You know, since StormWatcher has his own built-in Doppler radar, he should work with either WHELEN News or the National Weather Service as a meteorologist.
Awesome! But a one thing. Thunderbolt is missing his rotator box, control panels, and blower pipe. I know Thunderbolt is your first character, but I think these details would make him better looking. Just a suggestion. But as said before, Awesome video and channel!
Voice glitches detected 2:24 to 2:33 - Chrysler's and Allertor's voice sounded like p50s. 3:31 - The word "Agreed" said by 4004 sounded like ATI's. 4:33 - ATI said Ok. It had Ms Sam voice. 5:13 - 4004 sounded like Whelen.
Solar panel please make a another video with Chrysler and alletor and thunder bolt in a helicopter and p-50 where p-50 makes the same fart prank on Chrysler and p-50 gets arrested and out do the rest that you want
Also, The Script Is Right Here: This TSM Episode Is Called: 550's Cloning Machine 550: Man, I Wish That I Had More of me Since im the only 550 left in the USA. I Hailed from Colorado and there's not much sirens there for me to hang out with. Wait, I know! I Can Build a cloning machine! Yes! This is gonna be so awesome! But first, I Need to get supplies At Snerbymart: 550: Hello White 2T22: Hi. How May I help You? 550: Do you guys sell equipment or machinery? White 2T22: No we don't. But There is a Home Depot across the street 550: Ok thanks At The Home depot: 550: Hello Orange Square Horned Hurricane: Hi. How May I Help 550: Where's The machinery? Orange Square Horned Hurricane: It's Over There In Isle 6 550: ok Thanks When 550 Got Everything That He Needed: 550: OK. Now Time To Build 5 Hours Later... 550: OK It's Finally Done. Now Time To Test It *Clones 550 Successfully* 550: Holy Crap It Worked! 550's Clone: Huh? Where Am I? 550: Welcome To The World 550's Clone: What's My Name? 550: Idk. I'll Just Call You Twin 550's Clone: Um, Ok Meanwhile: 1003: Huh, What's This? Wow, a Cloning Machine! Wait, I Have An Idea! I'm Gonna Clone myself Several times and I'm Gonna make all of them chase after my thunderbaby! This Is Gonna Be Hilarious! About 15 Clones Later... 1003: Ok Army, Thunderbolt Is over there. Now Chase Him! All of 1003's Clones: Yes Miss! Thunderbolt: Ah, What a Nice day! All of 1003's Clones: Get Over here, Thunderbaby Thunderbolt: HOLY CRAP! THERES LIKE 20 1003S! AAAAAH! Oh Wait! I Can Fire my Lazor At them! *Fires His Lazor* 1003: Dangit! He Destroyed all of My clones! Thunderbolt: Now 1003, Please Explain Why There Was a Massive amount of Clones of You after me 1003: Um Um, Idk Thunderbolt: Ugh, Fine. If It Was you, which it probably was, Don't do that again Later: EOWS 612: Huh, a Cloning Machine. I Wonder If I Can Tease Whelen With a Lot of Mes. Hahahahahahaha This Is Gonna Be so funny 5 Clones Later: EOWS 612: OK. Now To Tease Whelen. Wait, He Was Collector Rings Now. Dang It. Wait, I Can Make Fun of HPSS-16R Instead! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! When 612 and all of His Clones Was at HPSS-16R's House: All of EOWS 612's Clones: Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings HPSS-16R: OK. First of all, That's rude. Second of all, why is there a bunch of You, EOWS 612? EOWS 612: Well, It's a Long story *Gas Powered Mobil Directo shows Up* Gas Powered Mobil Directo: HPSS-16R, I Seen a Cloning Machine Outside. And How Can I Use It- *EOWS 612 Fires His Lazor at Gas Powered Mobil Directo, Causing Him To Explode In a Fireball* EOWS 612: That Should Teach Him. He Can't Just State Like That HPSS-16R: What The Heck Is Your Problem? Now There's only one Gas Powered Mobil Directo Left In the US And It's The Inactive one In Culver City California *Gas Powered Mobil Directo's Head Grows Back* Gas Powered Mobil Directo: You know What? I'll Get you, You Giant Set of Rock Band Speakers EOWS 612: Hey! Don't Call me That! Later on: P50: Oh Yes! Another cloning machine! Now Time To Clone myself again! But This time, I'm Gonna Clone myself twice. Hahahahahahahaha *P50 Clones Himself In The Machine Twice* P50: Yes! Now I must Tease everyone! Whelen: Stop right there P50! You are under arrest! P50: Why? I Did Nothing wrong!! Whelen: You threatened To Tease everyone in TSM world with your clones. Now come on, You And Your clones are going to jail once again P50: Dang It Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Hahahahahahahaha! I called the cops on you Whelen: He's Right P50: Goddangit You Blue Gassy Toilet. You're Such a Snitch Gas Powered Mobil Directo: CALL ME A TOILET AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HEPPENS Whelen: Ok Ok ok That's Enough *Whelen Takes P50 To Jail* Meanwhile Again: 550: Well Crap. I Forgot That I Left This out in The open. Let's pick it back up and take it home... Wait, Why Is P50 there With a Clone? Oh no, P50 Used my Cloning Machine To Make another clone. This Is bad!! Wait, I Can use this glitch potion on His Clone! Hahaha! Now his clone will turn out very bad *550 Sneaks up and Spills the potion on P50's Clone's Head* P50's Clone: Hey! Why Did You Do th... uuggh I Don't feel so good *Turns P50's Clone into a Glitchy P50* P50's Clone: wHaT dId yOu Do tO mE yOu IdIoT 550: Hahahahahahaha You Look So Stupid P50's Clone: iMmA fIrEn MaH lAzOr BLLLALALALALSKRHTYUTUFHFHDHRHDHUDRDTRDOUFFOYOOYFYFORC *P50's Clone Explodes* P50: What? That Wasn't Supposed To Happen! Whelen: Aha! I Found You. Now Come On, Today Is Punishment Day For breaking out of Jail P50: Oh No no no no no no no no no no!! Not Punishment Day! 550: Haha! Later on at night: 550: Besides The Part When other Sirens Used It, I Had Fun With My Cloning Machine 550's Clone: You Said It. Now Let's Have a Tempest Cola *Doorbell Rings (You know, The one That sounds Like an EOWS Chime) * 550: I'll Get It *Opens Door* 550: Hello? 500: Hi 550: Oh Hey Bro. And Why Are You with PN-20, 8 Port Banshee, And STM-10? PN-20: We Need You To Destroy That Cloning Machine 8 Port Banshee: Yea. It's getting Way Too Dangerous. HOR Sirex And HOR Super Sirex Cloned themselves and Started making fun of My hat HOR Sirex, HOR Super Sirex, And Their clones: Hahahahahahahaha Look At that stupid Hat 8 Port Banshee: Oh shut up!! STM-10: Yeah. And ATI Cloned Himself And He Won't Stop Bleeping. I Tried Sounding off, But It was no use. I Can't Get rid of The noise 500: So We Need You To Destroy It 550: What? All of Those Sirens Acaully did That? 500, 8 Port Banshee, PN-20, And STM-10 All Together: Yes! Destroy It Now 550: Ugh. Ok.. *550 Fires His Lazor at The Machine* 550: There. It's gone 500: OK good. Now See You Later *500 Leaves With The others* 550: That's Sad. 5 Hours of work For Nothing 550's Clone: Hey, don't be Sad. At Least I'm Still Here 550: I Guess You Have a Point *Doorbell Rings Again* 550: I'll Get It *Opens Door* 550: Hello? P50: Hey There, Double Vision 550: Hey! Don't Call me That *A Whole Team of Whelens Tackle P50* Whelen #1: How Many times Do We Have To Tell You To Not Break Out of Jail? Whelen #2: This Is The 100th Time That You Broke out of Jail 550: LOL that's What you get for Calling Me Double Vision, Barf bucket 550's Clone: Yeah. Now Since P50 Is Gone, We Can Have our Tempest Cola In Peace *Both of The 550s Drink Their Tempest Cola And Burps loudly* 2810: Hey. What Do You Say? 550: *The Random Sirens Shorts Groan* 550's Clone: Go Away! We Don't Care! *Gas Powered Mobil Directo Appears And Fires His Lazor at 2810* 550: Good Riddance Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Agreed. Now Let's Take his Pole to West Shore Serv- *2810's Head Grows Back* Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Dangit! 2810: How Dare You Fire your Lazor at Me, You Blue Gassy Toilet! Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Are You Kidding Me? Like, Come on Man. You're Not P50. Now I'm Going To Take you To a Place Where everyone Burps 2810: Oh no no no no no no no not the burp asylum! *Gas Powered Mobil Directo Takes 2810 To The Burp Asylum* 550: Serves Him Right 550's Clone: Agreed The End
Episode Request: Tornado Siren Madness: Hurricane Irma part 3Thunderbolt: gosh it really looks messy around hereStormwatcher: I agree maybe we shall clean that up soonMegablaster: I already cleaned up all the dead sirensThunderbeam: they're at West Shore Services(At the Whelen News station)Vortex: there's a lot of toilets troll faces and other kinds of memesATI: we should clean that up soon Vortex: I agree(At the TSM Zoo)Zookeeper (White 2t22): that storm did a lot of damage some of the animals flew out of their exhibits and hit the ground (Back with the gang)Modulator: that storm was pretty devastating Thunderbolt: I agreeStormwatcher: I see a dead animal Thunderbolt: it looks like a dead flamingo it must of flew out of its exhibitStormwatcher: well lets call the zookeeper(Stormwatcher calls the zookeeper)(The zookeepers iPhone 6 plays "Dance Like an Animal" by Eric Herman)Zookeeper: um hello Stormwatcher: yes it's Stormwatcher I saw one of your flamingoes died Zookeeper: (teary eyed) aw that's sad news Stormwatcher: maybe we should bring it to the animal cemeteryZookeeper: well that's fineStormwatcher: ok now bye alright gangThunderbolt: yes(Back at West Shore Services)Thunderbeam: I heard some animals from the zoo have died during the storm oh I know I should create an animal cemetery and throw them all in there (Thunderbeam picks up all the dead animals and throws them into the animal cemetery he created)Model 7: hmm this TSM Zoo seems pretty damaged the ticket booth is beaten and the entrance sign is damagedMaybe I should fix this (2 minutes later) alright the ticket booth is complete now the sign(3 minutes later) all complete looks good as new now now everyone could come inAll sirens: woo hoo!(The End)
I got a request for a new one: Meet E class.Thunderbolt: Lets watch tv. Turns the tv on. Whelen on the news: Today is a big in TSM world. 2 new sirens, E class and EC8 arrived at hickory ridge park. At hickory ridge park. Thunderbolt: Hello E class and EC8. E class and EC8: hi, who are you. Thunderbolt: I’m thunderbolt. ATI: hi E class. You look just like me. E class: that’s right I have the same voice as you. ATI: Nice. Thunderbolt: Hey 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Why all of you guys look different. Red 2001:We got new paint job, I,m DC: I’m orange. Yellow SRN: I’m yellow. Green 130: I’m green. Thunderbolt: Hello allertor and HPSS32. HPSS32: Hi and who are you, you look just like me. EC8: I’m EC8. HPSS32: nice to meet you. Blue equinox. Hey you must E class. E class: that’s right. Purple 508: nice to meet you. Allertor: equniox 508 and roundback m. Why you look so different just like 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Purple 508: It’s because we got new paint job blue equniox: im painted blue.”, 508 painted purple and roundback painted Scarlet. P-10: wow, that is great. P-10: Hello EOWS 612, EOWS 408, EOWS 1212 and EOWS 816. All: Hi P-10. And Who are you. E class: I’m E class and this is EC8. EOWS 816: Nice to meet you. Allertor: Hello 2810 and who is his 2810: this is my 2910. Allertor: nice to meet you 2910. 2810:Anyways let’s try the tempest cola. All drinks. ATI: that was good. P50: well we’ll a new siren here. Wel prepare to get beaten up. P50 beats up E class) E class: ouch that’s hurts. Later. Whelen: P50 you are under arrest for beating up a new siren, E class. P50 ugh. THE END
I have a script for glue chaos. , time 9 a.m. ,, I really want to make one on me so bad let's see if they have any glue online I will get on my laptop to see all out of glue. At 10:00 am. P50: I know what to do I will call myself as a last piece of candy I had a red one this is a peers and say hello. Later. Thunderbolt: let's watch some TV. TV: good morning today I have some news. what the weather today a tropical storm names hurricane Lane in Hawaii a lot of people watch hurt they should go to today in Panama Beach a very good wave someone says that's a very good way was awesome but it cost chaos turns to another Channel beeeeeeep. Huh that's weird usually a channel does not do that telephone rings tboit hlow. alerter I need your help what why cuz I am stuck on the piece of glue oh no p50 let's go check out the city at the city. Red p50. Weatherman: you need to get on the plane now cuz p50 is causing me much blue he's using a lot of experiments for glue. At the. Airport. Attention all purposes has been canceled to Panama City Florida we only have a plane available to Houston Texas so please get your bags and get ready to go on the plane. A Houston Texas. Since we're in Texas I need to find my new home my GPS says take a right onto Interstate 610 , 2001: let's take a plane to Panama City Florida. Tboit: canceled remember 2001: how about a bus. Tboit: ldk in Mobile Alabama. ,2001DC : I will call Thundehello. why didn't you call me for I was wondering where you were I'm in Texas Houston okay I will call you later. To be continued Tboit:hello
I have a request called 2001-130's new paint 2001-130; lets watch tv.(turns the tv on) Do you want a new paint, well go to megablasters sheld. 2001-130: I want a new paint. later. 2001-130: Hey modulator, you look like a rainbow. Rainbow Modulator: because megablaster painted me rainbow. P50: Hello rainbow mentos. Modulator: P50 DONT YOU CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN!. P50: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. 2001-130: I need new paint, but where do I get paint. Modulator: Go to megablasters repair sheld. At megablaster sheld. Megablaster: Hello 2001-130. 2001 130: Hi megablaster, you look like an EOWS 408. Megablaster: thats right, anyways, what brings you here: 2001-130: Im here for my new paint. Megablaster: ok, what color. 2001-130: Green. Megablaster: sounds good. Later. Megablaster: ok you are painted green, you may now leave. Green 2001-130: thanks. at 2001,s house. 2001, DC and SRN. Hello 2001-130, why you look so different. Green 2001-130, I got my new paint. Ok. 2 days later. Green 2001-130, Hey 2001, why are you red. DC, why are you orange? and SRN, why are you yellow. Yellow 2001 SRN. We got new paint just like you. Green 2001-130: ok lets go to TSM park. at TSM park. EOWS 816 hello. Red 2001: Hi! Who are you, EOWS 816: im EOWS 816, I am one of the EOWS 612's brothers. Orange 2001 DC, wow. that is awesome. Red 2001: Hi equniox, you look blue. Blue Equniox: Thats right and I also got new paint. purple 508: Equniox is right. plus I also got new paint. Orange 2001 DC: Wow that is awesome. lets go to ATI"s appetizers. At ATI's Appetizers. Hello, I'm SMR-15 and I will be your today. First things first, what do you want to drink. Red 2001: Me DC, SRN and 130 will have a tempest cola. Blue Equniox: I will have a P50 punch. Purple 508: And i will have a E57UP. SMR-15 sounds good. 1 minute later. SMR: Here are your drinks. All: thanks. Next what do you want to eat. Red 2001: I will have thunder pizza. Orange DC: I will have tornadic fries SRN: I will have a eclipse pizza. Green 2001-130: I will have a screamer salad. Blue equniox. Me and 508 Will have a hurricane pizza. SMR-15: Ok I will back in 32 minutes. 32 minutes later. SMR-15: Here are your foods. All: thanks. All eats and drinks. brups. 2810: Hey, what do you say? All: excuse me. later. SMR-15: Here's the bill. Red 2001 pays the bill. SMR-15: Thank you for coming to ATI's appetizers, have a great day! All: thanks! THE END........
3:31 4004 had ati's voice for a second
4:32 ATI had 4004's voice for a second.
It makes me feel like ATI has gone through puberty really quickly.
@@JJP_SirenProductions06 lol
8:10 collector, rings, collector, rings, collector, rings, collector rings! HAHAHAHA got me there LMAO
3:30 whelen talked like ati lol
3:02 Hey Greenfield’s Girl Scout 2001-130 Siren!
2:28 I noticed a mistake alertors voice is not the real one
At 3:31 whelen sounds like ati
Awesome episode, can’t wait for part 3!
The thunderbolt 1000t looks weird without the eyes.
That is so funny
I kinda expected it though
When the phone rang, it made me wanna download it if it's in youtube 5:53
4:32 Voice Error
BSP, is that Twister?
3:06 Rip girl scouts 2001 siren
Wow, that was fast! Thanks you!
I still hear strange rumbling sounds coming from outside the storm shelter.
You should add a hand crank siren in the show
I went to West Shore services 2 days ago
You know, since StormWatcher has his own built-in Doppler radar, he should work with either WHELEN News or the National Weather Service as a meteorologist.
Shelby Thibodeau How about Storm Prediction Center?
@@moonprincess500 That too!
whelen thinks while he farts kills me with laughter
1:16 What was Whelen (WPS-4004?) saying?
How’s the mini thunderbolt coming along?
Where is thor guard?
0:49 - Thunderbolt's voice glitched
The speaker grills on the TV are 3016s speaker grills
I like the new guy storm watcher
3:21 Memes everywhere!
What app or website you use to draw movies like that, i want to do it too
Is movie maker
Ktg 10 is movie maker
The fix n clean parts were so cool!
Awesome! But a one thing. Thunderbolt is missing his rotator box, control panels, and blower pipe. I know Thunderbolt is your first character, but I think these details would make him better looking. Just a suggestion. But as said before, Awesome video and channel!
Voice glitches detected
2:24 to 2:33 - Chrysler's and Allertor's voice sounded like p50s.
3:31 - The word "Agreed" said by 4004 sounded like ATI's.
4:33 - ATI said Ok. It had Ms Sam voice.
5:13 - 4004 sounded like Whelen.
7:45 That must have hurt.
at 0:36 he said I think it's the
light switch
4:23 there’s a glitch where ati’s voice sounds different
5:18 so some of them aren't alive?
Troll at 1:15
3:32 Whelen brand had same voice as ati then at 4:35 ati had same voice as the whelen
Why does the news & weather station have a troll face?
Just Plain Weird Goat because in the 1st video irema there was a EAS that was a meme it was super funny
The deadly winds sounded more stronger than the previous part of hurricane irma.
Solar panel please make a another video with Chrysler and alletor and thunder bolt in a helicopter and p-50 where p-50 makes the same fart prank on Chrysler and p-50 gets arrested and out do the rest that you want
Also was that storm shelter in 1st irema video was fake I knew there was a siren in there witch was storm watchers first saw a dead siren
i have a question? Do You use Windows movie maker If you do i can animate like you then.
Nice video
Give some love to the meltdown
Good luck in there guys, Hurricane florence is heading towards the US. i think.
possibly texas isnt hit lol
7:12 Sounds like a rapping beat
What happened to selfish buisnessman thunderbeam? Lol
Finally! It's Here! Also, I Have Another TSM Script (If You Want To Do It)
Also, The Script Is Right Here:
This TSM Episode Is Called:
550's Cloning Machine
550: Man, I Wish That I Had More of me Since im the only 550 left in the USA. I Hailed from Colorado and there's not much sirens there for me to hang out with. Wait, I know! I Can Build a cloning machine! Yes! This is gonna be so awesome! But first, I Need to get supplies
At Snerbymart:
550: Hello
White 2T22: Hi. How May I help You?
550: Do you guys sell equipment or machinery?
White 2T22: No we don't. But There is a Home Depot across the street
550: Ok thanks
At The Home depot:
550: Hello
Orange Square Horned Hurricane: Hi. How May I Help
550: Where's The machinery?
Orange Square Horned Hurricane: It's Over There In Isle 6
550: ok Thanks
When 550 Got Everything That He Needed:
550: OK. Now Time To Build
5 Hours Later...
550: OK It's Finally Done. Now Time To Test It
*Clones 550 Successfully*
550: Holy Crap It Worked!
550's Clone: Huh? Where Am I?
550: Welcome To The World
550's Clone: What's My Name?
550: Idk. I'll Just Call You Twin
550's Clone: Um, Ok
1003: Huh, What's This? Wow, a Cloning Machine! Wait, I Have An Idea! I'm Gonna Clone myself Several times and I'm Gonna make all of them chase after my thunderbaby! This Is Gonna Be Hilarious!
About 15 Clones Later...
1003: Ok Army, Thunderbolt Is over there. Now Chase Him!
All of 1003's Clones: Yes Miss!
Thunderbolt: Ah, What a Nice day!
All of 1003's Clones: Get Over here, Thunderbaby
Thunderbolt: HOLY CRAP! THERES LIKE 20 1003S! AAAAAH! Oh Wait! I Can Fire my Lazor At them! *Fires His Lazor*
1003: Dangit! He Destroyed all of My clones!
Thunderbolt: Now 1003, Please Explain Why There Was a Massive amount of Clones of You after me
1003: Um Um, Idk
Thunderbolt: Ugh, Fine. If It Was you, which it probably was, Don't do that again
EOWS 612: Huh, a Cloning Machine. I Wonder If I Can Tease Whelen With a Lot of Mes. Hahahahahahaha This Is Gonna Be so funny
5 Clones Later:
EOWS 612: OK. Now To Tease Whelen. Wait, He Was Collector Rings Now. Dang It. Wait, I Can Make Fun of HPSS-16R Instead! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
When 612 and all of His Clones Was at HPSS-16R's House:
All of EOWS 612's Clones: Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings
HPSS-16R: OK. First of all, That's rude. Second of all, why is there a bunch of You, EOWS 612?
EOWS 612: Well, It's a Long story
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo shows Up*
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: HPSS-16R, I Seen a Cloning Machine Outside. And How Can I Use It-
*EOWS 612 Fires His Lazor at Gas Powered Mobil Directo, Causing Him To Explode In a Fireball*
EOWS 612: That Should Teach Him. He Can't Just State Like That
HPSS-16R: What The Heck Is Your Problem? Now There's only one Gas Powered Mobil Directo Left In the US And It's The Inactive one In Culver City California
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo's Head Grows Back*
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: You know What? I'll Get you, You Giant Set of Rock Band Speakers
EOWS 612: Hey! Don't Call me That!
Later on:
P50: Oh Yes! Another cloning machine! Now Time To Clone myself again! But This time, I'm Gonna Clone myself twice. Hahahahahahahaha
*P50 Clones Himself In The Machine Twice*
P50: Yes! Now I must Tease everyone!
Whelen: Stop right there P50! You are under arrest!
P50: Why? I Did Nothing wrong!!
Whelen: You threatened To Tease everyone in TSM world with your clones. Now come on, You And Your clones are going to jail once again
P50: Dang It
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Hahahahahahahaha! I called the cops on you
Whelen: He's Right
P50: Goddangit You Blue Gassy Toilet. You're Such a Snitch
Whelen: Ok Ok ok That's Enough
*Whelen Takes P50 To Jail*
Meanwhile Again:
550: Well Crap. I Forgot That I Left This out in The open. Let's pick it back up and take it home... Wait, Why Is P50 there With a Clone? Oh no, P50 Used my Cloning Machine To Make another clone. This Is bad!! Wait, I Can use this glitch potion on His Clone! Hahaha! Now his clone will turn out very bad
*550 Sneaks up and Spills the potion on P50's Clone's Head*
P50's Clone: Hey! Why Did You Do th... uuggh I Don't feel so good
*Turns P50's Clone into a Glitchy P50*
P50's Clone: wHaT dId yOu Do tO mE yOu IdIoT
550: Hahahahahahaha You Look So Stupid
*P50's Clone Explodes*
P50: What? That Wasn't Supposed To Happen!
Whelen: Aha! I Found You. Now Come On, Today Is Punishment Day For breaking out of Jail
P50: Oh No no no no no no no no no no!! Not Punishment Day!
550: Haha!
Later on at night:
550: Besides The Part When other Sirens Used It, I Had Fun With My Cloning Machine
550's Clone: You Said It. Now Let's Have a Tempest Cola
*Doorbell Rings (You know, The one That sounds Like an EOWS Chime) *
550: I'll Get It
*Opens Door*
550: Hello?
500: Hi
550: Oh Hey Bro. And Why Are You with PN-20, 8 Port Banshee, And STM-10?
PN-20: We Need You To Destroy That Cloning Machine
8 Port Banshee: Yea. It's getting Way Too Dangerous. HOR Sirex And HOR Super Sirex Cloned themselves and Started making fun of My hat
HOR Sirex, HOR Super Sirex, And Their clones: Hahahahahahahaha Look At that stupid Hat
8 Port Banshee: Oh shut up!!
STM-10: Yeah. And ATI Cloned Himself And He Won't Stop Bleeping. I Tried Sounding off, But It was no use. I Can't Get rid of The noise
500: So We Need You To Destroy It
550: What? All of Those Sirens Acaully did That?
500, 8 Port Banshee, PN-20, And STM-10 All Together: Yes! Destroy It Now
550: Ugh. Ok..
*550 Fires His Lazor at The Machine*
550: There. It's gone
500: OK good. Now See You Later
*500 Leaves With The others*
550: That's Sad. 5 Hours of work For Nothing
550's Clone: Hey, don't be Sad. At Least I'm Still Here
550: I Guess You Have a Point
*Doorbell Rings Again*
550: I'll Get It
*Opens Door*
550: Hello?
P50: Hey There, Double Vision
550: Hey! Don't Call me That
*A Whole Team of Whelens Tackle P50*
Whelen #1: How Many times Do We Have To Tell You To Not Break Out of Jail?
Whelen #2: This Is The 100th Time That You Broke out of Jail
550: LOL that's What you get for Calling Me Double Vision, Barf bucket
550's Clone: Yeah. Now Since P50 Is Gone, We Can Have our Tempest Cola In Peace
*Both of The 550s Drink Their Tempest Cola And Burps loudly*
2810: Hey. What Do You Say?
550: *The Random Sirens Shorts Groan*
550's Clone: Go Away! We Don't Care!
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo Appears And Fires His Lazor at 2810*
550: Good Riddance
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Agreed. Now Let's Take his Pole to West Shore Serv-
*2810's Head Grows Back*
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Dangit!
2810: How Dare You Fire your Lazor at Me, You Blue Gassy Toilet!
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Are You Kidding Me? Like, Come on Man. You're Not P50. Now I'm Going To Take you To a Place Where everyone Burps
2810: Oh no no no no no no no not the burp asylum!
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo Takes 2810 To The Burp Asylum*
550: Serves Him Right
550's Clone: Agreed
The End
can you make a part four and so on please
Atleast 2810s antenna isn't broken lol
you shuld in clude a 3t22 siren in your next epasode
Are used to have a hurricane Sally
i my god the random faces on the tv
Hahah I live where there is a Chrysler air raid siren
Why 2001, why hurricane
Episode Request: Tornado Siren Madness: Hurricane Irma part 3Thunderbolt: gosh it really looks messy around hereStormwatcher: I agree maybe we shall clean that up soonMegablaster: I already cleaned up all the dead sirensThunderbeam: they're at West Shore Services(At the Whelen News station)Vortex: there's a lot of toilets troll faces and other kinds of memesATI: we should clean that up soon Vortex: I agree(At the TSM Zoo)Zookeeper (White 2t22): that storm did a lot of damage some of the animals flew out of their exhibits and hit the ground (Back with the gang)Modulator: that storm was pretty devastating Thunderbolt: I agreeStormwatcher: I see a dead animal Thunderbolt: it looks like a dead flamingo it must of flew out of its exhibitStormwatcher: well lets call the zookeeper(Stormwatcher calls the zookeeper)(The zookeepers iPhone 6 plays "Dance Like an Animal" by Eric Herman)Zookeeper: um hello Stormwatcher: yes it's Stormwatcher I saw one of your flamingoes died Zookeeper: (teary eyed) aw that's sad news Stormwatcher: maybe we should bring it to the animal cemeteryZookeeper: well that's fineStormwatcher: ok now bye alright gangThunderbolt: yes(Back at West Shore Services)Thunderbeam: I heard some animals from the zoo have died during the storm oh I know I should create an animal cemetery and throw them all in there (Thunderbeam picks up all the dead animals and throws them into the animal cemetery he created)Model 7: hmm this TSM Zoo seems pretty damaged the ticket booth is beaten and the entrance sign is damagedMaybe I should fix this (2 minutes later) alright the ticket booth is complete now the sign(3 minutes later) all complete looks good as new now now everyone could come inAll sirens: woo hoo!(The End)
No. i will do the Hurricane irma part 3. not you.
even this script make no sence and it has bad grammar in it.
Lol its sense not sence
do one about hurricane ian
5:35 poor sth-10 😢
Look there's me dead that Hurricane siren is me ZG7 3:01
its been a long time!
WHY. STORM WATCHER IS IN IT AND TALKING BUT NOT EARPI- You know what? Forget it. BSP Obviously doesn't like earpiercer.
Sorry, i didn't include earpiercer :/
@@SchucoCanAmGuy I don't like you either
Secret Easter eggs the faces 3:30
8:07-8:19 LOL
I have done Like this show
4:33 ATI???
I got a request for a new one: Meet E class.Thunderbolt: Lets watch tv. Turns the tv on. Whelen on the news: Today is a big in TSM world. 2 new sirens, E class and EC8 arrived at hickory ridge park. At hickory ridge park. Thunderbolt: Hello E class and EC8. E class and EC8: hi, who are you. Thunderbolt: I’m thunderbolt. ATI: hi E class. You look just like me. E class: that’s right I have the same voice as you. ATI: Nice. Thunderbolt: Hey 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Why all of you guys look different. Red 2001:We got new paint job, I,m DC: I’m orange. Yellow SRN: I’m yellow. Green 130: I’m green. Thunderbolt: Hello allertor and HPSS32. HPSS32: Hi and who are you, you look just like me. EC8: I’m EC8. HPSS32: nice to meet you. Blue equinox. Hey you must E class. E class: that’s right. Purple 508: nice to meet you. Allertor: equniox 508 and roundback m. Why you look so different just like 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Purple 508: It’s because we got new paint job blue equniox: im painted blue.”, 508 painted purple and roundback painted Scarlet. P-10: wow, that is great. P-10: Hello EOWS 612, EOWS 408, EOWS 1212 and EOWS 816. All: Hi P-10. And Who are you. E class: I’m E class and this is EC8. EOWS 816: Nice to meet you. Allertor: Hello 2810 and who is his 2810: this is my 2910. Allertor: nice to meet you 2910. 2810:Anyways let’s try the tempest cola. All drinks. ATI: that was good. P50: well we’ll a new siren here. Wel prepare to get beaten up. P50 beats up E class) E class: ouch that’s hurts. Later. Whelen: P50 you are under arrest for beating up a new siren, E class. P50 ugh. THE END
Bertha Tapia ?
Super Sirex was killed and Sirex
Collector ring collector rings collector rings ha ha haha ha
Or is it 4:24
Hey bsp do you play FORTNITE
Uhhb no. Fortnite is cringe.
Yeah, its cancer to me and its actually getting old at all.
I have a script for glue chaos. , time 9 a.m. ,, I really want to make one on me so bad let's see if they have any glue online I will get on my laptop to see all out of glue.
At 10:00 am.
P50: I know what to do I will call myself as a last piece of candy I had a red one this is a peers and say hello. Later. Thunderbolt: let's watch some TV. TV: good morning today I have some news.
what the weather today a tropical storm names hurricane Lane in Hawaii a lot of people watch hurt they should go to today in Panama Beach a very good wave someone says that's a very good way was awesome but it cost chaos turns to another Channel beeeeeeep. Huh that's weird usually a channel does not do that telephone rings tboit hlow. alerter I need your help what why cuz I am stuck on the piece of glue oh no p50 let's go check out the city at the city. Red p50. Weatherman: you need to get on the plane now cuz p50 is causing me much blue he's using a lot of experiments for glue. At the. Airport. Attention all purposes has been canceled to Panama City Florida we only have a plane available to Houston Texas so please get your bags and get ready to go on the plane. A Houston Texas. Since we're in Texas I need to find my new home my GPS says take a right onto Interstate 610 , 2001: let's take a plane to Panama City Florida. Tboit: canceled remember 2001: how about a bus. Tboit: ldk in Mobile Alabama. ,2001DC : I will call Thundehello. why didn't you call me for I was wondering where you were I'm in Texas Houston okay I will call you later. To be continued Tboit:hello
@@SchucoCanAmGuy shut up
@@prodbyicewolf no u
I see you used my friends script
I have a request called 2001-130's new paint
2001-130; lets watch tv.(turns the tv on) Do you want a new paint, well go to megablasters sheld. 2001-130: I want a new paint. later. 2001-130: Hey modulator, you look like a rainbow.
Rainbow Modulator: because megablaster painted me rainbow. P50: Hello rainbow mentos. Modulator: P50 DONT YOU CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN!. P50: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
2001-130: I need new paint, but where do I get paint. Modulator: Go to megablasters repair sheld. At megablaster sheld. Megablaster: Hello 2001-130. 2001 130: Hi megablaster, you look like an EOWS 408. Megablaster: thats right, anyways, what brings you here: 2001-130: Im here for my new paint. Megablaster: ok, what color. 2001-130: Green. Megablaster: sounds good. Later. Megablaster: ok you are painted green, you may now leave. Green 2001-130: thanks. at 2001,s house. 2001, DC and SRN. Hello 2001-130, why you look so different. Green 2001-130, I got my new paint. Ok. 2 days later. Green 2001-130, Hey 2001, why are you red. DC, why are you orange? and SRN, why are you yellow. Yellow 2001 SRN. We got new paint just like you. Green 2001-130: ok lets go to TSM park. at TSM park. EOWS 816 hello. Red 2001: Hi! Who are you, EOWS 816: im EOWS 816, I am one of the EOWS 612's brothers. Orange 2001 DC, wow. that is awesome. Red 2001: Hi equniox, you look blue. Blue Equniox: Thats right and I also got new paint. purple 508: Equniox is right. plus I also got new paint. Orange 2001 DC: Wow that is awesome. lets go to ATI"s appetizers. At ATI's Appetizers. Hello, I'm SMR-15 and I will be your today. First things first, what do you want to drink. Red 2001: Me DC, SRN and 130 will have a tempest cola. Blue Equniox: I will have a P50 punch. Purple 508: And i will have a E57UP. SMR-15 sounds good. 1 minute later. SMR: Here are your drinks. All: thanks. Next what do you want to eat. Red 2001: I will have thunder pizza. Orange DC: I will have tornadic fries SRN: I will have a eclipse pizza. Green 2001-130: I will have a screamer salad. Blue equniox. Me and 508 Will have a hurricane pizza. SMR-15: Ok I will back in 32 minutes. 32 minutes later. SMR-15: Here are your foods. All: thanks. All eats and drinks. brups. 2810: Hey, what do you say? All: excuse me. later. SMR-15: Here's the bill. Red 2001 pays the bill. SMR-15: Thank you for coming to ATI's appetizers, have a great day! All: thanks! THE END........
2:23 voice like a jerk siren
Yes it is plane engine
Collector rings collector rings collector rings collector rings
Usz jzah akosa jsg51793
I hate that music
No First Comments because No One Cares
Bart Sampson no one cares about u
Stop trying to roast me tryhard
@@ravensight1 Actually nobody cares about you weeb
Where is thor guard?