those comments dogging you about how using an oven to dehydrate was a waste of electricity and cost more than buying dehydrated fruit got to ya. Well good for you getting something nice that you'd use. I woulda just said "F* 'em!" though. 😋 😜👍
They say you should drink a lot of water throughout the day, but most of that liquid should be from your diet. I eat fruit because the water in them keeps me hydrated
If you get 6 mil bags and an impulse sealer, you can make boil in bag oatmeal ready to go for backpacking for a fraction of the cost of the commercial backpackers meals. (Don't use steel cut or old fashioned oats - use quick cooking or instant oats). Throw these fruits into the bag before you seal them, maybe a spoonful of brown sugar or carry a flexible, collapsible flask of honey in your mess kit.
How about no sugar and just the oats with the fruit lol you sugar junkies always have to make everything sweet because you can't fight the cravings like little junkies
This was really cool! I keep meaning to get into doing this! How much better does this taste versus store bought??? Oh my goodness!! I would also like to start making my own dried dinners. Can you dry a chili Mac type dinner in your food dehydrator or would you still have to use the oven for that? Thanks so much and again, I really appreciate your no bulls$&@ approach! Take care. NQU
Nice video. My kids all love dried bananas. For years I’d fill gallon jars with them. They didn’t last long (5 kids). Now they dry their own for their kids. Pineapple is good too cos no sugar added.
Next tool to get is a mandolin, it really helps in getting perfectly even cuts. I highly recommend the benriner, it has a big screw that lets you dial in the height of the blade by milimeters. It’s how I’m able to make perfect looking ratatouilles.
@@SmartyPoohBear you'd need a freeze dryer for that. Dehydrating doesn't get rid of all the liquid contents of the foods. Freeze drying certainly makes for a more palettable flavour amd texture though
I have a little question does dehydrating fruits also increase their preservation and if yes then how much ❓ and also if I want a fruit powder then blending this dehydrated fruits will work for me ❓ and also what about thier nutritional values are they affected by this process ❓ sorry to ask this silly questions bcos I am a beginner in cooking 😅
Yes, removing moisture from basically anything will increase the preservation. I'm not sure exactly how long, but if you seal them and store them properly they can last for at least weeks if not months. Yes, blending something that is completely dry will give you a powder, not sure if it'll taste good. I think the vitamin C content might decrease appreciably but in general the nutritional profile is pretty much the same.
@@hamzerpanzer thankx buddy and would I get same flavour consistency like original fruit ❓ or it will decrease actually i want a fruit flavoured protein shake and I have tried blending fruits with protein and that's works fine but i was wondering how to make flavour more stronger so I came across this idea of blending this dehydrated fruits into powder and then mixing it to my shake 🤔 .
These are great for cooking, if you're camping put maybe some of the apple slices on a stew or any solid fruit on a tea ans they're gonna make them pretty tasty. If avoid doing anything to the bananas apart from eating them straight away tho
My sister used hers 80 hours a week and it blew up. She now has a commercial one. She has what was a small fruit orchard. Plums and apples galore as well as hazelnuts and a few nectarines and one apricot tree
as you say,,it loosess 80 percent of its weight,,,so how much nutrional value does it looses,,or particulary which mineral or vitamins does it loosess due to heat..please reply,,if you or anyone knows the answer.
Pro tip: kiwis are not good for you. They are extremely high in oxalates which chelate minerals from your body extremely strongly and cause any number of problems and it's considered a neurotoxin due to its ability to throw off the ion balance of the cell. Kiwis contain raphide crystals made from calcium oxalate and they can penetrate 2 cells deep in your tissues which causes a cascade of inflammation and damage. Example: The reason why the Dieffenbachia plant (a common house plant) is poisonous is because of the calcium oxalate raphide crystals that shoot out like arrows when you ingest the sap or the leaf and it causes your throat and mouth to swell and get all raw from just the physical abrasion of the crystals against your cells. It's a similar mechanism in kiwis though not quite as severe, so just stick to your bananas, apples, blueberries, melons, peaches, seedless grapes, and oranges.
Ok in my home land kashmir we dry cegitables and some pears it is a food we use to eat a lot in past due to harsh winters but nowadays its a treat thing . (Hukh shyuu.)
I usually don’t dehydrate my kiwi that long and the texture is like that of an orange slice candy. Same with pineapple . My two favorite dehydrated fruits
That looked like the Ron Popeil food dehydrator from those infomercials back in the 90's lol I remember wanting one as a kid just to make those fruit roll-ups that he advertised. 😆
Mangoes would be awesome in a dehydrator.
the store bought dried mangoes always have added crap on em
@dre009 which is crazy because theyre already sweet enough.
my friend's mom made fruit leather with just mashed up mango pieces and it was amazing like fruit jerky
The dried mango I get from Costco is great. There is some added sugar but it's not overly sweet like candy as some other brands I've had. Very natural tasting as well because the ingredients are only mango, sugar, citric acid, and sodium metabisulfite (preservative). Tropical Fields is the brand.
I think they might just weirdly assume it’s not sweet enough for the average sugar junkie, like myself
Lol "you know what this sweet fruit needs? _Some granulated sugar_ "
Kiwi looked like a prehistoric fossil of the first organisms with spine.
I have no idea why I laughed so hard.
Founding titan
Haha thought same. I said "that looks like a terrifying deep sea creature found by James Cameron in a submarine.
it looked like something else to me 💀
Tip, don’t do this in a closed room if you’re drying any kind of peppers or chilies. Learned that in a very hard way
Why what happened
@@MCee97 He died
@@MCee97nature’s tear gas
Made my own trail mix, add a little cinnamon on the apples before dehydrating. Zac seal the bags, last forever
wow nice tip on spicing up the apples😮💕love cinnamon
Whose Zac? And how does he seal the bags so well?
No no, no flavour allowed round these parts. We eat our kiwis with the skin on dang it!
@@fbgmerk8178came here to say this😂😂😂
@@fbgmerk8178ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm😊 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 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Tip: dip the sliced fruit in lemon juice to stop them from browning too much before putting them in the dehydrator.
Tip: eat fresh fruits. Don't kill them.😊
@@santosh34556 Don't be passive aggressive, everyone likes to eat fruit in different ways.
@@_Just_Another_Guy no
I'm just waiting for the guy on the honey comment to show up and say that citrus and water will eviscerate your eardrums or something.
@@ricebeansrockroll882ayurveda says heating honey is not good for you. That is all. Cheers.
As a chef... what you need to do. Is add a little honey to some warm water. Dip your fruit into the water before you dehydrate them. This will add a little more flavor as they are drying. This way your kiwis will not be so bitter or sour.
Bad idea. Maple syrup is a good option cause honey in warm water with fruits dipped into it and when fruits go into dehydrater with honey it makes fruits toxic. It shouldnt be used in baking or cooking too.
@@skss1212Who told you that?
@@skss1212 this is not true
@@Conzor563it is truth. If you don't believe, it's your choice. Cheers.
@@skss1212 it is not truth. If you believe it you're wrong
I didn't know you had an indoors 😂 what a change of scenery!
That’s true 😊!
What a kind way to say you thought he was homeless lmfao
LOL - that's how my sisters reacted when I got a place with all the amenities.
@@robbobthecorncobjriii8195 ; Oh no, was too classy and organized for that; and he is always clean and fresh for the video's.
@@Karamell24 do you shop at GAP?
100% better than the store bought... 😋
These will have no additives!
Thank you!
Thank you for demonstating how to do this, including the temperature and the amount of time.
Great.👍 didn't know that machine like this exist for dehydration😮. We in india make many varietiey of chips like this, but for dehydration we just put the food in hot sun for few days. There is a banana called 'Nenthiram'. I don't know it's english name, we should cut it into small pieces and can directly deep fry into oil, no need for dehydration and its tastes good.👍
Me too.
I didn't know.
Now by the fact they exist how much they cost and where to buy it. 🤔💭
Banana chips?
These machines generally aren't terribly expensive, and they're especially useful because they minimize risk of insects getting to the food and make dehydration simple even in places and times where it's colder or damper.
They use a fan and a heating element to move warmed air across the food.
I watch your videos to help me relax. Your voice calms my anxiety
Busca de Cristo Jesús ¡El puede quitar todas tus cargas! ¡Mucho amor desde el Caribe!❤
Despite studying Physics diligently for two years I have never gained the confidence that im getting watching this amazing series. You are making every concept crystal clear. I believe that I may get incredible score in Neet 2024 with help of urs. May God showers all his blessings upon u Sir and ur loved ones. You will always be in my prayers.
Try pears. They're my fave! Chewy and great flavour
What kind?
Eh ma non vale con l'apparecchio sono bravi tutti a farlo😂
Heyyyyy !!! You should definitely try pears with peanut butter ;) you will love it
I'm will be purchasing a dehydrator soon. Thank you for sharing this video. 😊
Hi, can yoi tell me the name of the dehydrator? And where can I purchase it?
U can give sunlight to ur fruits🍍🍎🍓🍇 for 5 or 6 days..... It will naturally dehydrate
Please purchase two, one for you and the other one for me 😊.
I got mine from the local thrift store. They work great for fruit and deer jerky. 👍.
I am from India want to tell some people who are blessed with nature they have fertile soil and all the natural things we need to survive infact more than that we use and remained exported to the country who have used and takes benefits most out of it people who have everything don't know what to do but when the thing is we can use every part of the fruits like peel and remained stuff can be use to make fertiliser we should not waste at all a single piece of vegetables thank you
You spoke my heart out my fellow countryman. Thanks
Also sun drying is a natural way to dehydrate so fruits don't lose its potency. In dehydrater fruits lose mostly all rich nutrients.
Fuck that looks so good. Both before and after. I love fruit.
Dehydrated cantaloupe is amazing!
👍 Wonderful fruits show you have brought up. We like such fruits. Thank you very much for sharing.
luv your vids & tips look forward to many more thankyou♥️♥️🎶🎶😁
My man even got the honey crisp apples!
Got one of these dryer for my dog, drying liver, lung and other stuff, great thing!
my grandma used to dehydrate apples on hotbed of furnace in her house as long as i remember her. 0$ for electricity bills plus it cooked much faster (natural fire heat). dad was bringing huge bags full of dehydr apples 3 feet tall and 1 feet wide every season.
Grandmother's are the Best - G.O.A.T. ❤
What is a hotbed furnace?
This is the same way for vegetables and Indians were really used to it but bye time the seasonally vegetables nd fruits are being available for all seasons and people forget these ideas 😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I love this. NOW I'm just wondering if dehydration removes any nutrition from the foods. 🤔 I'm going to look into now!
Great question!💥🎓🏆
I love your content. Keep it coming.
I appreciate and really enjoy this channel. Found you a week or so ago. Yep. This is just my kind of channel.
We use sun to make them dry in Thailand. You should try mango❤
Love this! Great idea! ❤❤
Man dehydrating fruits god else what I have to see😂
We used to do this in Kashmir in my grandparents’s times as there would be a prolonged winter and the roads closed due to heavy snow. Ppl used to dry veggies and fruits during summer so that they could have them during winter.
Golden kiwis have less fuzz and thinner skin! Try those instead :) it’s also much sweeter!
I loooove dried apples! I haven't eaten them in years! My mom made them for hikes ❤
Here in New Zealand we don’t ever eat the skin of the kiwi fruit 🥝 we cut it in half and eat each half with a spoon 🥄 it is way better and yummy
Here in America too 😂
you didd not hear him? he left the skin for health benifits.
And here in New Zealand we know exactly how much they’re sprayed with toxins. Never eat the kiwifruit skin folks
Its very cheap in nz,
The skin tastes just like the flesh, it's just got an icky texture. If you're drying it out (or blending it up) anyway, there's not much point in being precious about it though, the texture is mostly just bad in context.
So would all the vitamins still be in or they get dehydrated as well 😅
the kiwi's turn out like sour gummies, my daughter loves them
Do you leave the skin in? If so, does it irritate your mouth or throat?
@@DaysOfSodaAndLantana No I peel them, I've never tried the skin honestly
I love your videos, I feel like they’re gonna come in handy one day and I actually like the idea of using these tips for a survival pack in my car since I’m in a very snowy area
If I had my own house or apartment I’d do so many things .. foe years I’ve saved videos and ideas to try out .. recently houses skyrocketed in price ,guess I’ll die in a trailer .
You can get a small dehydrator? Don’t give up.
I am about to move into my SUV to leave a horrible marriage.
I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat, or trailer, as it were. And although I'm grateful to have somewhere to live, it will never be the same as owning a nice house, on your own land.
We must keep the faith though. We just never know what the future has in store for us! 🤗🤗
@@EvolvingDaily65Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. 🙁 I've been there... Wishing you all the best, but you are doing the right thing by getting out, if it's that bad. Please be safe! It's hard out there.
Try looking into maybe second hand or Wal-Mart
Move to the country
Aww man! That looks just like the dehydrator my dad used to use when I was a little kid like 30 to 35 years ago! 🎶Meeeeemowiiiiies🎶 😹
P.S. guess all those comments dogging you about how using an oven to dehydrate was a waste of electricity and cost more than buying dehydrated fruit got to ya. Well good for you getting something nice that you'd use. I woulda just said "F* 'em!" though. 😋 😜👍
They say you should drink a lot of water throughout the day, but most of that liquid should be from your diet. I eat fruit because the water in them keeps me hydrated
Simplemente espectacular😁🔥🔥🔥💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💯👌🏼
If you get 6 mil bags and an impulse sealer, you can make boil in bag oatmeal ready to go for backpacking for a fraction of the cost of the commercial backpackers meals. (Don't use steel cut or old fashioned oats - use quick cooking or instant oats).
Throw these fruits into the bag before you seal them, maybe a spoonful of brown sugar or carry a flexible, collapsible flask of honey in your mess kit.
Will remember for when I finally go camping this year ……
Awesome idea!
How about no sugar and just the oats with the fruit lol you sugar junkies always have to make everything sweet because you can't fight the cravings like little junkies
Dehydrated bananas are straight up candy. The best!
I eat kiwis with the skin on. It gives the kiwis that sour flavor you mentioned, but the skin also has a lot of insoluble fiber.
Also easier to eat it that way 😂
If soneone makes a device that rubs off kiwi hair perfectly, theyd be a millionaire @@yipperdeyip
how are you real
Huh? Kiwis are always tart without the skin.
You have never eaten a Kiwi, skinned or otherwise. That is a Kiwi FRUIT.
This was really cool! I keep meaning to get into doing this! How much better does this taste versus store bought??? Oh my goodness!!
I would also like to start making my own dried dinners. Can you dry a chili Mac type dinner in your food dehydrator or would you still have to use the oven for that?
Thanks so much and again, I really appreciate your no bulls$&@ approach!
Take care. NQU
Mangos are the best, i wait for a sale and buy a bunch
In India this is very popular, esp. raw & ripe mangoes, often coated with sugar & eaten with black salt.
Reduce the weight but increase the sugars :) love love dehydrated fruit ❤
Nice video. My kids all love dried bananas. For years I’d fill gallon jars with them. They didn’t last long (5 kids). Now they dry their own for their kids. Pineapple is good too cos no sugar added.
How did u dry them,
Next tool to get is a mandolin, it really helps in getting perfectly even cuts. I highly recommend the benriner, it has a big screw that lets you dial in the height of the blade by milimeters. It’s how I’m able to make perfect looking ratatouilles.
I have peach trees and have been dehydrating my peaches. They are a delicious snack!
They sound like poker chips 💀
Haha, edible poker chips sounds like a fun thing to bet with.
Software sounds 😂😂... Not original
11 hours. That’s a long time to wait, but it all looks yummy 😋
Soak your fruit in lemon juice for a few mins before dehydrating them and it'll keep your fruit from turning brown.
I never knew I wanted dehydrated kiwi until now.
Try some figs too! They're awesome🤤
my mom does this for sweet potatoes, beets and carrots
Nice 👍🏽 Good Idea, thanks!
Before dehydrating will she boil it? After dehydrating what all dishes she will cook with it ?
Really awesome snacks dehydrated fruits
Why make it useless? Dehydration making it Lose the purpose of eating fruits?
Dehydrated apple and mango are wow berries also so yummy taste
Papaya and pineapple dehydrated is top shelf.
I love your channel
If you showed me a dehydrated kiwi as a snack in person i would cry in anguish because those things are meant to be eaten wet
😂 I would cry in anguish that those fuzzy hairs would be in my mouth 😮 I am a kiwi so I can say that 😂
That’s what she said 😅
You can rehydrate them later
Eh, who knows, maybe a crispy, chip-y texture would make the skin more palatable.
@@SmartyPoohBear you'd need a freeze dryer for that. Dehydrating doesn't get rid of all the liquid contents of the foods. Freeze drying certainly makes for a more palettable flavour amd texture though
Yellow kiwi fruit are sweeter than the green ones.
Try fuyu persimmons. Roll a pecan half in a slice. Incredible flavor combo. (You’re welcome.)
I have a little question does dehydrating fruits also increase their preservation and if yes then how much ❓ and also if I want a fruit powder then blending this dehydrated fruits will work for me ❓ and also what about thier nutritional values are they affected by this process ❓ sorry to ask this silly questions bcos I am a beginner in cooking 😅
Not silly questions, those are fundamental questions to understand better the whole matter. I have the same questions
Yes, removing moisture from basically anything will increase the preservation. I'm not sure exactly how long, but if you seal them and store them properly they can last for at least weeks if not months. Yes, blending something that is completely dry will give you a powder, not sure if it'll taste good. I think the vitamin C content might decrease appreciably but in general the nutritional profile is pretty much the same.
@@hamzerpanzer thankx buddy and would I get same flavour consistency like original fruit ❓ or it will decrease actually i want a fruit flavoured protein shake and I have tried blending fruits with protein and that's works fine but i was wondering how to make flavour more stronger so I came across this idea of blending this dehydrated fruits into powder and then mixing it to my shake 🤔 .
These are great for cooking, if you're camping put maybe some of the apple slices on a stew or any solid fruit on a tea ans they're gonna make them pretty tasty. If avoid doing anything to the bananas apart from eating them straight away tho
What's the point of dehydrating fruits......Any health benefits ?
My sister used hers 80 hours a week and it blew up. She now has a commercial one. She has what was a small fruit orchard. Plums and apples galore as well as hazelnuts and a few nectarines and one apricot tree
Throw a little bit of cinnamon on those bananas and apples before they dehydrate, adds a delicious pop of flavor
My favorite also banana🍌
How long will this last? Would this be a good storable food? Looks great!
Yes. Well sealed will last a long time!
as you say,,it loosess 80 percent of its weight,,,so how much nutrional value does it looses,,or particulary which mineral or vitamins does it loosess due to heat..please reply,,if you or anyone knows the answer.
I wanna know too
Fun fact! If you rub kiwi on your shirt or with a cloth DRY the hairs come off
and stay on your clothes.
Thanks for the tip! 👍🏽🥝
@@aididdat1749 Better than on your tongue.
Try bananna spears, they retain a bit more moisture than thin slices, but because of that they're really chewwy and good, kinda fruit leatherish
How do you like them apples?
I saw that!🧐
I love your dehydrator where did you get it at? At how much did it cost?
If we are using an oven, how long and what temperature would you suggest?
Lowest temp, maybe 180F. Probably 6 -8 hours or so. A lot depends on air circulation, how thick or thin.
@@markb8954 who tf can afford to leave the oven on for 6-8hrs just for some dried up crispy ass fruit man
Sooo which one is better a dehydrator or feez dryer?????
Ever put a whole banana in there?
in his ass? wtf man why would you ask that?! That's gross bro
In w-where?
Use dehydrator for 12 hours... Ask the Asian and African countries to use less coal and protect the environment
Govt ko bhi bol
Good point
A mandolin for firmer fruits would be super helpful for thin slices.
Pro tip: kiwis are not good for you. They are extremely high in oxalates which chelate minerals from your body extremely strongly and cause any number of problems and it's considered a neurotoxin due to its ability to throw off the ion balance of the cell. Kiwis contain raphide crystals made from calcium oxalate and they can penetrate 2 cells deep in your tissues which causes a cascade of inflammation and damage. Example: The reason why the Dieffenbachia plant (a common house plant) is poisonous is because of the calcium oxalate raphide crystals that shoot out like arrows when you ingest the sap or the leaf and it causes your throat and mouth to swell and get all raw from just the physical abrasion of the crystals against your cells. It's a similar mechanism in kiwis though not quite as severe, so just stick to your bananas, apples, blueberries, melons, peaches, seedless grapes, and oranges.
Thank you as most of us did not know this!
But they are delicious 🥝
I find putting different fruit in makes them all taste kind of funky. Just do one type at a time
Very cool 😎 . I want to try it to nice for on Yogurt and cake
Ok in my home land kashmir we dry cegitables and some pears it is a food we use to eat a lot in past due to harsh winters but nowadays its a treat thing . (Hukh shyuu.)
Hey please try cucumber its 90% water plzzzzz...
After dehydrated do they still have nutritional value.
Most don’t realize their toaster oven has a dehydrator. Don’t buy plastic ones ☠️
god these would be delicious. imagine the crunch.
I usually don’t dehydrate my kiwi that long and the texture is like that of an orange slice candy. Same with pineapple . My two favorite dehydrated fruits
What brand of dehydrator do you have?
I have plums about 4 YEARS old and still good. Dehydrator and some silica packs. NO salt or sugar. Still fine. I eat some more every few months
That's a cool dehydrator where did you get that?
Хорошая идея!
I like it. 👍💪🙏
they look inedible
If u rotate you're trays every hour or so helps reduce a lil time. I do allot of pork and chicken. A lil fruit.
That looked like the Ron Popeil food dehydrator from those infomercials back in the 90's lol I remember wanting one as a kid just to make those fruit roll-ups that he advertised. 😆