the funniest thing for me is how jogo really thought his maximum technique would hit sukuna. meanwhile sukuna had time to go down to where its gonna land just to fuck with some random collaterals
I love how it seems like the Animators felt like they couldn't animate the episode properly in time if they had forcused on the detailing, so they went "F*ck it!" And played into the lack of detail, minimalizing it except for a few certain moments, in order to emphasize the absolute chaos, carnage and destruction that was in the episode, and I F*cking LOVED IT!
@@muneebhaider2286that was the worst thing about the disaster curse fights. Excluding Mahito none of them really get fair match ups so everyone glazes and high balls Mahito above the other curses but we never get to see them properly go all out. They look weak and slow because people are cheesing them or are so OP they straight up ignore any attack or damage dealt by their abilities not because Mahito is just “better”. They either get fodder or are treated like fodder by a top tier with some broken abilities.
i gotta say, jogo's determination to keep going on even if he knows that he couldn't win was so fucking admirable. bro knew he couldn't win and yet he still went on. probably one of my favorite curses
i think it would have been cool if the jogo sukuna talk at the end happened inside sukuna's domain, and that tips jogo off as to how sukuna has different CT's, with his last words being "so that was your secret" or something along those lines, and then it cuts to him being burnt to a crisp.
Contrasting how Gojo spoke to Jogo at the end of their fight vs. how Sukuna talked to Jogo was really cool to see. The idea that the Sukuna/Jogo whiteout scene being manifestation of his dying mind- is interesting. But it’s too on par with Sukuna’s character for me to believe it not to be real. It could be wish fulfillment on Jogo’s part for sure, but Sukuna does this. He values strength and whetting steel with steel- his only care being to throw his strength at everything and everyone and see what happens. And for him to say Jogo was not bad, at least entertaining, really shows how the slightest attention from a god-like being who values only strength- would make a villain like Jogo cry of (happiness? Pride?). Great video. I can’t wait to see more!!
nah the dream sequence is real, sukuna does this all the time for some reason, normally does it when he defeats someone, he finds strong, but he only does this sometimes.
Yeah it very much could be but a couple things seemed abit off to me Like the fact that jogo, even whilst sacrificing himself for a greater goal clearly wanted some affirmation of himself as an individual so the whole "stand proud" moment could've just been something entierly fake that he enviosioned before passing. There's a couple other minor stuff like sukuna using gojo as a metric of "strength" which isn't really incharacter of him to do so but makes sense for jogo's mind to make that up as he's faced gojo before and for a long time his mind saw him as the peak of strength itself.
@@Mugen01 if you haven't read the manga, it's slightly explained what happened here, as sukuna himself explains it, to a character he kills in the manga, although sukuna acts heartless he explained his ideology and it makes this weird scene make more sense, as he does this same thing to another character.
@@thyentity6295 honestly nothing is confirmed since in this scene jogo was already presumably dead and this was all in his head. It's upto the viewer how to hey want to interpret it
Finally someone gave jogo my beloved props for his performance in this fight. Even though he got destroyed he got to properly display his power once before he died
My favorite part of the fight was when the Jogoat looked to Sukuna and said,"You are Strong" had me crying just as hard as Sukuna. Especially the pan-out to Sukuna's burnt corpse afterwards gave me chiils.
There is a theory that what Jogo saw was a sort of "false memory"/"wish fufillment" unintentionaly created by Yuuji/Yuuji's body, similar to when Todo saw a flashback of sorts with Yuuji as his best friend in school.
I believe so too. The fact that he complimented Gojo the same and also with Kashimo, he's just that type of guy that respects strong opponents even if he kills them.
@@chunchun1984 so far we only see sukuna respect gojo,the others were dreaming that sukuna respected them when in reality sukuna probably didn’t give two shits about them
@@pokeystar101 Toji would have a thought time without the inverted spear of heaven tho, still, I would say it would be a pretty even fight, 65% Jogo, 35% Toji I would say, tho i do believe that Toji could defeat Jogo easily if he could PLAN for it, but not if he just jumps into it
Well, sukuna is fast enough to speed blitz jogo (at 15 fingers) and we know that toji is faster than 3 finger sukuna. Geto says jogo is as strong as 8-9 finger sukuna while being GENEROUS so in reality he'd probably be 5-7 so jogo and toji would probably be around the same level of speed, but they aren't. Dagon says toji might be faster than jogo, which he is (but not fast enough to speed blitz him like sukuna can) so yes, toji is a bit faster than jogo. But I can see Jogo creating distance like what he did with sukuna in this episode, creating a field of lava. I simply don't see toji being able to do much against the destructive capabilities of jogos cursed technique
This episode clearly showed that after Gojo being sealed, if Sukuna wasn’t here, Jogo would have smoked everyone else in the area easily. Instead he gets wrecked
i just realized that sukuna literally always does a dream sequence when he kills somebody. gojos sequence was the only one of the 3 that didnt have sukuna appear in it though
@@hyjjjkyikk3158you making it up in your headcanon doesn't make it canon XD Especially when we have 3 instances of deaths giving this type of interaction
i personally think that the dream with sukuna jogo had WAS real as we see that sukuna holds a sort of leaning up pose and we see him holding that same pose in the real world, and in context of the story it makes sense, MAJOR SPOILER WARNING IF U HAVENT SEEN THE MANGA YET, but he does the same for gojo and respects him for how strong he is, he may give a dam about anyone but he atleast has the courage to be respectful and can notice true strength
it pains me so much to see such beautiful hard work of these animators being degraded by absolute illiterate monkeys on twitter who are comparing it to a fanmade animation when they dont even know what animation is. It pissed me off that they dont even have a single clue about animation and are ditching the episode for its animation sometimes i just think sukuna killing everything that ticks him off the slightest is nice
For the people saying ''sukuna isnt the 2nd strongest hes the strongest'' 15 finger sukuna is weaker than gojo if its 20 finger sukuna of course hes the strongest
Notice the first fights with jogo that made him look weak and the first fights with sukuna so sukuna vs the special grade the one with megumi and jogo held his own against a 15 finger sukuna but that other special grade got cooked so at this point i think if jogo vs hakari happen jogo clears medium diff.
I felt for Jogo. The guy only purpose was to be power escalate the two big boys, that is just wrong in my opinion. This episode was really amazing, with a very powerful and dynamic animation.
Haruta needs to go 😂 from season one I knew he was going to be annoying By the way i love how sukuna uses just straight up hands the whole fight not a cleave or dismantle
I think that Jogo dream where Sukuna said stand proud is real Cuz (Spoiler) Sukuna did same with Kashimo where he talk to him when he was death and teach him about love, Sukuna always did to strong opponent that give me a good fight, We Know Sukuna respect Strong, Even he said to Gojo "i will never forget about you"
@@hyjjjkyikk3158 Dreaming and learn what is love and why only with sukuna people dream either meeting there friends or learning something from sukuna so I don't think it is Dream as sukuna the strongest need to satisfied those who are weaker than them
the funniest thing for me is how jogo really thought his maximum technique would hit sukuna. meanwhile sukuna had time to go down to where its gonna land just to fuck with some random collaterals
I love how it seems like the Animators felt like they couldn't animate the episode properly in time if they had forcused on the detailing, so they went "F*ck it!" And played into the lack of detail, minimalizing it except for a few certain moments, in order to emphasize the absolute chaos, carnage and destruction that was in the episode, and I F*cking LOVED IT!
Jogo ain’t weak, he’s just always fighting strong people
Gojo and sukuna for example
not for example, they are the only ones he fought bro didnt get a single fair match
@@muneebhaider2286that was the worst thing about the disaster curse fights. Excluding Mahito none of them really get fair match ups so everyone glazes and high balls Mahito above the other curses but we never get to see them properly go all out. They look weak and slow because people are cheesing them or are so OP they straight up ignore any attack or damage dealt by their abilities not because Mahito is just “better”. They either get fodder or are treated like fodder by a top tier with some broken abilities.
Jogo is by far the strongest disaster curse
@Dalauan_Sparrow yup
Mahito would have taken that spot but he didn't live long enough
strong is not the right word the pinacle of the verse is more of it 1 and 2 are very close but 3 is leaps and bounds and miles away lol
Jogo gave it his all and was ragdolled. But Sukuna was at least complementing him
@joshuamartinezjr7091 uhh yeah 😅
who's gonna tell em@joshuamartinezjr7091
tbh jogo got hoed he got put up against the 2 most broken characters R.I.P jogo
i gotta say, jogo's determination to keep going on even if he knows that he couldn't win was so fucking admirable. bro knew he couldn't win and yet he still went on. probably one of my favorite curses
i think it would have been cool if the jogo sukuna talk at the end happened inside sukuna's domain, and that tips jogo off as to how sukuna has different CT's, with his last words being "so that was your secret" or something along those lines, and then it cuts to him being burnt to a crisp.
Well Jogo wasn't ever trying to win, but only land a hit, regardless of fatal or a scratch, may be that's what led him to gain some confidence
@AryanSingh-yy9mw yah
He knew before the start he cannot win
But a single hit? Not even needing to do damage? Sure its possible right? Wrong
@@blu3d3vil97 A hit's a hit, do you think him landing a puch on Sukuna would do a shit? But would it still count as hit? Sure
Contrasting how Gojo spoke to Jogo at the end of their fight vs. how Sukuna talked to Jogo was really cool to see. The idea that the Sukuna/Jogo whiteout scene being manifestation of his dying mind- is interesting. But it’s too on par with Sukuna’s character for me to believe it not to be real. It could be wish fulfillment on Jogo’s part for sure, but Sukuna does this. He values strength and whetting steel with steel- his only care being to throw his strength at everything and everyone and see what happens. And for him to say Jogo was not bad, at least entertaining, really shows how the slightest attention from a god-like being who values only strength- would make a villain like Jogo cry of (happiness? Pride?).
Great video. I can’t wait to see more!!
nah the dream sequence is real, sukuna does this all the time for some reason, normally does it when he defeats someone, he finds strong, but he only does this sometimes.
Yeah it very much could be but a couple things seemed abit off to me Like the fact that jogo, even whilst sacrificing himself for a greater goal clearly wanted some affirmation of himself as an individual so the whole "stand proud" moment could've just been something entierly fake that he enviosioned before passing. There's a couple other minor stuff like sukuna using gojo as a metric of "strength" which isn't really incharacter of him to do so but makes sense for jogo's mind to make that up as he's faced gojo before and for a long time his mind saw him as the peak of strength itself.
@@Mugen01 if you haven't read the manga, it's slightly explained what happened here, as sukuna himself explains it, to a character he kills in the manga, although sukuna acts heartless he explained his ideology and it makes this weird scene make more sense, as he does this same thing to another character.
@@thyentity6295 honestly nothing is confirmed since in this scene jogo was already presumably dead and this was all in his head. It's upto the viewer how to hey want to interpret it
Finally someone gave jogo my beloved props for his performance in this fight. Even though he got destroyed he got to properly display his power once before he died
Sukuna is not fully a curse. Also, Sukuna IS the strongest in the verse. Those who know, know
I guess he was trying to say that at this this point in the story, Sukuna is the second strongest.
He might've meant that 15F Sukuna isn't the strongest.
@@kalynemesquita7157most likely
That's how i interpreted it
15F Sukuna is NOT the strongest in the verse. If you read the manga, you read the manga.
My favorite part of the fight was when the Jogoat looked to Sukuna and said,"You are Strong" had me crying just as hard as Sukuna. Especially the pan-out to Sukuna's burnt corpse afterwards gave me chiils.
You meant Jogo?
@@ZyrusTyrax naw, the JOGOAT
Yeah JJK always and will be my favorite anime.
I do appreciate Sukuna actually telling him that he is strong. The only one to do so
There is a theory that what Jogo saw was a sort of "false memory"/"wish fufillment" unintentionaly created by Yuuji/Yuuji's body, similar to when Todo saw a flashback of sorts with Yuuji as his best friend in school.
@@PS3PCDJI don’t think that theory holds anymore because of another scene in the manga
@@PS3PCDJits just fans making headcanon
We saw multiple instances of post/during death moments like this already
@@PS3PCDJnope, gege stated that it's not a false memory by yuji. Sukuna really compliment jogo for being strong
Sukuna being the 2nd strongest in the Verse....
We are still coping one month later?
Right 😂😂
anime onlys shouldnt get spoiled >:)
Also i guess 15 finger is weaker than gojo so it is what it is
Probably should of specified lmao. I was reffering to this version of sukuna (15 fingers)
@@Mugen01 he still Has only 15 during his fight with gojo
Calling sukuna the second strongest is funny af😂
Lmao at this point in the story he's in that second place
He's talking at this point in the Story💀
to be fair sukuna IS the second strongest in the verse in the current manga too... just not to someone with white hair
@@ominarousum no
Atp he is the absolute strongest
@@ominarous Bruv TF you on about?
you really just tried to hoe jogo with that part about him imagining sukuna at the end. sukuna was legit there and talkn my guy.
I believe so too. The fact that he complimented Gojo the same and also with Kashimo, he's just that type of guy that respects strong opponents even if he kills them.
@@chunchun1984 so far we only see sukuna respect gojo,the others were dreaming that sukuna respected them when in reality sukuna probably didn’t give two shits about them
Jogoat is mad strong ngl, if it weren’t for Gojo or Sukuna, who the fuck was gonna stop him?!
Currently in the anime, probably no one besides maybe Yuta, but in the manga i think there's some strong people(not that i've read it)
yuta and kenjaku could but only yuta would be able to.
@@pokeystar101 Toji would have a thought time without the inverted spear of heaven tho, still, I would say it would be a pretty even fight, 65% Jogo, 35% Toji I would say, tho i do believe that Toji could defeat Jogo easily if he could PLAN for it, but not if he just jumps into it
Well, sukuna is fast enough to speed blitz jogo (at 15 fingers) and we know that toji is faster than 3 finger sukuna. Geto says jogo is as strong as 8-9 finger sukuna while being GENEROUS so in reality he'd probably be 5-7 so jogo and toji would probably be around the same level of speed, but they aren't. Dagon says toji might be faster than jogo, which he is (but not fast enough to speed blitz him like sukuna can) so yes, toji is a bit faster than jogo. But I can see Jogo creating distance like what he did with sukuna in this episode, creating a field of lava. I simply don't see toji being able to do much against the destructive capabilities of jogos cursed technique
Sukuna drips aura like holy shit just watching him tear shit up smiling is so hype
your footage is so clean, where did you source from?
2nd strongest? Now now, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
At the moment he is firmly in that second place. Obviously things will change once he gets to that 20 finger stage.
Sukuna troll face was terrifying
This episode clearly showed that after Gojo being sealed, if Sukuna wasn’t here, Jogo would have smoked everyone else in the area easily. Instead he gets wrecked
On a side note, who tf was gonna beat Jogo with Sukuna and Gojo out of the picture?
Toji or yuki if he met toji or stayed untill yuki
Otherwise every shibuiya character that would've fought against Jogo dies
Jogo has to be the cursed spirit of fire and bad luck cause his fight record makes zero sense. Man didn't even get to catch a proper W
i just realized that sukuna literally always does a dream sequence when he kills somebody. gojos sequence was the only one of the 3 that didnt have sukuna appear in it though
Sukuna have never praised them or answered their questions.they all just made it up in their heads
@@hyjjjkyikk3158you making it up in your headcanon doesn't make it canon XD
Especially when we have 3 instances of deaths giving this type of interaction
Jogo is really a top 8 character in terms of strength. Just unlucky to measure against the two goats
i personally think that the dream with sukuna jogo had WAS real as we see that sukuna holds a sort of leaning up pose and we see him holding that same pose in the real world, and in context of the story it makes sense, MAJOR SPOILER WARNING IF U HAVENT SEEN THE MANGA YET, but he does the same for gojo and respects him for how strong he is, he may give a dam about anyone but he atleast has the courage to be respectful and can notice true strength
it pains me so much to see such beautiful hard work of these animators being degraded by absolute illiterate monkeys on twitter who are comparing it to a fanmade animation when they dont even know what animation is. It pissed me off that they dont even have a single clue about animation and are ditching the episode for its animation sometimes i just think sukuna killing everything that ticks him off the slightest is nice
The inner monologue is real
2:14 Bro what Jogo vs Toji is really REALLY close, I saw a vid on the fight and its like a 50/50
Bro Did not just call Sukuna the second strongest in the verse... the amount of cope is just crazy lmao
Didn't specify but I meant at this point in the story.
cope kid
Chat is this mob pshyco
same director as mob psycho (specifcally the season 2 episode 11 fight)
@@hirochi0362 that one guy with his eyes closed vs everyone right
@@22.d.inventor15 yeah that one
Gege fumbled not letting yuta fight Jogoat one time (I want more yuta highlights)
I don't know if this is the right place, but if anyone needs a graphic designer for their business, pls hit me up
They did right by jogo in anime, he goes out like a punk on manga
always bigger fish my boi
2nd strongest? Boy you aren't ready😂😂
For the people saying ''sukuna isnt the 2nd strongest hes the strongest'' 15 finger sukuna is weaker than gojo if its 20 finger sukuna of course hes the strongest
Idk how they missed it
My instant thought was that he meant this 15F sukuna cuz this is the one jogo fights
Notice the first fights with jogo that made him look weak and the first fights with sukuna so sukuna vs the special grade the one with megumi and jogo held his own against a 15 finger sukuna but that other special grade got cooked so at this point i think if jogo vs hakari happen jogo clears medium diff.
I felt for Jogo. The guy only purpose was to be power escalate the two big boys, that is just wrong in my opinion.
This episode was really amazing, with a very powerful and dynamic animation.
Wait, why cuss if you're just going to censor it with stupid sounds? Either don't cuss at all or cuss all you want uncensored.
Haruta needs to go 😂 from season one I knew he was going to be annoying
By the way i love how sukuna uses just straight up hands the whole fight not a cleave or dismantle
He used it bruuuh..
Don't worry
1-2 ep and haruta finds out even a miracle cant save u from some things
Second strongest?
I know they're different animes but by the gods JJK puts One Piece to shame in terms of pacing(talking about wano particularly)
I think that Jogo dream where Sukuna said stand proud is real Cuz (Spoiler)
Sukuna did same with Kashimo where he talk to him when he was death and teach him about love, Sukuna always did to strong opponent that give me a good fight, We Know Sukuna respect Strong, Even he said to Gojo "i will never forget about you"
Sukuna does somewhat respect strong but kashimo and jogo were probably just dreaming that sukuna respected them .
@@hyjjjkyikk3158 Dreaming and learn what is love and why only with sukuna people dream either meeting there friends or learning something from sukuna so I don't think it is Dream as sukuna the strongest need to satisfied those who are weaker than them
@@hyjjjkyikk3158nope, sukuna does respect them for being strong. They were not dreaming btw gege stated it
I thought toji was gonna fight Sukuna lls
Hein era sukuna cooks gojo high diff
if sukuna can dodge all that , who tf can hit him now besides gojo 💀
And maybe mahito if he could turn himself into covid 19 through soul manipulation and yuki if she uses blackhole
Actually jogo attack did hit sukuna.sukuna was sitting on jogo meteor so technically ,jogo did hit sukuna with his attack
Jogo wouldn’t lose to Toji.
Not better than red scale
Why does the thumbnail just say "nah" instead of "nah i'd win". This feels disrespectful to Jogoat.
You did not just call sukuna second strongest💀
Clearly Was referring to the anime sukuna