One thing I’ve noticed is that after I’ve completed my “Today’s Activity,” I’ve had some really bad luck-to the point where I can’t even win a pair aces anymore
@LifexNick No. A good player knows how to lose less and accumulate winnings. In GOP3 skill can only do so much. It us sad that they can't just let the game play normal.
I agree with you because I myself bought some chips after losing all just to go ahead and lose more I’m done spending money on that game it’s stupid. I also realized that when you buy some and level up bit by bit the more expensive your deals get and they don’t change what so ever it’s like it slowly changes and they think people will just keep buying over and over again. I always avoided blackjack in that game too because I lose over and over without a chance to win a single hand I think if people want to play the game play for team points and wait for the chest just to have some fun with it
Im primarily a SNG player. And the way the game make you lose on the River or the opponent getting extremly lucky, is just not normal. So lets say the developer WANT good players to lose, so they have to buy more Chips. Problem then become that the fact that the game is Rigged, spread amonge players. And will lead to "everyone" knowing it is. Leading to the game getting a BAD reputation and not attracting players.
Im losing interest in gop3 poker they allow low stack come back way too often especially when they have terrible starting hand to finish them off and wtf is the point of raising the damn blinds every 2 seconds to speed the game up to hurry to get to the true winner whos been playing more optimal then the other players when you can get rid of them in one fell swoop with the top teir 5 starting hand just to get out drawn by n at the river by the suck out sucker when the game wouldve been over with in done had yall stop that make it more interesting theroy off allowing the game generator to rig up a win for the would be loser of that session to catch up n all of sudden become the winner when he was losing down 100 to 2900 because of the big blinds being so damn high so damn fast fk weirdos foreigners made the rules to this game and seem to know little of the natural mechanics of how the cards need to be fairly devied out
that only happens at the end on a hand not in the middle of one. You can't determine your losses and wins when it refills during a hand and it is not fair for them to have endless 80k bets DURING A HAND.
Worst poker game ever. It's clearly rigged. Enhances your hands at first (making you addicted with the winning streak), then make it much worse (almost impossible to win anything) trying to force you to spend money. Pay to win!!!!!!
Nope true for me. 1st half of the day I win hundreds of thousands and at night I'm completely card dead. Also, so frequent straights, full houses, three of a kind. Doesn't happen in n real life TBH... bs game
I agree that the game is rigged with bots. Why they make you lose with AA most of the time. The river card on this game piss me off because it goes against you a lot. This algorithm is just awful! Glad I don’t spend real money for the chips lol.
1 on 1 situation, especially at Sit & Go tourney, generates way too many dramatic twists, either in favor of you or against you but mostly against you. River card is like magic card. It kills you way too often with dramatic straight, flush, three of a kind.
In mongolfiera ho tris e lui coppia e perdo 500 milioni perché fa colore quando era praticamente perso perché anche facendo tris era perdente ( aveva la Coppia più bassa del mio tris ) Fatto colore neanche partendo da 2 carte stesso colore ma da una Non vinti 500 milioni … giocavo da 5 giorni Disinstallato subito ahhhahh è circa la ventesima volta che ci gioco per massimo 10 g 15 ed è sempre la stessa routine Mai dato un euro a questi truffatori ahhhah Probabilmente quando avrò tempo lo riscarico per altri 4/5 g faccio uno due miliardi poi li butto tutti all in 😂😂😂 Tanto dopo una settimana diventa pure palloso 😂 Si vantano che ci giocano milioni di persone , scaricato da milioni di persone ahhhHh Si se so tutti come me esistono solo mie 20/30 partite scaricate ma che non ci gioca nessuno La maggior parte dei giocatori sono bot loro Soprattutto al bj chiamano carta o per levartela a te o per levarla brutta al banco 😂😂😂 Giocano col banco insomma In quest ultima esperienza ancora in modo più evidente C erano alcuni player che ogni volta che andavo al bj erano praticamente 24h al tavolo , ho fatto le prove mi sono segnato i nomi ( non sono nomi ma solo letttere tipo ukjgegb ) tutti nomi così sempre on al tavolo per 4/5 g senza salire di livello mentre io già ero liv 50 ahhhhahhh Che spettacolo non so boni neanche a rubare senza farsi accorgere 😂😂😂
@@Dario-gi2xw Yep, happen to me many times. One time I had k of clubs and 10 of spades. My opponent had 8 of spades and 2 of diamond. All the community cards came out all diamonds giving my opponent a flush with his 2 of diamond. Pissed me off! This happens way to often in this game. Loss count on how many straight, 3 of a kind and river card I lost to. The game is full of shit!
Most people want to last through a bad streak of hands- when you bet high before the flop- most will fold. Play the high stakes tables and you’ll see who is conservative and who is bluffing and who is just nuts. As for patterns: there are plenty- especially in the blackjack area. It’s a revolving round of a couple hundred hands.
I’ve noticed the cards are predictable and I never get the cards others do. If you never buy chips it will let you win to a point and then it takes it back. I thought it was just me … and it’s not.
This game sucks. Sometimes the opponent loses a lot but his total amount remains the same when you check the profile. He normally goes all in and when he loses his total amount doesnt even get deducted.
Tried it on my phone today, ended up in a room with the same bots, didn't lose a match and they didn't lose any chips. How does that work? If you want to look them up their league is "Noluiy".
They're probably waiting for you to leave, looks as though they are all in the same team and were probably chip swopping high amounts for team points before you joined. Had that happen to me, got told to leave in no uncertain terms in the end!
I have a had a bad experience with this game, I still say its a cheating game. How do you look 5mil on a table only 10 - A cards with not one playing only getting two pairs. Everybody else getting the 4 of a kind, Full House and Straights. There is no way this can happen. Full 5mil X 2 chips just to blind not betting once. The bad beats is hectic and the bots with the All In before the first card is turned on the table is pathetic, find they mostly do the winning and they are for sure Bots. I think we need a button on the Poker Table to eject all these All In Idiots. This is not how poker is played.
Why do I get the lower prize more often? Well not everyone can win the jackpot every time every day! In chests and on (free)spinning wheels there is a weight for each prize. Due to this the chance to win a jackpot is lower than winning the lowest prize. That is from their help site. So where they say all spins are random it's not true, I got out of ten bronze ticket spins the same prize, 5k 7 times in a row! the other 3 were 2 x5 gold and 1 x 10 gold : ) (I'm sure the free spin jackpot reel has he same amounts in a different format the only difference being the colour of the reel) Whereas black jack is totally rigged in favour of the dealer. You can after a while predict it's hand and the cards your dealt. Ever notice that you when you bust the number 22 or 23 is the end result more often than not no matter what your hole cards and if the dealer deals itself a ten card there's a very very very high percentage that it's second card is also a 10! Plus if it deals it self an ace and doesn't get black jack its second card is usually a 9 rarely any less than 7. At the end of the day the game revolves around "You" spending money to buy chips, losing said chips, then buying more and then losing them all over again. The only winner is and always will be.....the owner(s) of GOP
I have played more than 20 accounts and even earned upto 850 million chips but eventually lost everything on all accounts at some point. It makes you feel worse after spending so much time here, your time is really valuable. In this game you will eventually lose everything at some point.
They farming points for team challenge. After that they get luxury chest, open it like 8times, the items u get could potentially make u billions if spam this trick to farm points. Imagine all these players plus the chest they get, tons of bonus spins, high luxury items and bils of chips. Crazy. Also the algorithm is screwed in gop3 unrealistic, fakist of all poker game, i like the graphics to be honest, but all are fake, ur right. Scam
If you like to be constantly rivered (over 10 times in a row) then keep playing like it's not rigged. It's completely rigged to make you buy chips. How do you think they can stay in business. It is pay to win. It's not like they are taking in a rake. Any free poker without real money, is going to be rigged. They can say they are RNG certified, but it they RNG is limited to what card they decide who wins, it still rng.
On this table are not bots they are real players. They are from the same team and they are doing points for the team. That's why the fold the wanted you out of the table so that they can get the 5th one form the team in the game. Im suprised that they doing points on a such low table. P.S i think gop will never patch that. But if they will do it will be all over.
@@LifexNick there is an auto fill up Option u can activate before joining a table, it just looks like they have endless chips, because they are just losing a very small amount of Chips every round. I think they are just script afk farming for Team challenge, why would GOP or a third Party create those bots?
This suck out of a game really do suck losing way to many hand that if done the caculation of the percentage of ive played against a terrible hand normally would come out the winner mostly is not happening here this game like to split the pot n winnings way to often by the river especially when your in favor to beat yout opp hands their playing against you is considered foldable n weak
Had the exact same thing happen to me. Had my suspicions but after that I knew for sure. In my case though after a while doing what you’re doing one started going all in. I had a really good hand hand and he won each time with just one card better ect. So that kept happening till I had no chips left. So yea, I call bullshit for sure.
@LifexNick they say this game is RNG certified (random number generator) to make for a more "fair" gameplay but I've experienced numerous times where I should have won and ultimately lost because of the fact that they don't use RNG, they say they do but it's a scam. Every time you lose more than half your chips, the game will make you win, even with the lowesf ranking hand possible. they make you think you're gonna win with a good hand just to have you lose all your chips and make you buy a top up bundle, it's a business model they've come up with in order to keep players playing after they lost most of their chips.
Infatti non devi giocare per vincere ma solo per gli xp e fare Fiches una volta a settimana coi bauli Sali molto lentamente ma sali Ovviamente scordatevi di arrivare a 100 miliardi ed essere tra i migliori giocando lealmente e senza dare soldi Io personalmente a stare sui 5 miliardi ci sono riuscito in questo modo Giocando in modo tirchio insomma
this just happened to me at a 50mill table, 5 handed vs 4 3 star VIP's n me with just 22mill...they joined n each in 38.5mill n folded post flop to one of them that was still in the hand then that "peso" left...I double up to 39 mill n then they just folded while I stole the blinds ( this lasted for 7+ hours) I racked up 100mill just from winning the blinds....It was sooooo BORING but I took the oppertunity I was given...oh n once n awhile they would say Well Played
I usually win 100m in saturdays and sundays from Monday to friday its hardgames and tons of loses. Try to catch recreational playerrs in sundays they lose big serious players are hard to beat, i have 400 friend in-game most of em are online during sundays.
And not to forget about all these Kind of Bonus-wheels... About 99% you get lowest no. or lowest Ticket etc. MAY SOMEONE CAN EXPLAIN TO ME HOW SOME OTHERS GOT 50 BILLION OR SO? I GUESS, I WILL CANCEL IT END OF THIS WEEK 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
its auto top off that keeps them at 80k and they're player run bot accounts where they are just farming levels thats why they have such similar levels. Edit: there are tons of tables like this but the bots are supposed to take up every seat at the table and somehow you managed to get in instead
Nither version of GoP will make you better at poker, each of them is rigged, hance you will get different experience in any other poker game. It's another story if you are playing for fun tho, GoP has its good sides on adventure element 👍
i dont care if i win or lose, but whenever you lose it is always bad beats. it is always rigged against you. it's the same as pokerstars. i stopped playing pokerstars because it is rigged for you to lose against ''badbeats'' all the time. i think i still am in loss at pokerstars but i did cash out a few times for 100-200 euros every time i cashed out. so its not a big loss. but its just blatant how these online services are rigging the game against you, under the motto that it is ''random number generator'' . yea right.
@@LifexNickyeah it's not fun, had this happen to me yesterday. it's all one person with multiple accounts who have a script/auto clicker running in order to boost their "luck" for (x) amount of time they let the "simulation" run.
@@LifexNick nope, I'm pretty sure it's real accounts, usually they'll be created on the same day that can be seen in their player profile.(Player since: day/month/year)
blackjack same thing. you play 2 rounds, you win, after that the computer always has 1 point more than you. so if u have 20? it has 21. you have 21 without hitting blackjack? computer hits 21...... you have 20? computer hits 20. lol slot machines are the same. usually u can see the red bonus thingy and you know you will get 3 when you see them passing by in other slots, i had up to a billion chips , but today i lost all my chips because ''somehow'' the slots purposely kept not giving the 3rd bonus icon. then, when it did give me it gave me 3, and during the bonus spin another 3, and after that i hit zero jackpots. normally i always hit at least 1 or two jackpots, but now? nothing. rigged for the win. thank goodness i have sent 10 euros perhaps 12 TOPS at this game due to crashing cards. but i wont spend anymore on this.
I guess for me it was more about a "real" experience than getting free chips. I was hoping to use the game as a starting point to get into real poker comps. 😀
There is an option to auto top up to your buy in when your starting stack falls off. But I do agree that there are bots in this game, granted all of them are passive like in this table and are really easy to beat with a basic strategy. I found a way to detect them by saying "howdy" and seeing which players say howdy back fast. If they do it twice they are bots Also it's been a long time since I came across a table full of bots, they are harmless easy to play against but annoying. This game cheating problem is with collusion. People in teams tend to cheat by colluding together and there are many amateur players that can't detect when they are being cheated by these jackals.
Overall man there are more honest human players playing this game than cheaters and bots. But if you find something suspicious you can always change table. And for the record, I play around 40k hands and the RNG in this game is fair. Sometimes you will get so many back to back bad beats but don't let that discourage you, that is just poker. If you keep making better decisions you should easily come out on top. The field is pretty soft in this game.
@LifexNick I still play it but it's rarely when i bump into a bot or cheaters colluding. But yeah man I agree, if you really want to improve in poker. Real money poker is the way to go. You can pick up bad habits playing free play poker like GOP3 if you are a beginner.
I just played this game for the first time tonight I had some donk shoved all in before the flop with a 2 7 off suite while im here with pocket rockets so I obviously called then the flop is 7 7 7 so the donk or the psychic hits quads while here I am with a full boat!
i play this game and i fold a lot and most players have auto top off my team has 9 billion chips and our players have minimum 10 M to 10 B chips the greater the the amount of chips in game the harder it gets highest i have is 100M chips took me 1 month to win it and lose it and win it again and it goes on forever.
Game is clearly faulty. Personally I don’t really think the poker is *that* rigged, but it kind of depends. I’ve had a somewhat realistic experience playing the spin and plays, however, people seem to get trips, straights and full houses (myself included) far more often than would be expected. Blackjack in particularly is very evidently an algorithm of sorts where you’re lose tons of hands in a row, then win tons in a row following that. I’ve never had an uneventful session of blackjack in my hours and hours of playing this game, which for something like blackjack should be a bit concerning .
in July 2023 just 4185 ppl was playing, then is normal to play with bots, now in july 2024 is all time peak ppl playing, there are like 47100, then now you see fewer bots almost like 0
Well this is December 2023. Like the game but there are times where it's really strange. You are playing against real people but, there are a fair amount of bots also. And after a while you notice patterns and bots fold easy sometimes. There are strange freezes on the weekends when I have been winning. Game Overload!?
You experienced t8ght players who dont want to be involve with that much chips pre flop thats all... i would not call a 2 000$ BET pre flop unless i have a high pair... thats what the other 0layers assume you have
I think it's so they can fill up a table ( using bots) I don't know what they'd have to gain except they are trying to get you to spend money. And creating an addiction in some people. Works on the endorphins in your brain. Like most addictive games
I have been playing this game for a couple of years and I have that question mark on my profile. If someone have question mark on their profile it doesn't mean that they're "bots". Only issue what I have had with this game is Blackjack. It's just horrible. You should still remember that this is just a game and you're not playing with real money => it's fake.
I was hoping to see a table like this. I've been playing for months and didn't see anything like that btw I lose 2Billions to that game you calling full with bots lmao
The bots are trying to make you so bored that you leave the table for them. When they have the table they can do two things: They can transfer chips between their accounts as they please. This is how you get the chips when you buy them on the black market. And secondly, they can rack up a lot of experience points, maxing out the prizes you get in the team league. Those rewards easily run up into billions of chips if you game the system like this, so they don't even have to win them from real players. It is BAFFELING to me that the game admins allow this to happen!
I haven’t experienced that playing the game. It’s not fake man you just happened to play with them. You are a highroller you should know a lot about the game already.
I very much agree with Nick. Look at some of the players profiles. Sometimes they all have the same kind of hats. Hats with holes in it. But not always
Bots are in every table. I literally couldn’t get or win a hand. Gop3 going to run most customers away and the bots will be playing themselves which will make no sense for the game at that point. If people still buying chips, they’re are fools. I never bought chips and never will. This game is pretty, but awful and it’s only going to get worse.
@@knrstix1481 It was so long ago, I guess even if it was it doesn't explain the pattern behaviour. My biggest issue is really the bots and "weird" algorithm. It's been so long since I played. Do you still play it, and what has your experience been like?
you just need to step it up my guy. las vegas and the strip doesn't have this. the rng still ain't legit. you hit more hand but so does others. Can feel rigged but you get over it
I mostly play sit and go, a few years ago I was winning like 3 out of 5 games, and now 1 in 20, I feel like something changed, this game doesn't make you a better poker player but a better bingo player for sure 😂
This Game is just for fun far away from professional poker , the algorithm is absurd, for example on blackjack if the dealer has 10 then he gets most of the time another 10, someone wrote on steam about how many times players get a straight, flush or full house, not very realistic, another thing about players going all in, all the time, kinda like bingo, and when they win they think they're good players 😂 I feel like this game decides from the beginning who gets the better cards during the whole game , some days I never get good pairs always some shitty ones, and on other days I get one good pair after another, the algorithm sucks really. And another ridiculous example about how unrealistic this game is , in real poker if you have 99 % of the chips there is no chance for the other player to win , but there was this game the other guy had like 150 and me 14'850 so I went to finish the game, all in for 7-8 rounds and I lost them all, that's totally absurd.
@@LifexNick HD Poker's Algorithm is far far far far far far worse!!! I get rivered or suffer "bad beats far too often it becomes predictable. and in all in situations their is a 4 second delay before the flop comes like the game is analyzing the hands in play (If Im ahead I lose 95% of the time, 70% of the time its on the river) at least in GOP3 u are not forced to play too high stakes
One thing I’ve noticed is that after I’ve completed my “Today’s Activity,” I’ve had some really bad luck-to the point where I can’t even win a pair aces anymore
Bad luck, or clever programming? The house always wins 😉
@LifexNick No. A good player knows how to lose less and accumulate winnings. In GOP3 skill can only do so much. It us sad that they can't just let the game play normal.
I have noticed this as well
I agree with you because I myself bought some chips after losing all just to go ahead and lose more I’m done spending money on that game it’s stupid. I also realized that when you buy some and level up bit by bit the more expensive your deals get and they don’t change what so ever it’s like it slowly changes and they think people will just keep buying over and over again. I always avoided blackjack in that game too because I lose over and over without a chance to win a single hand I think if people want to play the game play for team points and wait for the chest just to have some fun with it
Im primarily a SNG player. And the way the game make you lose on the River or the opponent getting extremly lucky, is just not normal.
So lets say the developer WANT good players to lose, so they have to buy more Chips. Problem then become that the fact that the game is Rigged, spread amonge players. And will lead to "everyone" knowing it is. Leading to the game getting a BAD reputation and not attracting players.
So true 👍
Im losing interest in gop3 poker they allow low stack come back way too often especially when they have terrible starting hand to finish them off and wtf is the point of raising the damn blinds every 2 seconds to speed the game up to hurry to get to the true winner whos been playing more optimal then the other players when you can get rid of them in one fell swoop with the top teir 5 starting hand just to get out drawn by n at the river by the suck out sucker when the game wouldve been over with in done had yall stop that make it more interesting theroy off allowing the game generator to rig up a win for the would be loser of that session to catch up n all of sudden become the winner when he was losing down 100 to 2900 because of the big blinds being so damn high so damn fast fk weirdos foreigners made the rules to this game and seem to know little of the natural mechanics of how the cards need to be fairly devied out
I've seen an "auto top off" toggle in the settings. so if their buy in is 80k, anytime they drop below it will auto top them back to 80k
that only happens at the end on a hand not in the middle of one. You can't determine your losses and wins when it refills during a hand and it is not fair for them to have endless 80k bets DURING A HAND.
Yeah definitely sucks dont auto tune shyt with my hands it interfer with the way I want to play
Worst poker game ever. It's clearly rigged. Enhances your hands at first (making you addicted with the winning streak), then make it much worse (almost impossible to win anything) trying to force you to spend money. Pay to win!!!!!!
I uninstalled it :)
Is that or you're just unlucky
@@Hm-mn3ip Go in pre flop and you’ll find out how rigged this game is. The VIP players are mostly bots that win off any hand pre flop.
Nope true for me. 1st half of the day I win hundreds of thousands and at night I'm completely card dead.
Also, so frequent straights, full houses, three of a kind. Doesn't happen in n real life TBH... bs game
No my friend. Ive played for 40 years. And THIS game is rigged. @Hm-mn3ip
I agree that the game is rigged with bots. Why they make you lose with AA most of the time. The river card on this game piss me off because it goes against you a lot. This algorithm is just awful! Glad I don’t spend real money for the chips lol.
Sad, the game could have been really good if it wasn't for that.
1 on 1 situation, especially at Sit & Go tourney, generates way too many dramatic twists, either in favor of you or against you but mostly against you. River card is like magic card. It kills you way too often with dramatic straight, flush, three of a kind.
In mongolfiera ho tris e lui coppia e perdo 500 milioni perché fa colore quando era praticamente perso perché anche facendo tris era perdente ( aveva la Coppia più bassa del mio tris )
Fatto colore neanche partendo da 2 carte stesso colore ma da una
Non vinti 500 milioni … giocavo da 5 giorni
Disinstallato subito ahhhahh è circa la ventesima volta che ci gioco per massimo 10 g 15 ed è sempre la stessa routine
Mai dato un euro a questi truffatori ahhhah
Probabilmente quando avrò tempo lo riscarico per altri 4/5 g faccio uno due miliardi poi li butto tutti all in 😂😂😂
Tanto dopo una settimana diventa pure palloso 😂
Si vantano che ci giocano milioni di persone , scaricato da milioni di persone ahhhHh
Si se so tutti come me esistono solo mie 20/30 partite scaricate ma che non ci gioca nessuno
La maggior parte dei giocatori sono bot loro
Soprattutto al bj chiamano carta o per levartela a te o per levarla brutta al banco 😂😂😂
Giocano col banco insomma
In quest ultima esperienza ancora in modo più evidente
C erano alcuni player che ogni volta che andavo al bj erano praticamente 24h al tavolo , ho fatto le prove mi sono segnato i nomi ( non sono nomi ma solo letttere tipo ukjgegb ) tutti nomi così sempre on al tavolo per 4/5 g senza salire di livello mentre io già ero liv 50 ahhhhahhh
Che spettacolo non so boni neanche a rubare senza farsi accorgere 😂😂😂
@@Dario-gi2xw Yep, happen to me many times. One time I had k of clubs and 10 of spades. My opponent had 8 of spades and 2 of diamond. All the community cards came out all diamonds giving my opponent a flush with his 2 of diamond. Pissed me off! This happens way to often in this game. Loss count on how many straight, 3 of a kind and river card I lost to. The game is full of shit!
Most people want to last through a bad streak of hands- when you bet high before the flop- most will fold. Play the high stakes tables and you’ll see who is conservative and who is bluffing and who is just nuts.
As for patterns: there are plenty- especially in the blackjack area. It’s a revolving round of a couple hundred hands.
I’ve noticed the cards are predictable and I never get the cards others do. If you never buy chips it will let you win to a point and then it takes it back. I thought it was just me … and it’s not.
@@Bert-x6w Good point!
This game sucks. Sometimes the opponent loses a lot but his total amount remains the same when you check the profile. He normally goes all in and when he loses his total amount doesnt even get deducted.
I agree, the game does suck :)
Tried it on my phone today, ended up in a room with the same bots, didn't lose a match and they didn't lose any chips. How does that work? If you want to look them up their league is "Noluiy".
They're probably waiting for you to leave, looks as though they are all in the same team and were probably chip swopping high amounts for team points before you joined. Had that happen to me, got told to leave in no uncertain terms in the end!
Anything is possible lol
I have a had a bad experience with this game, I still say its a cheating game. How do you look 5mil on a table only 10 - A cards with not one playing only getting two pairs. Everybody else getting the 4 of a kind, Full House and Straights. There is no way this can happen. Full 5mil X 2 chips just to blind not betting once. The bad beats is hectic and the bots with the All In before the first card is turned on the table is pathetic, find they mostly do the winning and they are for sure Bots. I think we need a button on the Poker Table to eject all these All In Idiots. This is not how poker is played.
Those are gop3 bots, they use them to steal chips!
I wish it has no bots and just human players.
@@LifexNick Me too. Unfortunately, every update , they add more bots I bet
@@mymoney2354 Soon the only people playing will be AI not humans lol :p
Are we gonna ignore how his hands were always nice and royals?
Good point
Stay away from the Governor of Poker 3 APP. The game is rigged!!!
Looks like the public has spoken :)
@@LifexNick Amen brother, amen
People sometimes go to 3 tables and press fold/check untill they get something like ace king
I am sure they do, but to me this was clearly bots playing and not humans.
Why do I get the lower prize more often?
Well not everyone can win the jackpot every time every day! In chests and on (free)spinning wheels there is a weight for each prize. Due to this the chance to win a jackpot is lower than winning the lowest prize. That is from their help site. So where they say all spins are random it's not true, I got out of ten bronze ticket spins the same prize, 5k 7 times in a row! the other 3 were 2 x5 gold and 1 x 10 gold : ) (I'm sure the free spin jackpot reel has he same amounts in a different format the only difference being the colour of the reel)
Whereas black jack is totally rigged in favour of the dealer. You can after a while predict it's hand and the cards your dealt. Ever notice that you when you bust the number 22 or 23 is the end result more often than not no matter what your hole cards and if the dealer deals itself a ten card there's a very very very high percentage that it's second card is also a 10! Plus if it deals it self an ace and doesn't get black jack its second card is usually a 9 rarely any less than 7. At the end of the day the game revolves around "You" spending money to buy chips, losing said chips, then buying more and then losing them all over again. The only winner is and always will be.....the owner(s) of GOP
@@threemonkeysk Well said!
I have played more than 20 accounts and even earned upto 850 million chips but eventually lost everything on all accounts at some point.
It makes you feel worse after spending so much time here, your time is really valuable.
In this game you will eventually lose everything at some point.
Very well said! Wise words :)
most ridiculous poker game I've ever seen. the game is obviously rigged.
That's the vibe I got too :/
They farming points for team challenge. After that they get luxury chest, open it like 8times, the items u get could potentially make u billions if spam this trick to farm points. Imagine all these players plus the chest they get, tons of bonus spins, high luxury items and bils of chips. Crazy. Also the algorithm is screwed in gop3 unrealistic, fakist of all poker game, i like the graphics to be honest, but all are fake, ur right. Scam
The game does have a cute look, shame its fake. But life goes go... :)
If you like to be constantly rivered (over 10 times in a row) then keep playing like it's not rigged. It's completely rigged to make you buy chips. How do you think they can stay in business. It is pay to win. It's not like they are taking in a rake. Any free poker without real money, is going to be rigged. They can say they are RNG certified, but it they RNG is limited to what card they decide who wins, it still rng.
I just wanted a real gaming experience with fellow humans lol
Filthy rigged site.
On this table are not bots they are real players. They are from the same team and they are doing points for the team. That's why the fold the wanted you out of the table so that they can get the 5th one form the team in the game. Im suprised that they doing points on a such low table. P.S i think gop will never patch that. But if they will do it will be all over.
I uninstalled GOP, feel like it is filled with bots.
If they are real players, why is it they never lose chips?
@@LifexNick there is an auto fill up Option u can activate before joining a table, it just looks like they have endless chips, because they are just losing a very small amount of Chips every round. I think they are just script afk farming for Team challenge, why would GOP or a third Party create those bots?
@@Eric-ib4es Maybe to fill games, or make the game seem more popular?
I've never seen a game so rigged to take away money...
Almost seems like gambling lol
Thank you for this video. im a SNG player, an ive been playing for 40 years. Yeah..this game is rigged...
This games is totally rigged. Not worth the time or money. What a joke of a poker game
I can't say I disagree with you.
This suck out of a game really do suck losing way to many hand that if done the caculation of the percentage of ive played against a terrible hand normally would come out the winner mostly is not happening here this game like to split the pot n winnings way to often by the river especially when your in favor to beat yout opp hands their playing against you is considered foldable n weak
It is a shame, the same could be so great, but sadly it isn't :(
Had the exact same thing happen to me. Had my suspicions but after that I knew for sure. In my case though after a while doing what you’re doing one started going all in. I had a really good hand hand and he won each time with just one card better ect. So that kept happening till I had no chips left. So yea, I call bullshit for sure.
I agree, had similar experiences. Feels very rigged, like they use an algorithm.
@LifexNick they say this game is RNG certified (random number generator) to make for a more "fair" gameplay but I've experienced numerous times where I should have won and ultimately lost because of the fact that they don't use RNG, they say they do but it's a scam. Every time you lose more than half your chips, the game will make you win, even with the lowesf ranking hand possible. they make you think you're gonna win with a good hand just to have you lose all your chips and make you buy a top up bundle, it's a business model they've come up with in order to keep players playing after they lost most of their chips.
@@LifexNickI'm honestly surprised no one has tried to sue them because this game really ruins lives for people who are addicted to poker/gambling.
@@melazmusic I totally agree. If they are gamblers they are probably too broke to hire a lawyer :(
Infatti non devi giocare per vincere ma solo per gli xp e fare Fiches una volta a settimana coi bauli
Sali molto lentamente ma sali
Ovviamente scordatevi di arrivare a 100 miliardi ed essere tra i migliori giocando lealmente e senza dare soldi
Io personalmente a stare sui 5 miliardi ci sono riuscito in questo modo
Giocando in modo tirchio insomma
In the beginning you think you're getting crazy but than the patterns become obvious and for obvious reasons $$/ mindf*ck.
@@joey9621 So sad the world is just about money
this just happened to me at a 50mill table, 5 handed vs 4 3 star VIP's n me with just 22mill...they joined n each in 38.5mill n folded post flop to one of them that was still in the hand then that "peso" left...I double up to 39 mill n then they just folded while I stole the blinds ( this lasted for 7+ hours) I racked up 100mill just from winning the blinds....It was sooooo BORING but I took the oppertunity I was given...oh n once n awhile they would say Well Played
I get what you mean. I ended up quitting GOP3
I usually win 100m in saturdays and sundays from Monday to friday its hardgames and tons of loses. Try to catch recreational playerrs in sundays they lose big serious players are hard to beat, i have 400 friend in-game most of em are online during sundays.
And not to forget about all these Kind of Bonus-wheels...
About 99% you get lowest no. or lowest Ticket etc.
Seems very fake. I feel bad for people who lost money.
its auto top off that keeps them at 80k and they're player run bot accounts where they are just farming levels thats why they have such similar levels.
Edit: there are tons of tables like this but the bots are supposed to take up every seat at the table and somehow you managed to get in instead
This happened in sit and go tournament for me free win i guess😂
Nither version of GoP will make you better at poker, each of them is rigged, hance you will get different experience in any other poker game. It's another story if you are playing for fun tho, GoP has its good sides on adventure element 👍
I worry that some people won't recognize what is happening when they play a game like this. I think it kind of triggers an addiction...
i dont care if i win or lose, but whenever you lose it is always bad beats. it is always rigged against you. it's the same as pokerstars. i stopped playing pokerstars because it is rigged for you to lose against ''badbeats'' all the time. i think i still am in loss at pokerstars but i did cash out a few times for 100-200 euros every time i cashed out. so its not a big loss. but its just blatant how these online services are rigging the game against you, under the motto that it is ''random number generator'' . yea right.
I am sure there is some truth to that, it's very gambling-esk
I've never played on a table where everyone plays that way.
Wouldn't be fun if you did :)
@@LifexNickyeah it's not fun, had this happen to me yesterday. it's all one person with multiple accounts who have a script/auto clicker running in order to boost their "luck" for (x) amount of time they let the "simulation" run.
@@melazmusic Perhaps or it might be the bots of the game too make it look busy and popular?
@@LifexNick nope, I'm pretty sure it's real accounts, usually they'll be created on the same day that can be seen in their player profile.(Player since: day/month/year)
@@melazmusic Interesting detective work 🤔
blackjack same thing. you play 2 rounds, you win, after that the computer always has 1 point more than you. so if u have 20? it has 21. you have 21 without hitting blackjack? computer hits 21...... you have 20? computer hits 20. lol
slot machines are the same. usually u can see the red bonus thingy and you know you will get 3 when you see them passing by in other slots, i had up to a billion chips , but today i lost all my chips because ''somehow'' the slots purposely kept not giving the 3rd bonus icon. then, when it did give me it gave me 3, and during the bonus spin another 3, and after that i hit zero jackpots. normally i always hit at least 1 or two jackpots, but now? nothing.
rigged for the win. thank goodness i have sent 10 euros perhaps 12 TOPS at this game due to crashing cards. but i wont spend anymore on this.
Nah you got one of those quick cash tables. I only came across that table once. Those are bots maybe a glitch but if you get that table use it bro
I guess for me it was more about a "real" experience than getting free chips. I was hoping to use the game as a starting point to get into real poker comps. 😀
The game for me is ruined
now :(
There is an option to auto top up to your buy in when your starting stack falls off.
But I do agree that there are bots in this game, granted all of them are passive like in this table and are really easy to beat with a basic strategy.
I found a way to detect them by saying "howdy" and seeing which players say howdy back fast. If they do it twice they are bots
Also it's been a long time since I came across a table full of bots, they are harmless easy to play against but annoying. This game cheating problem is with collusion. People in teams tend to cheat by colluding together and there are many amateur players that can't detect when they are being cheated by these jackals.
Overall man there are more honest human players playing this game than cheaters and bots. But if you find something suspicious you can always change table.
And for the record, I play around 40k hands and the RNG in this game is fair. Sometimes you will get so many back to back bad beats but don't let that discourage you, that is just poker. If you keep making better decisions you should easily come out on top. The field is pretty soft in this game.
@@TheBeastNC The issue is the game, I see a lot if bots at different tables and games. I will just stick to real life poker :)
@LifexNick I still play it but it's rarely when i bump into a bot or cheaters colluding.
But yeah man I agree, if you really want to improve in poker. Real money poker is the way to go. You can pick up bad habits playing free play poker like GOP3 if you are a beginner.
@@TheBeastNC Very true :)
They are probably bots created by other players in order to cheat.
Maybe or maybe they were created by GOP3?
I came to realize how important the experience points (xp) are. You have to use them to make more points for your team.
It's all fun and games as long as it's not rigged :)
Blackjack is so rigged
Definitely feels that way. So much for chance...
I just played this game for the first time tonight I had some donk shoved all in before the flop with a 2 7 off suite while im here with pocket rockets so I obviously called then the flop is 7 7 7 so the donk or the psychic hits quads while here I am with a full boat!
This is what kills the fun for me. Scam alart?
Their offline game is much worst@@LifexNick
It’s a bot, they go “ all in “ and win every time.
Just trying to win some of those cool animated hats. The money aspect has worn off.
Did you send up getting a nice hat collection?
I was so sad when i started i loved the look but after a noticed it was rigged i deleted it money farming game
@@AndrewCarson-yx9gv wise advice :)
i play this game and i fold a lot and most players have auto top off my team has 9 billion chips and our players have minimum 10 M to 10 B chips the greater the the amount of chips in game the harder it gets highest i have is 100M chips took me 1 month to win it and lose it and win it again and it goes on forever.
It calls certain hands pairs that arent even pairs.. 2 pairs aren't even 2 pair sometimes
Takes the fun out of the game when you know what is going on.
@@LifexNick that's the only fun there is in poker lol
I think this is just you not understanding the rules of the game. It ALWAYS shows the right hand description.
I'm at the point where I just want to play for fun. I don't dare take it too seriously. It's not realistic even though they say it's certified.
Game is clearly faulty. Personally I don’t really think the poker is *that* rigged, but it kind of depends. I’ve had a somewhat realistic experience playing the spin and plays, however, people seem to get trips, straights and full houses (myself included) far more often than would be expected. Blackjack in particularly is very evidently an algorithm of sorts where you’re lose tons of hands in a row, then win tons in a row following that. I’ve never had an uneventful session of blackjack in my hours and hours of playing this game, which for something like blackjack should be a bit concerning .
Playing a rigged game of poker is like having wind wipers on a submarine...there is no point :P
in July 2023 just 4185 ppl was playing, then is normal to play with bots, now in july 2024 is all time peak ppl playing, there are like 47100, then now you see fewer bots almost like 0
There are many ways to make money in the game. There is no need to spend any of your real money.
Yes, until someone getting addicted.
fully rigged, cheating game
I stopped playing ages ago :)
it randomly jumped to 20k players on steam charts@@LifexNick
Well this is December 2023. Like the game but there are times where it's really strange. You are playing against real people but, there are a fair amount of bots also. And after a while you notice patterns and bots fold easy sometimes. There are strange freezes on the weekends when I have been winning. Game Overload!?
That is weird.
Worst and scripted game I've ever seen
That was my experience too :)
You experienced t8ght players who dont want to be involve with that much chips pre flop thats all... i would not call a 2 000$ BET pre flop unless i have a high pair... thats what the other 0layers assume you have
I think it's so they can fill up a table ( using bots) I don't know what they'd have to gain except they are trying to get you to spend money. And creating an addiction in some people. Works on the endorphins in your brain. Like most addictive games
I have been playing this game for a couple of years and I have that question mark on my profile. If someone have question mark on their profile it doesn't mean that they're "bots". Only issue what I have had with this game is Blackjack. It's just horrible. You should still remember that this is just a game and you're not playing with real money => it's fake.
I just wish it wasn't fake :)
I was hoping to see a table like this. I've been playing for months and didn't see anything like that btw I lose 2Billions to that game you calling full with bots lmao
You hit the gold pot i guess
I just wanted a real experience, not a some free chips :/
Every player is a bot.
@@nerdbags Shame really :(
Is not rigged, Is completely rigged
The man calls it how he sees it :)
Your first point is just auto top off but yes this game is fake.
@@user-vc2rt4em2g I wonder how many actual human players they have?
It totally ended the fun factor for me :(
The bots are trying to make you so bored that you leave the table for them. When they have the table they can do two things: They can transfer chips between their accounts as they please. This is how you get the chips when you buy them on the black market. And secondly, they can rack up a lot of experience points, maxing out the prizes you get in the team league. Those rewards easily run up into billions of chips if you game the system like this, so they don't even have to win them from real players. It is BAFFELING to me that the game admins allow this to happen!
@@Baekstrom I agree, GOP is dead to me
On Google they say that only in the first saloon you wil play against bots
They say on Google a lot of things :)
I haven’t experienced that playing the game. It’s not fake man you just happened to play with them. You are a highroller you should know a lot about the game already.
The game seems fake...coming from a highroller 😀
@@LifexNick totally fake.
@@goodsnake Seems that way :(
I very much agree with Nick. Look at some of the players profiles. Sometimes they all have the same kind of hats. Hats with holes in it. But not always
I dont believe they are bots maybe at lower tables but higher tables no bots im sure
I guess the concern is, if there are bots, who do they work for lol
Bots are in every table. I literally couldn’t get or win a hand. Gop3 going to run most customers away and the bots will be playing themselves which will make no sense for the game at that point. If people still buying chips, they’re are fools. I never bought chips and never will. This game is pretty, but awful and it’s only going to get worse.
@@mymoney2354 I agree bots ruin the game. I am so over GOP3.
how you getting good hands often
I am got that bot 3 times = poker mansion wonning 150MILION
@@kirasss2211 You are lucky :)
es una gran burla al poker y casinos on line,son estafadores de cuarta,no saben nada de nada
If thats are bots like you say, who fold when you up stake, then how i lose 28.5B last week?
What does my game have to do with your game?
auto top off xd broh its an option you can turn on lol
They didn't have that in the old version. That was a new feature lol
@@LifexNick pretty sure its been in the game for longer than a year xd
@@knrstix1481 It was so long ago, I guess even if it was it doesn't explain the pattern behaviour. My biggest issue is really the bots and "weird" algorithm. It's been so long since I played. Do you still play it, and what has your experience been like?
Am I the one only winning? Yes I have lost with aces against 2 7s but it is luck imo
@@IHunter2k It I'd not about winning or losing, it's about bots and how that affects the game play experience.
@@LifexNick I think the bots ruin the game experience I agree
@@IHunter2k Nice to feel like a winner though :P's just nicer if you can win against humans lol
Its not as bad nowadays
Maybe so, I never went back. I guess sometimes you don't get second chances :/
What game are you playing? Gop3 got worst!
@@mymoney2354 It has gotten worse but last i checked it was playable
This game is fake
@@tobiasradte103 The people have spoken :)
We're tf is your video??
What video?
you just need to step it up my guy. las vegas and the strip doesn't have this. the rng still ain't legit. you hit more hand but so does others. Can feel rigged but you get over it
I think I will just stick to real life matches from now on lol
I mostly play sit and go, a few years ago I was winning like 3 out of 5 games, and now 1 in 20, I feel like something changed, this game doesn't make you a better poker player but a better bingo player for sure 😂
Bingo, I think you figured it out 😀
This Game is just for fun far away from professional poker , the algorithm is absurd, for example on blackjack if the dealer has 10 then he gets most of the time another 10, someone wrote on steam about how many times players get a straight, flush or full house, not very realistic, another thing about players going all in, all the time, kinda like bingo, and when they win they think they're good players 😂 I feel like this game decides from the beginning who gets the better cards during the whole game , some days I never get good pairs always some shitty ones, and on other days I get one good pair after another, the algorithm sucks really.
And another ridiculous example about how unrealistic this game is , in real poker if you have 99 % of the chips there is no chance for the other player to win , but there was this game the other guy had like 150 and me 14'850 so I went to finish the game, all in for 7-8 rounds and I lost them all, that's totally absurd.
Sounds like the whole thing is rigged, doesn't seem "randomised".
@@LifexNick HD Poker's Algorithm is far far far far far far worse!!! I get rivered or suffer "bad beats far too often it becomes predictable. and in all in situations their is a 4 second delay before the flop comes like the game is analyzing the hands in play (If Im ahead I lose 95% of the time, 70% of the time its on the river)
at least in GOP3 u are not forced to play too high stakes
@@MmaSmarty87 Seems like the feedback I am getting, they want to encourage players to buy chips.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this game was trash
Too bad for GOP@@GhostMourner6907
Devi essere furbo...e saper giocare! Viva el poker 🔥💪
I had to be diplomatic :)