Paul the Apostle caught that mystery full well and espoused it as strongly as he could, for which reason the Jewish Christians split with him….a near mirror of what the Lord Jesus experienced with the Pharisees who couldn’t wrap their minds around any idea that there was a god who would gift salvation and righteousness outside of the ardent, backbreaking sacrificial work of the believer. So Jesus told them *except your righteousness exceed that of the Pharisees you shall not inherit the kingdom of God* !! And men leaped for joy thinking He meant work harder than the Pharisees, strive and labour and well-nigh kill yourself to satisfy God. Over here in Africa, many have taken that statement to mean exactly as I’ve interpreted it, slaving away and frittering away their spiritual energies. But Jesus meant “hey, I am going to do it all on your behalf - the Father will only accept my perfect offering but it will be available to whoever asks and believes. It was that received righteousness that would exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees but it would be entirely free and available to both Jew and Gentile. Whoweee!!!
Paul the Apostle caught that mystery full well and espoused it as strongly as he could, for which reason the Jewish Christians split with him….a near mirror of what the Lord Jesus experienced with the Pharisees who couldn’t wrap their minds around any idea that there was a god who would gift salvation and righteousness outside of the ardent, backbreaking sacrificial work of the believer.
So Jesus told them *except your righteousness exceed that of the Pharisees you shall not inherit the kingdom of God* !! And men leaped for joy thinking He meant work harder than the Pharisees, strive and labour and well-nigh kill yourself to satisfy God. Over here in Africa, many have taken that statement to mean exactly as I’ve interpreted it, slaving away and frittering away their spiritual energies.
But Jesus meant “hey, I am going to do it all on your behalf - the Father will only accept my perfect offering but it will be available to whoever asks and believes. It was that received righteousness that would exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees but it would be entirely free and available to both Jew and Gentile.
🙏🏻 amen
Awesome video
All the prophesies written in the bible have come true and are comming true and the one and true GOD is alive ,