26/01/2025 Dream Big, Believe Big, Your Result Will Be Big
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- Dream BIG because your dreams do happen
Job 5812 7:14-15
Then the Lord frightened me with dreams and terrify me by visions. O my soul would choose suffocation,
◦death rather than my pains.
你就用梦惊扰我, 又用异象惊吓我,
以致我宁可窒息而死, 也不肯保留我这一身的骨头。
(If your dreams and visions do not frighten you, they are too small for you.
(Dream big dreams without fear.
更大梦想, 无畏梦想。)
Dreams and visions are a language of God.梦想和昇象是上帝的语言。
Numbers Eiti2 12:6
If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, shall make Myself
known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him in a dream.
God does not only communicate in WORDS but also in DREAMS and VISIONS
上帝不仅使用 言语 和我们沟通祂也使用 梦想 和 异象
You HEAR what God is saying.
You also SEE what God is saying.
你所见上帝所说、也 看见上帝所说的。
Get your dreams and visions from God.
1 Kings 3:5
In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon
in a dream at night, and God said,
"Ask what you need Me to give you.
那天晚上在基遍,耶和华在梦中向所罗门显现;神说:"你无论求什么, 我必赐给你。"
God has created a dreamer in you. God wants to fill you with dreams and visions.上帝在你里面创造了梦想家。上帝要用梦想和昇象来充满你。
Genesis 创世记 37:4-5
14 His brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers;
and so they hated him and could not speak to him on friendly terms.
15 Then Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers
they hated him even more
14 约瑟的哥哥们见父亲爱约瑟过于爱他们, 就恨约瑟,
15 约瑟作了一个梦,把梦告诉哥哥们, 他们就越发恨他。
Your dream demands you to be aligned accordingly
No one can remove your dream-Giver.
Your dream demands, you to be alianed accordingly
No one can remove your dreams.
But they can remove the dreamer.
There is no overnight success.
It is a life's journey.
Isaiah 以鑫亚书 28:7b
They erred while having visions.
You know you are ready:-
When others see the God of your dream in your life.
You do not wait your dream to come true.
It is your dream that waits for you
Tobe, really.