Hi David, Since I saw no reply to your questions, I now venture to offer some answers from Toronto, similar to Montreal but can be different in some details. Mortgage loans are taken from financial institutes, please compare shopping to find the lowest interest rates/lowest costs. You calculate how much you have for down payment and have a steady job, present your figures so that they are willing to lend you funds. Fixed /flexible terms longer or shorter, interest rates fixed or floating are many to choose from. If you have 20% or more of the house price, you get better treatment from lenders. Please have minimum 10 % for down payment. I always use second hand cars because I repair my own cars. If you are good at checking and maintaining your car, bring a mechanic friend to test drive to help you find problems until you locate one with least problems. Do not depend on words of the dealer's mechanics. My friends who do not know about cars go to dealers to choose cars after a lease is over; that way cars are relatively new and dependable but not too old with many problems. Ask people and learn from their experience. My immigrant doctor years ago bought a used car but her mechanic ripped her off for a lot of repair money.
Hi Nothing--Truth, I always use second hand cars because I repair my own cars. If you are good at checking and maintaining your car, bring a mechanic friend to test drive to help you find problems until you locate one with least problems. Do not depend on words of the dealer's mechanics. My friends who do not know about cars go to dealers to choose cars after a lease is over; that way cars are relatively new and dependable but not too old with many problems. Ask people and learn from their experience. My immigrant doctor years ago bought a used car but her mechanic ripped her off for a lot of repair money.
Hi JM Wang, We act by the laws and regulations in Canada. My real estate broker friends all know that they can drive 100 % prospective buyers to view properties to achieve 1.5 % of successful sales. The time and attention put into it is called investment in her own career. Nobody will give her anything for the work she did until a sale is concluded.
Hi Crystal, a good home buyer reads newspapers and magazines, listens to English or French broadcasts to understand what to look at. House inspection is generally the basic step to see if there are problems. Some bought cannabis grow-ops but did not know it and ended up tearing up the inside and renovate to make it safe to live in. No inspections are perfect as I found many inspectors missed important safety features. Search TH-cam to see how to judge a house or an apartment.
David Hudson 谢谢啦 才刚开始 不急啦
主播論述買房經歷. 內容豐富. 簡單扼要. 清楚明快. 我們也學到很多. 謝謝分享!
辉光放电 谢谢~
Xingyu Yang 哈哈哈哈哈哈谢谢啦
我2003 年也是从8月看到12月才买在brossard S区,先用华人realtor,华人realtor很努力,但是看几个房子后就很着急,最后用了当地人,很好,当时85年的房子12万左右,05年离开到硅谷, 现在以前的房子都40万了,涨幅太大。 Montreal 的房子冬天扫雪太痛苦了!每次市里的铲雪车会把很多的❄️铲到我家门前,太锻炼身体了。祝你乔迁之喜!建议能否拍一些景区,比如Parc mont royal,downtown, Brossard ,和pointe Claire 的好吃的中餐 , 华人超市 etc. 谢谢分享
希奈目 哈哈哈哈哈哈被你发现啦 笑哑了
不论干什么,自己都必须用心去了解,研究。验房还是要自己有个大致了解,因为大部分问题,你看不到的,验房师同样也看不到。自己在看房时就要注意这几点: 1,外墙 2,地基 3进门楼梯 4窗户,门 5房顶 6,总进水,下水 7,配电 8,地板 9,室内的各个水管是(水压,下水管道) 10,卫生间排气,厨房抽烟机 11,插座,照明 12,地下室是否潮湿...等等。说实话我买的这些房子,找验房师完全是为了讲价。从来没想过他们会找到什么我们看不到的大问题。
恭喜! 恭喜!
Jason Wang 欢迎👏找毛建平房产经纪 省心又省钱
期待room tour
123 Abc 谢谢哈哈
Good to see you again😊
Hi David, Since I saw no reply to your questions, I now venture to offer some answers from Toronto, similar to Montreal but can be different in some details. Mortgage loans are taken from financial institutes, please compare shopping to find the lowest interest rates/lowest costs. You calculate how much you have for down payment and have a steady job, present your figures so that they are willing to lend you funds. Fixed /flexible terms longer or shorter, interest rates fixed or floating are many to choose from. If you have 20% or more of the house price, you get better treatment from lenders. Please have minimum 10 % for down payment. I always use second hand cars because I repair my own cars. If you are good at checking and maintaining your car, bring a mechanic friend to test drive to help you find problems until you locate one with least problems. Do not depend on words of the dealer's mechanics. My friends who do not know about cars go to dealers to choose cars after a lease is over; that way cars are relatively new and dependable but not too old with many problems. Ask people and learn from their experience. My immigrant doctor years ago bought a used car but her mechanic ripped her off for a lot of repair money.
非常感谢coco的分享,房源有时候很有限,不得不自己去Du proprio 上面找。请问有单独可以跟你私信的方式吗?
微信:coco MTL
Hi Nothing--Truth, I always use second hand cars because I repair my own cars. If you are good at checking and maintaining your car, bring a mechanic friend to test drive to help you find problems until you locate one with least problems. Do not depend on words of the dealer's mechanics. My friends who do not know about cars go to dealers to choose cars after a lease is over; that way cars are relatively new and dependable but not too old with many problems. Ask people and learn from their experience. My immigrant doctor years ago bought a used car but her mechanic ripped her off for a lot of repair money.
Coco, 房子买在南岸吗?
winepretty你喝红酒的样子很美 谢谢啦♥️
mtl的飘过! 已粉
Kai Sheng 蟹蟹
Jm Wang 我们关系现在还是很好啊
Hi JM Wang, We act by the laws and regulations in Canada. My real estate broker friends all know that they can drive 100 % prospective buyers to view properties to achieve 1.5 % of successful sales. The time and attention put into it is called investment in her own career. Nobody will give her anything for the work she did until a sale is concluded.
你的作品非常好! 望互相订阅、 学习、 交流! 谢谢你!
lin chen 不是啦哈哈哈哈哈
WB L 我两年前来的 刚买 有很多因素看个人吧 经济也是一方面啊 还有是否决定和稳定在这里等等 可以先租着感觉一下喜欢哪里 多了解一下这里
miles max 谢谢
請問Coco 有在國內買過房嗎?跟國內買房有什麼不一樣要特別留意嗎?
Hi Crystal, a good home buyer reads newspapers and magazines, listens to English or French broadcasts to understand what to look at. House inspection is generally the basic step to see if there are problems. Some bought cannabis grow-ops but did not know it and ended up tearing up the inside and renovate to make it safe to live in. No inspections are perfect as I found many inspectors missed important safety features. Search TH-cam to see how to judge a house or an apartment.
好像 有黑眼圈。。。