Mysteries of the Church: ANGELS

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @raiderskull75
    @raiderskull75 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This was such a well produced show.... Catholic networks need shows like this.

  • @vayacondios9972
    @vayacondios9972 6 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Angels do actually have wings, I know personally for a fact that it is true. I know this because once, my cats were startled by something which suddenly appeared in my bedroom during the daytime, when I was having a nap with my youngest child while she being a baby at the time was sleeping next to me. Usually when I did this I'd place her in her little bed next to me, I had one of those beds or cribs for new born's that are made to be placed in the center of the big Queen size bed. However this time she'd fallen asleep in my arms and I'd become drowsy, and hadn't put her in her protective crib.
    I woke out of my drowsy state when I noticed my cats responding to something that I could not see that had entered my room through the wall. So as my cats were staring intently at whatever it was, I grabbed my phone and began taking a series of pictures where they were looking and then as my cat's appeared to be following something with their eyes and moving their heads and eyes in that direction, I began snapping pictures along that same path, following the movement of my cats heads as they watched this thing move through my bedroom. It went through the wall and followed around my room at the end of my bed and then turning at the corner of the end of my mattress, and then moving up the other side moving along that side of my bedroom and appeared to stop parallel almost to where we had been sleeping. The cat's continued to watch it intensely.
    My cat's I had also noticed did not appear to be scared of it, which was unusual for them, aside from the initial startled response they gave, they became completely relaxed as they watched it move through my bedroom.
    Aferwards when I viewed the photographs I had taken I was absolutely amazed by what I saw, I saw that I had captured a figure of bright light that was of the brightest light I had ever seen. Yet I was never able to see it with my own naked eyes. That was incredible in itself. It was a being of some sort in pure light. The brightest of bright white light imaginable.
    Then what happened next stunned me and shocked me to the core, I was left completely amazed and in awe of what I found when I decided to load the pictures up on my computer, and then I blew then up to enlarge them, because I knew you often capture more specific features this way, and I certainly did.
    I ended up uncovering that what we had witnessed and my cat's had actually fully been able to see, was an actual angel, and the last picture was the most incredible of all for it was captured where the angel had stopped and stood for a few moments. I saw that it appeared to be wearing what looked like a long flowing white robe, and had long flowing wavey hair, and a thin wreathe around it's forehead, it had a face which looked angelic, and was very beautiful, and what really amazed me was what at first appeared to be something attached to it, but upon blowing it up, it took on the perfect form of wings, wings of pure light they were, magnificent, and had a huge wingspan, I saw perfectly the two wings as they had fully unfolded. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. So I have absolutely no doubt that angels do in fact exist, and they really do have wings as depicted in early Church art work, and some artists throughout the centuries from what I have found had captured in art , angels resembling even that of which I myself had seen. I think of this as a blessing, and perhaps even a miracle had occurred that day. I believe my little one was protected that day, and have no doubt also that she is a special child.
    God Bless.

    • @brunab8867
      @brunab8867 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh, wow, this is an amazing story. The cats are very spiritual. My dog who has passed away, saw the same thing when he was alive, in my bedroom. In the middle of the night, he just whimpered and gave the paw to something that was there, but I could not see to my naked eye. In the darkness of midnight. I knew inside myself that my dog had witnessed something spiritual. He was giving them his paw and whimpering softly, like as if to speak to them. I always believed this. I opened the light to see what was going on in the middle of my bedroom in the darkness of the night. I opened the light, and saw my dog talking to someone in my bedroom. He had his paw upright and was looking up to the sky, whimpering. I had to move him manually to make him stop. Like he was in some kind of a trance. That scared me so much. But at the same time, I was blessed to see this. There is a God. There are angels, and Saints. They all work for us humans. Animals are pure in spirit and soul. They have no sins.

    • @vayacondios9972
      @vayacondios9972 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brunab8867 - Wow that is truly incredible, and the more people tell of these amazing experiences only validates them even more, there is a spirit world. I believe that when they are calm like that, like my cat's and your Dog, and the way your dog appeared to be gesturing to it with it's paw that whatever it was it had to of been good, because animals also seem to sense good and evil and there have been experts in animal behavior who have even testified to that fact. Perhaps an angel did visit you and your dog in your room that night, and your dog responded to it.
      There is a lot we still do not fully understand, in this life, but we know there is something far greater than we can even imagine out there. Animals have been gifted with the ability to see into the spiritual realm, and I'm sure God has his reasons why we cannot, and perhaps it's for good reason, and maybe on the other hand they need to be able to see them.
      Thank you for sharing your story, it was really beautiful, I could imagine your Dog in that moment, and I bet he is truly is a beautiful dog, too!
      God Bless you and your Gorgeous Dog.

  • @kimberlybarber5915
    @kimberlybarber5915 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love what Vaya Condios said about what her cat saw. They can see (the animals) One of my animals used to worship where I had my crucifix hanging on the wall. He would meditate and worship and stare at it for long periods of time. Had plenty of other incidents happen. Every time a pet passes they let me know they are still there with us.

  • @ericmolinengo2245
    @ericmolinengo2245 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A truly enthralling show. Plus, the host is a stunner.

  • @miguelmouta
    @miguelmouta 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    YOU are a real angel , powerful and sweet Rose. ...

  • @kathydethman7218
    @kathydethman7218 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Fascinating, thank you for this presentation!!

  • @Oliveoil91661
    @Oliveoil91661 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The fallen Angels have never seen God's face. Once the beatific vision is experienced, sin can no longer be committed.

  • @texaslocoman1
    @texaslocoman1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Angels have wins and there are female angels and children angels

  • @inaacielo6078
    @inaacielo6078 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I admire angels and hoping to meet my own guardian angel in the next life or here 😊💕😊 audio is too low btw. God bless all esp this pandmic.

  • @nuggetoftruth-ericking7489
    @nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    yes..the church itself is a mystery

  • @trevorcarterva
    @trevorcarterva 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The ignorance of these people regarding who Lucifer and Satan is cannot be overstated. They should study their scriptures a little closer. In the Bible, Lucifer does not refer to a fallen angel. As for Satan, he doesn't act on his own. He's not against god. He works for the almighty.