When I teach I refer to these as guidelines/suggestions to help choose u, rather than hard and fast rules. There are always exceptions, so they work the majority of the time but not always. One famous integral where it doesn’t matter if you let u be the trig or exponential function is the product of e^x and cosx or sinx (it boomerangs). I don’t really emphasize either in my classroom.
5/2x(x-1/2sin2x) should be 5/2x^2-5/4xsin2x right? i think u forgot add an x in 5/4sin2x
Yes whoops! Good catch 👍🏻
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re so welcome 🥰🥰💕
You're welcome!
Can you use the Tubular method on every problem?
The LIPET Rule And ILATE Rule Contradict each other on what comes first more especially with the exponential functions, why?
When I teach I refer to these as guidelines/suggestions to help choose u, rather than hard and fast rules. There are always exceptions, so they work the majority of the time but not always. One famous integral where it doesn’t matter if you let u be the trig or exponential function is the product of e^x and cosx or sinx (it boomerangs). I don’t really emphasize either in my classroom.