@Makron5 As he said, a light machine gun is midway between the assault rifle and a heavy machine gun. Packs a punch, but is still rather portable and can be fired properly without a mount.
in American English a clip refers to a something like a stripper clip for an sks in which no spring is present and rounds are clipped to a strip of metal and and pushed down into the gun. another type of clip would be that of the m1 garand where an open m block clip is used to load the guns internal magazine. An external magazine has a spring that pushes rounds into the chamber of the gun.
@Makron5 ArmA 2 does have tripod mounted cal .50 HMGs, and trust me, the difference in firepower is huge. Not -that- noticable against infantry, but against light vehicles? Booyah. (With ACE2 mod you can even have proper HMG teams, one carrying the tripod, one the gun, one the extra ammo, or whatever.)
@Jibes It's just strange to think of the LMG as that since the HMG never comes into use in gaming and never feels much more powerful than the LMG when it does unless its a minigun.
Wait I thought an assault rifle was the balance between a Designated Marks Rifle and a Machine Gun, not that the Machine Gun was a balance between an assault rifle and.....what the heck do you balance this against besides a mounted weapon?
I just wish those ridiculous spambots were at least smart enough to spam in the proper language. Don't think German comments are going to draw too much of a response here. :p
@Makron5 As he said, a light machine gun is midway between the assault rifle and a heavy machine gun. Packs a punch, but is still rather portable and can be fired properly without a mount.
in American English a clip refers to a something like a stripper clip for an sks in which no spring is present and rounds are clipped to a strip of metal and and pushed down into the gun. another type of clip would be that of the m1 garand where an open m block clip is used to load the guns internal magazine. An external magazine has a spring that pushes rounds into the chamber of the gun.
@Makron5 ArmA 2 does have tripod mounted cal .50 HMGs, and trust me, the difference in firepower is huge. Not -that- noticable against infantry, but against light vehicles? Booyah.
(With ACE2 mod you can even have proper HMG teams, one carrying the tripod, one the gun, one the extra ammo, or whatever.)
well done guys, that's are we waiting for :)
@Jibes It's just strange to think of the LMG as that since the HMG never comes into use in gaming and never feels much more powerful than the LMG when it does unless its a minigun.
@kareeji So what. Magazine and clip are two different distinctions that are used in other languages as well. Not just English.
Wait I thought an assault rifle was the balance between a Designated Marks Rifle and a Machine Gun, not that the Machine Gun was a balance between an assault rifle and.....what the heck do you balance this against besides a mounted weapon?
@kareeji Isn't the proper term supposed to be a magazine? Now I know who works on these military simulator games.
Not really new, but full of awesomesauce!!!
upload's broken, try doing it again..
Sound not in sync??? other than that cool! :)
Hello, I was thinking getting one of theese games. Should I get Op Arrow Head or original Arma 2? Please respond Thanks
It's not clip, it's magazine.
@ICFHoop That's nitpicking man :P . I does not bother me .
Give them a break it is no doubt youtube fucking the audio
clip magazine silencer suppressor i can't get the grenade targets to drop I blew up the back off the range throwing so many grenades fuck this
@NecramoniumKISSvideo ARMA II OA is not nearly as buggy as ARMA II is.
@P3RF3CTD3ATH Yeah, Czechoslovakians who don't serve in the U.S. Army.
I just wish those ridiculous spambots were at least smart enough to spam in the proper language. Don't think German comments are going to draw too much of a response here. :p
@vkd96 I lol'd so hard at that comment.
BIS, remember about AI. :)
i hate how the dude says clips, not that its because it's magazine, its just hoe he says it lol, anyone else agree?
unsynced lool