I’ve been getting hella messages to do more subscriber rooms.. so imma do another one. Go on my Twitter right now and reply to my tweet with your name, the city you live in, and some pics/vid of your room for me to react to for a vid. Imma pic one to do and fly out to another country if I have to to make it happen. Tweet me, You got 24 hours to enter!!
I love how you always try and make your parents happy. MAN! I love you and your work. I love how you never give up although so many things go wrong you just never give up and this motivated me so much. :)
Everytime when I think about your channel I'm always like "Oh yeah this guy has a million subscribers" And when I check your subscribers I'm like... this guy is so underrated and he deserves so much more!
honestly i like how he made things different on the thumbnail and put the before on the right side instead of everyone else putting it on the left side
Dude the garage looks soooo good wish I had that setup to work on my cars instead I gotta deal with Utah’s heat out in the sun hahaha 😂. That’s awesome man happy for yah that you got to do this for your family 👍🏽.
Next I might as well make my parents dream living room XD
Love ya too
Looove youu keep the work up man
I love how he works really hard for his subscribers, this is a real man…
nah ur wrong......
he’s a GOD
@@endo10 no
He can’t do electric work I’m 13 and I can lol
@@sbt_tricks4270 stop scaring me
More like for his family
I’ve been getting hella messages to do more subscriber rooms.. so imma do another one. Go on my Twitter right now and reply to my tweet with your name, the city you live in, and some pics/vid of your room for me to react to for a vid. Imma pic one to do and fly out to another country if I have to to make it happen. Tweet me, You got 24 hours to enter!!
First somehow
I don’t know how to use Twitter
Can you make more vids I know you work for Jarvis but pls
I really love your content
Bro only comes with bangersss
The emotional support you have for your little sister is heart warming
nah bro just reminds me of my little sister when i was trying to teach her how to ride a bike without support wheels
No cap your sisters a chicken for a bike
I love how you always try and make your parents happy. MAN! I love you and your work. I love how you never give up although so many things go wrong you just never give up and this motivated me so much. :)
"suprising my dad"
"my dads on vacation"
"My dad was so exited he decided to help"
nice timeline bro
surprising* dimwit
@@ryanarmbruster2020 Wow ok grammar police
@@ryanarmbruster2020 sirfryzing*
@@ryanarmbruster2020 *tfyssurt to ppoiese
Yeah I'm confused af
When the world needed him the most, he returned!
the garage is shiny but idk if it can compete with your dad's head...
Yaet bro
The relationship you have with your parents makes me happy!
This comment did not age well
@@imaginary9991 what do you mean
@@jjw2466 in one of his videos his parents told him that they are fed up with his shit and they will kick him out one day
@@imaginary9991 can i have video link?
@@XflezeRBLX its the the chocolet pc one
The secret to surpassing your parents expectations is the key to gaining their approval.
Everytime when I think about your channel I'm always like "Oh yeah this guy has a million subscribers" And when I check your subscribers I'm like... this guy is so underrated and he deserves so much more!
Most TH-camrs: Reads sponsor segment at desk/table
FrenchieFries: Reads sponsor segment while drifting a car
lol i can't stand watching regular sponsors, i have to do that
@@FrenchieFries 😲 You replied! Wow, it's not every day that creators actually read your comment and reply!
Or in a plane...
@@Chuckles-mz3oj hehe
Found you again.
I love the way you take care of your parents. Keep up the good work man. Happy for you 🙂
He needs more respect for what he does man does everything for his fam!
My dad said to clean his car... so I bought him a Bugatti with a built-in TV
Man, something about the younger generation not even wanting to learn how to ride a bike... it hurts inside a little bit
Fr dude
I learned at 3 years.
@@editiongamingyt5761 nice
Damn, helping your sister learn to ride the bike was so wholesome
"How much is this gonna cost"
*Demonic laughing intensifies*
6:14 brother of the year award
I thought they was supposed to leave while you surprise them with the garage, it’s not a surprise if your dad was helping you 😂
A thought to
He said he was trying to finish the garage before they left cause when they do leave hes gonna renovate another part of the house.
A few months with Jarvis and you've already started saying Holy
you're not wrong XD
@@FrenchieFries XD truee tho
3:50 Bro, did you really call the yu-gi-oh cards a Pokémon collection😂
bro i am mad right now cuz i play yugioh.
@@janezromanes556 Me too
@@7u-falcon217 thats nice
Im mad now too lmao
1:28 best picture ever
You did so good in the thumbnail it went from a mustang to a Camaro
His dad got rid of his mustang and got the Camaro from his boss😂
FrenchiFries A year later: “God told me to clean the Earth, so I built his dream universe...”
One without humans
@@Hero69 that's not true
@@Hero69 God loves everyone
"We got my legendary pokemon cards collection here bro" (shows yugi cards)
That hurted me so baaad
@@eduardocamargo6570 lol yea
True that. Legendary Pokémon collection🤣🤣🤣. Like Pokémon card have Pokémon written on it and a pokeball.
One good youtuber here who loves mom and dad. Kudos to you bro!
8:43 got me rolling on the floor 💀💀💀
FrenchieFries: You didn't even notice that i cleaned your car
His Dad: Well i see now
Your dad: “I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying ueahhh”😭😭
Ikr 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lol 😂
wow I’m so sad he just called yugioh cards Pokémon cards...
I was looking for this comment
Bruh i was like there is no way he called yugioh cards Pokémon cards
I think he was joking lol
I love how he works hard to achieve what he wants
The beginning of the intro transition was amazing bro, including this whole video of your dad’s dream! Just pure amazement !
no one:
not a single soul:
him: look at this pokémon collection
It hurts so much
@@Banenenene 😭
Mom: "Its nicer than my kitchen" are we going to expect a kitchen remodel soon?
That’s a Big transformation before and after!
0:15 I noticed that the background music of the car was actually from fast and furious Brian’s supra. I love the vid bro💙💙💙keep it up
I love what you do for your parents and you do a good job
“My friend told me to clean the moon so I made a DREAM MOON”
This dudes gonna slowly renovate the world. You only come with bangers man 🔥🔥🔥
The editing in this video is absolutely insane
I know right. You think he edits it? Or has an editor
@@FilmerStevie I’d say he has an editor for sure
Your garage was already so clean! Mine has 13 foot tall stacks of holiday decorations, a huge bar, and much clutter!!
Bro you do like your family so much that's a gift bro
I love how he did it in 10 minutes, normally youtubers would stretch this out to at least 30 minutes
No one:
Not a single soul:
FrenchieFries dad: Im Dying Im Dying Im Dying
Me: Hears sounds used for Brian’s R34 and see’s a blue car. “Man he has an r34? Sheeesh”
Him: “Right now I’m in a brand new 2021 camaro!”
I thought that lmaoo, bro I want a r34 soo bad
I was about to comment the same thing
This guy is the son everyone needs
I love how he is being a really good brother and her sister doesnt even give a fuck
Every time frenchie posts it feels like a Christmas
It was his room, backyard, sisters room, then his car, and now his dad’s garage. Wow he is awesome 😎.
we gonna do the whole house!!!! 👊
@@FrenchieFries next the entire city lol
@@huntsman8276 and then the entire country
@@eddy72809 and then the entire world
@sadstool then time itself
If only all bosses were as nice as Jonathan.
dad:sits on the floor
her face at 4:36 is the most accurate face of a little kid who doesnt want to do smothing
2:43 my guy those are you-gi-oh cards
why is his boss so generous
Next transform your house into the dream house 🙌
Made me happy you taught her how to ride man good on you!
Finally a young boy who cares bout his mom and dad
Absolutely nobody:
Your Dad: Look it is shiny, we can dance on it
I love how in the thumbnail a old mustang becomes a new camaro😂
Next vid: My dad wanted me to sweep the hallway, SO I GOT HIM A NEW MANSION
honestly i like how he made things different on the thumbnail and put the before on the right side instead of everyone else putting it on the left side
Damn mad respect to Jonathan he is like the best boss ever
Jonathan a little sus fr 😂 hope momma aint up to something 😳😳😳
@@koppp_ damn 😂
We not gonna talk about the guy hiding in your ceiling?
Year 2137: so my pet alien told me to clean his flying car so I got his dream UFO
In the thumbnail he cleaned the car so well that it changed from a mustang to a camaro
Bro he didn’t clean it the title says he made his parents dream garage are you hating on him bc your jealous or som?
@@ThatSRandGTR 💀 you’re definitely a child
Your parents is lucky to have a son like you and that’s nothing but facts❤️🔥🤞🏽🦅
When she said I don’t wanna do this anymore my soul screamed WELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD !!YOU KEEP DOING IT
4:33 every little sibling be like
"you didn't even notice I cleaned your car"
"no, yes, I mean, I see it now"
What you said: "They've got everything from coding, to video editing"
What I heard: "They've got everything from codeine, to video editing"
Legit, the coolest dad ever.
Bro he deserves a million subs he’s creative and smart
His landlords pay him
Dam man, your parents tell you to clean so much. They must be very strict.
Man im trying so hard to not make fun of your sister
Onggg brooo
Love this . It's feels os nice to make our parents proud
I love how hes Dad is in love with the shiny floor
if i had a dollar evrytime his lil sis lookt at me i would have 50 cents
2:40 did you just sad pokemon? thats YU-GI-OH!
Good job girl congrats on taking the training weeks off so proud of you even tho you are not my kid or my family I am proud of you
your parent is so lucky to have you..and your content is really expensive but its worth it to watch...
I always love these types of videos
6:39 im dead. never gets old
He deserves so much more subscribers!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! The bubble wrap!! Genius idea! Just too fuuuuuuuuuunny!!! Thanks so much for the laugh. We need it now more than ever.
Every thing he does his parents he’s so lucky ❤️❤️
There so lucky*
2:47 dude... Yu gi oh! The rreal stuff haha
It's funny to see that son spoil their parent :D Most parents would do that. Good lads
This video thumbnail is like magnet...💛🔥
First time watching this channel, this content is soooo freshhhh!!!!
Your the best TH-cam in the universe🛠
Its a good think that you helped your little sister learn to ride a bike ! She needs it
My new fave content creator 😍😍😍
Your dad is a legend
Him : *Pokeeemon Collection*
Me : Bruh that bakugan card
Dude the garage looks soooo good wish I had that setup to work on my cars instead I gotta deal with Utah’s heat out in the sun hahaha 😂. That’s awesome man happy for yah that you got to do this for your family 👍🏽.