Does having the MRI change the medication or promote neurogenisis with Folinic Acid,Benfothiamine B1 or Injection...methylcobalamin B12 or injections..Active B2 B6..Vit D...Omega 3..Zinc..Magnesium..PPS..polyenylphosohtidylserine...fasting...16 hrs a day..keto diet..minimum sugar...then at one point go carnivore for 30 days or 60 to rest the inflammatory autoimmune system back to normal..additionally have chelation with EDTA and take chlorelka to absorb the metals from the beginning of ketosis to fasting to the reset
She knows what she is talking about. Would have loved to have heard her speak.
Does having the MRI change the medication or promote neurogenisis with Folinic Acid,Benfothiamine B1 or Injection...methylcobalamin B12 or injections..Active B2 B6..Vit D...Omega 3..Zinc..Magnesium..PPS..polyenylphosohtidylserine...fasting...16 hrs a day..keto diet..minimum sugar...then at one point go carnivore for 30 days or 60 to rest the inflammatory autoimmune system back to normal..additionally have chelation with EDTA and take chlorelka to absorb the metals from the beginning of ketosis to fasting to the reset
This works?
Blah. Anyone who says diet isn’t all that important and then giggles when recommending eating a balanced diet is part of the problem.
Right?? What a dipshit!