The gameplay is uploading shortly, there's no comparison with spamming 90k heals multiple times over. I said multiple times in the video that there is an argument for enraged regen in some situations. I for one do not like that wipe that comes from not being enraged when you need it, or not using berserker rage 'just in case' vs guaranteed huge absorb and 10% heal everytime you need it. The 5 second heal from enraged regen, I consider completely worthless in a raid environment.
wow! i really learnt alot! im new at this game and this guide really helped me alot! i've always liked the idea of using a character with a weapon and a shield and watching ur video has made me feel stronger!!
I love watching your guides. I have been playing since BC and still do not know what class I want to play. I have 5 max level characters now and I just wanted to say thank you for putting this information out there for the masses.
from sacredduty "What I want to address here, though, is the disparity between Shield Block and Shield Barrier. Under certain conditions, a Shield Barrier cast will prevent more overall damage than a Shield Block cast, even against blockable damage.. Some have suggested that this will lead warriors to simply spam Shield Barrier as a finisher. I don’t know whether that’s true or not" Sounds very definitive and worth calling me a bullshitter and clueless.
By the way Preach, loving these annotations. They will do amazing things for the channel, especially now that youtube has changed the way monetization works. With it being based on how long people watch each given video for before turning it off, the annotations will keep people tuned in throughout the whole thing instead of just turning off. Though you probably already knew about that! Either way, good shit baller!
It's not about right or wrong for me, but what is best for the tanks learning the basics as the title suggests. We are debating a point here which is rendered moot for most people. Given the back and forth here and on the majority of math heavy sites; the difference between the two currently is arguable, however, for 5 man tanking with heavy magical and physical combinations. All the newly dinged tanks will be far better with shield barrier used effectively than block.
Just caught this one before the daily, If you aren't using any of the absorb that means your not taking enough damage to break a priest shield, so both shield black and barrier are useless in that particular case as nothing is hitting you.
I genuinely have no idea why you would charge and lose all agro, and there is never ever a case where charge has a 10 second cooldown. I'm more than prepared to discuss anything with anyone, it helps us all.
enrage regen also costs us 60 rage, assuming 450k hp it gives you 90k hp over 5 seconds, opposed to say a shield barrier for the same cost giving an instant absorb for more and then 3 gcd's to generate more rage, including a 10% heal from impending + anything you want. 5 seconds is an eternity if you need a heal
Hey Preach, love the guides. I use them as often as possible. One thing that I noticed in the fury guide is that you gave a rotation priority, but you did not in this one. I would really love if you could at least reply with a ruff rotation list. Thank you so much! Keep up the great work.
Good Question. It depends on if you have the Revenge Glyph. If you have the Revenge glyph and you want to do more dps as Prot, Then use Shield Block. If your in trouble or want to absorb damage rather than take it, then go with Shield Barrier. it all depends on what your glyphs and reforge are. Definetely Shield Block goes great with full Mastery Reforge, Enraging you constantly and allowing you to dish out tons of dps and take lots of damage.
Think of it this way: If you get a killing blow on a mob, you get the 20% heal. You may not get xp from that mob you killed, but you will get the Impending Victory increased heal. However, you do not get the increased heal if you kill a mob that is considered "inferior", such as mobs that's level is grayed out (a lvl 80 mob, for example).
You don't really need to know how much threat you have as a tank. You only need to know if you HAVE threat on the mob. The nameplate mod he uses is Tidyplates. The nameplates show threat. The scrolling damage is from MikScrollingBattleText. You can download his UI from the PreachGaming website. There is also a video on the channel showing you how to set it up.
Well as a tank you will be facing bosses head to head, so they can dodge, parry your hits/abilities + you can miss if not hit capped.Because of the changed mechanics how prot warriors generate rage(shield slam and revenge generate rage) you need those stats so you wouldn't miss abilities. And you need rage to survive/mitigate damage. As a tank your priority is to evade/mitigate damage.
Even before MoP hit, I've felt for a long time that HS was worthless and not just for prot specs but others as well. The rage cost to damage ratio just isn't worth it. You're absolutely right about the changes in rage use/saving especially for prot. Got to stay at 60+ if you want to be able to survive as a tank.
I agree with paulparanoid. Hit and Exp is very important in threat because if that aoe skill of yours has been missed dodged or parried, the mobs would probably atck the dps instead of the tank
Don't apologize for your PoVk, apologize for your insults. All the math I have seen says otherwise and i'd love to see your supporting evidence. I have no intention of giving incorrect info to anyone as it would be detrimental to myself.
Shield Block and Shield barrier is different than other while shield barrier protects you with all damage including magic damage as well and shield block protects you only in physical damage. Therefore telling shield barrier is bettern than shield block or vice versa is absolutely situational.
Hit and Expertise aren't prioritized for threat necessarily thats the icing on the cake. Going with hard hit and expertise cap you generate ALOT more rage then you would without it (due to missing and being parried) this allows for using far more shield barriers which barring multi target and some other situations shield barrier will totally overshadow shield block in terms of reducing damage taken
So Heroic Strike should only be used during an Ultimatum proc because it's free. But Devastate is also free and does more damage. Is there some sort of buff or debuff or proc that Heroic Strike would cause to warrant the use of a Global Cooldown over Devastate? I can understand Cleave in an AOE situation when Revenge is on Cooldown, but what am I missing that would make you even care about Heroic Strike?
I like your Guides. TY. I am having issues with AOE tanking in 5 mans. I get that 1 or 2 DPS that is pushing 80 - 90k dps and just rips the groups off me. Do you have any tips on how to manage this better?
surely shield block is better on aoe pulls (provided they are all melee)? since shield block will be there for the full duration of 6 secs, wheras shield barrier is likely to be fully consumed?
Right now, for professions. I have Blacksmith/Engineer, was wondering if those are still good professions to have while tanking? Both seemed okay. Least to me and few other people from my guild, but wanted an opinion from someone like you.
Do you use any addons to help show you how much threat your generating? Also what is the addon you are using that shows your damage and their damage on either side of the screen?
hey Preach! with the changes to Avatar now that it only clears snares and roots and giving 20% damage increase, would you recommend Storm Bolt or Bloodbath for Prot Warriors now? or do you still think that Avatar is good for Prot for the increased damage?
Preach, you say getting Hit and Exp up is basically a myth, but how are you supposed ro generate rage if your rage generators aren't connecting? Also, I like Double Time in the first tier -- for exactly the same reasons you chose Juggernaut. I think it's a pretty viable choice. However, you convinced me to ditch Enraged Regeneration :)
preach or anybody who's a raiding prot warrior. When you have to switch aggro back and forth like empress shek'zeer, when you're off-tanking, do you stay at defensive stance or do you change to battle or berserker stance?
Preach, I love your videos, this one was what made me make a Prot Warrior for myself and I love it, but I seem to have a problem when it comes to spells/skills. I have a lot of spells on my action bars and I rarely use some of them, but, for some reason, I can't bring myself to removing them, just in case I need them. Do you have any advice for me and other players who tend to have clogged UI's with more spells than we actually need? Any help is appreciated. :)
I've tried dragon roar in raids at pull, but the dps always gets aggro that first global. This doesn't happen if i use shockwave instead. Are you sure dragon roar causes threat? I could be wrong
"oh and the one calling me some rnd guy. Just look up Livedili, you'll find that I'm one of the most popular und critically acclaimed warrior tanks in this game." how can you not be completely embarrassed typing this man?
Preach! i recently just completed my A levels and got a place at uni but during this time i hardly played cata probably 6 weeks max. People say that uni is alot less hardwork but i dont know.. Do you reckon i could get back into WOW whilst still concentrating at uni?
I find shield block a lot more reliable when tanking 10/20 melee mobs. because your block is increased to 100% for 6 seconds. Where as shield barrier absorbs a static amount. But indeed on smaller packs and bosses shield barrier is better.
Ill try answering that. The largest differences are in Enraged Regeneration, and your level 90 abilities. The 60 rage cost on enraged regen was taken off, and is essentially another cooldown, with no cost. Its EASILY the best choice in that group. As for the lvl 90- Avatar's bonus rage gain was taken off, and stormbolt was buffed to 500% wep damage, so Avatar is strictly offensive, and stormbolt gives you more BURST threat gain, while Avatar gives you sustained. I always use stormbolt because its ranged, and can pick up quick adds, if my taunt isnt off cooldown.
Whats up bro? Problem: Used my prot warrior into the vaults tonight with a ilvl459 with a new guild. And failed, miserably. I was having trouble with rage generation, the passive rage generation combined with whats generated by SS just wasn't enough to maintain barrier or block and my mitigation was terrible, I got smashed. Also having trouble holding the threat off the MT which was a blood DK too. I was carving it up like a baller through heroics, now the guild thinks I'm fucking shit.
yes, this may be true about barrier giving u more TDR than Block but this is only true for scenarios in which you can abuse Vengeance like on Madness or - hint hint hint Blade Lord Ta'yak. On standard bosses where you hit the so called equilibrium point of vengeance, barrier will never overwhelm block. oh and the one calling me some rnd guy. Just look up Livedili, you'll find that I'm one of the most popular und critically acclaimed warrior tanks in this game.
The gameplay is uploading shortly, there's no comparison with spamming 90k heals multiple times over. I said multiple times in the video that there is an argument for enraged regen in some situations. I for one do not like that wipe that comes from not being enraged when you need it, or not using berserker rage 'just in case' vs guaranteed huge absorb and 10% heal everytime you need it. The 5 second heal from enraged regen, I consider completely worthless in a raid environment.
wow! i really learnt alot! im new at this game and this guide really helped me alot! i've always liked the idea of using a character with a weapon and a shield and watching ur video has made me feel stronger!!
I love watching your guides. I have been playing since BC and still do not know what class I want to play. I have 5 max level characters now and I just wanted to say thank you for putting this information out there for the masses.
This guy changed my life as a WoW player - Please don't stop making them vids, Preach!
from sacredduty "What I want to address here, though, is the disparity between Shield Block and Shield Barrier. Under certain conditions, a Shield Barrier cast will prevent more overall damage than a Shield Block cast, even against blockable damage.. Some have suggested that this will lead warriors to simply spam Shield Barrier as a finisher. I don’t know whether that’s true or not"
Sounds very definitive and worth calling me a bullshitter and clueless.
By the way Preach, loving these annotations. They will do amazing things for the channel, especially now that youtube has changed the way monetization works. With it being based on how long people watch each given video for before turning it off, the annotations will keep people tuned in throughout the whole thing instead of just turning off. Though you probably already knew about that! Either way, good shit baller!
It's not about right or wrong for me, but what is best for the tanks learning the basics as the title suggests. We are debating a point here which is rendered moot for most people. Given the back and forth here and on the majority of math heavy sites; the difference between the two currently is arguable, however, for 5 man tanking with heavy magical and physical combinations. All the newly dinged tanks will be far better with shield barrier used effectively than block.
Thank you so much for this video I got back into wow after like a 2 year hiatus and the new talents kinda confused me, this video really helps.
Just caught this one before the daily, If you aren't using any of the absorb that means your not taking enough damage to break a priest shield, so both shield black and barrier are useless in that particular case as nothing is hitting you.
I started tanking because of your videos preach, now I absolutely love my Undead Prot Warrior!
I genuinely have no idea why you would charge and lose all agro, and there is never ever a case where charge has a 10 second cooldown. I'm more than prepared to discuss anything with anyone, it helps us all.
At around 14 mins the video went incredibly out of focus; might want to check this? Great guide, really pleased you did Prot warrior first!
Just started a prot warrior because of you Preach. Thanks a lot!
enrage regen also costs us 60 rage, assuming 450k hp it gives you 90k hp over 5 seconds, opposed to say a shield barrier for the same cost giving an instant absorb for more and then 3 gcd's to generate more rage, including a 10% heal from impending + anything you want. 5 seconds is an eternity if you need a heal
Been thinking of going arms/prot. This guide helped me. Brofist to you!
thanks for the vid preach you are my one stop shop for tanking tactics and class explanation keep it up pwtrash....
Hey Preach, love the guides. I use them as often as possible. One thing that I noticed in the fury guide is that you gave a rotation priority, but you did not in this one. I would really love if you could at least reply with a ruff rotation list. Thank you so much! Keep up the great work.
Good Question. It depends on if you have the Revenge Glyph. If you have the Revenge glyph and you want to do more dps as Prot, Then use Shield Block. If your in trouble or want to absorb damage rather than take it, then go with Shield Barrier. it all depends on what your glyphs and reforge are. Definetely Shield Block goes great with full Mastery Reforge, Enraging you constantly and allowing you to dish out tons of dps and take lots of damage.
Very good guide preach! Looking forward to watching ur next ones.
Think of it this way: If you get a killing blow on a mob, you get the 20% heal. You may not get xp from that mob you killed, but you will get the Impending Victory increased heal.
However, you do not get the increased heal if you kill a mob that is considered "inferior", such as mobs that's level is grayed out (a lvl 80 mob, for example).
why did you lose all agro? Juggernaut gives charge a 12 second cooldown, not 20. It's not a 10 second cooldown, it's 20.
Nice video Preach you made me roll a tank! :) Just a quick question though, what addons are you using?
Thank you! You do a great job of explaining and this video has been very helpful. Keep up the great work! :)
man i'm gonna level my warrior after seeing this i'm pumped!!
You don't really need to know how much threat you have as a tank. You only need to know if you HAVE threat on the mob. The nameplate mod he uses is Tidyplates. The nameplates show threat. The scrolling damage is from MikScrollingBattleText. You can download his UI from the PreachGaming website. There is also a video on the channel showing you how to set it up.
dude your videos are simply AWESOME , I just wanted to know what are the addons you are using in this video ? pleaseanswer me :)
Well as a tank you will be facing bosses head to head, so they can dodge, parry your hits/abilities + you can miss if not hit capped.Because of the changed mechanics how prot warriors generate rage(shield slam and revenge generate rage) you need those stats so you wouldn't miss abilities. And you need rage to survive/mitigate damage. As a tank your priority is to evade/mitigate damage.
Awesome guide preach, would love to see a warlock eventually.
Even before MoP hit, I've felt for a long time that HS was worthless and not just for prot specs but others as well. The rage cost to damage ratio just isn't worth it. You're absolutely right about the changes in rage use/saving especially for prot. Got to stay at 60+ if you want to be able to survive as a tank.
I agree with paulparanoid. Hit and Exp is very important in threat because if that aoe skill of yours has been missed dodged or parried, the mobs would probably atck the dps instead of the tank
Hello Kind sir :) Can You write down your Rotation maybe? like 1st shieldblock and at 2th revenge ((Example))
Great video ...Thanks! :) Really helps me with my tanking on my warrior since im pretty much a noob at it
Hey Preach! The link for the "Glyphs" section is off. It goes back to the beginning. Time is 11:50.
Don't apologize for your PoVk, apologize for your insults. All the math I have seen says otherwise and i'd love to see your supporting evidence. I have no intention of giving incorrect info to anyone as it would be detrimental to myself.
Heroic strike isnt on the GCD so you can basically cast them both at the same time.
@ 1:38 what was with the druid ?
Shield Block and Shield barrier is different than other while shield barrier protects you with all damage including magic damage as well and shield block protects you only in physical damage. Therefore telling shield barrier is bettern than shield block or vice versa is absolutely situational.
Hey Preach! I was wondering when you might be putting out the prot paladin guide? No rush!
Hit and Expertise aren't prioritized for threat necessarily thats the icing on the cake.
Going with hard hit and expertise cap you generate ALOT more rage then you would without it (due to missing and being parried) this allows for using far more shield barriers which barring multi target and some other situations shield barrier will totally overshadow shield block in terms of reducing damage taken
never mind, you answered my question 5 seconds after I asked it :P
So Heroic Strike should only be used during an Ultimatum proc because it's free. But Devastate is also free and does more damage. Is there some sort of buff or debuff or proc that Heroic Strike would cause to warrant the use of a Global Cooldown over Devastate? I can understand Cleave in an AOE situation when Revenge is on Cooldown, but what am I missing that would make you even care about Heroic Strike?
Also: isn't windsong way better than colossus as it practically always procs and gives us both avoidance (mastery) and damage (crit, haste)?
returned to wow, was winging it in dungeons til this!
I like your Guides. TY. I am having issues with AOE tanking in 5 mans. I get that 1 or 2 DPS that is pushing 80 - 90k dps and just rips the groups off me. Do you have any tips on how to manage this better?
Anyone see the 5.2 guide by Sollace? It's almost backwards from Preach. I'd like to know why... Preach, Any thoughts?
surely shield block is better on aoe pulls (provided they are all melee)? since shield block will be there for the full duration of 6 secs, wheras shield barrier is likely to be fully consumed?
Right now, for professions. I have Blacksmith/Engineer, was wondering if those are still good professions to have while tanking? Both seemed okay. Least to me and few other people from my guild, but wanted an opinion from someone like you.
Update for riptose or parry> crit> dodge> mastery builds? thanks
What about Storm throw + Dragon roar? They need to make it like the glyph "Impaling throws".
@JLPhillips94 heroic strike has no global cooldown, so you can use devastate and heroic strike at the same time
Do you use any addons to help show you how much threat your generating? Also what is the addon you are using that shows your damage and their damage on either side of the screen?
hey Preach! with the changes to Avatar now that it only clears snares and roots and giving 20% damage increase, would you recommend Storm Bolt or Bloodbath for Prot Warriors now? or do you still think that Avatar is good for Prot for the increased damage?
arms and fury will be up in a few hours
Preach, you say getting Hit and Exp up is basically a myth, but how are you supposed ro generate rage if your rage generators aren't connecting?
Also, I like Double Time in the first tier -- for exactly the same reasons you chose Juggernaut. I think it's a pretty viable choice. However, you convinced me to ditch Enraged Regeneration :)
preach or anybody who's a raiding prot warrior. When you have to switch aggro back and forth like empress shek'zeer, when you're off-tanking, do you stay at defensive stance or do you change to battle or berserker stance?
Preach you gotta update this! I miss your daily preaches too :C
So if a boss uses a fireball volley or something to that end, you can reflect it and do a shit ton of damage?
So if I pull a group of 3 melee classes, use Shield block, and if its a group of 6 (ie 4melee, 2casters) use Shield Barrier?
Preach, I love your videos, this one was what made me make a Prot Warrior for myself and I love it, but I seem to have a problem when it comes to spells/skills. I have a lot of spells on my action bars and I rarely use some of them, but, for some reason, I can't bring myself to removing them, just in case I need them. Do you have any advice for me and other players who tend to have clogged UI's with more spells than we actually need? Any help is appreciated. :)
I've tried dragon roar in raids at pull, but the dps always gets aggro that first global. This doesn't happen if i use shockwave instead. Are you sure dragon roar causes threat? I could be wrong
im confused preach if i take impending victory i don't get the 20% when you kill at 90 because you no longer get xp
Warrior rockz,nice video. Thx much. have a good day sir !
Aren't hit and expertise crucial for generating rage?
"oh and the one calling me some rnd guy. Just look up Livedili, you'll find that I'm one of the most popular und critically acclaimed warrior tanks in this game." how can you not be completely embarrassed typing this man?
Preach! i recently just completed my A levels and got a place at uni but during this time i hardly played cata probably 6 weeks max. People say that uni is alot less hardwork but i dont know.. Do you reckon i could get back into WOW whilst still concentrating at uni?
Well done, thanks for this one.
Is this guide up to date? You have a 5.4 guide for every other class except warrior?
Yeah it's good enough to follow.
Looking forward to the 5.2 Guide :)
You say defensive stats are the priority for all tanks. Does that go for DKs too?
Guaranteed heal is always better than random heal that either costs a ton of rage or relies on you being enraged to be free
Is there a list of mods used in this video for the warrior tank?
Any Brewmaster videos in the works?
When you start raiding, is it worth it so reforge into hit and expertise for threat?
and btw ur the main reason that i rerolled warrior started as a hunter ;)
How did you gear as prot preach? because of the new questing system did you not have all dps gear?
i would use double timesecond wind disrupting shoutshockwave or blade storm depends on ur pvp or pve spell reflection avatar :)
Preach I started playing at the end of Cata and i'm better than most tanks because I watch your videos @_@
Teach me more master
Sure has changed a lot from the days of stacking sunders and not actually doing damage.
Keep it up Preach!!!
Stay at Defensive stance at all times in order to generate Rage and spend it on Heroic Strike or Cleave.
I find shield block a lot more reliable when tanking 10/20 melee mobs. because your block is increased to 100% for 6 seconds. Where as shield barrier absorbs a static amount. But indeed on smaller packs and bosses shield barrier is better.
Preach is this guide still relevant?
Ill try answering that.
The largest differences are in Enraged Regeneration, and your level 90 abilities.
The 60 rage cost on enraged regen was taken off, and is essentially another cooldown, with no cost. Its EASILY the best choice in that group.
As for the lvl 90- Avatar's bonus rage gain was taken off, and stormbolt was buffed to 500% wep damage, so Avatar is strictly offensive, and stormbolt gives you more BURST threat gain, while Avatar gives you sustained. I always use stormbolt because its ranged, and can pick up quick adds, if my taunt isnt off cooldown.
great guide man!
hey preach! please do feral dps and guardian tanking?! i am a druid and struggling a bit!
fucking love ya man getting mop today and i like that ur posting my favourite spec first!
So im we always use Shield Barrier then?
Whats up bro? Problem: Used my prot warrior into the vaults tonight with a ilvl459 with a new guild. And failed, miserably. I was having trouble with rage generation, the passive rage generation combined with whats generated by SS just wasn't enough to maintain barrier or block and my mitigation was terrible, I got smashed. Also having trouble holding the threat off the MT which was a blood DK too. I was carving it up like a baller through heroics, now the guild thinks I'm fucking shit.
preach are you still in method???
Because it's on its own seperate GCD use it when ultimatum procs.
Will this ever be updated or is everything still current?
still current!
It'll be current till WoD releases, no major changes till then
What is better in 5.3 shield block or barrier?
is that health bar add on Tidy Plates ?
HEy thanks for the vid its really great
why not wind song echant?!??!
What about blue enchants?
i liike the buttons at the begining verry nice
it's mathematically better in all cases
Can you tell us the mods you use?
yes, this may be true about barrier giving u more TDR than Block but this is only true for scenarios in which you can abuse Vengeance like on Madness or - hint hint hint Blade Lord Ta'yak. On standard bosses where you hit the so called equilibrium point of vengeance, barrier will never overwhelm block.
oh and the one calling me some rnd guy. Just look up Livedili, you'll find that I'm one of the most popular und critically acclaimed warrior tanks in this game.
the buttons dont work anymore