I love the atmosphere of the game, i can imagine being a broke teenager in the early 90s sitting in a hot dingy office slowly realizing i am trapped with a bunch of haunted chuck e cheese robots
xq39 Yeah, what people have forgotten is that it’s the atmosphere that made these games so good, and so creepy, the first 2 games nailed. But then you’ve got a bunch of fake fans who only cared about the story, and so that got endless videos about theories and shit, which is fine, but that drove Scott to make that what the later games were all about which is why they suck.
Scott nailed making the most unsettling and uncomfortable environment possible. Not even just the ambience, but also the occasional background noises you hear. It’s true horror.
Imagine being Scott. Previously made Christian games before that almost nobody played, then he had the idea of making a horror game about a restaurant with animatronics set in 1987. Scott may not have realized it at the time, but he slowly added more lore into every iteration of the FNAF franchise.
+GoBack2OldSkool I actually was thinking about some type of post-apocalyptic disaster... Fnaf 4's ambience sounds like a post-alien invasion to me... like out of a movie.
Scott really made this unsettling, the lighting. The animatronics. The feel of this. The music. The look in there eyes. How did he make somthing with a soul. Soulless?
The first Five Nights at Freddy's is untouchable, everything about the game is just right. The sound design is what makes this game standout from the rest of them, especially the little details like Foxy's hum; or the circus theme that plays randomly.
Speaking of the sound design, this theme plays constantly if you let foxy peak outside pirate's cove. It's a great way to tell his progress when none of the other animatronics are close since this normally plays when the others move in.
Fnaf 1 definitely felt the most scary and ghostly since it was the first of its kind, there was basically no games that functioned like this and Scott made the atmosphere and ambience perfect, so that all of it felt quite spooky to say the least
Honestly the ambience for FNAF is just amazing. It really sets the atmosphere, and it’s insanely eerie and perfect for a horror game. Also super nostalgic. Amazing job Scott.
Yeah sum weird jus happened i got scared of the ambiance for the first time i was creeped out i was alone in my room the atmosphere was creepy i felt like i was being watched
This right here is what made me fall in love with the franchise in the first place. A dreadful and mysterious vibe that the later games completely lost sight of over the years. I still hold the first five games very close to my heart tho ❤
This ambience is the only ambiance in FNAF that’s ever given me the chills, creeps, whatever. I loved the fourth game’s ambience was great but I loved it too much for it to scare me.
fnaf 1 is definitely the scariest. the emptiness of the animatronic eyes and the ambience and dull colors makes it terrifying compared to fnaf 2. 3 is pretty good though
I think fnaf 1 is the best because its dark and scary. There are just only 4 animatronics (except golden freddy), so you feel that you are really alone in this dark and scary place. Fnaf 2 has too many enemies, so you just must do a combination check music box/check left vent/check corridor/check right vent/repeat, so it isn't scary. Fnaf 3 is too bright, but it has a very good ambient, but I think it isnt enough to be really scary. Fnaf 4 is scary just because you need to hear your enemies - you make sound louder - catch screamers - screaming. Yeah, the first FnaF is the best. (Yeah I know I my English is bad, sorry I speak russian)
RuKaBulKKa I do have to disagree with FNaF 2. That’s WHY it’s scary: you feel helpless with everything being piled onto you, worrying that you can’t survive the night. Yeah it’s bright but it’s why I find it scarier than FNaF 1: in 1 there’s only 4 (5 if you count Golden Freddy) animatronics, making it easier and slightly more manageable than 2 even with the power draining.
I’m not a very big fan of the franchise any more, I grew up from it, but... Fnaf 2 is scarier than 3. In Fnaf 2 they pile everything on top of you all at once, everything’s attacking you at the same time and you never know who’s going to finish you off. The scariest part is who will finish you off and the loudness and suddenness of the scare. 3 is dull, the shadow animatronics have quiet and dull jump scares, there is really only one animatronic that can finish you off and his jumpscare is dull and quiet too.
FNAF 2 is the scariest and you can do more in it and it gives you more of a challenge, but FNAF 1 is better for some reason. FNAF 2 is VERY unpredictable.
Personally, I prefer Fnaf 1 more than the rest, this is why its atmosphere is more gloomy, the game over screen gives you chills (I mean, they have literally put you in a suit and you can see how your character's eye sockets are outside) and especially because of how dark the setting is
I'm sorry but I don't feel that, FNaF 4 is much scarier because if you make a mistake you die, you're never sure. With FNaF 1 the jumpscares are predictable.
I remember first playing fnaf 1 in 2014 I was chilled to my core the darkness of it all, the unknown lore, The horrifying ambience. Scott truly is a master of the horror genre and it’s honestly very sad to see him go as the FNAF Movie will be his last project. #thankyouscott
I love the atmosphere of the game, i can imagine being a broke teenager in the early 90s sitting in a hot dingy office slowly realizing i am trapped with a bunch of haunted chuck e cheese robots
xq39 expect you’d probably have the common sense to find a different job
xq39 ikr? The atmosphere is what makes this one my favorite, I love the rest of the games but I don’t think we’ll get that same feeling again
@@supershifter4836 why would it be 1983 if phone guy mentions the bite of '87
@@kuutastic4914 time travel, obviously
xq39 Yeah, what people have forgotten is that it’s the atmosphere that made these games so good, and so creepy, the first 2 games nailed. But then you’ve got a bunch of fake fans who only cared about the story, and so that got endless videos about theories and shit, which is fine, but that drove Scott to make that what the later games were all about which is why they suck.
3:57 when mom says the guests are gone
Pratham Rai relatable
His left eye made him look drunk
0:14 The guests when you realize your mom was lying
Why is it that it’s funny because it’s so true because it’s something I sometimes do
#relatable I mean damn. Your right though
Your friends in the hallway looking into your classroom
The fucking chica face is every face I ever made to my friends through the glass
I have no friends 🙁
That's fucking creepy
That is derpy looking
Scott nailed making the most unsettling and uncomfortable environment possible. Not even just the ambience, but also the occasional background noises you hear. It’s true horror.
right on.
Imagine being Scott. Previously made Christian games before that almost nobody played, then he had the idea of making a horror game about a restaurant with animatronics set in 1987. Scott may not have realized it at the time, but he slowly added more lore into every iteration of the FNAF franchise.
Fr imagine actually hearing that ambiance and seeing those creepy ass robots slowly approaching your office
I'm scared of this sound
@@SteveInLavaFNAF 1 takes place in 1993
6:30 Me standing outside my parents bedroom room at age 6 debating with myself if i should tell my parents about the wet bed.
That's true tho
Underrated comment
This is actually the best comment
Too suspicious for a meme
The last pig in the angry birds level: 1:14
Bruh you earned this like
"guess I'll die"
Oh my gawd
I have experience with angry birds and this is *very* accurate.
3:57 when you win the lottery
yo dad thats been gone:
Lmao das a good one
Mom: Come down stairs and eat.
Mom: The guests are gone.
Me: 3:57 4:14 4:29
Lego Yoda what the hell is wrong with you did your parents get a divorce or something?
Wolf_Gaming 2000 nah i know him he’s a piece of shit
5:50 me pretending to be surprised and interested when someone tells me something “surprising” but i didn’t actually hear it
Average birthday card experience
Mum: here comes the airplane
Baby: 5:50 😂
3:23 9 year old me at Walmart looking at the Wii games locked behind the glass door
That’s me.
Still me
best comment
That’s still me
4:58 when you see yourself on the Walmart security cams
That's pretty accurate
I hate that this is true
Look mom I'm on tv
@@Hyperdrive i exactly wanted to say the same thing
4:42 me contemplating whether or not to go in the pitch black bathroom or fight the ghost down the hallway at 2 A.M.
Underrated af
Ya know, I agree
@@charmxsbeanie4726cringe asf
@@Marvelfanatic3658 No shit it's a bad joke now, that comment was nearly five years ago.
1:54 Me at 2 AM waking up from the deepest 10 hour “nap” of my life with severe cottonmouth, not knowing what year it is or how to do anything
sweaty, lightheaded, the water you drink is warm asf
@@F-15E_StrikeEagleand you cant continue to sleep so you decide to finish night 5 in fnaf 1
@@F-15E_StrikeEaglePhone battery 2% and one of your socks is missing plus the blanket is now on the floor
@@King_of_Greed_Sisyphus3 missed calls, the tv blaring some random infomercial, ac turned off.
@@NoWayJose24 can't forget the markings on your legs, drool all over your face, and also only being able to open your eyes 10%.
3:24 5 year old me trying to see the fridge light turn off
fuckin epic
@@dudewitmomcut4314 Lmao
It's easy.
8:53 what your phone sees at 3 in the morning because your sleep scheduale got messed up
I've been called out
Are you talking about me? I stay awake until 6 am and I sleep all the day.
I sleep at 9AM now.
9:05 what my microwave sees
@@circle3565 you didn't get it right....
You made me laugh at the image that creeps me more from the game. Thanks a lot.
More like 3:22
@@deadchannel5933 what are you trying to say
I was not ready for that
Gregory: climbs in Freddy
The others kids who got stuffed in the animatronics: 0:14
The kids
@@sophiphikglam rock freddy's chest cavity is large probably for storing large cakes that are the size of children I think.
When you enter the classroom and ur like TF is u looking at
@@CorpigPlays I found you I FINALLY FOUND YOU
0:14 the whole class when your name is on a math question
accurate lmfao
Holy shit fucking most fucking relatable comment ever.
(and you get chosen to solve it, but you can’t because you’re the stupid one.)
I had that happen to me today
1:55 Me walking around the walmart aisles to find my mom
So me
That's me right there yep juuuust me...
8:18 -me and the weird kid i found find mom-
FNAF 1's ambience is ghostly
FNAF 2's ambience is mysterious
FNAF 3's ambience is evil
FNAF 4's ambience is post-apocalyptic
Apocalyptic? Where the hell did you get that?
+GoBack2OldSkool I actually was thinking about some type of post-apocalyptic disaster... Fnaf 4's ambience sounds like a post-alien invasion to me... like out of a movie.
what will FNaF sister location's ambiance sound like?
Edison Avila what about FNAF SL
Edison Avila YA
Scott really made this unsettling, the lighting. The animatronics. The feel of this. The music. The look in there eyes. How did he make somthing with a soul. Soulless?
The atmosphere is amazing
Scott got some talent.
Yeah when the Lights are on they aren't so scary
They know you're here. They know you're not one of them. If they find you, they'll fix that...
This is exactly what waking up in the dark as a kid felt like while everyone else was asleep
Like this 6:35
I relate to this a lot, I would also see shadowy figures staring at me, just creepy...
@@rakijaenjoyer5488 either those were shadows or you were in a state of sleep paralysis
0:14 the whole class when the one kid mentions homework
Me: 3:23
Me: 8:50
2:14 The teacher
Me and the bois who were skipping class: 8:16
Me: 7:48
Jeez I got xxxtentacion vibes
Mood af
0:14 the internet when matpat announced his retirement
Fr😭 I miss him
Also the internet when Cory came back
Me: goes to the lake to practice spearfishing.
Everyone else at the kids’ pool: 0:14
Underrated but original
Best comment
The man behind the slaughter
0:14 POV: You're the school window when someone said "It's snowing"
DEAD 💀💀💀💀
More like 3:24
Me:Changing my sleep position because I feel uncomfortable
Everyone else during the funeral 0:14
this made me laugh so fucking hard
curssed cometn!!
that's so funy and oriiginall!!!!!!1!1!11!1!
*he’s not dead?*
•Zonic The Zone Cop• Haha saying a comment is unoriginal makes you hilarious too!!1!11!1!1!1!1!
The first Five Nights at Freddy's is untouchable, everything about the game is just right. The sound design is what makes this game standout from the rest of them, especially the little details like Foxy's hum; or the circus theme that plays randomly.
It’s is up there with Master piece titles of indies.
Speaking of the sound design, this theme plays constantly if you let foxy peak outside pirate's cove. It's a great way to tell his progress when none of the other animatronics are close since this normally plays when the others move in.
If Steel Wool puts their hands on it I swear to god I'm gonna lose it
This is the one
I think 4 is pretty good with the ambience plus we can’t forget the fnaf 2 ambience
7:57 “you got games on your phone”
Wouldn’t say so it’s an overused joke
Thanks though
Me: *takes off backpack cause it’s too heavy*
The other skydivers: 0:14
Lmao 😂
Bro you guys are starting to kill me 😂
When you said the other skydivers, your pfp fits it well
Well that was a twist😂😂
3:40 what the ceiling sees when I’m playing hide and seek
Omg this is underrated 😭
Wth 😂
It made me laugh gj
Mines like what the spider sees on the ceiling when we are playing hide and seek in the dark
Everyone out there talking about memes and jokes, I’m just here appreciating the haunting atmosphere of the first game as perfect as it was.
Cringe asf.
@@Marvelfanatic3658 Bruh
@@Marvelfanatic3658sure thing marvelfanatic3658! you certainly know what’s cringe and what isn’t!
@@dantepierre1948 Absolutely not
What my computer sees after I’m done playing six hours of Rainbow six siege:
True facts! Those are the eyes of a salty crazy Ash main right there! That's y I'm a Kali and Maestro main 🧐
Desēc_ Frost ew imagine maiming kali this post was made by every other operator gang
@@royourboyy I'm good with snipers ok
bobby ayyy thank
More like 3:23
4:52 girls asking out a 6ft guy
as a 6.15 ft tall guy, i confirm this is true
That sounds weirdly cute somehow.
@@NixDarkLord 6.15ft? Why not just say 6'1?
5:49 when I see a security camera at a store
LOL I didn’t expect Bonnie to open his mouth
5:51 so derpy
I love it!
@@thethreehomies4430 me either
If I Saw A Security Camera At Me, I Would Go To Its Face.
Fnaf 1 definitely felt the most scary and ghostly since it was the first of its kind, there was basically no games that functioned like this and Scott made the atmosphere and ambience perfect, so that all of it felt quite spooky to say the least
9:19 Kids when they had a nightmare, then telling their parents.
GameVillain nice
What the parents see before their child tells them theyre scared
"son, Im going to try to be as nice as possible because you look like you want to murder me, but your the nightmare please sleep outside"
7:57 POV: you are the pringles can, and i am seeing if theres any left.
That was me during recess today ✌️
rj lopez idk, that’s why I’m checking
I'm dying.
What does POV mean
Me: (Goes outside to check the mail)
Everyone else in the tornado shelter: 0:14
Underrated Comment.
_*fallout shelter_
Everyone else: he is gonna die
8:23 me and my sibling about to tell mom we missed the bus
They about to get whooped
1:28 Spiderman at the end of infinity war
Hah that's a joke.
Bruh 😂
When you’re home alone and the toilet seat is warm
when you're home alone and you hear the downstairs toilet flush
When you hear “Aye bruh got any games on your phone?” from downstairs but then you remember you have no house.
When you see something paranormal staring at you in the middle of the night
Ghost taking big shit
Brae Tench that would be 0:20
3:22 the kid sitting next to you on the bus be like
Yo who tf be sitting next to you😂
Lave a goth kid who is into a satanic ritual at his home.
@@temofawwaz7599 that's tuff
you got any games?
NOOOOO! you wrong 9:09
Scott was phenomenal with FNAF 1. There's no extra thing in there and it perfectly encapsulates the true horror an employee would feel at night.
0:14 Damn bro, You got the whole squad laughing
I wish to
Ody from Garfield
the fact your profile picture is Walter makes your comment way better
@@stutterjones1821 name checks out.
when the image says "from r/dankmemes"
more like 0:28 doe
5:56 when mommy says “say cheese”
3:23 what my hot pockets see at 3 am when I’m heating them up
This made me snort my apple juice, touche good sir.
Hey good for u I actually laughed at that
After 9 years, still most realistic game in series.
But the scariest has GYAT to be help wanted
Maybe fnaf 3 or 4 could compete but yeah.
Tbh I liked the franchise more when had some believable stuff in it. It’s supernatural but still grounded. Wish they drop another game like that
@@sln137 I legit stopped caring about Fnaf lore after Human robots, Faz Goo and "remnant" all became part of it.
0:16 when you walk into the wrong classroom.
More like when your late to class and walk in
1:14 The teacher
WeAreNumber15 your everywhere
Equally as terrifying
9:05 me trying to solve a math question with my dad at midnight
Lol i don't know if that was made to be scary or made to be funny
Omar the Clown "Reddit is down that way and to the left."
your dad: 8:50
*_This is actually unsettling._*
*_The pictures._*
*_The silence._*
*_The stares._*
It’s been a while since I’ve realized, *_this is a horror game._*
Also; 2:16. Chica is scary as shit.
@@vindicator6711 thos eyes doe.
Vindicator 6 Yep back when fnaf was a “horror game” and was creepier.
Vindicator 6 pizza?
FNaF 1 is my favorite by far
The other games just missed the atmosphere that this game had. I recently replayed and remember how terrifying this game is
The movie missed it too.
Like which games?
@@thisisadude FNaF
@@insertecualquiernombre2935fnaf 2, 3 and 4 are masterpieces compared to the movie😂
“I sentence you to forever want milk but never find it.”
Owen Lunny *yeets cereal across room*
Fnaf more like fr*cker never ate flakes
69 likes nice
Carson is the best
A witch's curse which only effects fathers
"Come on big boy, give grandma a kiss" 3:22
@@codphantom5357 stop using the same frame please
@@durokelnutrio6146 when you don't stop using the same frame: 09:05
that is an easter egg or i think not i got that screen once 3:22
3:45 Me hiding from my mom so I don’t have to leave my friend’s house
I literally used to do that exact same thing tho I thought I was just fucked up--
2:15 when your mom finds you
I’ve done it
I found an extremely underrated comment!
That’s legit my little brother when we go to my step moms house
Your mom is at your friend's house?
Honestly the ambience for FNAF is just amazing. It really sets the atmosphere, and it’s insanely eerie and perfect for a horror game. Also super nostalgic. Amazing job Scott.
When you forget the dishes and mom pulls up...
me: *cleans them in 10 seconds*
@@uughoul y u always lying
Y u always lying!
@@uughoul your so lucky!!
Oh f*ck oh sh*t
3:37 5 year old me when mom puts me in timeout
God damnit xD
Lol ( hi im lolbit
This is the best one😂
Ryan C. YT lmao
Me: **takes my schizophrenia meds**
My homie Jason: 1:26
Too ten times the boys cried
Jason was like a son to me, I loved him like my father
Jason: What did you've don...
bye Jason
Jason: th-cam.com/video/PX-P0nH-cgg/w-d-xo.html
Person: Throws a controller out of anger Everyone else in the titan sub: 0:14
I love how there was never a “mourning period” for the Titan crash,five rich dudes unalive and the whole internet is just memes.
Not funny@@3standianPresident
When the ambience is scarier than the actual jumpscares
Yea in my eyes it was never some people found it scary and others don't, most of us were kids and thought this was the scariest thing ever
Yeah sum weird jus happened i got scared of the ambiance for the first time i was creeped out i was alone in my room the atmosphere was creepy i felt like i was being watched
@@vandam6057 if anything the jumpscares are not supposed to be scary. They are just the penalty for you losing.
Jumpscare is more of a tension relief imo
@@ilcubo32 I mean yeah, pretty much.
0:14 the class when your name is in a book
Looooool so relatable
Mhm lmao
I knowww that used to get pretty annoying
Leave me and my 83 watermelons alone
it happened to me lol
I blinked exactly at 0:14 when the picture changed, damn that was spooky..
Omg bro that's disturbing
Damn i tried it, it really is something xD
It's like the real fnaf. Everytime you look at them the camera freaks out and there suddenly looking at you
This right here is what made me fall in love with the franchise in the first place. A dreadful and mysterious vibe that the later games completely lost sight of over the years. I still hold the first five games very close to my heart tho ❤
I mean what doesn't become a shell of its former self anyway 😂 I'm not crying!?
4:00 my uncle in the shower asking me to hand him the soap
Just don't drop it..
*proceeds to leave shower*
Omfg I’m dying
6:36 Me walking to the bathroom at 2 am to go take a hard piss
BattleVision, SO TRUE LMFAO
*W H E E Z E*
What? The meme is funny.
Laughed too hard bruh
My cat at 3 am: *Pushes a glass off of the table*
Me realizing that I don’t have a cat: 1:14
Oh crap
The ambience fits perfectly lmao
Ahh Shit here we go again....
Oh my God millie. Wait. I don't have a cat
This ambience is the only ambiance in FNAF that’s ever given me the chills, creeps, whatever. I loved the fourth game’s ambience was great but I loved it too much for it to scare me.
fnaf 1 is definitely the scariest. the emptiness of the animatronic eyes and the ambience and dull colors makes it terrifying compared to fnaf 2.
3 is pretty good though
I think fnaf 1 is the best because its dark and scary. There are just only 4 animatronics (except golden freddy), so you feel that you are really alone in this dark and scary place. Fnaf 2 has too many enemies, so you just must do a combination check music box/check left vent/check corridor/check right vent/repeat, so it isn't scary. Fnaf 3 is too bright, but it has a very good ambient, but I think it isnt enough to be really scary. Fnaf 4 is scary just because you need to hear your enemies - you make sound louder - catch screamers - screaming. Yeah, the first FnaF is the best. (Yeah I know I my English is bad, sorry I speak russian)
I do have to disagree with FNaF 2. That’s WHY it’s scary: you feel helpless with everything being piled onto you, worrying that you can’t survive the night. Yeah it’s bright but it’s why I find it scarier than FNaF 1: in 1 there’s only 4 (5 if you count Golden Freddy) animatronics, making it easier and slightly more manageable than 2 even with the power draining.
I’m not a very big fan of the franchise any more, I grew up from it, but... Fnaf 2 is scarier than 3. In Fnaf 2 they pile everything on top of you all at once, everything’s attacking you at the same time and you never know who’s going to finish you off. The scariest part is who will finish you off and the loudness and suddenness of the scare. 3 is dull, the shadow animatronics have quiet and dull jump scares, there is really only one animatronic that can finish you off and his jumpscare is dull and quiet too.
Are we gonna just ignore that fnaf 1 is way harder to master in terms of battery and not forgetting that animatronics can jam a door?
FNAF 2 is the scariest and you can do more in it and it gives you more of a challenge, but FNAF 1 is better for some reason.
FNAF 2 is VERY unpredictable.
8:49 me when I step on a Lego at 3 AM and I can't scream
I wasn’t prepared for it at all and I almost got a heart attack from the jumpscare 😂
LMAO underrated
@@subscribetomebecauseiwants7906 same lol,wth..
Me: **Walks into the wrong classroom**
The students: 0:14
Acurrate :v
Quit It Stole it from who? If you're referring to the FNaF 2 hallway ambience video, *that was also me.*
Quit It Is that true? I wasn't aware. Can you screenshot the original?
Never knew the fan brought me so much comfort until now.
This doesn't even sound scary anymore, it just sounds nostalgic
Same, it’s a weird combination for me
To me it just sounds like anxiety in music form if music was equal to nostalgia
I miss playing this game with my friends back at high school. It’s a shame no one really plays this game anymore
no I'm doing homework to this
@@majot511 Yeah too bad But community is still alive and there are new games but it will never be like this one
Me: *eats all the chips*
Everyone else at the poker game: 0:14
money man
damn you sam
1:46 Why does Bonnie look kinda cute and harmless here lol. When he’s at the door he’s creepy.
He's just vibing
Zerfixxz lmao
That’s me when I get put in the time out corner
Ayo, sup B
You remember that today is the 10th anniversary of FNAF
Fnaf fans when you ask about the lore
Golden comment
0:14 The gang from the 1969 scooby doo intro
this is it. this is the one that made me laugh out loud. thank you.
@@Marvelfanatic3658 ?? this comment is 4 years old, dude LOL
*Teacher in the Online Class:* "coughs"
*Me and the boys:* 0:14
Everyone died! (•‿•) the end.
Jonathan Brando Me and the boys jokes were never funny and it isnt starting now lol
@@Flat_s0da saying lol isnt funny
@Potato #1 exactly more proving my point
3:08 Me questioning my existence at 3am while my pizza rolls are cooking
The Pinnacle of Mental Retardation
I would like but it's at 169
@Bammesgecko you never experienced late night hunger, apparently
That username
My comments been struck by, its been liked by, Smooth Criminal
Personally, I prefer Fnaf 1 more than the rest, this is why its atmosphere is more gloomy, the game over screen gives you chills (I mean, they have literally put you in a suit and you can see how your character's eye sockets are outside) and especially because of how dark the setting is
Me: *opens a pack of gum*
Every single kid in a 15 mile radius: 0:14
There like zombies
_I thought you said Gun_
@@toniknight944 same reaction though
That part fits when the music tune gets creepier
“wanna learn bout communism?”
When you enter a room and forgot what were you coming for: 4:36
Most like 2:21
Naw, it’d be more like 1:46
@@mangotango8115 trully
5:51 people in 2010 when selfie was invented
Fun Fact: The word selfie was originally a word invented by Australia
@@CorpigPlays A
Way too true lol
7:35 when the Zaza kick in
Type shit
@@Quenical Killjoy reference?
"Oof, it's cold over there, I'll turn off the cooling!"
Everyone else at the nuclear reactor: 0:13
Chernobyl, 1986
It’s only 3.6 roentgen per hour
Nuclear meltdown
Tbh FNAF 1 is the scariest and most “real” game In this franchise because of how well Scott made the models and atmosphere, it just feels real.
And back then, when I was younger the jumpscares were the scariest in my opinion, mostly cuz of that scream
I'm sorry but I don't feel that, FNaF 4 is much scarier because if you make a mistake you die, you're never sure. With FNaF 1 the jumpscares are predictable.
@@Xenorvya They’re saying the realism of fnaf 1 is what makes it scary
@@majime1246 But it's not scary? Maybe back then but not anymore.
@Elle-P FNaF 4 is scary, I agree about FNaF 2 and the others though.
1:28 When dad cracks the belt
Someone : do something paternally
Me : 1:29
My dad when I was born 1:29
Blackin thats sad
@@blackin7477 BRUH 💀
I remember first playing fnaf 1 in 2014 I was chilled to my core the darkness of it all, the unknown lore,
The horrifying ambience. Scott truly is a master of the horror genre and it’s honestly very sad to see him go as the FNAF Movie will be his last project. #thankyouscott
“Honey dinners ready!”
4:28 Me when there is pizza waiting on the table
1:14 Me getting caught eating cheese a 3am
I've read through so many of these comments & chuckled but this is the one that made me lose it the most, thank you
What’s a cheese
Why is it always 3am? Get some freaking sleep!
@@furyfossil4407 We're teenagers so we physically can't sleep
3:22 what my microwave sees when it’s 20 seconds away from finishing my hot pocket
Lmao, this is an underrated 2 month old comment.
8:50 captures your sentence perfectly
You shouldn’t get in front of your microwave it’s dangerous
Yo thats pretty frightening
Actually no this isn’t underrated it’s just copied it’s on another video that plays this ambience
4:51 6 yr old me waiting at the store counter for the cashier to finish scanning my stuff
0:17 “Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing”
@Spinel nobody gives a shit
Stolen comment
Fun fact: the word stolen got stolen by whoever uses it
@Nicholas Negosian man sometimes people take the Internet serious
POV: you forgot what you came in your room for: 1:55
Me and the boys when mom says ”Dinners ready!”
2:19 me looking where to sit at the dinner table
3:38 The 4 year old with stacked chairs because he cant reach the table looks at me
"What's the difference between snowmen and snow women"
I laughed
@@supersaiyansteven8081 why hello there freind
5 year old me going to my parents room to tell them I threw up
Minty Leaf “Mom? I don’t think I should have eaten the cornflakes and hotdog combo..”
I've done that before exept I threw up on my dad's blanket mind you I was 6 years old
Lol this would happen when I'm sick or I would come to my mom letting her know that I went the bed
Minty Leaf this is the first comment that actually made me laugh
This comment has 666 likes spooky!
Game: makes a chilling horror game at a VERY tight budget
Movie: Has millions to spend, felt like a 90's comedy with a decent ending.
sigh.. it's kinda true
Also movie: Has at least an accurate animatronic design and MatPat as an actor.
Fan Service: The Movie
Movie: what if cupcakes could fly
@@anth636 what if cupcakes had feelings?
4:52 6yo me waiting for my mom to stop talking to her friend so i can tell her i threw up in the fish's tank
Underrated comment
Omg underrated
You- You threw in the fish's tank..w- why