This composition made my neck dissapear by instant sight of pickin this track up like cure for hiv and my advanced state of aids as to give you idea of this concern level pain of mystical humiliating human hating entity of from the times before human existence existance by causing me InCreDiBLe pain paranormaali now gone to lurish at its paranormaali level of humiliating state of existence. I feel relief that the Basic motion i search in hip hop rap not blueberry donuts Anneli Auer of crap
Tää levy on soinu kajareist jo 3 vuotta putkee🔥🔥
@@juholaukkanen6642 onko menkat
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@@abdi1134 on aina nj ku
@@Alluxpelaa2 tää on paras
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This composition made my neck dissapear by instant sight of pickin this track up like cure for hiv and my advanced state of aids as to give you idea of this concern level pain of mystical humiliating human hating entity of from the times before human existence existance by causing me InCreDiBLe pain paranormaali now gone to lurish at its paranormaali level of humiliating state of existence. I feel relief that the Basic motion i search in hip hop rap not blueberry donuts Anneli Auer of crap
mistä tää on samplattu
Grimes - Be a Body
@@atsosariola8284 Kiitos Sairas T:n löytyi tuokin hieno artisti, ei sitä aina jaksa gangsta paskaa.
lempi kappale omg lol hirvi2