why not making biger lurs and kil them from distance. u can start from mid. u killing them on ful south start luring from north 1 each side of room, ather that u have 2 big rooms on each side of sawn wast and east. so lur 2 rooms 1 from south 1 from north kil . go another side. mid shall spawn. much more xp
That's actually a great way to use Exori Kor
why not making biger lurs and kil them from distance. u can start from mid. u killing them on ful south start luring from north 1 each side of room, ather that u have 2 big rooms on each side of sawn wast and east. so lur 2 rooms 1 from south 1 from north kil . go another side. mid shall spawn. much more xp
Nice duo 🤙🏻
kinda romantic