Definition of loyalty, accountability, honesty, perseverance, principles, well-being of nation, serving the nation, moral, laws, problem solving, compassion, caring, understanding, sympathy, empathy, respectful, etc.
Definition of ethics, codes of conduct, and core values of leadership. Laws, construction, and principles. No one is above the laws. Interest of country and citizens is above the leaders.
To serve the nation and citizens. To protect the nation and citizens. Welfare and well-being of the nation's. Well-being, welfare, and defense of the nation's.
Definition of loyalty, accountability, honesty, perseverance, principles, well-being of nation, serving the nation, moral, laws, problem solving, compassion, caring, understanding, sympathy, empathy, respectful, etc.
Pledged allegiance to protect and defend our own people and motherland from the enemies.
Bear arms, protect, and defend the motherland and own citizens.
Leaders are always aware of the ethical, core values, and codes of conduct.
Definition of ethics, codes of conduct, and core values of leadership.
Laws, construction, and principles. No one is above the laws. Interest of country and citizens is above the leaders.
យើងត្រូវតែប្រឈមនឹងរបបផ្តាច់ការ ដើម្បីរស់នៅដោយសេរី/សន្តិភាព/សុខដុមរមនា🦋🌺🌿
Good Evening RFA 🙏
To serve the nation and citizens. To protect the nation and citizens. Welfare and well-being of the nation's. Well-being, welfare, and defense of the nation's.
It sounds familiar at military schools.
Cambodia 🇰🇭 will never change as long the Communist logo is still there
យើងត្រូវតែរួបរួមគ្នាក្នុងការតស៊ូរបស់យើង ដើម្បីកម្ចាត់សត្រូវបរទេស និងក្នុងស្រុក។☝️🤨
ហ៊ុនម៉ាណែត រត់ពួនហើយដេកលក់ទើបភ្ញាក់ដូចខ្មោចប្រែរូប ចេញមកដោះសារការពារហ៊ុនសែនទាំងកំហឹង ជាមេដឹកនាំស្អី ពលរដ្ឋខ្លួនត្រូវឃាតកម្មស្លាប់នៅប្រទេសថៃ គ្មានឃើញសារ មរណៈទុក្ខដល់គ្រួសារសព ឬក៏ចេញមកសហការណ៍អំពីព្រឹត្តការណ៍នេះសោះ តើ ហ៊ុនម៉ាណែត ជាមេដឹកនាំរបស់បក្សប្រជាជននិងខ្មែរដែលចំណុះយួន ឬជាមេដឹកនាំរបស់ប្រជាជនខ្មែរមួយនគរនិងប្រទេសខ្មែរទាំងមូល?
បើកាត់ ឱ្យគេហើយប្តឹងទៅឯណា ? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sleep, shower, shave, and shit with core values, ethical standards, and codes of conduct. It sounds familiar!
ម៉ាណែត ចង់លេង ជា១បារំាង បិតបាំងមិនជិតទេអាឈឹម ណែត