When la alone he sing lalonee he may see alone so he sing this uneducated how he know teen Tara mews go 3g he sing dohrby chor ki Diya 3way connection how he know that Rob in listen his songs .
No way you can see royal but you can feel his existence only you can describe anything alone to him if he doya don't make him something terrible redirect I do not understand but I understand better than you my number go 6 &7 &is and our DNA and see sign at computer keyboard what is 7 God number is not 1 one is how rare you're abcdefh I'd 7🔌 see 6 got sign of Horn sign sign gni virus or any tiny life's are spy of world we see so little of this world his acts he is too 6 made in 6 days it is 999 only one may OK as a human kind mercy mercy you know me my hands are not mine my eyes are not my fingers are not even if I punish my fingers he go his own way I can not help see singer singing right my. Words .
What is jb not jak bangla or jalslabad jb al Gener al jb at Arabian when no harm to you used when knowing nothing you may using jak bangla calander or a paper weight sign jb but that speaks different why Gener al air conditioning was so good at business check got general at jb sign Gen e R al al is all everything la la la you sing when you do not call him but do la la la Jody prithibi ta sonar desh hoy la la la la you sing so Mercy Mercy if I m wrong why i m like that what was short when I was made
গান শুনে মনটা জুরিয়ে গেল
Osadharon Gun .
❤মাই লাভ নাহিদা আপা
জয় গুরু লালন
অনেক সুন্দর হয়েছে ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে উৎসাহিত করতে হবে তাইনা না
গানের মধ্যে নিহিত হাজার কল্যাণ
@@bapon7863 ঐগৃৃৃগগৃঘঘৃঘৃগগঘগৃৃগগঘৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগগগঘৃঘৃঘৃৃঐগৃৃৃগগৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃঘৃঘৃঘৃঘৃৃঘৃঘৃঘৃৃগঘৃঘৃঐগঐঐগৃগৃৃঘৃঘৃগৃঋগগৃগৃঐগৃঘৃঐগৃগগঘৃগৃৃগগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগৃৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃগৃগৃৃৃগঘৃগগগৃগগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগৃৃগগগগগৃগৃৃগগৃৃৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃঘৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগৃগৃঐগগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগগগগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগগগগগগগগৃগগগৃগৃগগগগগৃগগৃগগগগৃগগগগগগগগগগগগৃগগগৃৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃঘৃগগৃগগঘৃগগৃঘঘৃঘৃগৃঘৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগৃগৃৃগঘৃঘৃগৃগৃৃগৃগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগৃগগগগৃগৃঘৃগৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃঘগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগগগৃগৃৃঘগগৃগৃগগগগগগৃগগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃঘগগগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃৃগৃৃগৃৃগৃগৃগৃগগগগগৃগৃগগগৃগৃৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃঘগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগগগৃঘৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগঘৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃৃগগৃগৃঘগগগৃগগৃগৃগৃৃগগঘৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগৃগগৃঐগঘৃগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃ
@@bapon7863 ঐগৃৃৃগগৃঘঘৃঘৃগগঘগৃৃগগঘৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগগগঘৃঘৃঘৃৃঐগৃৃৃগগৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃঘৃঘৃঘৃঘৃৃঘৃঘৃঘৃৃগঘৃঘৃঐগঐঐগৃগৃৃঘৃঘৃগৃঋগগৃগৃঐগৃঘৃঐগৃগগঘৃগৃৃগগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগৃৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃগৃগৃৃৃগঘৃগগগৃগগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগৃৃগগগগগৃগৃৃগগৃৃৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃঘৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগৃগৃঐগগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগগগগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগগগগগগগগৃগগগৃগৃগগগগগৃগগৃগগগগৃগগগগগগগগগগগগৃগগগৃৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃঘৃগগৃগগঘৃগগৃঘঘৃঘৃগৃঘৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগৃগৃৃগঘৃঘৃগৃগৃৃগৃগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগৃগগগগৃগৃঘৃগৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃঘগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগগগৃগৃৃঘগগৃগৃগগগগগগৃগগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃঘগগগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃৃগৃৃগৃৃগৃগৃগৃগগগগগৃগৃগগগৃগৃৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃঘগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগগগৃঘৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগঘৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃৃগগৃগৃঘগগগৃগগৃগৃগৃৃগগঘৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগৃগগৃঐগঘৃগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃ
@@bapon7863 ঐগৃৃৃগগৃঘঘৃঘৃগগঘগৃৃগগঘৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগগগঘৃঘৃঘৃৃঐগৃৃৃগগৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃঘৃঘৃঘৃঘৃৃঘৃঘৃঘৃৃগঘৃঘৃঐগঐঐগৃগৃৃঘৃঘৃগৃঋগগৃগৃঐগৃঘৃঐগৃগগঘৃগৃৃগগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগৃৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃগৃগৃৃৃগঘৃগগগৃগগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগৃৃগগগগগৃগৃৃগগৃৃৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃৃৃগৃগৃঘৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগৃগৃঐগগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগগগগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগগগগগগগগৃগগগৃগৃগগগগগৃগগৃগগগগৃগগগগগগগগগগগগৃগগগৃৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃঘৃগগৃগগঘৃগগৃঘঘৃঘৃগৃঘৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগৃগৃৃগঘৃঘৃগৃগৃৃগৃগগৃগগগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগৃগগগগৃগৃঘৃগৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগগগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃঘগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগগগৃগৃৃঘগগৃগৃগগগগগগৃগগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃঘগগগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগগগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃৃগৃৃগৃৃগৃগৃগৃগগগগগৃগৃগগগৃগৃৃগগৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগগগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃঘগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগগগৃঘৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃঘৃগগগৃগৃগৃগৃগঘৃগগৃগৃগৃগগৃগগৃগৃগগৃগৃগগৃৃগগৃগৃঘগগগৃগগৃগৃগৃৃগগঘৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগগৃগগৃঐগঘৃগৃগৃৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃগৃ
Very very nice bro
আমার মনের মতো গান
শান্ত কুমার
@@obaydulkhan5128 h
গানের জন্য ধন্যবাদ
অসাধারণ গান,খুব ভাল লাগলো।।।
@@abdullhmiha2678 11111111111111111111211112222222222222222222222
@@abdullhmiha2678 AaAaaaAaaqAAAaaaaqqaqqaaaqqqqaqQaaaaaaaaqaQAAAAAQAAAAAAQAQAQAQAAAAQAAAAQ
লালান সাই এখন ও আমাদের মাঝে
য়৷ 👋
লালন ফকিরের গান যারা লাইক করেন, আমার চ্যানেলে আমন্ত্রিত
হৃদয়কে ছুঁয়ে গেলো....
জয় হোক লালন শাঁইজির
লালন আমার প্রান
Very nice
Good evening Sister God bless you ♥️👏
ভাল লাগলো
জয় লালন সাইজি ভক্তি চরণে
I like you
Very beautiful
জয়গুরু জয় হউক সাধু গুরুর
আসাধারন গান । ধন্যবাদ ।
আমার দেশের গান
লালন সাইজি জে গুলো গান লিখেছেন কুরান রিছাচ করা গান ওনার গান সুনলে শরীরের পশম দাঁড়িয়ে যায় আমিন❤❤❤
সম্পুর্ণ ভিডিও দেখে🔔🔔 বেল বাজিয়ে বন্ধু বানালাম,, সাবস্ক্রাইব ও করলাম,,, আপনি ও বেল🔔🔔 বাজিয়ে বন্ধু বানালে খুশি হবো,,, পাসে থাকলে পাসে পাবেন, ধন্যবাদ,
অনেক সুন্দর
valo e song
আমরা সুন্নি সংগঠন এগিয়ে চল মোমিন ভাই, এখনও সময়!!! আমিন✌💯🐝
nice song,,joy lalon shaiji,,
Thank you
জয় দয়াময়
কৃপাকর নিজগুণে
Ami mugdo hoye geci osadaron song
আমার খুব ভালো লাগছে
খুব ভাল লাগলো
Nice vodeo
অসাধারণ ভাবেবর গান শুনলে মনে হয় অন্যান্য ভাবেই চলে যায়
১০ টা শুনলাম। খুব ভালো লাগলো
এত ভূল কথায় লালন ফকিরের গান গেলে কানে লাগে।
প্রথম গানটা খুবই ভালো লাগলো
vlo gache...?
So much songs,____Ramendra Malakar, India,from Tripura state.
nice song
Joy guru lalon Shah
Spoon borge
Apurba wonderful excellent songs. It is very immortal song.
Asadharon gan lalon fakir tomai Salam 😂😊
daron gan
কারী আমীরউদ্দিন সংগীত
এই গানটা একটু অন্য রকম তোবু ভালো লাগলো
অসাধারণ songs
মোঃসোরভ 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷e s
শিল্পীর নাম টা কি?
Nahida parven shopna
অসাধারন গান
When la alone he sing lalonee he may see alone so he sing this uneducated how he know teen Tara mews go 3g he sing dohrby chor ki Diya 3way connection how he know that Rob in listen his songs .
No way you can see royal but you can feel his existence only you can describe anything alone to him if he doya don't make him something terrible redirect I do not understand but I understand better than you my number go 6 &7 &is and our DNA and see sign at computer keyboard what is 7 God number is not 1 one is how rare you're abcdefh I'd 7🔌 see 6 got sign of Horn sign sign gni virus or any tiny life's are spy of world we see so little of this world his acts he is too 6 made in 6 days it is 999 only one may OK as a human kind mercy mercy you know me my hands are not mine my eyes are not my fingers are not even if I punish my fingers he go his own way I can not help see singer singing right my. Words .
What is jb not jak bangla or jalslabad jb al Gener al jb at Arabian when no harm to you used when knowing nothing you may using jak bangla calander or a paper weight sign jb but that speaks different why Gener al air conditioning was so good at business check got general at jb sign Gen e R al al is all everything la la la you sing when you do not call him but do la la la Jody prithibi ta sonar desh hoy la la la la you sing so
Mercy Mercy if I m wrong why i m like that what was short when I was made
বড্ড কর্কশ গলা, বিশ্চিরি kantho
apni surer kichu bojan na
amon boltani vai
Tor baper matha kharaf.
খুব বালো
অসাধারণ ভাবেবর গান
অসাধারণ লালনের গান
খুব সুন্দর
I like you
অনেক সুন্দর লাগলো
thank you
শাধু গুরু
Nice song
Very Very Good Song.
Excellent vabb sangit by lalon fakir,an outstanding meritman
B hhbh ihuh
ৌোৌৌাৌ)ল)োাৌ)ৌ))ো)াো০))োৌঅৌঅৌো০া)০@০@@০)০০} ো০াোল০)ল)ো০
খুব ভালো লাগলো
Nice song