I am not a expert in Kafka, but, Is there any reason why you are using the docker image wurstmeister/kafka:2.11-1.1.1? It was published 3 years ago. I checked the official kafka documentation, they are planning to completely depreciate Zookper in Kafka version 4. Does it make sense to use zookeeper for future projects?
Honest answer is this there is no proper docker compose available which can help you in kafka demo so i choose this one because this was stable and worked for my demo purpose if they are dropping zookeeper then its good that we will have only one image to bootstrap kafka
I am not a expert in Kafka, but, Is there any reason why you are using the docker image wurstmeister/kafka:2.11-1.1.1? It was published 3 years ago. I checked the official kafka documentation, they are planning to completely depreciate Zookper in Kafka version 4. Does it make sense to use zookeeper for future projects?
Honest answer is this
there is no proper docker compose available which can help you in kafka demo
so i choose this one because this was stable and worked for my demo purpose
if they are dropping zookeeper then its good that we will have only one image to bootstrap kafka
pls next time, your subtitle covers a huge part of the screen, make it smaller. it is very annoying.
ok, feedback taken
You lost everything after 15 min.
more specific .. ?