Didn’t the Christian’s learn from the Jews? The only difference is that you made god physical and we keep him above all existence because G-d cannot be physical. When He came to the Jewish people and spoke to them at mount Sinai, He did not speak to us through Moses. When humans couldn’t take that power, He taught everything to Moses and then Moses taught the Jewish people. How can a woman give birth to a god and how can god die? Praying to another person is idol worshipping. The only G-d we pray to is above all physical and spiritual and He is the only one we bow down to, not people and not statues.
@liliyalyubomirsky3 in order for God to be an all knowing God would he not have to understand first hand human condition isn't that where he has empathy. . Doesn't Emmanuel mean God is with us.
@liliyalyubomirsky3 and then wouldn't isaiah53 be false prophecy if this were so he would be pierced for our transgressions carry the govt. On his shoulders be called God is with us if he were not a man could any of that be possible
Dear rabbi who seeks the truth, are you ready to learn some things you would of never thought were possible?
Dear Christian before you try to impart anything, seek to understand the supernal wisdom this rabbi teaches.
@TorahisLife358 Also understand the many things none of you yet know of.
Is it true your spirit can die more than once while our bodies here on earth?
Doesn't this sound 100% Christian theology. And in your 2025 message you explained completely the return of christ
Didn’t the Christian’s learn from the Jews? The only difference is that you made god physical and we keep him above all existence because G-d cannot be physical. When He came to the Jewish people and spoke to them at mount Sinai, He did not speak to us through Moses. When humans couldn’t take that power, He taught everything to Moses and then Moses taught the Jewish people. How can a woman give birth to a god and how can god die? Praying to another person is idol worshipping. The only G-d we pray to is above all physical and spiritual and He is the only one we bow down to, not people and not statues.
@liliyalyubomirsky3 in order for God to be an all knowing God would he not have to understand first hand human condition isn't that where he has empathy. . Doesn't Emmanuel mean God is with us.
@liliyalyubomirsky3 and then wouldn't isaiah53 be false prophecy if this were so he would be pierced for our transgressions carry the govt. On his shoulders be called God is with us if he were not a man could any of that be possible