When i was a teenager about 12 to 15 there was a guy who lived in my area who was known for being hard and nasty, everyone was afraid of him or would avoid him. If he locked his eyes on you he would target you,no matter who you was or how old you was. He would take cigarettes and money off school kids and harrased school girls. No one would stand up to him because he would give out a nasty beating even biting peoples faces.he slapped me and my mates about,then one day he got into a fight in a pub and was hit in the eye with a pool cue, he died at home in his bed that night. The whole town was almost celebrating...
I knew a chap years back who was a nasty bully. Unfortunately he was the victim of an industrial accident and became blind. Every time I saw him after that he wore fresh bruises and cuts on his face. The past recipients of his cowardly beatings were having fun and games exacting their revenge. Around five years after the accident he swallowed a bottle of pills and never woke up.
I Knew Paul Sykes.He knew me by name.Apart from once when he raised his voice to me,I can honestly say that I was never traumatised by him.I know a few of his victims who were,though.My last memory of him was when he was homeless and unable to support himself.He didn't recognise me as his mind was going.Stank to high heaven.Should've seen the size of his hands!
Where did you live I grew up in Outwood I went in the same pubs and crossed paths many times Funny there’s no mention of Terry Mitchell the guy who knocked him out cold in leeds
@@Rex.Vanrynn even if it did. Would it be worth noting that an alcoholic who died of cirosis of the liver and fought all the time wasn't knocked out from time to time. Bet there were times he could have been knocked down by a feather
True hard men were in ww1 ww2, etc. Death around the corner, every day , living outside even in winter. Eating shite most of the time . Using a bayonet..
@@Andrew-m2w6c Paul Jr & sharpy (2 of his sons) are both lifed off & a shadow of the man Paul sr was. I never said his Mrs & kids weren't scared of him & I'm not saying that he was a hero. What I am saying is that I knew him & knew of him almost all my life & never had a problem. But if he liked you then he liked you. If he didn't like you then he never would.
I have read and watched so much stuff about him and he was just a bully and a nightmare wherever he went. He would just walk into bars and start picking up peoples drinks then start shadow boxing taunting the doormen. There was also many rumours about him and young women. And things he made young guys do in jail are also rumours a lot of people say. I dont know for sure so i aint going to say 100%. Its a shame he could have gone far if the alcohol wasnt his no 1.🙏
When I was in HMP MOORLANDS near don doncatraz do doncaster prison just over 20 years ago a couple of oldskool screws who had spent time working in prisons where Paul was one had caught Paul doing stuff to a younger con he said what he saw sykes doing stayed with him forever he couldn't go into exact details but the you gen was faced away crying with a sock in his mouth another said he would randomly attack weaker lads he'd never start on those who could take care of themselves. I agree is it rumors when 2 screws tell you stuff.
It’s amazing how self delusion can convince people they are heroic figures when they are such terrible people and anything but heroic . The person he wants to be but a person too lazy and arrogant to recognize he is the “ bad man” .
It’s sad that a very intelligent person such as him ruined his life completely and that of others . His father has sone baring on his outcome , some , but he reeled an awful lot of what he sowed . This happened to most bully’s look at Lee Duffy from Middlesbrough he didn’t make 30 years old. He was shot on two occasions, had petrol poured on him in the Commercial public house in South Bank Middlesbrough although the assailant couldn’t set him alight before receiving a hell of a beating. Then stabbed to death outside the Afro Caribbean Community Centre in central Middlesbrough. He was untouchable in Teesside in a fist fight arguably in the whole of the North East. Didn’t do him any good did it .
Theres no towns or cites that havent got worse lasxst 10 years or so... Full of beggars , homeless, junkies everywhere shoplifting ... Dunno what gear their doing , spice or its fentanyl but they look more broken than junkies did in the 80s/90s .. Proper zombies , young girls on corners , they stopped most of leaving with brexit , i would of been living in north tenerife by now where its relativly safe and people are generally happy but now im stuck here .....
@davewordsworth1251 gradually the last 15 years, but the last 5 years its just a dumping ground, like new crack city, lots of homeless and crack addiction, and as a kid a trip to wakey, especially at Xmas to see the lights in the ridings was awesome 👌 now it's a empty shopping centre, just a morrisons and closed shops, it's sad 😔
@@supergremlin78Unfortunately buddy it’s exactly the same all over the UK, I sometimes watch a guy on TH-cam called Joe Fish, and he goes all over the country highlighting towns and cities that have basically gone right down hill and, I live in a small town in the West Country and I honestly couldn’t believe the state of our town when I watched his video on the town I live in, we have quite a big shopping centre and I swear to you that not one of the shops were open in the shopping plaza, it was embarrassing buddy they have all closed down, okay I get it people are buying online but look what it’s doing to the workforce in this country, it’s destroying our workforce and soon we’ll see robots in all the factories so that’s gonna destroy the workforce in our factories but, talking about this guy buddy, there has to some truth in all these stories about him being a bully and raping young prisoners and his mother is right, there’s nothing clever about going in and out of jail that’s for sure.
I visited for the first time in ages a few weeks ago, I'm from Birmingham now living in Lincolnshire and went up to see a Wakefield RLFC match, it does seem a rough place but for me it has charm too, I'm absolutely sure most people there are just hard working families who just want to do their best, I'd certainly not rule out living in that area, I'm looking to move north when I get 25 per cent of a private pension next year, there would be way more opportunities for work than where I am now (Sleaford) and the opportunity for renting are more and way lower in price
Paul Sykes, he was incredibly Smart, Well Read, Incredibly Entertaining, Tough, Extremely Frightening at times & sat with him was like waiting for a Bomb to go off, it wasn't a matter of IF, it was a matter of When, because that was Exactly what Was going to happen, No Doubt about it, he would fight with anyone & everyone, even if there was No Reason, he would make one up. I was fortunate enough to have people round me that could keep him calm, or at bay at least, otherwise, my arse might have been one of his. He was like Bronson, he was a Huge fish in the Small pond that was jail, he was Feared & Respected within those walls, on the outside he was Nothing, he could have been, but for all his ability, he had no discipline, & That is what cost him Everything. It's a shame that people like Paul get to Old Age, they should die in their Prime, at the top of their game & leave a good looking corpse, they Never think about what will happen when they get old, because even Smart people can be stupid, add to that his Enormous Ego, & they believe they will remain Untouchable, it is a shame that his life turned to shit, but let's be honest, he had done that to countless others, that it was Devine justice. I first met him when I was 6, in Blackpool, I did jobs for a guy named Sonny Simmons, what a fukcing amazing bloke, he did jobs for Micksy Walsh, who was a bit Notorious around here, even the Krays knew him, had they been allowed off that train they were forced to stay on by all the Blackpool police standing on the platform telling them NO, they would quite probably have had him run things for them here, as it was that didn't happen, so he ran them for himself. Paul wasn't frightened of them, but if he was going to piss them off, it would have to be worth his while, they made sure none of the younger guys was ever alone with him, I had never once felt uncomfortable in the presence of these Genuine Hard Men, my entire family were like that, Micksy's brothers, especially Alfie, Pat Mehan, Jasper Cannom, & dozens of others, but in a room with Paul Sykes, I do believe some of them were uneasy too, even as I got older, I was both Reckless & Fearless in equal measure, it was like sitting on a Bomb, that you knew Was definitely going to go off, you just didn't know when I'm pretty sure a few people let out a sigh of relief at his passing, but what a shame he couldn't manage the life he could have had if he wasn't so Broken.
I knew Paul really well for over 3 decades. Spent time in & outside the walls & with his son's too. I even have my own chapter in a book about Paul. All the stories about him r@ping young lads is all knackers & stories created by cons & staff. Plus he was never on any wing in any jail that had Y.Os mixed with cons. 🤦🏻🙄
You are so wrong I knew sykesy for years, my old man had a pub in wakey city centre, he was a woman basher a bully and a nonce, not to mention a hopeless alcoholic and heroin addict
@@seancomrie4714 And your stupidity to believe in such shite speaks volumes to me. Where did these so called "young boys" come from in a adult prison. Also Bronson says in his book that the hardest man he has ever met is Paul Sykes from Wakefield & of the time spent with Paul. But he forgot to mention that his good friend was also a child molester?....... Wake up & take if the bullshit spectacles you're wearing. I'm more than happy to have a meet up to discuss the matter further like real men. Not name calling online eh. 😉👍🏻
In the mid '80s I was pulled by a cop driving past me who said I had been urinating behind a bus shelter, I hadn't, I was just pulling my zip up as I noticed it was down, he reported me and I had to go to the magistrates court, they found me guilty on his lies alone and I was fined £25 and I refused to pay it, I was then arrested a month later and taken to Armley prison for seven days, I had the money in my pocket but still refused to pay it, as soon as I got there I was warned about Paul Sykes who was on the same landing, he had a reputation of knocking out young lads and dragging them into his cell and raping them, we didn't even go for food until he was in his cell with his and we would walk the opposite way around the landing to the stairs to avoid walking past his cell, I only spent a few days there as my release date was on a bank holiday which they didn't do, and they didn't do Saturday releases so I was released on the Friday morning
@@AndrewAHayes so you was on B wing then when Paul was padded up with Duffus (notorious rapist) you didn't have to walk past pauls cell because he was on the 3s on the left hand side about half dozen cells before the stairs. So going for meals you went down the end stairs & came back up the first set. Beauty of it is Paul was hardly ever behind his door because the screws use to just leave him out.
I was also born at Many Gates Hospital,Wakefield in march of 1974 Only thing I’ll ever have in common with him However my mate Kidd lived on the lupset estate not too far from Sykes home He knocked around with his son micheal
they never grow old gracefully and just become relaxed old G's, theyre always lying and still trying to have a dickswinging competition about who did what like mate youre 65, chill!
I met him in redbeck cafe in Wakefield , he was ok , he gave me some speed , I was already on it I said I don’t want it , am not thirsty , it was in cola , he said stop playing silly buggers , I just drank it , I was with my mates , I didn’t even know who he was till someone told me
One of britains hardest men in his time read the books watched the documentary and clips seemed a bully and hard work to be around nonce im not sure of but a hard man who could hold his own with anyone he has left an imprint in society as still talked about a colourful character
Yeah and what a load of shite the Buzzcocks were, utter noise and they had nothing to say whatsoever not like the Pistols the Clash and Sham 69 they were the only decent punk bands of the 70s, this guy was a nonce and a bully, I don’t believe all the stories that I hear but there has to be some truth in some of them.
Would've been good to see him and Don Fry going at it in a cage. You might say Don Fry would maul him given his performance at higher levels in boxing, but in a short, less technical fight where [almost] anything goes, I reckon that would be a real tear-up.
Theirs people in the world who have been through a lot worse, you cant blame someone else for your failure. He had plenty of chances most people get none.
There's a saying about sociopaths. "Genetics loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger". The people with worse upbringings who don't turn out like that don't have the genetic makeup for it. The people with the genetic makeup for it but have nurturing upbringings often find pro social high risk careers instead of turning to criminal activity. Both aspects play their part.
I believe I was treated like someone I wasn't. When I was I was 14 or 15 I was remanded in custody for 2 weeks for social enquiry reports that was in Gainsborough juvenile Court in Gainsborough Lincolnshire I ended up in Thorpe arch remand Centre in westherby Yorkshire an adult remand Centre as I remember 😡🏴
Helf of this is bs and only helf right Iwas in prison with Paul on many different sentences and never seen any of this so have many and they never seen it and have said so the people saying this stuff have reasons to say this
I never lived in Wakefield, I never saw simple sex offender Sykes so Iv not funny 😮anecdote’s like so many of these other comments,, it’s amazing how many people claim they knew this piece of shit
It's obvious if screws and others had been assaulted by him they would make up those stories... He had a large turn out for is funeral, were they afraid of him if they did not attend.
any music may be better than no music,good video man keepup the good work i like all these guys,dont be afrain to redo some people or mention other stories u missed, i think u could of mention bartley gormans brother sam gorman more in the bartley gorman video.
When served time in HMP MOORLANDS In DONCASTER 2 really oldskool screws told me some awful stuff one had lakes int the shower room and saw a younger con faced away from Paul with a sock in his gob crying and Paul behind Paul thought the lad had told te screws everything it tg lad refused to say anything anyway Paul battered him t within an inch of his life. Another screw said he randomly attack those he knew couldn't fight but stayed obviously clear of those who could fight. This was just over 20 years ago when these screws told me that the shower one he couldn't go into detail and said it happened years and years before they spoke to me and it haunted Mr Clark his name was every other day for years. But I say Paul isn't here to justify himself te way he spoke to his boy in a documentary was not dad like but as a bully a terroriser. IMO he's a loud bully so is his son changed his surname to sykes weirdo yorkshire etc is better off without blkes like that
@@ChrissyMatthewsuk what screws said this as I know every old school screw in there. All the security screws, Mr clampett, woods etc, Trev Phillips the gym screw & I'm responsible for Mr Cresswell having the scar on his lip & half his ear missing. But yeah what screws told you that.
@@TheBigwesb He still mentioned a name though, didn't he? I believe that was all that l claimed. Your comment is redundant. I don't know who 'they' are, the name pelican head was all my own doing, 'they' had no say in the matter. You obviously have comprehension difficulties and are probably quite dim.
@mrfugazi6713 lucky you and who knows if getting punched in the head brain still developing until your 25 sykes been getting punched by men from a kid .. now fighter's NFL footballers ex mma champions doing crazy shit ended up in prison murder NFL player's going mad one shot himself in the stomach so could test his brain 🧠 ìt was heavily damaged even wrestlers now cte footballers cte proven ex player's dementia from years heading the ball .. so sykes probably had childhood trauma beating from his mother and father. Made box fight older kids even sparred joe frazier who said sykes was the only man who took his power came back every day sparred hard again .. so sykes probably had cte along with alcohol crates mood swings impulsive behaviour ect .. bet sykes all those shots to the head didn't help his brain
Well. He wouldn't of been in our unit for long. Not doing that to the cat. Only a flesh and blood man. Washe on mainstream? Put a screw in a vegetable state. And he still had privileges. Fuck me. Fat he er in law unhappily as it transpired, escaped paramatta in 70s same thing happened. Intractable unit at Grafton. Sykex would of met his match there. Haha. No squats weights or even stretching. No push ups. Screws have batons all time. Ex3rcisong was internal charge of preparing an escape. And a flogging
Very troubled indeed, Clearly massive psychological issues aswel. I don't know about the truth and bad things but he was definitely a interesting character and seriously tough. In my opinion, it's always best to keep a good distance from people like that.
When i was a teenager about 12 to 15 there was a guy who lived in my area who was known for being hard and nasty, everyone was afraid of him or would avoid him. If he locked his eyes on you he would target you,no matter who you was or how old you was. He would take cigarettes and money off school kids and harrased school girls. No one would stand up to him because he would give out a nasty beating even biting peoples faces.he slapped me and my mates about,then one day he got into a fight in a pub and was hit in the eye with a pool cue, he died at home in his bed that night. The whole town was almost celebrating...
How did he die from being hit in the eye
@@BenBarlow-fl4inmaybe a brain aneurysm?
@@royalheratik2726 good 😊
@@BenBarlow-fl4inhe didn’t see it coming
Eye don't believe you😅
Spent his last years as a homeless drunk, being p1ssed on by those he abused years before.
A befitting end to a complete piece of sh1t
Good. Sounds like a complete scumbag. This is why we have prisons👍🏼
All hard men get old and vulnerable, they don't think about that when they're young.
I knew a chap years back who was a nasty bully. Unfortunately he was the victim of an industrial accident and became blind. Every time I saw him after that he wore fresh bruises and cuts on his face. The past recipients of his cowardly beatings were having fun and games exacting their revenge. Around five years after the accident he swallowed a bottle of pills and never woke up.
The real hard bastards are Billy Booze and Father Time. They win every time.
The truest thing in life is you reap what you sow. Simple as that.
Well said my Son 😃👏
Vile individual that only ever excelled at spreading damage and misery where ever he went ... eventually it all came back on him .
Horrible cxxx not missed by normal people.Please don't say he wasn't bad like many in the end he was a down and out.
Well said bully boy vile man
26:38 "Sadly missed by all that knew him" His family has a sense of humor!
I Knew Paul Sykes.He knew me by name.Apart from once when he raised his voice to me,I can honestly say that I was never traumatised by him.I know a few of his victims who were,though.My last memory of him was when he was homeless and unable to support himself.He didn't recognise me as his mind was going.Stank to high heaven.Should've seen the size of his hands!
Where did you live
I grew up in Outwood
I went in the same pubs and crossed paths many times
Funny there’s no mention of Terry Mitchell the guy who knocked him out cold in leeds
@dingelberryhandpump7834 because it didn't happen
@@dingelberryhandpump7834 I was born in Dewsbury.Didn't move here until '96.
@@christopherpenny6083 Yes it did.
@@Rex.Vanrynn even if it did. Would it be worth noting that an alcoholic who died of cirosis of the liver and fought all the time wasn't knocked out from time to time. Bet there were times he could have been knocked down by a feather
True hard men were in ww1 ww2, etc. Death around the corner, every day , living outside even in winter. Eating shite most of the time .
Using a bayonet..
Cream of the crop of not just England but of Europe. All for ban kers
Great video on Sykes, love the channel keep the good content coming and I'll keep Sleuthing 👊🏻
Called mental health he’s as mad as they come ❤
This does not work with a US narrator
Agreed. He should use his own voice, rather than this AI American garbage
Violence breeds violence.
I watched the documentary and his wife and kids were scared of him
Beasted young boys was no hero
Did you know him..? Obviously not, don’t be a sheep and follow the crowd
@@ThomasMcleod-z7t Please tell me what prison he was in that had "young boys" on the same wing as him?.........🤦🏻🤡
user-wc1yg8mj2e. You're upsetting the little fan boys.
@@TheBigwesb so his wife and kids weren't scared of him
@@Andrew-m2w6c Paul Jr & sharpy (2 of his sons) are both lifed off & a shadow of the man Paul sr was. I never said his Mrs & kids weren't scared of him & I'm not saying that he was a hero. What I am saying is that I knew him & knew of him almost all my life & never had a problem. But if he liked you then he liked you. If he didn't like you then he never would.
Did not purple aki do the same chair thing?
I have read and watched so much stuff about him and he was just a bully and a nightmare wherever he went. He would just walk into bars and start picking up peoples drinks then start shadow boxing taunting the doormen. There was also many rumours about him and young women. And things he made young guys do in jail are also rumours a lot of people say. I dont know for sure so i aint going to say 100%. Its a shame he could have gone far if the alcohol wasnt his no 1.🙏
Is it still a rumour when a prison officer confirms it as being true in this very video?
When I was in HMP MOORLANDS near don doncatraz do doncaster prison just over 20 years ago a couple of oldskool screws who had spent time working in prisons where Paul was one had caught Paul doing stuff to a younger con he said what he saw sykes doing stayed with him forever he couldn't go into exact details but the you gen was faced away crying with a sock in his mouth another said he would randomly attack weaker lads he'd never start on those who could take care of themselves. I agree is it rumors when 2 screws tell you stuff.
@@ChrissyMatthewsukI believe it.
@@justtango4741I believe he did it.
The fella was a total piece of shite and doesn't deserve any limelight,positive or negative,total waste of Oxygen.
It’s amazing how self delusion can convince people they are heroic figures when they are such terrible people and anything but heroic . The person he wants to be but a person too lazy and arrogant to recognize he is the “ bad man” .
It’s sad that a very intelligent person such as him ruined his life completely and that of others . His father has sone baring on his outcome , some , but he reeled an awful lot of what he sowed .
This happened to most bully’s look at Lee Duffy from Middlesbrough he didn’t make 30 years old. He was shot on two occasions, had petrol poured on him in the Commercial public house in South Bank Middlesbrough although the assailant couldn’t set him alight before receiving a hell of a beating. Then stabbed to death outside the Afro Caribbean Community Centre in central Middlesbrough. He was untouchable in Teesside in a fist fight arguably in the whole of the North East. Didn’t do him any good did it .
I was in Wakey town centre last week. What a dump that place has become 😮
Absolute shithole
I know I went the other year I couldn't believe it. What a shite hole.
You’re wrong, Wakey has always been an egregious shit hole
The whole country has
Theres no towns or cites that havent got worse lasxst 10 years or so... Full of beggars , homeless, junkies everywhere shoplifting ... Dunno what gear their doing , spice or its fentanyl but they look more broken than junkies did in the 80s/90s .. Proper zombies , young girls on corners , they stopped most of leaving with brexit , i would of been living in north tenerife by now where its relativly safe and people are generally happy but now im stuck here .....
Fall of a prisoner? How much further can you fall?
Funny fact, betty sykes was the mastermind behind the tv series bo selector.
I don't believe the noncey bolloxs
No one said he was a nonce.
They are saying he was bumming other prisoners.
And it's true.
I do.
No load of shite mate 👌🏴
That screw is the nonce 👊🏴
@@howardelder4411 the screws..yp.would have teamed up and done him..page 3 n all that bollocks ok.
Sharks you just punch emm inn the earole😂
They should have tried that on Jaws.
I live in wakey, and it's a shadow of its self, used to be a good night out in Westgate wakey and now it's just a shithole tbh.
What year did it decline? Last time I was there working for about 5 months in 2009. I lived it. Great nights out and people.
@davewordsworth1251 gradually the last 15 years, but the last 5 years its just a dumping ground, like new crack city, lots of homeless and crack addiction, and as a kid a trip to wakey, especially at Xmas to see the lights in the ridings was awesome 👌 now it's a empty shopping centre, just a morrisons and closed shops, it's sad 😔
@@supergremlin78 Thanks for letting me know. I will give it a visit. I have fond memorys of the place.
@@supergremlin78Unfortunately buddy it’s exactly the same all over the UK, I sometimes watch a guy on TH-cam called Joe Fish, and he goes all over the country highlighting towns and cities that have basically gone right down hill and, I live in a small town in the West Country and I honestly couldn’t believe the state of our town when I watched his video on the town I live in, we have quite a big shopping centre and I swear to you that not one of the shops were open in the shopping plaza, it was embarrassing buddy they have all closed down, okay I get it people are buying online but look what it’s doing to the workforce in this country, it’s destroying our workforce and soon we’ll see robots in all the factories so that’s gonna destroy the workforce in our factories but, talking about this guy buddy, there has to some truth in all these stories about him being a bully and raping young prisoners and his mother is right, there’s nothing clever about going in and out of jail that’s for sure.
I visited for the first time in ages a few weeks ago, I'm from Birmingham now living in Lincolnshire and went up to see a Wakefield RLFC match, it does seem a rough place but for me it has charm too, I'm absolutely sure most people there are just hard working families who just want to do their best, I'd certainly not rule out living in that area, I'm looking to move north when I get 25 per cent of a private pension next year, there would be way more opportunities for work than where I am now (Sleaford) and the opportunity for renting are more and way lower in price
How have they not made a movie about this guy
Apparently they are
prob cos hes a loser who achieved nothing
Paul Sykes, he was incredibly Smart, Well Read, Incredibly Entertaining, Tough, Extremely Frightening at times & sat with him was like waiting for a Bomb to go off, it wasn't a matter of IF, it was a matter of When, because that was Exactly what Was going to happen, No Doubt about it, he would fight with anyone & everyone, even if there was No Reason, he would make one up.
I was fortunate enough to have people round me that could keep him calm, or at bay at least, otherwise, my arse might have been one of his.
He was like Bronson, he was a Huge fish in the Small pond that was jail, he was Feared & Respected within those walls, on the outside he was Nothing, he could have been, but for all his ability, he had no discipline, & That is what cost him Everything.
It's a shame that people like Paul get to Old Age, they should die in their Prime, at the top of their game & leave a good looking corpse, they Never think about what will happen when they get old, because even Smart people can be stupid, add to that his Enormous Ego, & they believe they will remain Untouchable, it is a shame that his life turned to shit, but let's be honest, he had done that to countless others, that it was Devine justice.
I first met him when I was 6, in Blackpool, I did jobs for a guy named Sonny Simmons, what a fukcing amazing bloke, he did jobs for Micksy Walsh, who was a bit Notorious around here, even the Krays knew him, had they been allowed off that train they were forced to stay on by all the Blackpool police standing on the platform telling them NO, they would quite probably have had him run things for them here, as it was that didn't happen, so he ran them for himself.
Paul wasn't frightened of them, but if he was going to piss them off, it would have to be worth his while, they made sure none of the younger guys was ever alone with him, I had never once felt uncomfortable in the presence of these Genuine Hard Men, my entire family were like that, Micksy's brothers, especially Alfie, Pat Mehan, Jasper Cannom, & dozens of others, but in a room with Paul Sykes, I do believe some of them were uneasy too, even as I got older, I was both Reckless & Fearless in equal measure, it was like sitting on a Bomb, that you knew Was definitely going to go off, you just didn't know when I'm pretty sure a few people let out a sigh of relief at his passing, but what a shame he couldn't manage the life he could have had if he wasn't so Broken.
Listening to someone say Thornes Park and Lupset Working Mens in an American accent is wild.
I know
I grew up in Outwood Wakefield
To hear an American say things like
Thorns park
Many gates hospital
Is just mental
I knew Paul really well for over 3 decades. Spent time in & outside the walls & with his son's too. I even have my own chapter in a book about Paul. All the stories about him r@ping young lads is all knackers & stories created by cons & staff. Plus he was never on any wing in any jail that had Y.Os mixed with cons. 🤦🏻🙄
He was a wrongun,I'd bet he did all those things and some..
If you knew him well, then you know he was a fkn idiot. Nothing but a bully boy .
You are so wrong
I knew sykesy for years, my old man had a pub in wakey city centre, he was a woman basher a bully and a nonce, not to mention a hopeless alcoholic and heroin addict
All this tells me is that you helped him
@@seancomrie4714 And your stupidity to believe in such shite speaks volumes to me. Where did these so called "young boys" come from in a adult prison. Also Bronson says in his book that the hardest man he has ever met is Paul Sykes from Wakefield & of the time spent with Paul. But he forgot to mention that his good friend was also a child molester?....... Wake up & take if the bullshit spectacles you're wearing. I'm more than happy to have a meet up to discuss the matter further like real men. Not name calling online eh. 😉👍🏻
Real men keep their shit together, work and look after their families
In the mid '80s I was pulled by a cop driving past me who said I had been urinating behind a bus shelter, I hadn't, I was just pulling my zip up as I noticed it was down, he reported me and I had to go to the magistrates court, they found me guilty on his lies alone and I was fined £25 and I refused to pay it, I was then arrested a month later and taken to Armley prison for seven days, I had the money in my pocket but still refused to pay it, as soon as I got there I was warned about Paul Sykes who was on the same landing, he had a reputation of knocking out young lads and dragging them into his cell and raping them, we didn't even go for food until he was in his cell with his and we would walk the opposite way around the landing to the stairs to avoid walking past his cell, I only spent a few days there as my release date was on a bank holiday which they didn't do, and they didn't do Saturday releases so I was released on the Friday morning
@@AndrewAHayes so you was on B wing then when Paul was padded up with Duffus (notorious rapist) you didn't have to walk past pauls cell because he was on the 3s on the left hand side about half dozen cells before the stairs. So going for meals you went down the end stairs & came back up the first set.
Beauty of it is Paul was hardly ever behind his door because the screws use to just leave him out.
I was also born at Many Gates Hospital,Wakefield in march of 1974
Only thing I’ll ever have in common with him
However my mate Kidd lived on the lupset estate not too far from Sykes home
He knocked around with his son micheal
Hard men grow old and become pathetic characters that people laugh at.
they never grow old gracefully and just become relaxed old G's, theyre always lying and still trying to have a dickswinging competition about who did what like mate youre 65, chill!
Got yourself a sub 😊.
Appreciate it🙏🏼
best upload ever on paul sykes NEW SUBSCRIBER
Best upload 😂😂😂😂 it's a load of bollocks , check out the FACTS !
His father worked in HMP Wakefield not Wandsworth
No he didn't
@@jamieboyle5837yes he did Walter Sykes was a Screw in Wakefield (he's local prison) as he himself was from Wakefield Yorkshire, get your facts right
At least once a week he’d come ome with shit on his shoes
He obviously wasn't going to commute 200 miles from Wakefield to Wandsworth.
@jamieboyle5837 is another one who probably comes home with shit on his shoes..
I hate monsters that hurt animals. Sad & bad
But what he did to young men doesn't bother you? 😂😂
You'd get double the view retention easy if you ditched the Ai voice
I met him in redbeck cafe in Wakefield , he was ok , he gave me some speed , I was already on it I said I don’t want it , am not thirsty , it was in cola , he said stop playing silly buggers , I just drank it , I was with my mates , I didn’t even know who he was till someone told me
What goes around.....
Cruel bastard 😢
One of britains hardest men in his time read the books watched the documentary and clips seemed a bully and hard work to be around nonce im not sure of but a hard man who could hold his own with anyone he has left an imprint in society as still talked about a colourful character
The only place in Britain where nonces are considered colour characters. Jimmy Savile is still considered a local hero in that region
Being a violent psychopath is not a legacy to admire. Unless you're a bit of a nob.
Page 3 girl stuck to their back, eeee ya can’t buy class lad, only in t’north. And they wonder why Londoners hate the north. What a sicko
All of your content has been done over and over on TH-cam. Your channel is 4 years to late mush. We've all seen it'll a million times before.
They've litteraly just stolen all their info from TH-cam comments and videos as well. Fucking cringeworthy tbh!
I agree
Yet here you are 😂
He was a major influence on the Buzzcocks.
You noticed it 👏🏼🤣
Orgasm Addict!
Yeah and what a load of shite the Buzzcocks were, utter noise and they had nothing to say whatsoever not like the Pistols the Clash and Sham 69 they were the only decent punk bands of the 70s, this guy was a nonce and a bully, I don’t believe all the stories that I hear but there has to be some truth in some of them.
The bacci game was Purple Aki not Sykes, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Popular game in HMP Durham too, power thing.
@@sandj61 wasn't when I was there, maybe I wasn't pretty enough.
Would've been good to see him and Don Fry going at it in a cage. You might say Don Fry would maul him given his performance at higher levels in boxing, but in a short, less technical fight where [almost] anything goes, I reckon that would be a real tear-up.
Don Frye fought pro fighters in MMA. Sykes beat up drunks in pubs. Theres a reason he didn't make it as a boxer. He wasn't any good
Yorkshire biggest lazy work shy bully
Sadly missed by all that knew him. I'm not sure that factually accurate.
I doubt that very much
I've seen other documentaries on Paul, his dad was the real cause of Paul's insanity
Drink was the cause of Paul's Insanity,
Totally. He was clearly a psychopath and people like that come from traumatic upbringings. Very sad
@tenks7341 no it was a symptom, not a cause
Theirs people in the world who have been through a lot worse, you cant blame someone else for your failure.
He had plenty of chances most people get none.
There's a saying about sociopaths. "Genetics loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger". The people with worse upbringings who don't turn out like that don't have the genetic makeup for it. The people with the genetic makeup for it but have nurturing upbringings often find pro social high risk careers instead of turning to criminal activity.
Both aspects play their part.
I tried buying final agony yesterday but you can't get it no more,I have sweet agony and unfinished agony
Have you tried messaging Jamie Boyle on his TH-cam channel?im sure he will have a spare copy!
@@midnightrider4066 isn't it on Amazon
A copy is available at Warcry Publishing (14.95) If you are quick....
Could you do a video about chuck Liddell?
I believe I was treated like someone I wasn't. When I was I was 14 or 15 I was remanded in custody for 2 weeks for social enquiry reports that was in Gainsborough juvenile Court in Gainsborough Lincolnshire I ended up in Thorpe arch remand Centre in westherby Yorkshire an adult remand Centre as I remember 😡🏴
Great crime documentary. Crime doesn't pay and here's proof.
I. Bet his dad was a right bastard 😢
What happend to Derek Flint?
don't know what happened to Flint but his real name was James Coburn.
Far as I know,he died about fifteen years ago.
Imagine what he'd be like if he had a pair of Sketchers!
Hasn't his son carried on his cowardly bullying ways in prison too? Does he also rape young men?
That's Chris Finch innit
Helf of this is bs and only helf right Iwas in prison with Paul on many different sentences and never seen any of this so have many and they never seen it and have said so the people saying this stuff have reasons to say this
He was a bummer. Just because he didn't invite you to watch doesn't mean it didn't happen.
E were hard the way he turned his back a run away from Jonny Gardener.
Music's to loud hard to here what their saying
Whos going to play dennis flint in the movie 😂😂😂😂
too much jumping about and flickering, spoilt a good video. stopped watching.
The man in the gym he could and he said could, the bully turned his back in the ring my dad would have put him in a coma,Paul Liverpool
He liked young boys in jail well nothing much to do many a young lad had a sore arse
Get your fact’s right his wife was Cathy if yeh goin to throw it out there do yeah home work??
He had 3 wives. Numbnuts.
Rip - Paul
I never lived in Wakefield, I never saw simple sex offender Sykes so Iv not funny 😮anecdote’s like so many of these other comments,, it’s amazing how many people claim they knew this piece of shit
Hes a big dosser
He's dead you 🤡 & when he was alive he would have folded your clothes up with you still wearing em.
Chris Finch bloody good salesman!
Could be his brother.
I ve got some stories....
It's obvious if screws and others had been assaulted by him they would make up those stories... He had a large turn out for is funeral, were they afraid of him if they did not attend.
People just wanted to make sure he was dead.
He looks like Boycey ofah
no music at all this time ey?lmao
any music may be better than no music,good video man keepup the good work i like all these guys,dont be afrain to redo some people or mention other stories u missed, i think u could of mention bartley gormans brother sam gorman more in the bartley gorman video.
When served time in HMP MOORLANDS In DONCASTER 2 really oldskool screws told me some awful stuff one had lakes int the shower room and saw a younger con faced away from Paul with a sock in his gob crying and Paul behind Paul thought the lad had told te screws everything it tg lad refused to say anything anyway Paul battered him t within an inch of his life. Another screw said he randomly attack those he knew couldn't fight but stayed obviously clear of those who could fight. This was just over 20 years ago when these screws told me that the shower one he couldn't go into detail and said it happened years and years before they spoke to me and it haunted Mr Clark his name was every other day for years. But I say Paul isn't here to justify himself te way he spoke to his boy in a documentary was not dad like but as a bully a terroriser. IMO he's a loud bully so is his son changed his surname to sykes weirdo yorkshire etc is better off without blkes like that
@@ChrissyMatthewsuk what screws said this as I know every old school screw in there. All the security screws, Mr clampett, woods etc, Trev Phillips the gym screw & I'm responsible for Mr Cresswell having the scar on his lip & half his ear missing. But yeah what screws told you that.
He mentions the name of the screw in his comment. Did you read it?
@@pelicanhead he also said "another screw" but no name. So did you read it?...... Or is that why they call you Pelican head? 🤦🏻😉😂👍🏻
@@TheBigwesb He still mentioned a name though, didn't he? I believe that was all that l claimed. Your comment is redundant. I don't know who 'they' are, the name pelican head was all my own doing, 'they' had no say in the matter. You obviously have comprehension difficulties and are probably quite dim.
@@TheBigwesb I think you may have comprehension difficulties. There is help out there.
Alot of this is not true
The pause and then "sharks" is so unexpected. Comic genius
I’ve never heard anything good about him 🤷♂️
I new his cousindave sykessaid he was just a bully
Sounds like he created havoc everywhere he went.
Load of 💩 he was a bully..his dad was ashamed of him..
Childhood trauma
So I have childhood trauma myself but, I didn’t go around raping young guys in jail, and nor have I been a bully either.
@mrfugazi6713 lucky you and who knows if getting punched in the head brain still developing until your 25 sykes been getting punched by men from a kid .. now fighter's NFL footballers ex mma champions doing crazy shit ended up in prison murder NFL player's going mad one shot himself in the stomach so could test his brain 🧠 ìt was heavily damaged even wrestlers now cte footballers cte proven ex player's dementia from years heading the ball .. so sykes probably had childhood trauma beating from his mother and father. Made box fight older kids even sparred joe frazier who said sykes was the only man who took his power came back every day sparred hard again .. so sykes probably had cte along with alcohol crates mood swings impulsive behaviour ect .. bet sykes all those shots to the head didn't help his brain
He left many a young prisoner with a sore bottom
and many a keyboard warrior with a broken jaw ha ha
All stories no one ever came forward with he did it. Just created stories
@@allangreenley9901 would you come forward after being’s bummed by a violent psychopath
@atackio1316 . Why not of he did he did .always someone would .I would definitely scream of course no secrets these days.
Don't like to disappoint the fan boys but he was a violent forceful bummer.
Well. He wouldn't of been in our unit for long. Not doing that to the cat. Only a flesh and blood man. Washe on mainstream? Put a screw in a vegetable state. And he still had privileges. Fuck me. Fat he er in law unhappily as it transpired, escaped paramatta in 70s same thing happened. Intractable unit at Grafton. Sykex would of met his match there. Haha. No squats weights or even stretching. No push ups. Screws have batons all time. Ex3rcisong was internal charge of preparing an escape. And a flogging
Wtf did I just read.
Very troubled indeed, Clearly massive psychological issues aswel.
I don't know about the truth and bad things but he was definitely a interesting character and seriously tough.
In my opinion, it's always best to keep a good distance from people like that.
He's as bad as Saville
Was Ace £1.49 in 1989 Sykesy?
ai garbage doc, you should have the music abit louder.
What a load of shit. They didn't just get porridge and water.
What a total that 😅
Shark with ears 😂
What a crock of shite 🤬🤬
he loved the yp total bully
Wounding in a tent?
Balloon knot bandit, he was a wrongern no doubt about it.
16 stone 😅really