I remember a few years ago, how pumped I would be to see a new Workout Wednesday video from Flotrack. Sweat Elite videos are now exceeding that level of excitement for me.
@Jericho Kilmanja running is the most natural thing to get your stomach going. probably not the part about going at your limit 😂 but normal running definitely is
Marathons are so god damn difficult that thousands of years ago some guy did it once and it become a legend. Now these people made it a sport. What a bunch of monsters.
Very inspiring video ! Due to being a tall and athletic runner I always thought that I could not perform well on long distance races or at altitude and that my prospects were very limited. After having seen Jake Riley I think it is time to change my mind and how I look at myself. Good luck and best wishes for the up-coming Olympic Games.
Brilliant stuff again, Foxy! These session videos are awesome, man. The raw footage without music and just the odd bit of chat between reps is so authentic.
Flotrack has so many pay walls now and even when a workout video is posted it's from some random college team from 6 months ago. Sweat elite pumps out CURRENT content and no stupid music. Just raw running, that's what I come here for. Keep it up!
First KM slow? My fastest km I've ever recorded was 3.32 and I definitely wasn't able to sustain anything remotely close to that time after HAHHA! Granted I do weigh 190lbs, but still.
Can we get a Carrie video?! I ran on her team in high school, and I knew she was running with this team now, but actually seeing her in one of these made me so happy!
That girl in the purple top has the best form of the lot I reckon... as a old fat jogger of course I'm an expert!!! All these guys doing constant under 5 minute mile pace is just incredible for your average person. Inspirational stuff!
Absolutely love those videos! So much insight in the training. I am always taking something for my personal training from this videos! The diversity of workouts and out of the box workouts is just great. Trying to implement the ideas of your workouts in my own training.
looks like a good group and Lee troop looks like a great coach. i remember going to a sports bar to watch him break ron clarke’s 5k aus record in 1998. Nice work all around here.
by jakes pb 2:10 for 42k: (3:05/1k ) its the marathonpace, you see in his moves in the 1k , 3:05 is easy, 2:44 istn (all this pace ist insane for hobbyruners)
Hey everyone, i have question for the running community: Lately i have been getting into running more and more and i a was wondering if you guys have any tips about where to educate myself about training correctly (youtube channels, books etc.). i'm 24 years old and a pretty athletic guy. i have been into sports all my life, mostly football (soccer) but also tennis skiing etc. and i "learned" different sports pretty fast. But i am asking you guys with regards to running as it seems to be quite an injury prone sport, especially if you start off to quickly. I'm kind of getting into it and want to set myself goals and participate in races. Any recommendations for beginners regarding readings or youtube channels would be great. Also what sports watches would you guys recommend for a beginner? shouldnt be too expensive.. Thanks in advace!!!
Any trainers out there know what kind of pace we should be aiming for if we want to try this workout? I was thinking 10k pace… not sure if they were all aiming for negative splits. Could do 2 @ marathon pace and work from there I suppose. Any tips would be appreciated!
more like 3k-5k pace. 8x1k is an elite session to lift v02 max. You would normally do 1:1 effort to rest. But he is doing less here because he is an olympian marathoner. Even doing 4-6 x 1k (especially for a mid distance runner) is good.
Can anyone advise what would be a good nutrition plan to follow for long distance running. I’m currently on a bit of a diet but then find it hard to find the energy for long distance runs. Thank you
there are a lot of videos and documentations but nobody is sure about what they're talking about since nutrition is super complicated. i struggled so much with it. not anorexia. just wanting to have the perfect diet but whenever something is not well done there is hard mental crash/starvation mood. here are my food tips: bread, black tea or coffee with lot of white sugar, cornmeal or quinoa or any other similar complex carb grain, beans, carots or sweet potatoes, roasted nuts, chia seeds, broccoli or spinach or kale, whole milk, fatty fish or tuna, meats but not sure about meats and fish also i recommend cooking them with the least frying as possible so with water
You are absolutely killing it with these videos. Maybe you could be a bit more specific in the description like "8x1km threshold" or "8x1km marathon pace" or whatever they do.. That would be awesome
Workouts don’t seem that long for a marathoner. I know he’s tapering and this is probably speed work for him , but I’m curious what kind of longer tempos/long runs to build his aerobic base. Or if he’s doesn’t and he’s just a low mileage marathoner.
Near the beginning and end of the video Lee Troop said there was a more important session coming up on Friday so this might have been more of a tune-up workout. I agree with you, though, this workout seems very low volume for an elite marathoner.
Our volume comes from doing 22 mile long runs each Sunday. Our quality workouts are only 20-30mins and done on tired legs. We have no real “wow” workouts, just basic “bread and butter” ones.
@@leetroop73 thank you so much for replying! Very cool to learn that. Maybe I’ll implement this into my training when I begin doing marathons. Fun fact: Jake was an assistant coach at my high school (Troy High school) before he moved out to Boulder and after he graduated Stanford. I missed being coached by him by a year, but I’ll be rooting for Jake at the games!
one will only ever appreciate this pace if you run yourself. I started running last year and my fastest 1km is around 4.25min. I could only do 1km , lol....
@@jimc5000 , Thanks. I went from 1km to doing at least 3km at that pace. Im finding it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get beyond the 3km mark. When I hit 3km my lungs want to explode and legs are trembling like an earthquake waiting to erupt.
My bus stop is 1km away from my home. And I'm always late, so I always end up running to catch it. Four and a half is about my record as for how quickly I can reach the bus stop from exiting my door. I don't think that's wearing a backpack, but I sometimes wear a backpack. Anyway, that's really exhausting, and after 5-10 minutes I start sweating like crazy on the bus, so it's not ideal. I wouldn't recommend running with a backpack. Congratulations on your running time. Sounds real good to me. Although I'm no runner, I'm in fairly good physical shape. You gotta be in decent shape to hit that time.
“Push push push” was just for him to get up over the bridge, but then I told once over the bridge to “open up and roll it out” Definitely did not want him to redline it. And yes, it is a golf course.
It's a nice workout that can be ran around 5000m pace. I was able to run 8 at 3:09 average and actually managed 15:42 a month later whIch is pretty much the same pace, very even pace as well. Not much volume for a marathon guy at all, he likely does 8x2km at around 5:50 regularly and 5x3km repeats at around 9:00.
Still people haven't learned not to try and keep cool while training, why do you think the guy from the hot African countries do so well, it's not just elevation, it's the heat. By keeping cool you're lowering your heart rate / making it easier which is not the point of training.
No criticism of running form or anything. Really enjoying these sessions, and just hearing the rhythmic slapping of shoes on the ground. These are great.
I remember a few years ago, how pumped I would be to see a new Workout Wednesday video from Flotrack. Sweat Elite videos are now exceeding that level of excitement for me.
Good to know that professionals also have random stomach problems during inconvenient times.
@Jericho Kilmanja running is the most natural thing to get your stomach going. probably not the part about going at your limit 😂 but normal running definitely is
if you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough
Marathons are so god damn difficult that thousands of years ago some guy did it once and it become a legend. Now these people made it a sport. What a bunch of monsters.
Great quality, no music and just running. Love it
Raw training no stupid music or mindless idiots screaming motivational nonsense. Just an olympian doing what he does best.
Your mom
Sweat Elite stands out at a time when the market for youtube running channels is oversaturated.
TRPs is another that is good for the sport.
Because it's about real runners doing real running. Not an advertisement video with some running chucked in.
@@AnthonyMcqueen1987 Which one is TRP?
Very inspiring video ! Due to being a tall and athletic runner I always thought that I could not perform well on long distance races or at altitude and that my prospects were very limited. After having seen Jake Riley I think it is time to change my mind and how I look at myself. Good luck and best wishes for the up-coming Olympic Games.
dude is an absolute machine
Love the loop. Peaceful, pretty and fast.
Brilliant stuff again, Foxy! These session videos are awesome, man. The raw footage without music and just the odd bit of chat between reps is so authentic.
His ability to recover in between is INSANE!!!
Just saved the other Jake Riley video to my favorites.
Just in time for this new video to drop 😁👏🏿
Flotrack has so many pay walls now and even when a workout video is posted it's from some random college team from 6 months ago.
Sweat elite pumps out CURRENT content and no stupid music. Just raw running, that's what I come here for. Keep it up!
The fact that they got the same exact seconds for their first 2 runs just shows how controlled they are of their pace
Thought the first km seemed a little slow… he then proceeds to run negative splits for the remaining 7.
Great Stuff!
The first km he was just trying to stay with the group. When he was on his own, he opened up a bit.
Jake wasn’t feeling well, so I had him run with Carrie for the first couple to feel out how he was feeling.
First KM slow? My fastest km I've ever recorded was 3.32 and I definitely wasn't able to sustain anything remotely close to that time after HAHHA! Granted I do weigh 190lbs, but still.
Very inspiring and educational. Love it
the camera guy is running just as fast with a camera! Give him the gold medal already!
Whoever they are... They're on a bike.
@@Macacos you think?
Absolutely loving the content, so great to watch! 👏
The cameraman is the real champion here. Running with the athletes and holding the camera straight!
I love watching these workouts!
Awesome negative splits and at 5250ft elevation.
This is insane. Thanks for the upload
We need more Lee Troop!
Magnificent Australian Olympian 🇦🇺
Can we get a Carrie video?! I ran on her team in high school, and I knew she was running with this team now, but actually seeing her in one of these made me so happy!
That girl in the purple top has the best form of the lot I reckon... as a old fat jogger of course I'm an expert!!! All these guys doing constant under 5 minute mile pace is just incredible for your average person. Inspirational stuff!
I agree
Watch Brigid Kosgei marathon world record. That's the greatest performance I've ever seen by a woman in a marathon
JRs totally ripped man! Freaking crazy fast too! That was one hell of a session! And one hell of a coach!
Absolutely love those videos! So much insight in the training. I am always taking something for my personal training from this videos! The diversity of workouts and out of the box workouts is just great. Trying to implement the ideas of your workouts in my own training.
The sound is so good to hear
Can’t believe the extraordinary pace of those negative splits!
looks like a good group and Lee troop looks like a great coach. i remember going to a sports bar to watch him break ron clarke’s 5k aus record in 1998. Nice work all around here.
Totally inspirational…would love to know his av HR for those 1km intervals…
awesome vid - loving your videos
Now THIS is beast mode.
That was incredible wow!
Mind blown by their pace.
No stupid music. YEAH !!!
Really great to see the hard work
wtf is this perfect route
every human should be able to live in a place like this
Sprinters doing long reps:*runs 4x300m
Marathoners doing sprint workout:* 8x1km
excellent 8x1km wrkt Jake rock on buddy hi fives Sasu and jake
Es increible, acabar las últimas dos series a 2´44 debe ser durísimo, good luck in Tokyo.
Sweat Elite content 🔥🔥🔥
These ladies are also fast, geez.
If you guys can swing it I'd love for you to get some footage with the NAZ elite team. They need some juicy raw content like this.
Good training 👍👍👍
Jeez I wish I could say the a 3:05km was light 😅
by jakes pb 2:10 for 42k: (3:05/1k ) its the marathonpace, you see in his moves in the 1k , 3:05 is easy, 2:44 istn (all this pace ist insane for hobbyruners)
@@disc_laimer 2:44/km is basically 800m pace for an amateur distance runner.
Actually, scratch that, 2:44/km is better than what I can do on an 800 sadface
Um lugar desse é muito bom para treinar.
How long do they rest between sets?
90secs - 2mins
Good stuff!
Good work
One kilometer runs are my fav
Hey everyone, i have question for the running community: Lately i have been getting into running more and more and i a was wondering if you guys have any tips about where to educate myself about training correctly (youtube channels, books etc.). i'm 24 years old and a pretty athletic guy. i have been into sports all my life, mostly football (soccer) but also tennis skiing etc. and i "learned" different sports pretty fast. But i am asking you guys with regards to running as it seems to be quite an injury prone sport, especially if you start off to quickly. I'm kind of getting into it and want to set myself goals and participate in races. Any recommendations for beginners regarding readings or youtube channels would be great. Also what sports watches would you guys recommend for a beginner? shouldnt be too expensive.. Thanks in advace!!!
Same here
Boulder is the best place to live around world.. i was living there when i was 26....
Best efforts love from india
The fact that the coach has got a tummy.
Absolute warrior him like 💪🏻
they ran 1km in 2:55 and the coach was like "yea we can go a little bit quicker" i felt really bad about my self
Parabéns Campeão!
beautiful terrain, looks a lot like north west england
Where can I get those shorts in the opening scene?
Q. Bien es admirable el entrenamiento de calidad aunque sería más esactos y bien medidos en pista de atletismo saludos de 🇲🇽
Why are the backs slumped so much? Is this a normal posture for a runner?
Good luck man
Kick ass workout.
What is his pacing? 4:30 miles?
His coach is john locke from Lost lol
Who’s the guy with blacked out Vaporflys?
Chase Weaverling
Guys if you didn’t know I’m the guy with the Brooks hyperion tempo blue and black I run with team Boulder
Go jake
That’s a muscular runner
Muy bien duro 💪🏃
Any trainers out there know what kind of pace we should be aiming for if we want to try this workout? I was thinking 10k pace… not sure if they were all aiming for negative splits. Could do 2 @ marathon pace and work from there I suppose. Any tips would be appreciated!
more like 3k-5k pace. 8x1k is an elite session to lift v02 max. You would normally do 1:1 effort to rest. But he is doing less here because he is an olympian marathoner. Even doing 4-6 x 1k (especially for a mid distance runner) is good.
Very nice Bhai 👌, From Mumbai INDIA 🇮🇳
quick question, and i don't mean to be rude, but why are runners' back often rounded?
is it a well developed upper back/shoulders? or due to form?
Así se entrena, 2:44 para 1k en carretera un corredor de maratón mucha suerte 👏💪
What rest did he have?
Can anyone advise what would be a good nutrition plan to follow for long distance running. I’m currently on a bit of a diet but then find it hard to find the energy for long distance runs. Thank you
I’m sure there’s a lot of TH-cam videos out there
there are a lot of videos and documentations but nobody is sure about what they're talking about since nutrition is super complicated. i struggled so much with it. not anorexia. just wanting to have the perfect diet but whenever something is not well done there is hard mental crash/starvation mood.
here are my food tips: bread, black tea or coffee with lot of white sugar, cornmeal or quinoa or any other similar complex carb grain, beans, carots or sweet potatoes, roasted nuts, chia seeds, broccoli or spinach or kale, whole milk, fatty fish or tuna, meats but not sure about meats and fish also i recommend cooking them with the least frying as possible so with water
@@Jimmylenaze hope things go well for you brotha.
@@jtdilauro ❤️
Just eat...dont worry about it
Cada cuando se debe hacer prácticas x semana 8 x 1000
You are absolutely killing it with these videos. Maybe you could be a bit more specific in the description like "8x1km threshold" or "8x1km marathon pace" or whatever they do.. That would be awesome
What shoes are they wearing?
Looking great guys! We finally have a chance to beat the Kenyans this year.
“We’” as in Rupp and “the Kenyans” meaning the two who aren’t Eliud Kipchoge.
@@ronbunn1349 dude I was just kiddin! Those Kenyans are gonna eat our lunch in those longer distance races!
What is rest time before reputations
The Jedi 😎🤟❤
He's running in on clouds! Interesting. I'm curious how he likes them
how long of rest was he taking between reps?
"1km repeats with 90 seconds recovery"
Workouts don’t seem that long for a marathoner. I know he’s tapering and this is probably speed work for him , but I’m curious what kind of longer tempos/long runs to build his aerobic base. Or if he’s doesn’t and he’s just a low mileage marathoner.
That's the sole purpose of sharpening. Lowering weekly mileage but still maintaining that intensity.
Near the beginning and end of the video Lee Troop said there was a more important session coming up on Friday so this might have been more of a tune-up workout. I agree with you, though, this workout seems very low volume for an elite marathoner.
I noticed that as well, he also had a 5 by mile repeat session, that was short. Maybe he's working a particular system.
Our volume comes from doing 22 mile long runs each Sunday. Our quality workouts are only 20-30mins and done on tired legs.
We have no real “wow” workouts, just basic “bread and butter” ones.
@@leetroop73 thank you so much for replying! Very cool to learn that. Maybe I’ll implement this into my training when I begin doing marathons.
Fun fact: Jake was an assistant coach at my high school (Troy High school) before he moved out to Boulder and after he graduated Stanford. I missed being coached by him by a year, but I’ll be rooting for Jake at the games!
one will only ever appreciate this pace if you run yourself. I started running last year and my fastest 1km is around 4.25min. I could only do 1km , lol....
That is very true..4.25 is a very good Km if you started running last year though 👍
@@jimc5000 , Thanks. I went from 1km to doing at least 3km at that pace. Im finding it EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get beyond the 3km mark. When I hit 3km my lungs want to explode and legs are trembling like an earthquake waiting to erupt.
@ I'm around 1.75m and weight 75kg
My bus stop is 1km away from my home. And I'm always late, so I always end up running to catch it. Four and a half is about my record as for how quickly I can reach the bus stop from exiting my door. I don't think that's wearing a backpack, but I sometimes wear a backpack. Anyway, that's really exhausting, and after 5-10 minutes I start sweating like crazy on the bus, so it's not ideal. I wouldn't recommend running with a backpack. Congratulations on your running time. Sounds real good to me. Although I'm no runner, I'm in fairly good physical shape. You gotta be in decent shape to hit that time.
Dont redline it...(later..push push push)!
Is that a golf course on right? Thats where i would be for this session.
“Push push push” was just for him to get up over the bridge, but then I told once over the bridge to “open up and roll it out”
Definitely did not want him to redline it.
And yes, it is a golf course.
How do you know you are a marathoner? Your "sharpening" session is 8 x 1k w/ 90" rest. That's a big strength day for almost everybody else.
It's a nice workout that can be ran around 5000m pace.
I was able to run 8 at 3:09 average and actually managed 15:42 a month later whIch is pretty much the same pace, very even pace as well.
Not much volume for a marathon guy at all, he likely does 8x2km at around 5:50 regularly and 5x3km repeats at around 9:00.
That's our college workout right there haha
It’s enough volume considering he is running 22 mile long runs each Sunday.
All girls should run.
Nice fox
Well I sprint at this speed for 50 meters.
Jake seems bigger than typical marathoner.
Plus this is at high altitude.
Kudoos to the woman on first two 1km
Yeah i sac the best i the world weigh around 115 pounds..that Guy must be at least 145..
Run Team USA
Still people haven't learned not to try and keep cool while training, why do you think the guy from the hot African countries do so well, it's not just elevation, it's the heat. By keeping cool you're lowering your heart rate / making it easier which is not the point of training.
whats his height and weight?
Good luck in TOKYO, just stay behind KIPCHOGE the whole race and you will medal..
...slippy slappy slippy slappy slippy slappy...
If you mean the foot strike noise....yea that should be worked on
No criticism of running form or anything. Really enjoying these sessions, and just hearing the rhythmic slapping of shoes on the ground. These are great.