As someone who's a complete novice I still found this info to be pretty helpful. A good bit of it flew over my head since I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground. Good stuff!
I really liked your way of communicating and I learned much. It would be cool if an expert as knowledgeable and experienced as yourself could have your presentation filmed by professional video people so us guys out here in the field could learn from you as though we were actually present in the lecture room. The infrared pointer was not visible, the camera was trained, much of the time, on the lecturer when it should have been showing the slide.None the less, excellent presentation. I hope to learn more from you in the future.As one of my college professors, Dr. Clinton Jacobs, prof Agriculture Engineering, University of Arizona, circa 1980 said: "Experience is expensive, whenever you can get it second-hand".MW
Is it necessary to keep weld zone unloaded for 48 hours (seems exhausting) ? Or is it enough just to grind out crack, proper preheat, proper lohi electrode, interpass temp ,stringer beads, fish tail patch than immediately load said loboy with d9 cat and drive off down highway? I guess question is does this material a514 have some cracking sensitiviy for that said 48 hours? Thanks
If you know you but your procedure to control hydrogen you'll be fine. Code or welding procedure may prevent you from putting it immediately into service though. The 48 hour observation is for possible hydrogen cracking, mag particle or dye penetrant after the time period will show any cracks that show up.
Hi, I'm a swedish welding student in Australia :) I'd love to see Bobs apps lecture, is that available online? Thank you so much for posting this online by the way!
don't get all bummed out when you see a guy in a classroom cause if you're a welder especially pipe watch this and listen carefully I realised a couple stuff I'm doing wrong passes radio but one day snap crack on a weld and you're helpers dead or you
As someone who's a complete novice I still found this info to be pretty helpful. A good bit of it flew over my head since I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground. Good stuff!
I really liked your way of communicating and I learned much. It would be cool if an expert as knowledgeable and experienced as yourself could have your presentation filmed by professional video people so us guys out here in the field could learn from you as though we were actually present in the lecture room. The infrared pointer was not visible, the camera was trained, much of the time, on the lecturer when it should have been showing the slide.None the less, excellent presentation. I hope to learn more from you in the future.As one of my college professors, Dr. Clinton Jacobs, prof Agriculture Engineering, University of Arizona, circa 1980 said: "Experience is expensive, whenever you can get it second-hand".MW
Good to see you Larry. Long time from OSU days in the 80s
I can't believe nobody laughed at "radiant face"!
Made me run back and pull out my notes. I need to refresh my memory on this stuff.
Awesome structural and pipe welding code is life and the realm of the universe Never stop studying your welding meteorology.
Great thanks Sir
Is it necessary to keep weld zone unloaded for 48 hours (seems exhausting) ? Or is it enough just to grind out crack, proper preheat, proper lohi electrode, interpass temp ,stringer beads, fish tail patch than immediately load said loboy with d9 cat and drive off down highway? I guess question is does this material a514 have some cracking sensitiviy for that said 48 hours? Thanks
If you know you but your procedure to control hydrogen you'll be fine. Code or welding procedure may prevent you from putting it immediately into service though. The 48 hour observation is for possible hydrogen cracking, mag particle or dye penetrant after the time period will show any cracks that show up.
Hi, I'm a swedish welding student in Australia :) I'd love to see Bobs apps lecture, is that available online?
Thank you so much for posting this online by the way!
show what audiences see on the board or ppt
very good
Jessie out of denver?
I had a feeling the Rod was 7018 for the first question.
don't get all bummed out when you see a guy in a classroom cause if you're a welder especially pipe watch this and listen carefully I realised a couple stuff I'm doing wrong passes radio but one day snap crack on a weld and you're helpers dead or you
Stick....yuck.. TIG