🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL people are having DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT behind. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE face to LIGHT. At this POINT, MAN is NO longer the FORMER, he has LONG disappeared the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and because the people are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, people have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 Note📩 Almighty God said, Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven .
Dios bendiga a todas las personas afectadas y pronto tengan su casa y mucha fortaleza a los que perdieron a sus seres queridos 🙏 hagamos oración solo esto puede hacer que cambie Dios con su poder los desastres naturales 🙏
Estas llanuras enormes justamente tienes las condiciones ideales para que los tornados ocurran. De hecho creo que en parte son justamente dichas condiciones atmosféricas las que definen el por qué de las llanuras en esas áreas. No hay tornados en zonas montañosas justamente porque no se dan estas condiciones ya que estas frenan que choquen los vientos que los producen.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL people are having DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT behind. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE face to LIGHT. At this POINT, MAN is NO longer the FORMER, he has LONG disappeared the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and because the people are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, people have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 Note📩 Almighty God said, Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven .
Ese gobernador es un RACISTA de primera y esto pasa porque Dios nos esta hablando a todos que nos arrepentimos y que hace la gente más mal se porta y este gobernador incita al racismo y odio que triste 😥 Dios nos ayude a todos
Hazle creer a un ateo el poder del viento lo que hace aunque no lo veamos Pero se ve el poder del viento se ve sus efectos Asi es Dios aunque no lo veamos es real
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.) Almighty God said The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫 Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️ AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️ The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️ How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work). The REVELATION of the END of ALL MANKIND is DONE BEFORE the JUDGMENT SEAT, in the continuation of the strife, and the CONTINUATION of the LAST DAY'S CONQUEST. The EXCLUSION - APART from the PEOPLE by TYPE does NOT RETURN to PEOPLE to their ORIGINAL KINDS, BECAUSE of the CREATION of the PERSON DURING the CREATION, there is ONLY ONE KIND of PERSON, the ONLY DIVISION is BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE. ☀️ THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL people are having DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT behind. ☀️ EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE face to LIGHT. At this POINT, MAN is NO longer the FORMER, he has LONG disappeared the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and because the people are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪 THEREFORE, people have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏 from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13) 📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19). This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect, having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩 Note📩 Almighty God said, Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven .
Y los guardé BENDICIONES hermanos.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL people are having DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT behind. ☀️
EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE face to LIGHT. At this POINT, MAN is NO longer the FORMER, he has LONG disappeared the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and because the people are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪
THEREFORE, people have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
Almighty God said,
Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven .
Que Dios los proteja
Gracias por compartir bb jehová los proteja
Yo vivo ha 20 minutos,gracias ha Dios todo bien en mi ciudad, gracias Dios
Triste realidad 😢😢
Dios bendiga a todas las personas afectadas y pronto tengan su casa y mucha fortaleza a los que perdieron a sus seres queridos 🙏 hagamos oración solo esto puede hacer que cambie Dios con su poder los desastres naturales 🙏
Fuerza para todos esos afectados.
Que tristeza Dios mío 😢😢😢
Pobre gente.😢 Qué Díos sé apiade.🙏
Señor calma tú ira fuerzas a nuestros hermanos
Si que desgracia, Lo mismo pide el de nosotros😔.
Es muy triste Todo lo que ESTA ocurriendo
Que Dios auxilie a todos los afectados.
Y los animalitos 😭😭trumados pobrecitos,💔
Confieeeee en el poderoso maravilloso amoroso NOS amó primero sabes quién vive Jesús Cristo estamos en los últimos tiempos amén
Que tristeza
Estas llanuras enormes justamente tienes las condiciones ideales para que los tornados ocurran. De hecho creo que en parte son justamente dichas condiciones atmosféricas las que definen el por qué de las llanuras en esas áreas. No hay tornados en zonas montañosas justamente porque no se dan estas condiciones ya que estas frenan que choquen los vientos que los producen.
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL people are having DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT behind. ☀️
EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE face to LIGHT. At this POINT, MAN is NO longer the FORMER, he has LONG disappeared the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and because the people are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪
THEREFORE, people have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
Almighty God said,
Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven .
Tenemos que arrepentirnos ,y dejar de ofender a nuestro Dios 🫶🙏🙏😔
😢 😢😢tristeza pobres personas Dios los bendiga y los ayude
Dios los cuide los ampare oración para todas personas
Gracias al gobernador de Texas han venido tantas bendiciones.
No creo, por esas bendiciones ordeno poner cocodrilos en el río bravo. ?
Ese gobernador es un RACISTA de primera y esto pasa porque Dios nos esta hablando a todos que nos arrepentimos y que hace la gente más mal se porta y este gobernador incita al racismo y odio que triste 😥 Dios nos ayude a todos
Gracias BENDICIONES los q nos dejan fueerza a los q quedad qdamos ❤😢😇😇😇😇😇❤
Un consejo .....Ya dejen de vivir en trailas , construyan casas de concreto
¿ Qué país?. ¿ Dónde se encuentra el lugar afectado?
Es en Texas ., ayer pego otro y hoy sigue el aviso.😢
Dios mío ten misericordia 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Qué horror 😢😢😢
Jorge Ramos ésto no fué culpa de AMLO 😂
Ni de BUKELE 😂😂😂
Se desataron los espíritus de los Cheyenne y los cherokee apaches su poderosos la furia es inplacable
Hazle creer a un ateo el poder del viento lo que hace aunque no lo veamos
Pero se ve el poder del viento se ve sus efectos
Asi es Dios aunque no lo veamos es real
Q el gobierno ayude a los damnificados tanto q gastan en las guerras
🥹🥹🥹santo Dios 🥹protejelos 🙏☹️
Mudense de ese estado
Prefiero vivir en new jersey
😮wow wow 😅
A texas le estan dando duro 😮
K triste donde es eso no ubico
Irving Tx. Me parece por que mencionan la valles view y en la valley view ay una colonia de trailas
Es un condado chico se llama valley view arriba de Denton a 40 minutos de Dallas
Yo salgo en el video fue en Valle view Tx
🧮THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(The current conquest activity aims to show the end of man. Why is the conquest of the last stage? Is not it for All, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, showing their true colors and sq so are grouped according to their kind after? It is about judging the sins of the people and then manifestation of different kinds of people, so is determined If they are bad or righteous. After the conquest of the conquest, the work of rewarding good, and punishing the wicked. The people who are entirely follows - mean thoroughly conquered - will put the next step the work of God in full universe; those who are not conquered to be put in darkness and to face disaster. The end is approaching for everything; The end of man is evidently shown in his eyes, and everything is strangled by kind. The revelation of the end of all mankind is done before the judgment seat, in the continuation of the strife, and the continuation of the last day's conquest. Everyone will show his true face to light. At this point, man was no longer the former he was, long ago the original image of his ancestors disappeared, because the unnatural descendants of Adam and Eve had long been captured by Satan, never again know the heavens ---day, And because the people are filled with all kinds of Satan's poisons. Thus, people have their appropriate ends.)
Almighty God said
The CURRENT CONQUEST activity AIMS to SHOW the END of man. Why do I say that captivating and JUDGMENT TODAY is the JUDGMENT BEFORE the BIG WHITE THRONE in the LAST DAYS? 💫
Do not you see it? WHY is the CONQUEST of the LAST STAGE? Is not it to be unlikely to DEMONSTRATE WHAT KIND of END will be TAKEN by the TYPE of PERSON? Is it not to let everyone, in the continuation of the bullying work of strife and judgment, to SHOW their TRUE COLORS and thus GROUPS ACCORDING to their KIND after? Instead of saying it is conquest of mankind, it may be more to say that it shows what kind of end is for every kind of person. It is ABOUT JUDGING the SINS of the PEOPLE and then MANIFESTATION of DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, thus DETERMINING whether they are EVIL or RIGHTEOUS. ☀️
AFTER the CONQUEST of the conquest, the WORK of REWARDING and CORRUPTION will FOLLOW. The PEOPLE who are FULLY FOLLOWS --- It means those who are COMPLETELY CONQUERED --- will PUT the NEXT STEP the PROPAGATING of GOD'S WORK in the WHOLE UNIVERSE; the uncultivated will be put of darkness and face disaster. Thus, MAN will be INCLUDED in EVIL, NEVER AGAIN SEE SUNSHINE, and the RIGHTEOUS will be TAKEN to GOOD, to RECEIVE LIGHT and LIVE in LIGHT forever. ☀️
The END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; The END of MAN is EVIDENTLY SHOWN in his EYES, and everything is STRANGLED by KIND. 😪☀️
How, then, can people escape the armor of grouping of each other according to type? The DIFFERENT END of EACH HUMAN CLASS is REVEALED WHEN the END is NEARING for EVERYTHING; And this is done WHILE in the WORK of the CONQUEST of the WHOLE UNIVERSE (including all conquesting work, starting from the current work).
THERE are so MANY DIFFERENT TYPES of PEOPLE. AFTER only a FEW THOUSAND YEARS of CORRUPTION that APPEARED DIFFERENT KINDS of PEOPLE, SOME are in the AREA of the DIRTY DEVIL, and SOME, those who are PURSUATED in the WAY of LIFE, UNDER the POWER of the ALMIGHTY in this way only gradually - increasingly The types are emerging in the middle of the people, and therefore only break the people to the kinds within the large human family. ALL people are having DIFFERENT "Father"; THIS is NOT the CONDITION that EACH ONE is FULLY UNDER the STATE of the ALMIGHTY, because it is out of the rebellion of man. The RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT REVEALS the TRUE ONE'S OWN TYPE of MAN, NOTHING is LEFT behind. ☀️
EVERYONE will SHOW his TRUE face to LIGHT. At this POINT, MAN is NO longer the FORMER, he has LONG disappeared the ORIGINAL IMAGE of his ANCESTORS, because the NON-COUNTLESS DESCENDANTS of ADAM and EVE have LONG BEEN CAPTURED by SATAN, NEVER AGAIN KNOW the HEAVEN---DAY, and because the people are FILLED with ALL KINDS of SATAN'S POISONS. 😪
THEREFORE, people have their APPROPRIATE DESTINATIONS. In addition, on the basis of their unique poisons that they are exclusively --- besides the class, which means it is excluded - besides them based on the extent of the oppression of them today. 🙏
from "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". ... Holy Book ------ Fulfillment in (John 1: 1) "In the beginning he was Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God." ... and (Ezekiel 2:9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
📥Calling and leading everyone to His lowered Kingdom or Church because it is still standing on earth in the holy place in the air/ youtube "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD 💐 this is the fulfillment of what He said to Peter 2,000 years ago, recorded in (Matthew 16:18'19).
This is the the only Church of each one of our spirit that we must listen to or eat and drink like how we eat, dress and sleep every day so that He can guide us and change us by rejecting the evil attached by Satan so as to be perfect,
having attained eternal life that will enter the coming replacement of the New Heaven and New Earth. 📩
Almighty God said,
Life in the Kingdom is the life of people and God Himself. Humanity depends on My care and precaution, and all are engaged in fighting the great red dragon to the death. In order to win this last battle, and to end the great red dragon, all people must offer Me their entire being, for My Kingdom. When I say "KINGDOM", I mean it is the life lived under the protection of divinity, where all humanity I constantly guide, I teach directly, so that the life of all humanity, although in world is as if it were in heaven, the true spirit of life in the third heaven .
Caramba aqui no ay misiles la naturalesa cobra factura
Falta mas y mas amarrense Dios lo dijo
Dios dijo que???
@@miguelangelrodriguez5724 lee la biblia
Venezolno en alemán?
excellent video
Es en California
Donde viste que dice california 😡😡😡😡los mismos entrevistados dicen texas texas
Es en sanantonio,,bueno cercas..es como desir houston ,pasadena
Por allí paso el eclipse algo anunciaba dios
Hermano es la naturaleza no es Dios!!! Y los eclipses no son anuciantes de juicios divinos!!!🤡🤡🤡🤡
Pero qué dices...? 🤦♀️
El eclipse no pasó por esa zona🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡