Really cute. From web 1.0 technology... to warm to the web 3.0 audiences... and to remind the guests of their relationships... Really gracious... :) Beautiful watch. (Love from UK.)
The opening, the background set up - the band, the bar are copied from US talk show. Nothing original except speaking Chinese. It is ok as long as the content is fun. So far ok
It does seem a little bit copied in some ways... but it can be adapted... to that style... There is a lot of others in other countries that work.. really.. but the fact that, I get some of their jokes for the overseas' market. Means that they "get" their market research, isn't it ?? "Jonathan Ross (Net Worth: $35 Million) Jonathan Ross has a net worth of $35 million and is the richest talk show host in the U.K. with his popular show being one of the most popular in the U.K. " There are different ones... in the UK, most famous ones are : Graham Norton : Paul O'Grady :Piers Morgan Different categories.. and if you understood some of these people's backgrounds.. in the UK ones.. some of them are gentries... I think Mr Norton is a gentry.. his surname is in English history. So it is a case of his "views on things".. Imagine if there is a talk host from a Mr Yuen (I think he is doing his own now.) Or a Mr Ho... If you look... things do make sense. Even the Shakespeare's descendents... are still in the acting sector in the UK. I don't know who Mr Lee is.... I think I just saw a Ms Mo's... ancestor uploading his profiles and family details online...
毛毛,掂啊👍👍👍不嬲都好鐘意同欣賞毛毛。 咁優秀皆因一直對知識嘅追求,不斷學習。以前嘅藝人專業又敬業,好慶幸見證香港演藝輝煌時期。我們的那些年😂
Really cute. From web 1.0 technology... to warm to the web 3.0 audiences... and to remind the guests of their relationships... Really gracious... :) Beautiful watch. (Love from UK.)
我就想講點解似late night 🤣🤣🤣
這類型的秀, 基本內容是全世界一樣, 主要是嘉賓來做宣傳 ! 差異之別是每個國家有自己的獨特元素 !
但極遺憾的是, (香港的這類型=原文 )這秀是完全一無所有的創作思構, 永遠是模防100%一模一樣 !
這秀在美國己經有超過半世紀時間, 香港只識得死抄盲抄美國型式 = 主持人的語言表達, 動作, 100%是完全忘了自我本質, 如假包換的 = ROBOT !!!
還有這秀的其它原素等等......... ! Mama Mia !!!
TVB是TVB, 香港是香港, 你可以說TVB的節目差, 但不能把TVB等同香港..................
@@ckckckckckckckckckckckckckckck "香港的這類型秀是完全一無所有........." =
TVB是代表香港 ! 但不是等同香港的香港 ! (這只是個人的心理聯繫思想 !)
已改過原文 !
Have a great day wherever you're !
@@youpihat 語無倫次....................
@@ckckckckckckckckckckckckckckck 遺憾 !!!
譚詠麟 - 明天仍要繼續
The opening, the background set up - the band, the bar are copied from US talk show. Nothing original except speaking Chinese. It is ok as long as the content is fun. So far ok
Copy so many other people ideas
有錢仔。。。係咁ga la
It does seem a little bit copied in some ways... but it can be adapted... to that style...
There is a lot of others in other countries that work.. really.. but the fact that, I get some of their jokes for the overseas' market. Means that they "get" their market research, isn't it ??
"Jonathan Ross (Net Worth: $35 Million) Jonathan Ross has a net worth of $35 million and is the richest talk show host in the U.K. with his popular show being one of the most popular in the U.K. "
There are different ones... in the UK, most famous ones are : Graham Norton : Paul O'Grady :Piers Morgan
Different categories.. and if you understood some of these people's backgrounds.. in the UK ones.. some of them are gentries... I think Mr Norton is a gentry.. his surname is in English history. So it is a case of his "views on things".. Imagine if there is a talk host from a Mr Yuen (I think he is doing his own now.) Or a Mr Ho... If you look... things do make sense. Even the Shakespeare's descendents... are still in the acting sector in the UK. I don't know who Mr Lee is.... I think I just saw a Ms Mo's... ancestor uploading his profiles and family details online...
HK tonight show
Asian Jimmy Fallon 🤣
So cringe
TVB唔係蝕到連音樂版權都俾唔起下化............昨日ATV, 今日TVB, 今日TVB, 明日ATV........................................
@@francisng3149 TVB唔係蝕到連音樂版權都俾唔起下化............昨日ATV, 今日TVB, 今日TVB, 明日ATV........................................