I preferred the cane in both examples; however, I recognize that it is likely only under intense scrutiny that it is even noticeable. I totally agree that the VENN is a breakthrough for practice, pit orchestra/doubling etc....
I’m afraid cane wins both times for me. I agree with the person who finds the cane warmer and more multidimensional. In my view they also affected the intonation slightly differently and cane was better.
How consistent are the Venn synthetic reeds? The reason I ask is that there can be quite a variation in the strength of the Legere reeds which kind of defeats the object of a synthetic. Still good if you want to practise and have several synthetic reeds, but not necessarily more cost effective. Personally I use the Legere on soprano for practising and for variable conditions but gave up on clarinet and stick to cane.
So far we've seen they are very consistent. Time will tell and we'll see what the customer data is after 3-6 months but all the variants we've tried have been consistent strength by strength.
Hi - Nick is using a Licostini mouthpiece in this video but we're not sure which model so can't assert on the facing style. Most Licostini lean more towards an American facing curve but as we say it would depend on the model. We've found the VENN can work on both facing styles but in our short testing so far we do find they suit the American style facing curve a little more. This is generally true of most synthetic reeds in our opinion - but each person may find differently.
Have you tried a synthetic reed vs a cane reed yourself? Let us know how you got on in the comments...
I preferred the cane in both examples; however, I recognize that it is likely only under intense scrutiny that it is even noticeable. I totally agree that the VENN is a breakthrough for practice, pit orchestra/doubling etc....
Cane sounded warmer to me. I guessed right both times straight away. The Venn is close though.
I’m afraid cane wins both times for me. I agree with the person who finds the cane warmer and more multidimensional. In my view they also affected the intonation slightly differently and cane was better.
How consistent are the Venn synthetic reeds? The reason I ask is that there can be quite a variation in the strength of the Legere reeds which kind of defeats the object of a synthetic. Still good if you want to practise and have several synthetic reeds, but not necessarily more cost effective. Personally I use the Legere on soprano for practising and for variable conditions but gave up on clarinet and stick to cane.
So far we've seen they are very consistent. Time will tell and we'll see what the customer data is after 3-6 months but all the variants we've tried have been consistent strength by strength.
Nicely played. Are you using the Venn on a French style mouthpiece facing?
Hi - Nick is using a Licostini mouthpiece in this video but we're not sure which model so can't assert on the facing style. Most Licostini lean more towards an American facing curve but as we say it would depend on the model. We've found the VENN can work on both facing styles but in our short testing so far we do find they suit the American style facing curve a little more. This is generally true of most synthetic reeds in our opinion - but each person may find differently.
Interestingly I preferred the Cane in the first piece but the Venn in the second.
I could hear a distinct difference. I much prefer the sound of the cane.
In brahms the cane is miles better