Here’s somthing worth a mention. The Cronk station as been changed. It was originally a 1 platform station now it’s a station simular to lower tidmouth.
I thought the game was gonna have sams whostle sound for belle but I guess not they added her actual whistle sound to the main game, I guess for the building area they’re still trying to fix that
I remember getting 16 mail cars with Hiro and Arthur because Arthur can plow snow without the button. I had to stop AT CALLAN just to load them multiple times, then I just gave up and put the train at the anopha quarry. Thanks for this quick tutorial though
Just do the money glitch . First go in logs job and then go to knapford harbour , make a train with 1 plank wagons or trucks , onec you’re done , go behind the gantry crane and your trucks will load with fish , go in front of the gantry crane until all the trucks are past , you will get money ! ( it is 40 cash per truck )
Sam: stop copy my whistle
Belle: nope
Here’s somthing worth a mention. The Cronk station as been changed. It was originally a 1 platform station now it’s a station simular to lower tidmouth.
Cronk Station Replaced Lower Tidmouth
The Cronk station is railway series version. Not its TVS version.
I thought the game was gonna have sams whostle sound for belle but I guess not they added her actual whistle sound to the main game, I guess for the building area they’re still trying to fix that
I remember getting 16 mail cars with Hiro and Arthur because Arthur can plow snow without the button. I had to stop AT CALLAN just to load them multiple times, then I just gave up and put the train at the anopha quarry. Thanks for this quick tutorial though
Thanks for making tutorials like this there really helpfull
How I get money faster by doing the jobs, I do this:
Get the number of trucks that the engines are numbered.
Like this for an example:
Thomas: 1 sand truck
Edward: 2 sand trucks
Henry: 3 sand trucks
Gordon: 4 sand trucks
James: 5 sand trucks
Percy: 6 sand trucks
Toby: 7 sand trucks
Duck: 8 sand trucks
Donald: 9 sand trucks
Douglas: 10 sand trucks
Oliver: 11 sand trucks + Toad
Emily: 12 sand trucks
Nia: 18 sand trucks
Rebecca: 22 sand trucks
Charlie: 14 sand trucks
Harvey: 27 sand trucks
Rosie: 37 sand trucks
Whiff: 66 sand trucks
Hiro: 51 sand trucks
Stepney: 55 sand trucks
For the engines that's from the jobs:
I multiplied it by 2.
Like this for an example:
Gold Thomas: 2 branchline coaches, 1 x 2 = 2
Silver Percy: 12 branchline coaches, 6 x 2 = 12
Neon James: 10 branchline coaches, 5 x 2 = 10
TOS Thomas: 2 branchline coaches, 1 x 2 = 2
GG Thomas: 2 branchline coaches, 1 x 2 = 2
LNER Toby: 14 branchline coaches, 7 x 2 = 14
Garden Party Edward: 4 branchline coaches, 2 x 2 = 4
Glowing Henry: 6 branchline coaches, 3 x 2 = 6
AEG Percy: 12 branchline coaches, 6 x 2 = 12
AEG Thomas: 2 branchline coaches, 1 x 2 = 2
Metallic Thomas: 2 branchline coaches, 1 x 2 = 2
Metallic James: 10 branchline coaches, 5 x 2 = 10
Metallic Gordon: 8 branchline coaches, 4 x 2 = 8
Metallic Percy: 12 branchline coaches, 6 x 2 = 12
Metallic Edward: 4 branchline coaches, 2 x 2 = 4
Metallic Henry: 6 branchline coaches, 3 x 2 = 6
Cursed James: 10 branchline coaches, 5 x 2 = 10
For the skins that the engines have:
I multiplied it by 5.
Like this for an example:
RWS Thomas: 5 dairy trucks, 1 x 5 = 5
Streamlined Thomas: 5 dairy trucks
Sandy Thomas: 5 dairy trucks
RWS Edward: 10 dairy trucks, 2 x 5 = 10
Dusty Edward: 10 dairy trucks
Exploit Edward: 10 dairy trucks
RWS Henry: 15 dairy trucks, 3 x 5 = 15
Soot Henry: 15 dairy trucks
Blue Henry: 15 dairy trucks
Old Henry: 15 dairy trucks
RWS Gordon: 20 dairy trucks, 4 x 5 = 20
Domeless Gordon: 20 dairy trucks
Green Gordon: 20 dairy trucks
RWS James: 25 dairy trucks, 5 x 5 = 25
Original James: 25 dairy trucks
Blue James: 25 dairy trucks
Tar James: 25 dairy trucks
Pink James: 25 dairy trucks
Sandy James: 25 dairy trucks
Bee James (Red-Nosed): 25 dairy trucks
Busy Bee James: 25 dairy trucks
RWS Percy: 30 dairy trucks, 6 x 5 = 30
Dirty Percy: 30 dairy trucks
Lime Percy: 30 dairy trucks
RWS Toby: 35 dairy trucks, 7 x 5 = 35
RWS Duck: 40 dairy trucks, 8 x 5 = 40
Black Wheeled Duck: 40 dairy trucks
Green Wheeled Duck: 40 dairy trucks
Cream Faced Duck: 40 dairy trucks
Sandy Duck: 40 dairy trucks
Muddy Duck: 40 dairy trucks
Drake Duck: 40 dairy trucks
Coal Dusted Duck: 40 dairy trucks
For Donald and Douglas, I have to add their numbers together:
RWS Donald and Douglas: 95 dairy trucks, 9 + 10 x 5 = 95
Scrap Donald and Douglas: 95 dairy trucks
Basis Donald and Douglas: 95 dairy trucks
Back with the other engines' skins:
RWS Oliver: 55 dairy trucks, 11 x 5 = 55
Scrapped Oliver: 55 dairy trucks
Ice Cream Oliver: 55 dairy trucks
Tarp Emily: 60 dairy trucks, 12 x 5 = 60
As you may have noticed, I missed some characters like Merlin because he is numbered 783 and 783 x 2 = 1,566, so that's why I didn't add the engines with big numbers.
I actually figured it out myself, thanks tho!
Why does Bell have Sam whistle?
4:19, Im Pretty Sure The Jobs That Dont Need To Shovel Snow Are
Dairy, Express, Fish, Maybe Ballast Or Slate (I Never Did Them)
U need to shovel snow with slate and maybe fish and ballast is didn't do them yet during the winter
Ballast need shovelling but idk about fish
help me please i am clicking button but it not working please fix this
The mail job was not working when i was loading the mail the yellow line was not there
Looks like there are other people who can't do mail job😣
@@studiorynk2 yea but i think that you sholdve making a collab with mr.neil
IDK if free users unlock vip job reward engines did free players can drive?
Edit: nvm it changed in the new update
Why the heck belle whistle sound like Sam 💀?
It’s fixed now
What is the game name?
I think you can deliver on any platform. You can deliver on 7 and 8 too
If you pull Thomas and Percy behind vinnie he will be able to pull both engines
My sodor online job a plenty Mail job and i'll have our drum,bachline, express ,ballet, state,cattel snd mail job will come back in 2024?
Dang how many cash you got?😮
So nobody is going to talk about how Vinnie was doing some weird thing with gold Thomas at the beginning? 💀💀💀
This why sodor online map is so confusing, callan is in little western I swear!
mine wont higlight@@studiorynk2
I already did my first mail job on Sodor online
I barely have enough for Belle :(
Just do the money glitch .
First go in logs job and then go to knapford harbour , make a train with 1 plank wagons or trucks , onec you’re done , go behind the gantry crane and your trucks will load with fish , go in front of the gantry crane until all the trucks are past , you will get money !
( it is 40 cash per truck )
Belle has sams whistle
Mission broken cant load
Infite money glicth is more fast if you a lazy
I di the job and they dont gime nonting
I’m gonna get robux to buy these engines
The mail job is broken
Bro not
Yea is broken, the truck light yellow and you can click the block mail, but it doesn't complement me.
true @@richardabombn.2947
Also, timonthy cost 5500 and that mean💀
Vinnie is 2500 💀
That mail job is a lie!! Every time I assign to it, pick up all the mail, and bring it to Vicarstown, it never gave me the cash!
Or maybe it only gives you the cash during the winter update.