The Czechs remember the Russians, unlike the Hungarians. I work with a doctor who is Czech by birth and she can't mention the Russians without spitting on the floor.
It is no secret that NATO and President Obama subverted Ukraine years ago as a tool to weaken Russia. This ignoble project has failed, and we have killed roughly a half million Ukrainians without any sign of shame. My country has become a disaster.
Russian tanks would completely obliterate this piece of crap. There is literally no part of the tank no matter the angle, which the Russian apfsds can’t rip through like butter. And good luck with that crappy little cannon form the 60’s which wont even get through the relict 1 better yet the armor itself at range.
@@schutzanzug4518 Russia is literally using the same tank without the upgrades. Russia is also using T62 tanks from the 60s. The Russian army is the definition of a paper tiger. Vladimir Fartcan really stepped in it this time
@@schutzanzug4518 Sure, and that's why the Russians have lost 2929 tanks already and they are retreating for months... It is because of their arms superiority:D.. Thanks, I haven't laughed so hard for a very long time...
@@viktornovomestsky3999 haha 2929 tanks. Funny. They don’t even have that many 🤣🤣. Let’s get back to reality. 3000 tanks destroyed is COMPLETE bs. That is coming straight from Kiev office, they are there ones who claim they destroy like 30 tanks a day. Only like 1/4 of those claimed tanks have actual evidence it was destroyed. And a good portion of those ‘Russian tanks’ are actually ukriane destroyed tanks with Z’s painted on them which has happened a lot more then I’d hope.
I'm an American expat who immigrated to the Netherlands 30 years ago. Last year, I discovered Prague, and I've visited several times. LOVED IT!! I've missed the city since the day I left. Great food, great beer, all at very reasonable prices. I found the people to be friendly and helpful. If you show respect to them, they will respect you in return. The Czech Republic is not necessarily pro-American, but after having to endure decades of Cold War Russian repression, they value their democracy. In that sense the country is pro-Western, and very supportive of Ukraine. Ukrainian flags fly all over the city, and at the Prague Castle, too. A giant blue-and-yellow banner on the Klementinum building just across the street from the Charles Bridge says "Hands off Ukraine, Putin!" Thousands of tourists from all over the world see that banner every day.
@@10jpmorgan Nice to read you love my hometown.. It has been listed as the world's prettiest city in 2021... And our support for Ukraine, either diplomatically, militarily, financially, taking above 460.000 refugees (per capita the highest number in EU, as we have only 10,5 Mio citizens) and so on is deeply routed in our hate towards Russia, as we were forced to be in the USSR from 1948-1989, and experienced very similar story with the Russians, as Ukraine is today, namely the USSR troops invasion on the 21st of August 1968.... There are many videos on TH-cam if you would like to get familiar with that topic....
@@10jpmorganmuy buen dato, yo no conozco Europa y menos Praga, lo conozco x documentales y es muy Linda ciudad, con una riqueza cultural patrimonial muy respetable.
@Radletorn Ukrainians are great. Tons of them live here in the Czech Republic. There are some Russians here too, but I don't know any because I'm not involved in organised crime.
Świetnie abyśmy trzymali się razem, tylko w ten sposób jesteśmy silni. Nie chcemy iść na wojnę, jesteśmy sojuszem obronnym. Tylko globalizacja może powstrzymać wojnę i trzecią wojnę światową. Nie możemy ze sobą konkurować, ale współpracować. To wiadomość dla Rosjan We must not compete (go to war) with each other, but to cooperate, that is the message to the Russians
@@marcelmisik8601 ať máme jaký chceme názory, spěje to pouze do dvou scénářů. Buď se téměř zničíme (Einstein - nevím čím se bude bojovat ve 3. světové válce, ale ve 4. to bude klacky a kameny), anebo se lidstvo posune a první scénář nenastane (k tomu ovšem dlouhá cesta). Podle mě je jediná možnost globalizace (samozřejmě v nějaké fázi už je), aby se setřely co nejvíce rozdíly (částečně tomu napomáhá i migrace, která bude ještě sílit díky klimatickým změnám). Bylo by to na úkor národů jako takových (pestrost, bohatství národů by ke škodě už nebylo takové). Ale když jedna strana chce mermomocí válčit, zatáhne do toho i ostatní. Důsledky vzniku druhé sv. války jsou obsáhlé, jakmile se ovšem Hitler začal rozpínat a nebyl zastaven na začátku, známe, jak to dopadlo. Putin musí být taky zastaven. Už zde nemá být místo pro diktárory a skupinku lidí kolem nich, toužících po moci a ovládání mas. Do budoucna se Rusko i Čína musí přiblížit západu a najít dialog, jinak nebude cesty zpět, až začne ...
Huge respect to Czech from Mother Russia for they still buying our gas in winter 2023 despite everything. EU money is what we really need today! Thanks again!
Thermal imaging is a great boon to these tanks, as it makes the difference between who fires first and who gets hit. The West can source this technology with ease, whereas Russia struggles to upgrade their older tanks with it due to sanctions.
I wish we had more to give but 30 years of Russian puppet regime's oppression stalled our development big time. 😡 Least we can do is prevent the same from happening to Ukraine.
@@casper6014 Well, f.e. Germany and France have been very oposite to that, Germany has sent its first Gepards in July!!! Before it was a help in form of 5000 helmets, which the Ukrainians got really angry about... The Czech republic was the first NATO country to provide them heavy weapons, such as tanks, howitzers, attack helicopters and so on...
Bravo to the good people of Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, and all the good people around the region who are doing what they can to help Ukraine in their struggle!
Thanks a lot. There shouldn't supposed to be dictators in today's world (and a group of people around).Russia (China) must come closer to the West, because we don't want to go to war with them. We need to work together and listen to each other. Now that seems like a long way
@@hemihead001 nice try. (Actually not though) Everyone with half a brain and one eye and ear knows that the European states are spending plenty of their own cash quite willingly without any US coercion
The USA and the Netherlands are paying for 90 tanks, which are gradually being produced and delivered to Ukraine until the spring of next year. About 30 tanks from this batch have already been finished. However, since February, several dozen tanks, several 152 mm DANA self-propelled howitzers and several RM-70 Vampir rocket launchers have been sent to Ukraine from this factory, all of which were paid for by the Czech government...
The American Taxpayer is footing the entire Bill for this massive killing effort . Where do you think the Dutch get all the money ? From American Taxpayers .
We all know USA and Uk are helping alot...even Germany and france...these are bigger countrys with bigger defense budgets... but we all need to love and recognize Poland ...Czech Republic ..Lithuania... these countrys are helping and giving so much help to the Ukranian s incredible!!!! Respect fot all these countrys who believe in freedom and know what s in stake here with this russian invasion!!! All this blood is in putin hands and all who suport him!!! We will never forget...keep strong Ukraine in your and our fight for freedom!!!!🇺🇦🇵🇹🇵🇱🇺🇲🇬🇧💚💙🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺💪🏼
Hey man, this might blow your mind but Czechoslovakia doesn't exist for 30 years now - or rather, it soon will not exist for 30 years now, Czechoslovakia ceased to exist on December 31 1992.
@@josephnewburgh8531 err why there quite you would say that. Czechoslovakia only existed for 73 years. By European standards very short lived country most created after the first world war with the collapse of the austro-hungrian empire till the collapse of the USSR. Czechs and Slovakian are different people with seperate countries. But they both members of the European Union and NATO.
So cool to hear stories like this. With the air base attacks deep into Russian territory, along with more than 80% takedown rate of Russian missiles on civilian infrastructure, I have high hopes of the Ukrainian forces, and the resolve of Ukrainian people to ultimately be the cause of Russia losing this war. Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, country, and their freedom. They are also fighting for Europe and democracy. My heart goes out to their current plight. Sláva Ukrayíni!
@@BlueMoon_24 the only way the ukrainians can possibly lose is if other countries stop supporting them. The europeans have mostly been sleepwalking and stupid with regards to russia but I think we still need to help them until they can wake up. Europe and the US both need to seriously rethink the requirements of a modern war, and ramp up production of ammunition weapons and supplies🇺🇸🇺🇦
You really believe that only 20 percent of Russian missiles get through and that 20 percent has basically returned the country into the Stone Age… Jesus..
@@cameronspence4977 Supply weapons so that our people die? For what ? In order to support the Zelensky regime? You are playing with fire, you can supply weapons to Ukraine forever, but we will achieve our goal ...
I am so proud my country is helping! I have visited Ukraine several times, and I am sure Ukraine will finally have prosperous and European future once the war ends in victory. Moments like this although painful in present, define the nations for centuries to come. What a great nation of heroes.
@@Zordeos I have been to Russia many times as well. And yes, I have seen many places there basically looking like sh*t, poverty and ruin all around. Some places are absolutely fantastic, like Moscow & Piter. Why?
@@letecmig мест, которые похожи на полное дерьмо, можно найти много. И не только в России. Но и на Украине. Или в США. Что касается Москвы, то вопрос риторический. Москва-столица. Ясное дело, что там всё лучше. Но я живу в тысячах километров от Москвы. Ангарск, иркутская область. И мой город лучше с каждым годом. Что же касается вопросов о разрухе, то все очень просто. Многие населенные пункты и предприятия строились во времена командной экономики. И в капиталистическую модель не вписались. Не выгодны. Их судьба- исчезнуть. Однако же и сам крах СССР испытала на себе в полной мере лишь Россия. Разрыв цепочек поставок, выплата всего государственного долга СССР, война с сепаратистами, а позднее (благодаря эмиссарам Аль-Каиды) и с террористами на северном Кавказе. Крах советского ВПК, который давал множество рабочих мест... Но если бы ты видел Россию сегодня и 15-20 лет назад, ты бы понимал, что стало значительно лучше.
@@Zordeos not sure what relation your comments have to the video above. In any case, I think russians should care for their own country, their own cities, their own pensioners rather than waging war against Ukraine.
I have been told by several "experienced" tankers in the region that the single greatest and beneficial upgrade to the t72 is the thermal imaging system.
However I still have a slight concern. Mainly on where the ammunition is stored. The T series of tanks have ammo stored under the crew. When pierced, the tank explodes and will at times send the turret flying high in the air. I wonder if they did something to solve or reduce the issue or is it still an underlying problem.
@@grisom5863 while dramatic it isn't really that big of a deal that it throws the turret. Dead is dead, and if the armor is getting penetrated the crew is likely dead regardless.
Those news and scenes are really spirit lifting. They prove exemplary solidarity with Ukrainians Who defend Their Homeland!!! Slava Ukraini! Slava Hierojam! Greetings from Poland to Ukrainian and Czech Brothers and Sisters!!!! ALL FREE PEOPLE ARE BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!
@@geopolitix7770 Right. Well, They did not get the taste of ruski mir in the past - that is why there are sort of hesitant and kind of on the russofile side. I hope that slowly an obvious truth will get to Them and will change Their minds.
Hats off to Czech 🇨🇿 and the volunteers who are helping Ukraine 👍🙏 Go Chechen, Belarusian, Georgian and other volunteer fighters, UAF, russian separatists, and all supporters, GO, - finish russian mafia troops! 💪 Hats off to every single volunteer workers 🙏 GLORY TO UKRAINE! 🥇💖🇺🇦🙏 🇺🇦💖🥇SLAVA UKRAINI!👏🇫🇮🇨🇭
No Hats Off to the American Taxpayers who go without to pay for this senseless killing ? Where do you think Europe gets this money from ? Not from their Taxpayers but from the US who everyone in Europe hates .
Chitbach cheese bell end . The Ukrainian government is murdering its own Ukrainian population just because tge speak Russian. The Russian speaking Ukrainians are the ones being pounded by NATO . They are Ukrainian imbecile
V naší zemi je docela vzácné narazit na někoho, kdo tyhle hovna žere... Naše (proti-ústavní) vláda podnikatelů, v tom má jasno. Další způsob, jak bohatnout na chudých. Nic nového.. Co z toho ale má někdo, jako vy? Nejdříve si prosím dejte alespoň tu práci, zjistit si, co se tam dělo posledních osm let...
@@j4yxxrecords492 spíš je to o inteligenčním kruhu, ve kterém se pohybujete. V mém okolí je podpora Ukrajiny mým odhadem mezi 75-80%. Vím, co se dělo na Ukrajině posledních 8 let. Jen ne z proruských lživých zdrojů. Moji vládu jsem si zvolil a podporuji. Nenutím Vás dělat to samé a respektuji Váš názor. Jen byste si měl uvědomit, že žijete v zemi, kde je narozdíl od teroristického ruSSka demokracie a každý má právo vyjádřit svůj názor. Zvlášť pak na AMERICKÉ sociální síti...
@@RobinBudik Jistě. To bude asi ono.. Na druhou stranu mě těší, že těchto "inteligenčních" kruhů, nikdy doufám nedosáhnu. Povýšenost, snobství a arogance, jde totiž ruku v ruce se zabedněností, ignorancí a odmítáním zodpovědnosti...
@@j4yxxrecords492 a také se přiznám, že jsem byl v tomto ohledu hlupák. Do roku 2014 jsem se na Ukrajinu díval skrze prsty. Jen díky Rusku jsem se vždy lehce styděl za svůj slovanský původ a uklidňoval jsem sám sebe, že mám i rakouskou a ománskou krev (asi z 10% jen). Ukrajinský odpor ve mně vzbudil hrdého Slovana. Dnes jsem díky válce na Ukrajině hrdý na slovanskou rasu. Zvlásť, když ruští muslimové z Čečenská chtějí vést svatou válku v Evropě, která skončí až v Berlíně (slova čečenského predsedy parlamentu). To vám nevadí? A co takový K.H. Borovský? To byl také hlupák, když po osobní zkušenosti žití v Rusku byl nejdřív přesvědčen o solidaritě slovanských národů, ale v Rusku se jeho názor začal měnit, iluze se rozplynuly, o čemž psal i ve své knize. Vyzdvihoval lásku místního obyvatelstva k alkoholu, sobectví, nemravnost a zaostalost ruských vesnic.“ a co teprve známý výrok: „Rusové rádi nazývají všechno ruské slovanským, aby pak mohli tvrdit, že všechno slovanské je ruské”. Zkuste si zjistit něco o Stalinově hladomoru na Ukrajině a proč se tehdy stala ta země nacistickou. Rusové tam spáchali genocidu 10 milionů lidí. SLAVA UKRAJINI, HEROJAM SLAVA!
Zdá se, že mi YT nechce dovolit umístit do komentáře pár odkazů... Dneska je již jiná doba. Vše se dá zdokumentovat. Nestačí jen číst a poslouchat. To nikam nevede...
It's good to see that our government keeps helping our eastern brothers defend their country and reclaim the lost territory. I remember the affair surrounding the modernization of our T72 from few decades back, was all over media back then... to do it or not to do it, is it worth it and who will do it... now things are finally moving in the right direction. They may be old but with few upgrades and considering Russia is reverting to even older models and chassis they should be at top of the food chain in Ukraine. At least they won't be catching rust in our hangars, and if Germans send some more Leopards to us as replacements, all the better. 😉
I'm very happy for Ukrainians I said in the beginning that you all were gifted to be able to make things work that the Orc's broke and this is helping the front lines to end Russian War GLORY to Ukraine 🌻🙏💪
I believe that this is the company that is doing the refurbishment of the T-72s for Ukraine that are being paid for by the USA and the Netherlands. It was announced in the USA's aid package from one month ago. The USA and the Netherlands are splitting the cost for the Czechs to refurbish, rebuild and upgrade around 100 T-72 tanks that are coming from the Czech Republic's own stocks and elsewhere. When you look at these T-72s compared to the ones that Ukraine already has...both from their own stocks and from captured Russian can see just how significant the upgrades are. Real, functional ERA blocks that are actually installed in a logical manner, upgraded thermal sights (which are extremely important), rangefinders and other electronics, and a mechanical overhaul that makes these things nearly-brand-new tanks for Ukraine. It's awesome to see that the Czechs are also employing Ukrainian refugees to help refurbish the tanks that will go on to defend their homeland.
@@briananthony4044 iirc Ukraine had around 450 T-72s of various versions prior to 2014. They have a small plant in Kyiv that churns out T-72AMTs - that one is essentially T-72A with same modifications as T-64BM. My guess is that with the war, they pushed all the working T-72s into the fight, possibly with little modification(mounting Kontakt-1 maybe). There were ideas floating of Czechia, Slovakia and Poland putting damaged or rotting tanks from Ukraine into working order, could already be happening to some degree... However I imagine the priority for UA's logistics capabilities is somewhere else... poor lads are probably working overtime as is.
@@Wanys123 Czech MOD is helping to organise the Czech and Ukrainian companies that refurbish tanks so that Ukrainian workers can work here and the companies can cooperate in Ukraine in the future. We have a shortage of manpower here so this effort is mutually beneficial.
@@briananthony4044 given how well Ukraine has been doing with the stock they already had (tanks from other countries coming in took a while) and how they had been spending 4% of their GDP on their military since 2014, I don't think they let their tanks just sit and rot in storage. My impression is they took good care of their stuff ever after the shock of 2014 (before, their army was apparently a bit of a mess with corruption levels similar to ruzzia's shitshow).
This is what's needed. This is the brilliance of those of whom want to stay free. These people are doing the work of freedom. They have quit talking about it, and have rolled up their sleeves and are doing something about keeping real freedom in the region. Bravo to the Czech people, great respect for their action. Absolute brilliance. Well done folks, very well done. Those tanks have never looked so good, and surely have never worked so effectively. Super impressed! Thank you patriots! 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Glory to God, Victory for Ukraine, Rise Free Nations!
@@hemihead001 US tax payers paid for only a small fraction of the tanks which Czechs delivered to Ukraine. While USA did not send a single tank to Ukraine which Czechia did not pay for. Not to mention that USA is earning so much money from this war that it is natural it should support its allies, especially those who supported Ukraine as much as they could and have way higher donations percentage wise.
It really gives me hope in humanity when so many different countries come together to help another country against a great evil. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every country and everyone that is helping Ukraine defeat the fascist Putin Regime. Glory to my heroes! Glory to Ukraine ✊🏻🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦
I bet those blocks of kontact 4 work. I still can't get over of the video I saw earlier in the war, where a Ukrainian mechanic opens one from a captured Russian tank, and there is nothing in there. What a gyp. Robbing something that could save someone's life. Kind of like that scene from Catch 22 where Yossarian goes to get the injured gunner some morphene but its empty with a IOU in there. Cheers for the vid.
That was debunked as a fake on erasmus. The explosive had been removed prior to filming. The rubber strips are normal there. Ukrainian propaganda they are great at it
Even all of those burned out vehicles you see lining the roads in Ukraine have some use. Some are only good for parts, but others can be rebuilt. That's why you see videos of farmers pulling them. They're not taking them for themselves, they're delivering them to a central location from where they can be shipped to places like in this video, where they rebuild them!
Those farmers are legends in their own right. I can't imagine the stories we will hear of individual awesomeness from Ukranian civilians when Russia is finally thrown out of Ukraine
Jayclark....this has gone on fir eight years of murder for the Russian speaking Ukrainians . They are the civilians being killed by there own government. Odesa May 2 2014 Russia should have stepped in on that day . Are you a imbecile ? Try watching the many documentaries made by The BBC , ABC, CNN ,France 24 , detailing n@zis in Ukraine . Or Adin Aslin and his many interviews regarding AZOV who he served along side of for years . However this is probable a fake account like so many others . Short on fact .
They are also modernizing even T-64s to a level that gives them a fighting chance against the Russians. This is a really great company, I only wish it were bigger or had some "competition" to churn out some as well. And those AA guntrucks are exactly what they need for the Iranian and Russisn drones, this is all some seriously helpful equipment.
@@sevcaczech5961 Sadly, this is neither DYNA, DYNAS or DYNA-Excalibur. Those are Kontakt-1 made by presumably STV Group. So Czech license-made Kontakt-1. If they were to mount DYNA, they would also have to send replacement panels to Ukraine. If Kontakt-1 gets blown out, UA can easily replace those.
a shit ton of African and Arab refugees work diligently in various sectors in European countries, from house cleaning to genetic engineering. you're being racist and you know it.
@@SCPKing1835 And a shitton are not. You are calling facts racist. Youre delusional. We dont have a problem with Ukrainian rapists or thieves or murderers in central Europe.
That´s a really nice idea. Meanwhile, in Germany we added 100 billion to our defence budget, but most of it will probably go into some "advisors" bank accounts.
I think Germany is doing the..."I got 100billion dollars. What can I get? Work with me man!" and not doing the..."I'm gonna do 100billion per year from now on".
@@BS-my6qx post unification the west let its guard down, everyone has let the US defend us almost foc. We are now paying the price for being seen weak and Putin has acted.
Hello from Czech republic, slava Ukrajine!
Love ❤️ Czech 🇨🇿
Hi from Ukraine 🇺🇦
You Czechs are doing an awesome job! Thank you so much
The Czechs remember the Russians, unlike the Hungarians. I work with a doctor who is Czech by birth and she can't mention the Russians without spitting on the floor.
It is no secret that NATO and President Obama subverted Ukraine years ago as a tool to weaken Russia. This ignoble project has failed, and we have killed roughly a half million Ukrainians without any sign of shame. My country has become a disaster.
@@Conn30Mtenor exactly :)
Former Soviet bloc countries are stepping up big time as they know what is at stake! Freedom isn't free!
Never met anyone who said freedom isnt free who had a BMI below 30
@@toothlesstherussain should you be on the Frontline bro . Your army needs you they are getting fucked in the ass
What is the definition of freedom. If Zelensky represents freedom, then dictatorship is good.
Czech's have always been top notch machinery. Nice work. Russian tankers will envy these.
CR has a long history of advanced industry and weapons manufacturing...
Russian tanks would completely obliterate this piece of crap. There is literally no part of the tank no matter the angle, which the Russian apfsds can’t rip through like butter.
And good luck with that crappy little cannon form the 60’s which wont even get through the relict 1 better yet the armor itself at range.
@@schutzanzug4518 Russia is literally using the same tank without the upgrades. Russia is also using T62 tanks from the 60s. The Russian army is the definition of a paper tiger. Vladimir Fartcan really stepped in it this time
@@schutzanzug4518 Sure, and that's why the Russians have lost 2929 tanks already and they are retreating for months... It is because of their arms superiority:D.. Thanks, I haven't laughed so hard for a very long time...
@@viktornovomestsky3999 haha 2929 tanks. Funny. They don’t even have that many 🤣🤣.
Let’s get back to reality.
3000 tanks destroyed is COMPLETE bs. That is coming straight from Kiev office, they are there ones who claim they destroy like 30 tanks a day.
Only like 1/4 of those claimed tanks have actual evidence it was destroyed.
And a good portion of those ‘Russian tanks’ are actually ukriane destroyed tanks with Z’s painted on them which has happened a lot more then I’d hope.
Friend in need is a friend indeed. Keep up the good work, Czech and other Ukraine supporters!
brawo Czechy brawo dobry sąsiad pozdrowienia z Polski
And from Canada!
Не повезло с соседом Польшей.
and from austria
And Thank you Poland for your freedom of speech and for standing up to Kremlin's aggression we all remember too well 🌈🍀❤️🙏
@@ВикторКэш bot
Czech Republic rocks, great people and even better beer. Keep the fight alive, long live UKRAINE. CAM.
True:) Im German, and the Czech people I met were really friendly and down to earth while having great cultural and natural sights!
I'm an American expat who immigrated to the Netherlands 30 years ago. Last year, I discovered Prague, and I've visited several times. LOVED IT!! I've missed the city since the day I left. Great food, great beer, all at very reasonable prices. I found the people to be friendly and helpful. If you show respect to them, they will respect you in return. The Czech Republic is not necessarily pro-American, but after having to endure decades of Cold War Russian repression, they value their democracy. In that sense the country is pro-Western, and very supportive of Ukraine. Ukrainian flags fly all over the city, and at the Prague Castle, too. A giant blue-and-yellow banner on the Klementinum building just across the street from the Charles Bridge says "Hands off Ukraine, Putin!" Thousands of tourists from all over the world see that banner every day.
@@10jpmorgan Nice to read you love my hometown.. It has been listed as the world's prettiest city in 2021... And our support for Ukraine, either diplomatically, militarily, financially, taking above 460.000 refugees (per capita the highest number in EU, as we have only 10,5 Mio citizens) and so on is deeply routed in our hate towards Russia, as we were forced to be in the USSR from 1948-1989, and experienced very similar story with the Russians, as Ukraine is today, namely the USSR troops invasion on the 21st of August 1968.... There are many videos on TH-cam if you would like to get familiar with that topic....
@@10jpmorganmuy buen dato, yo no conozco Europa y menos Praga, lo conozco x documentales y es muy Linda ciudad, con una riqueza cultural patrimonial muy respetable.
@Radletorn Ukrainians are great. Tons of them live here in the Czech Republic. There are some Russians here too, but I don't know any because I'm not involved in organised crime.
Respect to Czech people from Poland. We love you guys and stand together with help for Ukraine.
The same message from Slovakia.
Świetnie abyśmy trzymali się razem, tylko w ten sposób jesteśmy silni. Nie chcemy iść na wojnę, jesteśmy sojuszem obronnym. Tylko globalizacja może powstrzymać wojnę i trzecią wojnę światową. Nie możemy ze sobą konkurować, ale współpracować. To wiadomość dla Rosjan
We must not compete (go to war) with each other, but to cooperate, that is the message to the Russians
@@marcelmisik8601 ať máme jaký chceme názory, spěje to pouze do dvou scénářů. Buď se téměř zničíme (Einstein - nevím čím se bude bojovat ve 3. světové válce, ale ve 4. to bude klacky a kameny), anebo se lidstvo posune a první scénář nenastane (k tomu ovšem dlouhá cesta). Podle mě je jediná možnost globalizace (samozřejmě v nějaké fázi už je), aby se setřely co nejvíce rozdíly (částečně tomu napomáhá i migrace, která bude ještě sílit díky klimatickým změnám). Bylo by to na úkor národů jako takových (pestrost, bohatství národů by ke škodě už nebylo takové). Ale když jedna strana chce mermomocí válčit, zatáhne do toho i ostatní. Důsledky vzniku druhé sv. války jsou obsáhlé, jakmile se ovšem Hitler začal rozpínat a nebyl zastaven na začátku, známe, jak to dopadlo. Putin musí být taky zastaven. Už zde nemá být místo pro diktárory a skupinku lidí kolem nich, toužících po moci a ovládání mas. Do budoucna se Rusko i Čína musí přiblížit západu a najít dialog, jinak nebude cesty zpět, až začne ...
Huge respect to Czech from Mother Russia for they still buying our gas in winter 2023 despite everything. EU money is what we really need today! Thanks again!
mów za siebie
Thermal imaging is a great boon to these tanks, as it makes the difference between who fires first and who gets hit.
The West can source this technology with ease, whereas Russia struggles to upgrade their older tanks with it due to sanctions.
In Winter tanks will stand out like a bonfire at midnight on thermal sights. (assuming its running)
@@jaykellett2327 I bet orcs will keep the engines running for as long as they have fuel, just for keeping themselves warm...
what is reactive armor?
@@cut-- armour plates with explosives underneath who explode on impact decreasing the incoming projectiles damaging capability
Avec des machines à laver 😂
Great story, nice to see other countries like the Czech Republic helping Ukraine.
tanks are not given away!! paid for by the US and the netherlands..
CR has been helping from day 1 ...
As someone with a Czech heritage, this makes me proud.
I wish we had more to give but 30 years of Russian puppet regime's oppression stalled our development big time. 😡 Least we can do is prevent the same from happening to Ukraine.
@@casper6014 Well, f.e. Germany and France have been very oposite to that, Germany has sent its first Gepards in July!!! Before it was a help in form of 5000 helmets, which the Ukrainians got really angry about... The Czech republic was the first NATO country to provide them heavy weapons, such as tanks, howitzers, attack helicopters and so on...
Bravo to the good people of Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, and all the good people around the region who are doing what they can to help Ukraine in their struggle!
Gotta love the Czech Republic Man!
Unbelievable job they're doing on those tanks!
Absolutely incredible transformation. 👏
Congratulations to the workers
Thank you very much, Dear Czech and Polish brothers and sisters!!!
Always welcome sluts. Men shall die in trenches.
Many thanks to the Czech brothers and sisters!
Love from USA!❤❤❤
Thanks a lot. There shouldn't supposed to be dictators in today's world (and a group of people around).Russia (China) must come closer to the West, because we don't want to go to war with them. We need to work together and listen to each other.
Now that seems like a long way
Thank you Czech company for doing this and workers who make this happen.
Thank you American Taxpayers for paying for it all .
@@hemihead001 And the whole civilised world is grateful for it. Just like in WWII, American money is helping in the fight against barbarian monsters.
@@hemihead001 nice try.
(Actually not though) Everyone with half a brain and one eye and ear knows that the European states are spending plenty of their own cash quite willingly without any US coercion
То ж дякуємо Вам та нашим Чешским побратимам !щиро дякуємо
Дякувальник свой не надорви, слишким многим приходится дякувать
Není zač, jsem rád že pomáháme státu v nouzi.
Sláva Ukrajině
@@soddy5964 посмертно .
Also the tanks are paid for in two batches of 45 each. One batch is paid for by the Dutch government, the other by the USA.
So the USA and Netherlands went "Dutch treat" on the cost.😂Thanks to both!
The USA and the Netherlands are paying for 90 tanks, which are gradually being produced and delivered to Ukraine until the spring of next year. About 30 tanks from this batch have already been finished. However, since February, several dozen tanks, several 152 mm DANA self-propelled howitzers and several RM-70 Vampir rocket launchers have been sent to Ukraine from this factory, all of which were paid for by the Czech government...
The American Taxpayer is footing the entire Bill for this massive killing effort . Where do you think the Dutch get all the money ? From American Taxpayers .
@@hemihead001 lol?!? Sniffed to much glue??? You know netherlands use Euro Not Dollar..........
@Hemi Head quit making shit up.
Big hello to Czech Republic , your work is handsome and will be well used in this war. Thank you
Recycling at it best. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇬🇧
Brawo Czesi!
We all know USA and Uk are helping alot...even Germany and france...these are bigger countrys with bigger defense budgets... but we all need to love and recognize Poland ...Czech Republic ..Lithuania... these countrys are helping and giving so much help to the Ukranian s incredible!!!! Respect fot all these countrys who believe in freedom and know what s in stake here with this russian invasion!!! All this blood is in putin hands and all who suport him!!! We will never forget...keep strong Ukraine in your and our fight for freedom!!!!🇺🇦🇵🇹🇵🇱🇺🇲🇬🇧💚💙🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺💪🏼
99% US Taxpayer Dollars but everyone hates America until we pay most of the Bill .
They all know that if Ukraine falls, then they could be next as Putin seeks to re-establish the old USSR
Estonia and Latvia give even more per capita. All understand
What a great thing they are doing!!
You mean a great thing American taxpayers are paying for as usual ?
@@hemihead001 🤨
Thank you Czechslovakia for you help! Slava Czechs and Ukraine!!!!
Hey man, this might blow your mind but Czechoslovakia doesn't exist for 30 years now - or rather, it soon will not exist for 30 years now, Czechoslovakia ceased to exist on December 31 1992.
Thank the American Taxpayers for paying for it for once will you ?
Sure fathead! I know what's at stake! Beyond anything the orange headed liar says that you believe, lol
It will always be Czechoslovakia, it was when I served in West Germany in 82 and 83!
@@josephnewburgh8531 err why there quite you would say that. Czechoslovakia only existed for 73 years. By European standards very short lived country most created after the first world war with the collapse of the austro-hungrian empire till the collapse of the USSR.
Czechs and Slovakian are different people with seperate countries. But they both members of the European Union and NATO.
So cool to hear stories like this. With the air base attacks deep into Russian territory, along with more than 80% takedown rate of Russian missiles on civilian infrastructure, I have high hopes of the Ukrainian forces, and the resolve of Ukrainian people to ultimately be the cause of Russia losing this war. Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, country, and their freedom. They are also fighting for Europe and democracy. My heart goes out to their current plight. Sláva Ukrayíni!
The US MUST continue to assist Ukraine. The freedom of all of Europe is at stake!
@@BlueMoon_24 the only way the ukrainians can possibly lose is if other countries stop supporting them. The europeans have mostly been sleepwalking and stupid with regards to russia but I think we still need to help them until they can wake up. Europe and the US both need to seriously rethink the requirements of a modern war, and ramp up production of ammunition weapons and supplies🇺🇸🇺🇦
You really believe that only 20 percent of Russian missiles get through and that 20 percent has basically returned the country into the Stone Age… Jesus..
@@cameronspence4977 Supply weapons so that our people die? For what ? In order to support the Zelensky regime? You are playing with fire, you can supply weapons to Ukraine forever, but we will achieve our goal ...
If they took out 80 percent of all missiles damage would be like that. Why are you beliving Ukrainian propaganda?
I am so proud my country is helping! I have visited Ukraine several times, and I am sure Ukraine will finally have prosperous and European future once the war ends in victory. Moments like this although painful in present, define the nations for centuries to come. What a great nation of heroes.
Был ли ты в России? Мы правда орки?) Нищета, разруха и кошмар, да? 🤣
@@Zordeos I have been to Russia many times as well. And yes, I have seen many places there basically looking like sh*t, poverty and ruin all around. Some places are absolutely fantastic, like Moscow & Piter. Why?
Dekuju za takove teple slova! Dekujeme ceskym lidem za pomoc a za pochoupeni! Naprosto cesi jsou opravdove kamaradi)
@@letecmig мест, которые похожи на полное дерьмо, можно найти много. И не только в России. Но и на Украине. Или в США. Что касается Москвы, то вопрос риторический. Москва-столица. Ясное дело, что там всё лучше. Но я живу в тысячах километров от Москвы. Ангарск, иркутская область. И мой город лучше с каждым годом. Что же касается вопросов о разрухе, то все очень просто. Многие населенные пункты и предприятия строились во времена командной экономики. И в капиталистическую модель не вписались. Не выгодны. Их судьба- исчезнуть. Однако же и сам крах СССР испытала на себе в полной мере лишь Россия. Разрыв цепочек поставок, выплата всего государственного долга СССР, война с сепаратистами, а позднее (благодаря эмиссарам Аль-Каиды) и с террористами на северном Кавказе. Крах советского ВПК, который давал множество рабочих мест... Но если бы ты видел Россию сегодня и 15-20 лет назад, ты бы понимал, что стало значительно лучше.
@@Zordeos not sure what relation your comments have to the video above. In any case, I think russians should care for their own country, their own cities, their own pensioners rather than waging war against Ukraine.
I have been told by several "experienced" tankers in the region that the single greatest and beneficial upgrade to the t72 is the thermal imaging system.
However I still have a slight concern. Mainly on where the ammunition is stored. The T series of tanks have ammo stored under the crew. When pierced, the tank explodes and will at times send the turret flying high in the air. I wonder if they did something to solve or reduce the issue or is it still an underlying problem.
@@grisom5863 while dramatic it isn't really that big of a deal that it throws the turret. Dead is dead, and if the armor is getting penetrated the crew is likely dead regardless.
Those news and scenes are really spirit lifting. They prove exemplary solidarity with Ukrainians Who defend Their Homeland!!! Slava Ukraini! Slava Hierojam! Greetings from Poland to Ukrainian and Czech Brothers and Sisters!!!! ALL FREE PEOPLE ARE BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!!
Thank you to everyone who is helping Ukraine... but Poland and Czech Republic, you guys are doing some heavy lifting. Legends 🥇
@@geopolitix7770 Ukraine defends Europe against ruski mir. So it is our, european obligation to give Her as much help as possible.
@@janbezziemi4162 now if only Macron and the forgettable leader of Switzerland would figure that out
@@geopolitix7770 Right. Well, They did not get the taste of ruski mir in the past - that is why there are sort of hesitant and kind of on the russofile side. I hope that slowly an obvious truth will get to Them and will change Their minds.
Hats off to Czech 🇨🇿 and the volunteers who are helping Ukraine 👍🙏
Go Chechen, Belarusian, Georgian and other volunteer fighters, UAF, russian separatists, and all supporters, GO, - finish russian mafia troops! 💪 Hats off to every single volunteer workers 🙏
No Hats Off to the American Taxpayers who go without to pay for this senseless killing ? Where do you think Europe gets this money from ? Not from their Taxpayers but from the US who everyone in Europe hates .
@@hemihead001 Russians are Nazis
Chitbach cheese bell end . The Ukrainian government is murdering its own Ukrainian population just because tge speak Russian. The Russian speaking Ukrainians are the ones being pounded by NATO . They are Ukrainian imbecile
Давайте сдохните все
Czechia has been a huge help, as a military partner and essential missile defence.
Czech glory to you and your country thank from the free world SLAVA Czech &Ukraine 🇨🇿 ❤ 🇺🇦
Обе недостраны могут сосать у ихнего Путина без очереди, но по очереди. Ихний Путин лось и умеет изгонять нечисть.
@@yCpaina иди нахуй в ес понхать тупой лгбт
@@silenickdoom8890 =Xyecoc Путинский.
this makes me so proud of being Czech. We got you our Ukrainian brothers!
V naší zemi je docela vzácné narazit na někoho, kdo tyhle hovna žere... Naše (proti-ústavní) vláda podnikatelů, v tom má jasno. Další způsob, jak bohatnout na chudých. Nic nového.. Co z toho ale má někdo, jako vy? Nejdříve si prosím dejte alespoň tu práci, zjistit si, co se tam dělo posledních osm let...
@@j4yxxrecords492 spíš je to o inteligenčním kruhu, ve kterém se pohybujete. V mém okolí je podpora Ukrajiny mým odhadem mezi 75-80%. Vím, co se dělo na Ukrajině posledních 8 let. Jen ne z proruských lživých zdrojů. Moji vládu jsem si zvolil a podporuji. Nenutím Vás dělat to samé a respektuji Váš názor. Jen byste si měl uvědomit, že žijete v zemi, kde je narozdíl od teroristického ruSSka demokracie a každý má právo vyjádřit svůj názor. Zvlášť pak na AMERICKÉ sociální síti...
@@RobinBudik Jistě. To bude asi ono.. Na druhou stranu mě těší, že těchto "inteligenčních" kruhů, nikdy doufám nedosáhnu. Povýšenost, snobství a arogance, jde totiž ruku v ruce se zabedněností, ignorancí a odmítáním zodpovědnosti...
@@j4yxxrecords492 a také se přiznám, že jsem byl v tomto ohledu hlupák. Do roku 2014 jsem se na Ukrajinu díval skrze prsty. Jen díky Rusku jsem se vždy lehce styděl za svůj slovanský původ a uklidňoval jsem sám sebe, že mám i rakouskou a ománskou krev (asi z 10% jen). Ukrajinský odpor ve mně vzbudil hrdého Slovana. Dnes jsem díky válce na Ukrajině hrdý na slovanskou rasu. Zvlásť, když ruští muslimové z Čečenská chtějí vést svatou válku v Evropě, která skončí až v Berlíně (slova čečenského predsedy parlamentu). To vám nevadí? A co takový K.H. Borovský? To byl také hlupák, když po osobní zkušenosti žití v Rusku byl nejdřív přesvědčen o solidaritě slovanských národů, ale v Rusku se jeho názor začal měnit, iluze se rozplynuly, o čemž psal i ve své knize. Vyzdvihoval lásku místního obyvatelstva k alkoholu, sobectví, nemravnost a zaostalost ruských vesnic.“ a co teprve známý výrok: „Rusové rádi nazývají všechno ruské slovanským, aby pak mohli tvrdit, že všechno slovanské je ruské”.
Zkuste si zjistit něco o Stalinově hladomoru na Ukrajině a proč se tehdy stala ta země nacistickou. Rusové tam spáchali genocidu 10 milionů lidí.
Zdá se, že mi YT nechce dovolit umístit do komentáře pár odkazů... Dneska je již jiná doba. Vše se dá zdokumentovat. Nestačí jen číst a poslouchat. To nikam nevede...
It's good to see that our government keeps helping our eastern brothers defend their country and reclaim the lost territory. I remember the affair surrounding the modernization of our T72 from few decades back, was all over media back then... to do it or not to do it, is it worth it and who will do it... now things are finally moving in the right direction. They may be old but with few upgrades and considering Russia is reverting to even older models and chassis they should be at top of the food chain in Ukraine. At least they won't be catching rust in our hangars, and if Germans send some more Leopards to us as replacements, all the better. 😉
We stand together 🇺🇦🤝🏼🇺🇸
You mean YOU stand with the Nazis , not me . I want my Tax Dollars returned .
Thanks a lot to the Czechs for there great help. Canada. Glory to Ukraine.
Bravo and Kudos to Czech! Thank you for helping Ukraine.
Well done Czechs. Respect from Australia.
Thank you my homeland, you remember russia.
The Czech people are amazing 👏.
God Bless Ukraine !!! God Bless Czech Republic !!!
I'm very happy for Ukrainians I said in the beginning that you all were gifted to be able to make things work that the Orc's broke and this is helping the front lines to end Russian War
GLORY to Ukraine 🌻🙏💪
Ukraine was gifted with Billions and Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars .
I love it when countries join forces and work together to achieve some great thing. Let cooperation prevail in our world over scorn and selfishness.
Awesome work guys!
I believe that this is the company that is doing the refurbishment of the T-72s for Ukraine that are being paid for by the USA and the Netherlands. It was announced in the USA's aid package from one month ago. The USA and the Netherlands are splitting the cost for the Czechs to refurbish, rebuild and upgrade around 100 T-72 tanks that are coming from the Czech Republic's own stocks and elsewhere.
When you look at these T-72s compared to the ones that Ukraine already has...both from their own stocks and from captured Russian can see just how significant the upgrades are. Real, functional ERA blocks that are actually installed in a logical manner, upgraded thermal sights (which are extremely important), rangefinders and other electronics, and a mechanical overhaul that makes these things nearly-brand-new tanks for Ukraine. It's awesome to see that the Czechs are also employing Ukrainian refugees to help refurbish the tanks that will go on to defend their homeland.
Ukraine had thousands of T-72 in storage, but most probably haven't moved in decades. If they can be put on trucks and taken to Czech?
@@briananthony4044 iirc Ukraine had around 450 T-72s of various versions prior to 2014. They have a small plant in Kyiv that churns out T-72AMTs - that one is essentially T-72A with same modifications as T-64BM.
My guess is that with the war, they pushed all the working T-72s into the fight, possibly with little modification(mounting Kontakt-1 maybe).
There were ideas floating of Czechia, Slovakia and Poland putting damaged or rotting tanks from Ukraine into working order, could already be happening to some degree... However I imagine the priority for UA's logistics capabilities is somewhere else... poor lads are probably working overtime as is.
@@Wanys123 Czech MOD is helping to organise the Czech and Ukrainian companies that refurbish tanks so that Ukrainian workers can work here and the companies can cooperate in Ukraine in the future.
We have a shortage of manpower here so this effort is mutually beneficial.
@@briananthony4044 given how well Ukraine has been doing with the stock they already had (tanks from other countries coming in took a while) and how they had been spending 4% of their GDP on their military since 2014, I don't think they let their tanks just sit and rot in storage. My impression is they took good care of their stuff ever after the shock of 2014 (before, their army was apparently a bit of a mess with corruption levels similar to ruzzia's shitshow).
This is what's needed. This is the brilliance of those of whom want to stay free. These people are doing the work of freedom. They have quit talking about it, and have rolled up their sleeves and are doing something about keeping real freedom in the region.
Bravo to the Czech people, great respect for their action. Absolute brilliance. Well done folks, very well done. Those tanks have never looked so good, and surely have never worked so effectively.
Super impressed! Thank you patriots!
Glory to God,
Victory for Ukraine,
Rise Free Nations!
Well done the Czechs 🇨🇿 👏
I owned a Czech Zetor tractor. Thing was bullet proof.
Bravo! Well done. Bless you all.
Thanks for being an example for the world!
Дякую за вашу допомогу та працю.
Не поможет .
WOW Czech well done ...
Well Done US Taxpayers paying for it .
@@hemihead001 US tax payers paid for only a small fraction of the tanks which Czechs delivered to Ukraine. While USA did not send a single tank to Ukraine which Czechia did not pay for. Not to mention that USA is earning so much money from this war that it is natural it should support its allies, especially those who supported Ukraine as much as they could and have way higher donations percentage wise.
It really gives me hope in humanity when so many different countries come together to help another country against a great evil. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every country and everyone that is helping Ukraine defeat the fascist Putin Regime. Glory to my heroes! Glory to Ukraine
Great work to all!
Czechnology! 👍
Lol. Good one.
I like that. I like that alot!
Looks like a new one, Great Job!
Those workers will work their hearts out! Slava Ukraini and Czechia!
The help from around the world is heartwarming.
Wow! And with actual explosive reactive armor instead of pieces of rubber.
It's wonderful to see people doing everything they can to help Ukraine win.
Ukraine?? 🤨🤔
Thank you 😊
I bet those blocks of kontact 4 work. I still can't get over of the video I saw earlier in the war, where a Ukrainian mechanic opens one from a captured Russian tank, and there is nothing in there. What a gyp. Robbing something that could save someone's life. Kind of like that scene from Catch 22 where Yossarian goes to get the injured gunner some morphene but its empty with a IOU in there. Cheers for the vid.
That was debunked as a fake on erasmus. The explosive had been removed prior to filming. The rubber strips are normal there. Ukrainian propaganda they are great at it
Even all of those burned out vehicles you see lining the roads in Ukraine have some use. Some are only good for parts, but others can be rebuilt. That's why you see videos of farmers pulling them. They're not taking them for themselves, they're delivering them to a central location from where they can be shipped to places like in this video, where they rebuild them!
Brilliant. Yeah, I wouldn't think a farmer has a lot of use for a tank, unless he just liked fun stuff like me. Hahaha
I don't really know if farmers are bringing it, but Slovakia has a repair station for damaged Ukrainian tanks
Those farmers are legends in their own right. I can't imagine the stories we will hear of individual awesomeness from Ukranian civilians when Russia is finally thrown out of Ukraine
Poland, Czech, the Baltic states except corrupt Hungary have just been fantastic.
Thumbs up baby!
Great news CZ Slava Ukraine
Thermal sights are definitely a big help in winter.
Glory to The Ukraine and God bless all countries coming to the aid of The Ukraine.
Trivia. The HQ for the USSR was a building near the Old Town Hall in downtown Prague was handed to RFERL operations center.
many thanks to Czechoslovakia!
Good job guys amongst us Europeans it’s important we help each other out in a true fraternity we’re all brothers ❤
Jayclark....this has gone on fir eight years of murder for the Russian speaking Ukrainians .
They are the civilians being killed by there own government.
Odesa May 2 2014 Russia should have stepped in on that day .
Are you a imbecile ?
Try watching the many documentaries made by The BBC , ABC, CNN ,France 24 , detailing n@zis in Ukraine .
Or Adin Aslin and his many interviews regarding AZOV who he served along side of for years .
However this is probable a fake account like so many others .
Short on fact .
Thank you Czech Republic
Hiring Ukrainians to upgrade equipment for Ukraine. Sounds very satisfying somehow.
Simply clever!
Good work, Ukraine has a lot of friends. 💙💛 GBUA
Awesome ! Thank you for your work and for helping Ukraine 🇺🇦 ! Viva Ukraine !
Paráda, to sa mi páči.👍
Salute to Czech republic..with love from Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭 👏JESUS IS THE TRUTH
They are also modernizing even T-64s to a level that gives them a fighting chance against the Russians. This is a really great company, I only wish it were bigger or had some "competition" to churn out some as well.
And those AA guntrucks are exactly what they need for the Iranian and Russisn drones, this is all some seriously helpful equipment.
But these tanks are T-72.
Wonderful! Unity is strength. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦✨
Thank you! 🇨🇿
🇺🇲❤️🇺🇦 & 🇨🇿
Future peace, security, and love to all that help Ukraine....
Looks like satisfying work
Those look like some nice ERA panels. I like that they've covered the roof with them.
Developed in the CZ, Era called Dyna-72..
@@sevcaczech5961 Sadly, this is neither DYNA, DYNAS or DYNA-Excalibur. Those are Kontakt-1 made by presumably STV Group. So Czech license-made Kontakt-1. If they were to mount DYNA, they would also have to send replacement panels to Ukraine. If Kontakt-1 gets blown out, UA can easily replace those.
This is great, good job! Victory and glory to Ukraine!
Thank you Chechia for your kindness and help! Greetings from Ukraine!
Chechnya is completly different state. Czechia is not chechnya !
Power to Ukraine soldiers….🙏👍🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Well done.
Czechoslovakia great job.
Only Czech... slovakia no :D its another country :D
Jeez..wake up😊
It will be 20 years since Czechia and Slovakia split up on New Years' day...
@@Wanys123 30 years actually in 2 weeks, as we have split on the 1.1.1993
Great 👍 More help for Ukraine 👏🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🙏🏻
The way people provide help can tell a lot about them! When humanity and the spirit of practicality come together, good things can happen! 🇨🇿🧡🇺🇦
Difendere al proprio paese è un dovere..
Jsem hrdý na naši zemi, že pomáhá proti ruSSákům.
That's awesome!
Thank you for this story. (new subscriber)
Bravo Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
Notice how the European refugees actually do something to improve their country of origin. Compare that to African and Arab so called "refugees"
a shit ton of African and Arab refugees work diligently in various sectors in European countries, from house cleaning to genetic engineering. you're being racist and you know it.
@@SCPKing1835 And a shitton are not. You are calling facts racist. Youre delusional. We dont have a problem with Ukrainian rapists or thieves or murderers in central Europe.
That´s a really nice idea.
Meanwhile, in Germany we added 100 billion to our defence budget, but most of it will probably go into some "advisors" bank accounts.
We need Germany to play a full role in the defence of Europe, it’s almost too little too late….
I think Germany is doing the..."I got 100billion dollars. What can I get? Work with me man!" and not doing the..."I'm gonna do 100billion per year from now on".
@@panzerfaust1 yeah... but for the last 80 years, nobody wanted us in that role 🤣
@@BS-my6qx post unification the west let its guard down, everyone has let the US defend us almost foc. We are now paying the price for being seen weak and Putin has acted.
Czechs are awesome.
Russia: "Stop giving T-72s to Ukraine!"
Czech Republic. "You know what? You're right. We should give them modernized T-72s."
This is awesome. As an American I think that this is amazing. It is very important for Ukraine to win and Putler be eliminated.