I Actually Completed The BUNKER!!!! [Darkness Falls Ep.25]
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Friends! Welcome to episode 25 of my new long running series in 7 days to die darkness falls mod.
Survivalist difficulty - Check!
64 blood moon count - Check!
Me dying a lot - Double Check!
This will be the hardest series I've ever taken part in so like and subscribe if you enjoy!
World Settings -
Difficulty - Survivalist
Blood Moon Count - 64
Roaming Horde Count - 64
Zombie Day Speed - Walk
Zombie Night Speed - Sprint
XP - 100%
Loot Quality - 200%
Player Block Damage - 300%
All music and sound effects rightfully used from epidemicsound.com
with a subscription so check them out!
Will admit though, not destroying the body bags makes it an efficient xp farm.
A couple things. I ran that bunker on A21 and it never stopped for me either. You keep looking for wellness. Chili dogs are 4 wellness, Fish tacos are 5 wellness(need to craft raw fish in your inventory from salmon/tuna), and pumpkin bread is 5 wellness. Orange tea is the best drink. The crops need water, so setup a rain catch and the chicken coop needs animal feed to get you eggs easy. You have the farmer class and can really rank your wellness up.
Finally. Been waiting on this one for a while
You don’t say
What would help you would be go down robotics path get yourself a couple junk turrets. You can carry 3 at a time once maxed robotics. With titanium darts you really only need 2. Junk turrets op af
Congrats on getting the bunker done. I only recall you destroying 2 bags in the main room there should be 3 total and sometimes the 3rd spawns in the back. There is also a known bug where sometimes one of the bags can spawn in a void under the floor but it continues spawning Zs into the POI. Given where the last Zs were coming from its likely the lat bag was in the back room but it may have been glitched into the ground.
Melee definitely worth it late game. At some point your character should be damn near unstoppable
Ultimate challenge: kill enpowered demons with unmodded stone spear heh.
Also syzen don't forget to put points into farmer class the get of my land perk that perk will decrease armor reduction by a lot your shotgun will be more effective
Multitool replaces wrench/impact AND hammer/nailgun, saving you some carry space. I also use it to break wooden crates etc so I dont have to carry around an axe or crowbar(need to have a structural brace on it though). Basically dont have to carry a tool at all but it and maybe a pickaxe unless I'm specifically going harvesting.
Dont forget you can 'unpack' rounds from calibers you dont need to recover bullet tips and other materials(workbench is the most efficient place to do it). I cant recall if its just tips and gunpowder or all the mats. Late game you can unpack any coil ammo you dont normally use to make ammo in the caliber your do actually use.
And instead of making regular bullet tips when you get ready to craft a bunch of ammo, you can craft the armor piercing version with a mix of iron and lead. MUCH more effective for minimal cost increase. I normally never craft regular coil ammo and just use whatever I get passively from looting in normal questing, etc and reserve the Armor Piercing rounds I craft for horde night. Coil Slug ammo is also great for Horde Night with the coil shotty and takes 3 regular bullet tips with the normal coil ammo craft requirements if i remember right. It takes some time to go through and sort the recipes to see what you actually confidently salvage vs what you want to use and make. Once you get used to it though, it becomes pretty easy to do and I usually make a second workbench just for ammo unpacking.
Also: Titanium Crossbow with Pulse Bolts(once you can make them) is INSANELY powerful. Basically explosive crossbow bolts but more powerful explosion that does virtually no block damage AND disables demonic regen if i remember correctly.
good work isyzen :D cant wait for more of this journey :D
Great comeback! Too bad for the glitch but hoooo what a haul!! 😍🙌 Awesome job!
Hello dude, unfortunately the laser multi tool is NOT for digging. It functions as a repair AND wrench tool. Very fast , very handy😁 get a lot of electrical parts, cause you're gonna need A LOT of them for ammo. Nice episode😍
8:20 "I remember something gives you leech"
Yeah, the life leech skill 😂😅
Man that part took me out😂
Don't worry too much about perk points. In DF you'll eventually get to a point where you'll have them... And literally not know what to spend them on... Cuz you already have everything you need XD.
You could at least put some spikes and traps around when you are running around during horde night. That might slow them down a bit. And build a few concrete pillars for you to jump on and rest since you have max parkour.
Fyi you can make skill points with the papers. Kinda expensive but its useful if you need a point or 2 for something specific and dont wonna wait to level up
27:40 I knew this was a vanilla gun safe and he would be dissapointed😂
hi sir the number 0 in you bag. it is a locking thing so if you say 8 it will lock the 8 slots and wont drop em off guns ammo meds..... :)
You should scrap a lot of the 44 ammo you have for the materials !
I guessed a sniper XD the gun safe XD
Also not sure if it's still the same but from what I remember you want to keep a coil gun on you since laser weapons deal more damage and I think have in-built piercing but have no knockdown so you choose one coil and one laser. Though take this advice with a grain of salt since the last time I played darkness was YEARS ago so yeah😅
Oooooo..... He got pulse grenades.... Did Khaine already fix them in this version? Cuz if not then we'll be in for a treat XD.
Blood Draw Kit is GOD TIER!!! - always stock blood = big boi Medkits!!!!!
Honeslty watching you and your friend do it the first time i was soooo confused, cause they should have respawning unless you guys were accidentally deatroying the body bags.
16:32 You're looking at a body bag and later you jump past it and yet you call us liars?
There's cuts and edits my dude. All of the body bags were destroyed i didn't miss any. Notice how when I die and go back in there's no zombies? Something glitched out for sure
@@isyzen The last time I played DF on one of the Alpha 21 builds, I had several glitches in that bunker with the body bags, specifically for me the hitboxes were extremely weird and I couldnt destroy them easily or the game didnt recognize that I had already destroyed them a short period.
@@isyzen 16:32 there is one in the cornor you just ran past
@@andreas9018 Thank you
I think that your goated finds in the bunker were probably due to your level up in quality joe right before opening the rest lol
You need Master Scientist in order to enter the Wasteland early.. if you attempt to do the big bunker in hazmat SHIT gear you will get destroyed. You need Anti-rad pills from Master Scientist so you can wear armor and enter the wasteland... Only other options are, go with no armor and a hazmat suit.. or wait 30 episodes and craft radiation-ready MODS.
Rad ready mods still need master scientist XD.
Erm tou failed the bunker mission right,did I miss something?!? Loving it still and always a thumbs up 👍
He yoloed it in the previous episode by jumping in, snagging the whiteriver supplies and darting away. That's why he already had the meeting Anna quest.
You need 600 skill notes to craft one mastery book from scratch.
Tips you might not know
You can upgrade your storage boxes with a hammer tool and forget iron and later with forged steel to get more space to store
The symbol to transfer the resources that one you already know BUT press it twice and it will create new stacks of stuff that's in the box so you don't have to do that yourself.
If sneaking stuff on the ground you walk on, trash or glass will alert the zombies remedy that by destroying the dirt with a hammer tool, somehow that's silent 😂
Pretty sure he is on the Alpha 21 version, that doesnt have the upgradeable storage line Version 1.0+ has
if possible make box's of ammo it is cheaper to make .
i don't now how the mod is c called but it will return ammo in to your gun so you use less ammo .
noo the stun baton is great i am a user of it it is great , yes you need some back up weapon to get some dead but it is great , if you ask me the best melee in the game . ( if you have all the points in it )
points in to faster looting to me is a waist of points .
you did great
You can't bulk craft ammo in DF. Also you're probably looking for the rechargeable battery mod that refunds 50% of used coil batteries and energy cells.
i think i seen the image of it while he was going trough the work bank menu . he can make box's of ammo for sure i think if you pause the video @3:02 you can read in the menu of the workbench the recipe for box's of ammo's i really don't know how the mod is called i seen people use them in past videos
@just_ed_07 în The workbench or Your inventory type "bundle" you'll see the recipes for all resource bundles. In DF you can turn ammo into boxes to save inventory space but you can't bulk craft them. It's especially useful when you've over 10k surplus 7.62 like I usually do XD.
there was one more on the left side right where you entered
Bravo 👏👏👏👏
hold e on all the darkness fall npc to access shop
If you could tell me, where did you download this version of the game 7 Days to Die?
Mod launcher still has this version a21.2. But Khaine is working on the updated version for 1.0 over on his youtube page. So 1.0 DF will be coming. 😅
I cleared this place just yesterday on a train and I didn't clear any body bags or anything like that. All I did was walk through and kill them. I didn't even know zombies spawned out of anything except the super obvious prtals
You probably did the big bunker. That one's in the wasteland and only has zombies spawn for the portal.
level 4 knife master has leech life
It’s not a black keycard it’s the portal power source that you get from the big bunker
Or buy from Anna.... It's not that costly.
Can't wait for him to realize he'll have to redo it as a quest to continue along xD
Didnt he already do the quest? He had to get the courier satchel and return it
Yup.. bigger and way way challenging than this weak bunker 🤪😂😎👍🏼
@@jeremytant2493 I don't remember him getting the satchel in the first attempt, I thought he died and failed the quest before that. I may have missed that though xD
Don't feel bad about dying. I like watching people die in this game, ever watch Skippy? That dude is scared shitless to go into any building with one zombie LOL because he hates dying. He doesn't admit that he's scared but he is
i don't remember being able to kill yourself with exploding crossbow bolts
I would like to suggest that you give Rebirth a try next time you do a 7dtd playthrough. Don't worry about remembering how to play the game. It's basically a completely different game from vanilla. Just remember to keep all the difficulty levels to default. Horde night count can go to 32 just for funsies.
If you got the cash you should always check your local trader vending machine for orange tea and tomato juice. Those are top tier drinks that you can get from day one like this.
Knife master level 4 has leech bro
I'm not trying to rush u but it would be nice to no how many more video your gonna do because I love these but as well when u get a video posted I want to quit what I'm doing to watch this and it's hard not to watch it
Imagine that on INSANE DIFFICULTY.. you would probably never play the game again 😅
Try hell on earth XD
@ that is EVIL DIFFICULTY.. 😂😂😂
Approaching end of series??? Noooooooooooooooo 😢
Hold up why are you posting on a Sunday hello
Fr even the lord needed his rest 😂
1:32 make ap
15:00 loot respawn
Is anyone playing the version for 1.0? I can't get crops to grow for the life of me
wtf kind of ink are you making that needs tomatoes?
Stop being a scared guy and just do it