Professor Strang ,this is a really useful lecture that starts with classical topics in mathematics. Linear Programming and Two- Persons Games are large topics in applied mathematics.
Great lecture, thanks a lot ! Just a little question : at 41:00, isn't the saddle point supposed to be a minimum for x in its row and a maximum for y in its column ? Or maybe the opposite works too ? But if there were 2 saddle points in a matrix, then they would be equal... I'm a little confused.
A saddle point in this case is a state in which both x and y cannot improve their outcome by changing just their moves. From X’s perspective they cannot do better by picking row 2, while y remains at column 2, because 8>2. From Y’s perspective they cannot do better, while x remains at row 1, because 2
If you just put the cut across the three final lines (5, 1 and 8) you also end up with 14. However, is there any reason why you would choose one or the other?
People like Gilbert Strang should get to go back in time so we can have them forever in our society.
Professor Strang ,this is a really useful lecture that starts with classical topics in mathematics. Linear Programming and Two- Persons Games are large topics in applied mathematics.
these are new things in math , im very excited to see this
I Love Gilbert Strang
Wow, watching the expected payout be equal for both x and y was exhilarating. Fantastic lecture
Woooow explica bastante bien, es muy claro y lo hace interesante, muchas gracias
40:09 zeros sum games: No lawyers involed :)
simplex method 11:00
Thank you so much, best explanations and always interesting to follow
Great lecture, thanks a lot ! Just a little question : at 41:00, isn't the saddle point supposed to be a minimum for x in its row and a maximum for y in its column ? Or maybe the opposite works too ? But if there were 2 saddle points in a matrix, then they would be equal... I'm a little confused.
A saddle point in this case is a state in which both x and y cannot improve their outcome by changing just their moves. From X’s perspective they cannot do better by picking row 2, while y remains at column 2, because 8>2. From Y’s perspective they cannot do better, while x remains at row 1, because 2
9:37 he is suggesting points that will maximize the problem?
Life is beautiful like this math!
The 2 players could be called Xavier and Yasmin, so X is for Xavier and Y is for Yasmin :-)
Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
I can not understand the pay off matrix game. Pleasr explain.
He speaks facts here
Really useful lecture!
If you just put the cut across the three final lines (5, 1 and 8) you also end up with 14. However, is there any reason why you would choose one or the other?
You need to calculate the flow value for all possible cuts and take the minimum. This minimum can be achieved at more the one cut.
What is the restriction on the number of decision variables and constraints in an lpp ?
36:50 It is not p and lp, it is p(polynomial) and np(not polynomial). I think he misspoke about it.
np:nondeterministic polynomial*
When he speaks I'm able to download mathematical facts just by watching 👽
I am watching this monday 3am, jobless, 10k student loan debt and I don’t know how to code.
"three person game" !
Too bad not technical enough
Its really sad that old people are still working they should be retiring but can't because of the economy :(
I don't think he is doing this because of money
@@childybless why does he do it then, he looks like he's suffering and just wants some rest
@@planktonfun1 whaaat, he looks like he enjoys giving the lecture? My grandpa also thaught lectures way beyond his retirement age, he loved doing it.
@@childybless dude, the guy is shaking, probably has parkinsons already, he's not happy.
@@planktonfun1 I think we will never know unless we ask him