If it’s still broke and not moving correctly there’s a retainer clip that look like a key ring that holds the teeth that actually move the plastic screw that’s attached to the mirror. When installed my suma ones the retainer clip came undone. The teeth are behind a rubber boot that the long plastic screw goes into
They are Wide angle mirrors, Mugen promotes that for the mirrors. But as far if there as wide as the SUMA’s I’m not 100% sure. But I could definitely tell a difference vs. stock
If it’s still broke and not moving correctly there’s a retainer clip that look like a key ring that holds the teeth that actually move the plastic screw that’s attached to the mirror. When installed my suma ones the retainer clip came undone. The teeth are behind a rubber boot that the long plastic screw goes into
Wasn’t aware of this! Thank you for this information 🙏🏽
Wow so awesome!
Love my Mugen side mirrors
Me too! They look great!! Especially the directionals !
Please let me know the price, how much is it?
These Mugen Mirrors are Discontinued! Bummer. But SUMA Performance sell identical ones with built in turn signals
Bro, can you take picture from the back how the mirror looks like without the white plastic.
I have lots of photos on my Instagram! You should be able to see the mirror on one of them from behind! @KevinRamir02
quedaron muy bien,son un poco caros ,pero molan
Si valen la pena! Me encantan!!
Did you get the mirrors to move?
Haha i broke my left side will only go up and down not side to side, my right side moved fine thankfully 👏🏽
Its pronounced Moogen
I was also wondering the sumo performance is hella wide, i was wondering if these were also hella wide im trynna see my blind spot better
I realized that after the video haha …
They are Wide angle mirrors, Mugen promotes that for the mirrors. But as far if there as wide as the SUMA’s I’m not 100% sure. But I could definitely tell a difference vs. stock