Short Brief Message by this Documentary: Fats are a natural order and too much or too little is always bad. Do things in moderation and have a balanced eating habit and form your own custom diet plan that is accustomed to you that is reasonable if you are going to lose weight, or gain weight/muscle
I loved that doctor's bedside manner. He was so cool. I have had doctors like him. Thank God for the doctors who really care, listen, and keep an open mind.
Being a Brit I can really appreciate the sarcasm in this documentary. Well presented, excellent clearly stated facts, and I loved the final comment from the blonde Dr that said something along the lines of 'it's a good job our government is incompetent or else we'd be stuffed', bloody brilliant!
Tom Naughton is my hero. This documentary started me on my journey of health 14 years ago, and is the reason I've been able to educate myself on low sugar diets and ancestral health and I've been healthy and happy ever since.
Yes this had an effect on us too. My partner was already a 'nature buff' and healthy, low-carb eater and a lot of the stuff in this movie just solidified his beliefs. He taught me and helped me to lose weight, get to my lowest adult weight and healthiest to where we could actually have a baby when I'd never been able to conceive before. And, my dr was fine, happy for me to stay low carb all through my pregnancy and my kiddo was healthy, and he's healthy strong, lean, and smart now 11 years later.
The point Naughton makes that it is the between meals snacking that is the culprit. I tried it, cut all snacking. Was starving just before each meal though. Ate cereal for breakfast, mostly sandwiches or sometimes KFC for lunch. At least the meals for dinner were cooked. Not a great diet. But the weight poured off. It is the hard way of doing it though, always hungry. Low carb is far easier to control weight, there's no hunger.
facts. i saw this when i was 14-15 luckily and switched my diet since then. quit soda since then and cut out a lot of carbs and mainly eat fruit veggies and meat and dairy
Yeah, it's like there's this unspoken agreement that if you want to make a successful documentary you have to throw in a bunch of random music montages.
Funniest part was when he threw up after trying to eat a suoersize fry like 10 minutes in. How that didn't make the average person throw out the hypothesis of that film I'll never understand.
@@cm01 I turned my brain off when I watched that film the first time. Made sense to me since my stomach usually hurts after I eat something greasy. But I've only ever thrown up once from greasy food and it was very very extreme (meat lover's pizza). Fries aren't even that bad and I have a weak stomach.
This little project always stuck with me after I watched it years ago. Everyone's got an agenda, and truly unbiased research is rarely flashy enough to make a headline or lines at the box office.
and now the stuff he said are 100% pure BS and if there were any doubts now its clear this film is full of misleading information and by reading all the 3 year old comments here its sad to know that this film did harm peoples health gor sure I really suggest all type in search box : "Fat Head Movie Review" and watch VG review of this
CRT was invented in 1897 and has been widely used for electronics ever since, until late 2000’s... But what he owns was a Flat CRT which were not really affordable/common until early 2000’s and at the time were priced better for the quality than the LCD’s of the time. Just saying the technology matches the period.
This is really a great docu. Everything about it is well thought out and well-done, including the humorous video work. The science is made very simple and understandable. Great job.
This was so incredibly hilarious, succinct, newsworthy and factual that I dare say, it should be solidly incorporated into the middle school and high school curriculums. Thank you profoundly, Tom Naughton! I must comment as well that your wife's facial expression was absolutely priceless when she asked if you were a moron.
Lol it is not "factual". The bits that are not just pure anecdote and/or speculatiom, do not stand the test of time well... Not to mention, this guy does a lot of ignoring of common practices in the fast food industry.
@@bbongwaterr Because that documentary is much better done and stands the test of time... Fathead is just a sad attempt from a right leaning "comedian"...
Morgan Spurlock; that’s such an annoying name. “Spurlock is my last name. So instead of James, Michael, or Bradley, let’s pair that with Morgan. Yea, that should be quirky enough for corporate America!!”
I love the humor you put in your movie. I feel I've finally got a straight answer on what I should eat more of (proteins, fats) and less of (carbs). Thank you for your informative film.
I wonder what the difference in weight gain would have been if he had instead drank Diet Coke or water instead? Likely would have shed 1,000 calories a day from that change alone
I did this diet for a month along with exercising every day. Just like Tom I only ate when I felt like it (usually 2 times a day) consumed nothing but water as much beverage and I ended up losing 20 pounds. It’s not the food that packs on pounds ITS THE SUGAR
Yep. I feel great when I eat junk food and it isn't some craving "reward circuit" malarkey, I feel more energized, more focused, even physically better. I also exercise, drink a lot of water and I eat fruits and vegetables.
@@videohistory722 do simple exercises like walking 10k steps a day (even walking in place while watching tv) and lift some free weights (dumbbells) at home too.
Yep. I remember watching Super Size Me in health class, and as a teenager, I bought into it. Now at 28 years old, I realize a lot in that documentary did not age well, ESPECIALLY having Jared Fogle as a spokesman. XD
I feel like 2010-2013 was its own decade with its own style. 2014 onward was when "woke" culture happened and the styles changed again and became more bombastic. 2000s was just a slightly modified version of the 90s.
That's the problem, that most of the stuff we buy today is not made of regular ingredients. Sugar is corn syrup, hight fructose syrup etc. Flour is all bleached and processed. I check ingredients every time I buy something new. It is crazy. If you buy a cake - just read ingredient list - you can't even read it. I heard one good thing - if you can't explain ingredient in the product you want to buy, you don't buy it. My mom told me, when they were kids back in 50s and 60s, they eat and cook food on pork fat. And non of them was fat, because they physically work every day.
@@valkyrja-- How’d he manage 5,000 calories at McDonald’s? Average meal is around 1,000 calories at McDonald’s, which is high, but you’d have to eat 5 meals a day to reach 5,000. How’d he manage that?
@CriticalZero Oh, I see what you mean now. Even still, I could not eat giant meals like that three times a day. Spurlock is like Nikacado here. No wonder you gained weight with a McBinge
@@TheSUPERWIND2023Yeah, RIP to Morgan Spurlock, but it's been pretty much proven at this point that the results of the documentary Super Size Me were heavily biased and misleading. Eating fast food everyday is not a very healthy diet, but no human being would intentionally consume 5,000 calories per day, not to mention his undisclosed alcoholism was most likely a bigger contributor to his health decline than the fast food (certainly his liver problems). By comparison, Fat Head is a fairer and more accurate look into how fast food affects you (especially when you consume it like a normal human being while still exercising).
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38:12 it was wrong at ridiculous statement then as it is now. Sure advertising doesn’t work that’s why they spend billions on it?
I watched this documentary at 23 I’m now 33. It was life changing! After being overweight my whole life i now know how to manage my weight. Had a 100lb weight loss and put on 30lbs of muscle. Thank you Tom! Also watch “Fathead kids” it’s great for adults and kids!
Spurlock admitted that he binge drank nearly every single night during the filming of super size me. Watching it now he actually looks hung over in every scene. That's what messed up his liver at the end. What a load of BS that movie is.
Was forced to watch Spurlock's "Supersize Me" in school and called out a few of the inconsistencies. Kids were still super impressed with Spurlock and I guess it's obvious they would be since "Supersize Me" applies the same shock strategies they use in commercials and populism.
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Funny when this guy is literally saying commercials and shock tactics don’t effect kids
i hate how people never mention how suing big companies and attacking them usually occurs to make money cause healthy foods do not sell as well to kids and they don't need marketing cause smart people know its good for them so why market when it sells itself? food has to market...its called capitalism..they pay for ads.....its allowed in america....its legal..if you pay for something you can do it..its like people get jealous that smart men make money off unhealthy stupid people..isn't that how the medicine field makes money?..doctors exist in such large numbers because people are stupid and can not maintain their health alone...its that bad...if they really wanted to get rid of it they could but then the government would not be able to control the population and the medical field would lose money with less sick people..the government works for the medicine companies...otherwise they would get rid of tobacco and alcohol if they know it bad and promote how bad it is all the time why don't they get rid of it?..natural selection my friends...the companies pay their bills..welcome to america....fear is how they control us...they don't want to get rid of cancer..if it was gone too many people would live and not be afraid anymore...they control us through cancer and tobacco stays to keep us in line
Frankly, this documentary got me started on solid eating choices. Of course, I've gotten off this track but it is still influential in making me lose 60 pounds in about 2 years or so.
I watched both this and then supersize me back to back, this movie is still relevant and the advice is still sound. I also noticed that supersize me, while it does a lot of criticizing, offers no real life solutions. "Your diet should be one you can live on and live with"
@@aaronlandry3934I used to watch in high school well before 2015 I didn’t realize it is still on the air until recently, do their air re-runs or new episodes? Just curious!
Thank you so much for this movie, I have been on a high fat, low carb diet without grains for a year and I have lost 85 lbs and I have never had so much energy nor been this content emotionally. I no longer crave sugar and I can run! I pray that this message reaches others like me that followed the USDA approved recommendations for years and failed miserably. My heart hurts for those who are trying so hard but are being mislead. God bless you.
out of curiosity what does a high fat, i'm also assuming high protein and fiber, and low carb diet look like? i really wanna believe in this documentary and wanna try a diet like this.
gabez8 I've just decided to start one of these diets and am swimming in information. So far, this page ( seems to have a nice easy-to-digest idea of how all this works and, halway down, includes meal examples. I also bookmarked this earlier:
Anonneemuss so according to it says to avoid fruit because it has sugar. i'm skeptical of this because doesn't fruit have natural sugar for the most part?
Seems part of the goal is to avoid sugars in general mostly by watching the "net carbs" (which is total carbs-fibre carbs (which don't count against you)) So an apple with 13g of carbs and only 2g of fibre carbs counts as 11g. If you're trying to keep your carbs under 20g per day (for the hardcores), that's a lot of your carbs for one piece of fruit.
Anonneemuss i'm all for cutting down and eventually giving up high starchy food like bread and potatoes but i really don't like the idea of avoiding fruits. what should i do?
lol Plato also believed in the undemocratic downward stratification of society headed by a paternalistic intelligentsia whose judgement reigned sacrosanct over its masses
Einzel Wolf lmaooo right? "The Republic" has literally been described as the precursor to the socialist welfare state due to the way it proposed collectivism and enforced heteronomy
@@eastofitalynorthofgreece9075 Plato even believed in sharing wives. Interesting guy, ahead of his time, but the Republic is by no means the ideal state
yup. supersizing isnt to blame for the obesity epidemic for example
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@incoherentreviews9516 No he’s a ridiculous boomer whose answer to everything is “dUrR jUsT DoNT iT” and “bAcK In My dAy!”. If it was up to him we’d still have cigarettes advertised to children.
I watched this a long time ago but it's so interesting to see that here in 2018, so many things he mentioned (not all fat is bad for you, "sugar and fat free" stuff is just processed junk that's worse than natural high fat options like butter, etc.) have been coming out in "new" studies within the past year or so.
To those of you that think he is telling people to go out and eat more fast food HE was trying to show you that people can make conscious decisions about what they eat at a fast food restaurant and actually not gain anywhere near what that guy from Super Size me did. If you saw the second half of the film he actually tells you that all of the Low Fat and Low Cholesterol studies they have done in the past 30-40 years are bogus and carbohydrates (that bran muffin or whole grain cereal you like) and Vegetable oils will ultimately raise your bad cholesterol and could possibly lead to heart disease versus eating a diet higher in saturated fat and protein. TL;DR: Jackass, watch the whole documentary and L2 comprehend the facts presented to you before you comment on it.
I know this comment is almost a decade old, but it's aged pretty well. The diet that is catching on like wildfire is the carnivore diet, which is eating nothing but animal-based foods. It's showing a lot of promise.
Quite honestly this docu is giving me my joy back for living and makes me feel like I got this weight loss journey....not like other channels/people that make you feel like an absolute failure the whole way through even though you're munching on a salad.
Being that I literally can’t gain weight, much like his son, Super-size me when I was in the 8th grade broke me emotionally. i have long since had body trouble. This video is so important.
Green Giant, if I were to gain lots weight it wouldn’t be until I’m in my Middle Ages like how in this documentary the person got obese whenever he was in his Middle Ages.
i think 50% of it is made up bs but half of it is true and good so it works as entertainment more then a should not be shown in schools imo...its way too flimsy
As a health and fitness advisor/guru what ever you want to call it, I LOVED this video. Whilst junk food isn't helping the fact that most humans are over weight, it's not the thing that's causing it. I feel like it needs to be a 'must watch'.
It's the CARBOHYDRATES and SUGAR in the junk food, but I wouldn't expect a health and fitness advisor to know that, you're still stuck on the calories in/calories out/low fat diet bullshit!
If people didn't make vegetables a chore and burgers a forbidden fruit people wouldn't avoid the former and crave the latter. In the end you need BOTH vitamins AND fat to live. Also I love how this documentary has a great sense of humor and also adresses the whole social aspects like demonizing the poor
Vegetables aren't a chore, they're just NOT food for humans. I know we've all heard our whole lives that they are and that they're good for us, but they're not. The sooner people can understand and accept that, the sooner they'll see better health. Plants are not food for humans. Not grains, not nuts, not seeds, not vegetables, not fruits. Fiber is not essential, fiber is actually harmful. And all plants contain toxins they create as self-defense against being eaten, they are as a group known as anti-nutrients. Just because they don't kill you fast doesn't mean they're not harmful. Oxalates, lectins, phytates are just a few of the more well known ones.
Fast food burgers are engineered to be as addictive as possible. The industry is very open about it... Also, no one is demonizing poor people. They are demonizing multinational corporations that prey on poor people. Big difference there.
The brain needs protein and fat to live. The body needs all nutrients, People are just irresponsible and want to be obtuse like an obstinate child rather than take care to eat a balanced diet. Plus people are lazy. The poorest meal of all is beans and rice but people are too lazy to cook them and choose cheap fast food instead.
@@vonhooper6986 you're not paying attention. there IS an anti-meat crusade led by the vegetarians. and there IS a paternalism against the poor. look harder
lol There's a massive difference between needing fat and eating highly addictive burgers. You can get fat from things like avocadoes, nuts, and seeds, and never crave it, never raise your blood pressure, and not gain weight.
NO people want to get rid of well intended or sometimes not liars. Spurlock lied he is an alkoholik and admitted to it! Thats why he had damaged liver!
that explains it. i dont eat fast food anymore.. i mostly eat meat/veggies and occasionally crackers or bread. I hardly ever eat candy or sugar. but I drink every day. I tell myself to stop doing it but I hate myself and life so much that I wont
The big difference with SupersizeMe guy is at 29'25'': He cuts off a big part of sugar intake! The real enemy is carbs, and carbs are in fast foods (soda, ketchup, bread, pizza dough, etc..) See "Fed up" movie.
Realistically, the amount of people with enough lean mass to classify as obese is completely irrelevant. Most of the population lives a very sedentary lifestyle, so the BMI is still a useful measurement. That part in his video just sounded like another excuse for fatties to avoid self-improvement.
@@donnydont now that’s just being judgmental without any proof. The body building community is huge that’s why companies like GNC and gyms are so successful
Soraluver .Forever my bf used to live near a Barnes and Noble... before it was replaced with a Binny’s and honestly that feels like such a metaphor for our society LOL
@@katherinec4360 same here. Sat empty for ages first. Really sad. My family bought like 7 bookshelves from them and the house got a lot more intellectual-looking
Starts of as a bashing other documentaries attention looking lassie, but later on it holds it water and is actually interesting. Go through the documentary, don't be afraid of facts that contradicts popular beliefs.
Yeah. The first part seemed muddled. I wasn't sure what the point he was making other than advocating libertarianism. I almost gave up on it. But it got better in the second half.
Almost turned it off within the first 5 minutes. Its so childish in many of the points. Saying fast food restaurants don't force anyone to overeat, etc. Its such a dumb argument. Casinos don't force anyone to gamble, but they use all the tricks they can to entice you to. The loosest slot machines are always near the doors so you see more winners, the flashing lights, the exciting atmosphere, free drinks, etc. is all coordinated to try to get you to part with your money. Fast food does the same thing but in different ways. Foods are carefully engineered to taste as good as possible to get you hooked/return. Advertisements literally everywhere. You can't consume any media without seeing a food ad every 10 minutes. Imagine a Casino saying "We didn't force that man to gamble away his entire live savings." We hold the person who gambled responsible, but we understand that they have a problem and try to keep them away from Casinos. But Fast food? How do you keep people who have an eating problem away from them? They're literally everywhere.
Jaigarful holy shit wahhhhh I guess adults can’t be expected to have personal responsibility, shut up you moron fast isn’t that bad for you it’s simple, nobody forced to eat fast food or go to the casino AND SPEND ALL YOUR LIVE SAVINGS! Oh but you can’t say people just need to make good choices people are just dummies that don’t know what’s good or bad for them, shut up you fucking idiot people like you are why talentless hacks like Morgan spurlock get any attention
Jaigarful yeah but gambling to anybody with a brain knows they are bound to lose more money than gain money. That is how casinos operate a profit. You can say the same thing about speculating on commodities and stocks. That high valuations entice people. The truth of the matter is that you must figure out what works and what doesn't. This is how society progresses with success. I don't eat much fast food and I don't care for gambling. I have not had soda in years. I only apply risk on a sure thing. I am naturally a risk-averse person. If I were to apply a risk-on attitude, it is very brief and subtle.
Jaigarful So whats the solution? Ban casinos? Ban anything bad for someone because “people shouldn’t be able to make their own life decisions?” Addiction and the strife derived from it is no joke (I used to use heroin, I destroyed my own life for years before I got clean years ago). However that has no bearing on wether adults should be able to do whatever they want with *their own body/life.* I made my own decision to get high and strung out, and I made my own decision to get clean. The “Nanny State” is a bullshit one. Edit: Oh yea, and I play poker professionally (in these things called casinos), and in 2011 some fucking idiots in our “Free Country” of the USA banned Online Poker, culminating in the phenomenon known as “Black Friday”, while Europe and most of the rest of world are permitted to play Online Poker legally (If you want to play online poker in the US, you have do play with an unregulated offshore site you cant trust. GOVERNMENT NANNIES, HOW GREAT THEY ARE!) I legitimately hate people who tell others what decisions ordinary people can and cannot make for their own lives “because they are too stupid”. Bullshit.
Just got the word that Morgan Spurlock was a CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC, including during the time he did Super Size Me. THAT was what caused his fatty liver, not McDonald's.
Huge Carbohydrate intake can also cause fatty liver, but it definitely is probably due to his alcoholism. That explains some weight gain too. If he added McDonalds to all his normal alcohol calories, that adds up a lot.
@@graememudie7921 Morgan Spurlock's twitter on 14th of December 2017: "is it because I’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13? I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years", in a TwitLonger titled "I Am Part of the Problem" where he describes his sexual assault and harrassment of two women and his infidelity towards "every wife and girlfriend [he has] ever had". Took me about five minutes to find this along with multiple news articles. Did you even try?
Just got the news of Morgan Spurlock's death, and instantly thought of this doc, which coincidentally I didn't even know about until a month or so ago when I watched it.
This movie was the one that did it for me. This was my red pill. I weighed 220 lbs at 5'6 and was stuck on the food pyramid scheme. I now weigh 165 at 5'8 and feel the best I ever have based on the principles of the "paleo" "Low carb" and "IF" type diets. Thank yo so much Tom. The minute I got my TV and my Roku box back in 2010, this little documentary was the start of it ALL.
You're right. I started eating a diet higher in fat and lower in carbs a couple years ago. I'm now down 40lbs. Feel much better. My asthma has almost disappeared completely. Less shoulder and knee pain. More energy - don't need naps. Can run 3 miles when I couldn't make even a half. Less hungry - only need 2 meals a day. Occasionally one...
Just wanted to say never leave that doctor. There is nothing more important when it comes to doctors than a sense of humor. I mean a college education helps but we all know we only care about that bedside manner.
Tbh personally I think the biggest take away from Super Size Me was we should limit the amount of advertising McDonald's and friends have oriented towards children, plus ask for better options and make sure ag check-offs actually go into advertising rather than some bureaucrats pocket.
If you watch closely in SuperSizeMe - he has to drink a Quart of CocaCola with every meal. That's diabetes territory - All of those carbs - causing his problems - not the fat in the beef.
It’s such a stupid documentary duh eating all that slock will cause that. But even then when studies based off what he did were conducted the results weren’t even as drastic.
Nutritionists now have to admit it with the widespread success of keto and increasing examples of people living healthily on nothing but beef. Cholesterol does not raise cholesterol, fat does not raise fat, most grains aren't too great for you, etc etc etc.
@@maenad1231 the twinkie guy was payed by cocacola, when cocacola was underfire for the money they were giving out to people perhaps influencing results, they went transparent and listed everyone they ever gave money too, someone went through that list and found the twinkie guy
I watched this back in 2009 and then switched to butter instead of margarine and started using lard occasionally instead of canola oil. I'm 40 now. And I have no regrets.
@@n.m3677 As a French person, I sometimes use butter on pasta because it unstucks the pasta if you messed up draining it. I think it also tastes pretty good.
@@n.m3677 😁🤣😅 Aren't some pasta dishes made with butter 😋 such as Alfredo sauce or someone just butter, parmesan, garlic & shallots? I'm just guessing 😁
I watched Super-size Me. Quite alarming what alcohol does to your liver. Sure explains the throwing up, sweats and other body effects that he was suffering. Tell your Doctor you are drinking when he sees those numbers. The Doctor was basically telling him stop what you are doing, and knew damn well he wasn't being told the truth about the liver damage cause. Funny he mentioned alcohol while he was there, and Morgan didn't confess. How about an Alcoholize Me doco.
eating 5000 sugary salty fatty calories a day for weeks with little movement and moderate beer or liquor dinking explains why morgan is a fraud ..he even admitted to smoking not that long before the documentary..this man's liver was done before the fatty diet...the video might as well show the effects of drinking and smoking..thats really what happened to morgan....he should of gone after those companies instead of food...its kinda insane that he went after the thing we need to survive and not you know poison meant to kill us
Just today I learned of Spurlock's undisclosed (at the time of his documentary) alcoholism. Explains the 5000 calories a day and liver issues that he supposedly had from eating McDonald's for 30 days straight.
Yes, the information he gave that expert who declared his daily calorie totals was almost certainly deliberately exaggerated. The answers he gave the doctor at the beginning when asked about alcohol intake was almost certainly a lie, and the truth was again withheld at the end when he was faced with indicators of liver disease.
I would say that keto is the extreme to the points he is making. It is obvious that keto has no benefits as opposed to a balanced diet low on refined sugars complemented with exercise. Obviously fat is not the enemy but carbohydrates are not the enemy either.
I think the main point of this is that no one is truly brainwashing or corrupting you to go to these places and eat their food. It's your own self-control that tempts you. We all make our own choices, and those choices have consequences
Not everyone who is fat just eats fast food. I'm overweight for my weight and height and I hardly ever eat fast food. Out of the month, I might eat out like once or twice if that. My problem is that I over eat and don't workout. I know it's not the same for everyone and obviously fast food is shit but being fat doesn't mean all you do is eat out.
Even worse, a lot of the people who are fat don't overeat. I virtually never eat fast food, except maybe a salad or a bunless burger, and I don't overeat at home. I've been dieting nearly all my life and I know how much I'm eating. I'm constantly trying to make the best choices possible, with good protein and lots of vegetables. Sometimes I use a website to track my intake and do a spot check. The weight problem comes down to either thyroid issues or toxicity or high cortisol from stress, or a combination of all three. I've worked on those a lot over the years, but haven't found the magic answer yet. Not long ago I did one straight month of very careful low carb dieting and didn't lose an ounce. I'm going to try an iodine supplement with supporting supplements soon and hope that is the final answer! I've been struggling with my weight for at least 40 years but I haven't given up. People don't realize how persistent fat people are, and of course it's not nice to be judged. But I would never give up and pig out on junk because I value my health.
@@carnation_cat Stress is a very big factor when it comes to how your body metabolism works. People can be obese and be eating 1500 cals a day and not lose a lot of weight because their body processes are simply not working properly due to stress. I suggest meditating, getting an animal (specifically a dog where you can get unconditional love from), and trying to pursue some goal and work towards it everyday. If it's not a thyroid issue then this will definitely work if you give it time and focus on improving your quality of life in every aspect: emotional, physical, and mental.
@@viktorepifanov7138 cats have different personalities, some are very affectionate. Not everyone is a dog person, so I'm saying this for their benefit.
I watched super size me years ago and smelled bullcrap as soon as a saw it. I watched it again before I found this documentary. Thank you soooooooo much for answering alot of the obvious bullcrap in super size me. Absolutely fabulous. Killem with facts that's the way you do it! Excellent job .....bravo sir!!
33:30 Actually having the nutrition information in the menus have made me stop from eating some dishes. I clearly remember the Ice Cream on Girardelli, that a single cup was more than 1000 calories. Without the labeling I would have guessed that that would be between 300 and 600 calories, but knowing that it was over 1000 made me reconsider. Labeling it's important.
@@MsClaudiaDuran I don't know when the labels were added, but I lost around 70 pounds between mid 2017 and mid 2019 and I made an habit of reading labels.
Yes I agree - this part of the documentary is oversimplified. Will the label stop you eating fries? No. But it might help you to be more aware of what you are eating
Calories are heat, humans can't eat heat - humans can't eat calories. If you don't believe me, look up what a bomb calorimeter is. It burns things with FIRE. Humans don't create fire inside their bodies for anything, thus they can't burn food to access calories. Humans use stomach acid and enzymes to break foods down into proteins, fats, carbs, vitamin and minerals. No calories at all.
I think one of the unstated assumptions behind Spurlock's assault on fast food was the idea that it's unnatural, lab-grown, mysterious, carcinogenic mystery food. Not merely that it's high calorie.
Agreed. I have embraced the Keto diet, but I still stay away from fast food. I try to eat grassfed beef and bison, free-range chicken and eggs, raw milk, wild-caught salmon, venison and elk, and LOTS of fresh vegetables and fruits. No grains, no soda, no added sugar and definitely no McDonald's or Wendy's
Daniel McNamee this LCHF stuff sounds great and probably is very healthy but it's environmentally unsustainable. way too many animal products. is there a vegetarian alternative besides just f***ing coconut oil?
Y X Keto is not vegan friendly, but you can adapt it to vegan diets. If you are not afraid of isoflavones or phytoestrogens from soy, then you can eat Tempeh, Tofu, Drink Almond Milk, Soy Milk, use Coconut Cream, Dip Pappadums (3g carbs per piece) into Guacamole, and you can use Yuba (Bean Curd Sticks) as pasta, TVP as mince, and shredded King Oyster Mushrooms as Pasta, also you can eat Wheat Gluten which has a small amount of carbs, and you can have dairy you can eat Paneer. Also Quorn is a good vegetarian alternative to meat. You can also eat peanut butter as a snack, propably add low carb protein shakes to get extra protein, eat flax, chia and use coconut flour.
Undoubtedly on of the best docuvids about eating sensibly.I have no doubt I would have begun my journey to better health a lot soon had I seen this video. I have lost 40 kilos (88 lbs or 6 and a quarter stone) by following a low carbohydrate diet and in that time have ceased being T2 diabetic. All that in 1 year where I could not lose it in the preceding 10 years. You don't need a 'fad' diet. Low carb is not a fad, it is a way of eating for life.
Morgan Spurlock was an alcoholic, his vegan gf got sick and gave up veganism, and Super Size Me glorified Jared Fogle and even showed him talking to kids. Moral of the Story: Don't meet your heroes.
First of all, Being an alcoholic doesn’t make you a bad person. Second of all that’s her choice, lastly, how would they have known he was a pedophile at the time, nobody did. It’s not like they glorified him, they just showed clips of him.
@@Borganov20 While being an alcoholic doesn't make someone "a bad person" (whatever that means), critics have suggested, rightfully so, that the fatty liver problems he talked about in Super Size Me may have been cause by his alcohol problem, not fast food. The fact that he never disclosed this, not even years after the documentary premiered, and just let McDonalds take the fall for health problems that may not have been caused by them is misleading and dishonest.
@@MultiDiarmuid that crazy evangelist vegans are the main kind of people you will find smearing the keto and any other LCHF diets, so yeah, thwu mentioned too.
As someone who has been doing keto for a few weeks with massive success, I think this guy is spot on with everything, EXCEPT when it comes to addictions. Addiction is FAR more complex in psychology than "oh well I was able to stop cold turkey with ease, so that means that it's not addictive and people can't get addicted to it". People that have addictions often are people who have deep stemmed issues in life (maybe childhood abuse/trauma) high stress, depression, low self worth/self esteem issues, etc. In other words, they're usually fucked up in more ways than one or have something missing. We see this almost always without fail in shows like my 600lb life. The often bedridden people eating themselves to death on there always have a tragic story of childhood abuse, a close family member lost or something else very bad happen to them that caused the stress/depression (which is also related to hormones) that caused them to start eating more and more crap...which cased even more depression and feeling of low self worth because of the effect on too much sugar on the brain and also from getting fatter and they eat even's a vicious cycle. NOW, I'm not saying that the junk food industry is to blame for that, or that everyone who had a tough hand in life medicates with food, but just pointing out that people deal with shit in different ways, and food addiction is very real. That's why you have some people that do certain "recreational drugs" (coke, etc) or prescription drugs or alcohol just occasionally or as needed and are able to stop after one go, etc..... but you have other people who do a hard drug once or just a few times and they're hooked, because it's so pleasurable to them that they see it as an escape from any pain, stress, or depression they're keep doing it at whatever cost... even if they have to take more and more of it to have the same effect, and it ruins their life or even threatens to kill them. Now that's not to say that people with addictions to carb laden junk food are helpless or shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, I'm living proof that anyone can.....but just saying I know first hand that sometimes people need help, extra motivation, and/or education to escape from the clutches of food addiction. We should try to understand it more and offer encouragement and knowledge to these people instead of assuming "well you just want to be fat, it'd be easy for you to change at any moment, so therefore I have no reason to give you any sympathy, or even to treat you like a fellow human being".
That's not what I got from him - in fact, he was questioning Spurlock's claim that he was addicted to McDonald's food. The question he asked was if Spurlock was addicted, how did he so easily walk away from McDonald's food? Addiction does not work that way. I am also keto - three years and counting. I find that the more healthy protein and fat I eat, the less I crave sugar and the longer I can go between meals.
@@IQTech61 ^ Yes, as far as i could tell, he was pointing out how Spurlock's claim about him being addicted was yet another falsified point to make fast food look bad. Which was basically what the entire "documentary" was honestly. Not saying that it's impossible to become addicted to it.
@@MichaelSuperbacker WE KNEW THAT ALREADY. Stop acting like Spurlock was some prophet, he was just another opportunist taking advantage of a well acknowledged social concern to make a quick buck and justify his own failing health due to his alcoholism.
Love this whole documentary but one thing that sticks out to me is Dr. Al Sears, "....the only saving grace of government is that they are incompetent because if they could do what they really wanted it would be horrible for all of us." This quote is applicable to more than just dietary issues. Well said doc! My only regret about watching this is that I didn't find it years ago.
Leeeroy Jenkins!!! Sick and tired of people blamimg big pharma companies for their drug addiction. Have some accountability people!!!! Here is the sound of your ignorance. Remember Oxycontin fiasco? Same thing with Mcd.
John Maltz i don’t think McDonalds is to blame for fat people, but pharmaceuticals aren’t completely innocent either ? I have been fighting cancer for 3 years and take 5 different types of medication just to deal with the side effects of trying to reduce opiates. I was given opiates to cope with my pain but the issue is that they can completely change your brain chemistry and cause more pain after awhile. So you try to stop taking them, but your body is now unable to cope with or without them? So now I’m on hydro to cope and gabapentin for the neuropathy caused from the withdrawals. Sometimes with Robaxin which is a muscle relaxer depends on the pain day. High dose Tylenol, antidepressants, promethazine, all with my other chemotherapy medications. This is really hard in my body and I definitely am pissed at Pharma for not looking into the side effects of long term use before hand. I feel bad for the people who become addicted who don’t have medical care, because it’s incredibly hard and painful and I don’t blame them for trying to just relieve pain or stop the sickness. You can’t always just speak up either. Some doctors will treat you like shit if they hear that and don’t even consider they’re the ones who prescribed it! They just dumb their patients. Seen it happen to several people.
There's also people commenting that believe that burgers are engineered to be addictive (after they've apparently watched this video) despite the video information proving otherwise! Then there's people who think that a comment saying "...this video has aged well..." was someone being sarcastic! You just can't teach stupid!
While I think that much of the criticism of Super Size Me is valid, it's worth noting that many of the experts on this documentary are highly questionable and do not represent the mainstream in nutritional science. For example: Al Sears pushes snake oil anti-aging supplements and advocates for a whole boatload of pseudoscience. Mary Enig is a real scientist, but she and Sally Fallon work for the Weston Price foundation, which advocates for the consumption of unpasteurized milk as well as homeopathy... Eric Oliver is not a doctor or scientist, but a political science professor. Jacob Sullum is also not a doctor or scientist, but a libertarian writer. It's important to keep in mind that just like Spurlock's film, this documentary's aim is not to present unbiased nutritional information.
My first comment was really stupid and I didn't really address your comment. "Jacob Sullum is also not a doctor or scientist, but a libertarian writer. " That's irrelevant. Jacob never really refuted any points about nutrition. What he did was say McDonalds isn't doing anything wrong by giving people unhealthy foods. People voluntarily decide to eat those foods knowing they're unhealthy. "Eric Oliver is not a doctor or scientist, but a political science professor. " He was never addressing nutrition either. He was addressing the fact that the cdc and other organisations were misusing statistics to further their agenda. You're right about the other two however the idea that the only people pushing a high fat, low carb diet are crazy people is wrong. There are plenty of respected people pushing it and plenty of example of people going on a high fat, low carb diet and becoming healthier and happier. You are right about the doc being biased and not really showing the other sides argument but that wasn't really the point. Everyone from birth has been told to eat a small amount of meat and a high amount of carbs. This doc was meant to provide evidence to refute that. Not to show "evidence" for an argument people have heard since they were young.
OK, I watched this movie, I was bored. I'm obese but I don't care, neither do I give a crap about it. 21/6/2014 weight: 282 lbs, 43% body fat. I ate alot of fat, I cleared my fridge from all the meats, steaks, eggs, bacon and gotten more, I set a maximum of carbs to 50grams (I think is plenty), I was bored I wanted to experiment with food and weight loss for once I guess. Update: 22nd July 2014, almost 30 days after. 259 lbs. 36% body fat. waistline down from 47 inches to 43 inches. I also did blood tests at the clinic near by they had an awsome executive package. My cholestrol is now normal, blood pressure is at 123/82 (first time in years), my heart rate down from 105 (tacachardya) to 89 bpm average which is normal level. I also received ultrasound for abdomen and the doctor said my liver is clear of fat, no more fatty liver. I cant believe this stupid documentary, I was trying it because I wanted to actually make a video of how this movie and the bald guy in it were wrong and stupid. I am sorry to say this, but I am the one stupid. and I am never going to assume or have any bad intentions towards anyone ever again unless I go through it myself. Thanks all
That doesn't make sense. Everything I eat is full of butter. In fact so far I've lost 60 pounds on total. I have 3 meals a day and I consume 50g of butter alone (half a stick) as well as fats from MCT coconut oils and avocado. I feel more full than ever before. Yet for some reason the weight keeps going down. I really don't understand...
Naz Alomran Because you have reduced your calories. Have you not read into calories in vs calories out. Its simply maths, thermodynamics. You're losing weight because you're eat good sources of fat which fill you up for longer
Naz Alomran Well yeah, there you have it. You didn't eliminate fat from your diet and you reduced your carbs. That's uh, exactly what this guy did...not to mention, it isn't hard to lose body fat when you're at 43%.
This movie was so well done I still rewatch it today. When I first saw it I was fortunate to have found the 2 Keto Dudes podcast around the same time. This movie and that podcast is when EVERYTHING changed for me in understanding food. I can’t thank them enough.
"Have you ever been told you have a murmur"
"That's 'cause you don't have one"
Best part of the entire documentary
WewLad i lolled in RL
Where is this doctor? I need to see him.😁
Short Brief Message by this Documentary: Fats are a natural order and too much or too little is always bad. Do things in moderation and have a balanced eating habit and form your own custom diet plan that is accustomed to you that is reasonable if you are going to lose weight, or gain weight/muscle
I loved that doctor's bedside manner. He was so cool. I have had doctors like him. Thank God for the doctors who really care, listen, and keep an open mind.
"What if I held my breath until I turned blue?"
"Well, you probably would've passed out"
Mom's a savage
Being a Brit I can really appreciate the sarcasm in this documentary. Well presented, excellent clearly stated facts, and I loved the final comment from the blonde Dr that said something along the lines of 'it's a good job our government is incompetent or else we'd be stuffed', bloody brilliant!
That kid in the background yelling “You get fat” in the background was gold.
Pretty sure that was a woman, but yeah it was pretty great
Tom Naughton is my hero. This documentary started me on my journey of health 14 years ago, and is the reason I've been able to educate myself on low sugar diets and ancestral health and I've been healthy and happy ever since.
I'm proud of you!
Yes this had an effect on us too. My partner was already a 'nature buff' and healthy, low-carb eater and a lot of the stuff in this movie just solidified his beliefs. He taught me and helped me to lose weight, get to my lowest adult weight and healthiest to where we could actually have a baby when I'd never been able to conceive before. And, my dr was fine, happy for me to stay low carb all through my pregnancy and my kiddo was healthy, and he's healthy strong, lean, and smart now 11 years later.
The point Naughton makes that it is the between meals snacking that is the culprit. I tried it, cut all snacking. Was starving just before each meal though. Ate cereal for breakfast, mostly sandwiches or sometimes KFC for lunch. At least the meals for dinner were cooked. Not a great diet.
But the weight poured off.
It is the hard way of doing it though, always hungry. Low carb is far easier to control weight, there's no hunger.
Me too. Every word of it.
facts. i saw this when i was 14-15 luckily and switched my diet since then. quit soda since then and cut out a lot of carbs and mainly eat fruit veggies and meat and dairy
"Pritiken, by the way, came down with leukemia and committed suicide". Savage character assassination there! lol
Savage use of fact?! The truth can definitely hurt
The best part of Supersize Me was when they played “Rock and Roll McDonald’s” out of nowhere.
Best comment ever!
Yeah, it's like there's this unspoken agreement that if you want to make a successful documentary you have to throw in a bunch of random music montages.
Funniest part was when he threw up after trying to eat a suoersize fry like 10 minutes in. How that didn't make the average person throw out the hypothesis of that film I'll never understand.
@@cm01 I turned my brain off when I watched that film the first time. Made sense to me since my stomach usually hurts after I eat something greasy. But I've only ever thrown up once from greasy food and it was very very extreme (meat lover's pizza). Fries aren't even that bad and I have a weak stomach.
Thank you for reminding me of when I fucking busted out laughing in class when that track started.
he orders a meal from mcdonalds and the total is 4.10
take me back please
shop the app only and dont get sides or drinks, water is better anyway and the fries aint the same since no tallow
Welcome to America under radical leftism!
This has so much meme energy and sarcasm. Very useful information. Thank you for making this
Boomer meme energy
i'm not sure, but definite meme energy 😂
"Is there a brain in there?"
"Yeah, it's there. Couple of rocks." I choked on my water jesus christ. I love the dry, deadpan sarcasm.
Between the CSPI cartoon and mimicking Spurlock’s “heart attack” scene I don’t know which made me laugh harder!
When he faked the attack and smiled into the camera, I broke up. That smirk was world class!!
That one "If I felt like I was going to have a heart attack I wouldn't have set up a camera" part ENDED me
And Spurlock died six months ago because it turned out he was a massive alcoholic.
This little project always stuck with me after I watched it years ago. Everyone's got an agenda, and truly unbiased research is rarely flashy enough to make a headline or lines at the box office.
"Yes, we all know there are no McNuggets on a chicken. There are also no sausages on a pig."
this man sounds racist low key..he seems smug and he keeps having diet cokes...which are worse then actual coke..he seems really stupid
@Deon Denis race card can be pulled anywhere, that's the beauty of it.
@Deon Denis dude that racist sense you question him
@@razkable You sure said some words without any evidence or point. Blubber Oddment, Nitwit!
I loved this documentary and emailed Tom after it came out and he was very kind and responsive.
It's strange how old 2008 looks now. His computer monitor and TV looked like they were 20 years old.
and now the stuff he said are 100% pure BS and if there were any doubts now its clear this film is full of misleading information
and by reading all the 3 year old comments here its sad to know that this film did harm peoples health gor sure
I really suggest all type in search box : "Fat Head Movie Review"
and watch VG review of this
Fat head movie review
Yeah it looks like it's when Windows 98 got released.
CRT was invented in 1897 and has been widely used for electronics ever since, until late 2000’s... But what he owns was a Flat CRT which were not really affordable/common until early 2000’s and at the time were priced better for the quality than the LCD’s of the time.
Just saying the technology matches the period.
@@mymyby no no jjnnkbb nmm
DId this win any awards? It's the perfect balance of serious facts, humor, sarcasm, silly jingles -- such an enjoyable and educational documentary!
my man was drunk as a skunk while eating all that mcdonalds
5:05 I just love how confused the person taking the order says “No~?”
That guy has a beautiful wife. "Are you a moron" moment is priceless.
kritisizm ya if he called her a moron he’d be a pig tho. Heheheh jeez
This documentary planted the seed in my mind that would eventually lead me to good health. So glad I watched it when I did.
This is really a great docu. Everything about it is well thought out and well-done, including the humorous video work. The science is made very simple and understandable. Great job.
This was so incredibly hilarious, succinct, newsworthy and factual that I dare say, it should be solidly incorporated into the middle school and high school curriculums. Thank you profoundly, Tom Naughton! I must comment as well that your wife's facial expression was absolutely priceless when she asked if you were a moron.
Lol it is not "factual". The bits that are not just pure anecdote and/or speculatiom, do not stand the test of time well... Not to mention, this guy does a lot of ignoring of common practices in the fast food industry.
Bro my fucking health teacher used the supersize documentary I shit you not
@@bbongwaterr Because that documentary is much better done and stands the test of time... Fathead is just a sad attempt from a right leaning "comedian"...
@@bbongwaterr This one should be mandated as a rebuttal every time that rubbish is aired publicly.
Spurlock's weight gain could be attributable to two things: he got refills on drinks and/or the fact he was a CLOSET ALCOHOLIC the whole time
Yeah, the alcohol accounts for his 5000 calories a day, for the bad liver test that the doctor gave him in the doc, and probably the puking too...
being an alcoholic and refilling drinks go hand in hand lol
@@RonSwansonIsMyGodcan't tell if you're being sarcastic but yes alcohol would inarguably contribute to all three of those problems lol
Morgan Spurlock; that’s such an annoying name.
“Spurlock is my last name. So instead of James, Michael, or Bradley, let’s pair that with Morgan. Yea, that should be quirky enough for corporate America!!”
And now he’s dead…
Sure is good that Mr. Naughton made this documentary back in 2009, fast food prices these days would've bankrupted him.
I love the humor you put in your movie. I feel I've finally got a straight answer on what I should eat more of (proteins, fats) and less of (carbs). Thank you for your informative film.
perfect take away :)
Half of the calories in spurlock's diet are from the beverages, not the mcdonalds food.
yeah like beer
I wonder what the difference in weight gain would have been if he had instead drank Diet Coke or water instead? Likely would have shed 1,000 calories a day from that change alone
Didn't the small cup drink fit in large cup ?
Even the dietician told him to cut out the milkshakes and sodas and try water instead.
A light weight like S. , Drinking a gallon of soda a day can't live longer
I did this diet for a month along with exercising every day. Just like Tom I only ate when I felt like it (usually 2 times a day) consumed nothing but water as much beverage and I ended up losing 20 pounds. It’s not the food that packs on pounds ITS THE SUGAR
That’s what I’m doing now.
How much exercising did you do, and what kind of exercising was it?
Yep. I feel great when I eat junk food and it isn't some craving "reward circuit" malarkey, I feel more energized, more focused, even physically better. I also exercise, drink a lot of water and I eat fruits and vegetables.
@@videohistory722 do simple exercises like walking 10k steps a day (even walking in place while watching tv) and lift some free weights (dumbbells) at home too.
Anyone else here because Morgan Spurlock died today?
I was here yesterday actually
@@MichaelSuperbacker I wasn't expecting you here
Did Spurlock ever directly respond to Naughton?
Yes sir 😊
Yep. I remember watching Super Size Me in health class, and as a teenager, I bought into it. Now at 28 years old, I realize a lot in that documentary did not age well, ESPECIALLY having Jared Fogle as a spokesman. XD
“Otherwise known as.... *books* ”
This guy is great. :3
Anyone else thinks how weird 2008 looks now even though it's barely been a decade.
Its like 1997, but 11 years later.
I feel like 2010-2013 was its own decade with its own style. 2014 onward was when "woke" culture happened and the styles changed again and became more bombastic. 2000s was just a slightly modified version of the 90s.
You must be new on Earth. You'll experience this every 5-10 years.
@@agentjs09 I miss those years
Yeah man, so wierd how the 80's and 70's are so different.
That's the problem, that most of the stuff we buy today is not made of regular ingredients. Sugar is corn syrup, hight fructose syrup etc. Flour is all bleached and processed. I check ingredients every time I buy something new. It is crazy. If you buy a cake - just read ingredient list - you can't even read it.
I heard one good thing - if you can't explain ingredient in the product you want to buy, you don't buy it.
My mom told me, when they were kids back in 50s and 60s, they eat and cook food on pork fat. And non of them was fat, because they physically work every day.
If Spurlock wasn't transparent with his food log, it means he is hiding something.
apparently he was eating about 5000 calories a day
@@axxwqw3117 Right, but they refuse to show anyone the food log, which is sus
@@valkyrja-- How’d he manage 5,000 calories at McDonald’s? Average meal is around 1,000 calories at McDonald’s, which is high, but you’d have to eat 5 meals a day to reach 5,000. How’d he manage that?
@CriticalZero Oh, I see what you mean now. Even still, I could not eat giant meals like that three times a day. Spurlock is like Nikacado here. No wonder you gained weight with a McBinge
He was an alcoholic as well.
This documentary is starting to age well
Tell me you're being sarcastic
@@vimp6260 He isn't.
@@TheSUPERWIND2023Yeah, RIP to Morgan Spurlock, but it's been pretty much proven at this point that the results of the documentary Super Size Me were heavily biased and misleading. Eating fast food everyday is not a very healthy diet, but no human being would intentionally consume 5,000 calories per day, not to mention his undisclosed alcoholism was most likely a bigger contributor to his health decline than the fast food (certainly his liver problems). By comparison, Fat Head is a fairer and more accurate look into how fast food affects you (especially when you consume it like a normal human being while still exercising).
38:12 it was wrong at ridiculous statement then as it is now. Sure advertising doesn’t work that’s why they spend billions on it?
@@vimp6260I mean low carb diets are starting to be preferable to many now so yeah
I watched this documentary at 23 I’m now 33. It was life changing! After being overweight my whole life i now know how to manage my weight. Had a 100lb weight loss and put on 30lbs of muscle. Thank you Tom! Also watch “Fathead kids” it’s great for adults and kids!
Spurlock admitted that he binge drank nearly every single night during the filming of super size me. Watching it now he actually looks hung over in every scene. That's what messed up his liver at the end. What a load of BS that movie is.
Was forced to watch Spurlock's "Supersize Me" in school and called out a few of the inconsistencies. Kids were still super impressed with Spurlock and I guess it's obvious they would be since "Supersize Me" applies the same shock strategies they use in commercials and populism.
Funny when this guy is literally saying commercials and shock tactics don’t effect kids
Political radicals have always relied on the "media stunt" because they never have any real actual argument
See also: Rosa Parks
Populism is an evil subversive ideology.
Omg that part where he parodies the heart attack scene from "Super Size Me" genuinely hysterical.
i hate how people never mention how suing big companies and attacking them usually occurs to make money cause healthy foods do not sell as well to kids and they don't need marketing cause smart people know its good for them so why market when it sells itself? food has to market...its called capitalism..they pay for ads.....its allowed in america....its legal..if you pay for something you can do it..its like people get jealous that smart men make money off unhealthy stupid people..isn't that how the medicine field makes money?..doctors exist in such large numbers because people are stupid and can not maintain their health alone...its that bad...if they really wanted to get rid of it they could but then the government would not be able to control the population and the medical field would lose money with less sick people..the government works for the medicine companies...otherwise they would get rid of tobacco and alcohol if they know it bad and promote how bad it is all the time why don't they get rid of it?..natural selection my friends...the companies pay their bills..welcome to america....fear is how they control us...they don't want to get rid of cancer..if it was gone too many people would live and not be afraid anymore...they control us through cancer and tobacco stays to keep us in line
hnnnnrg honey i’m dying if only i didn’t eat that one nugget
@@razkable Grammar please.
@@cheesemccheese5780 karen
The right term is hilarious or spoof
Frankly, this documentary got me started on solid eating choices. Of course, I've gotten off this track but it is still influential in making me lose 60 pounds in about 2 years or so.
@Harden Thicke do the carnivore diet. I lost 35 pounds in a month.
Damn, really! Good job! :3 i wish I could have some of your offshed weight, i’m in the 80 pound range. Haha :D
@Harden Thicke yes 35 in 1 month. The 15 the following month. Down to 215 from 265 in 9 weeks.
Were you eating liquid eating choices?
I eat McDonald's once or twice a day and I'm thinner than I've ever been. All that matters is portion size
I watched both this and then supersize me back to back, this movie is still relevant and the advice is still sound. I also noticed that supersize me, while it does a lot of criticizing, offers no real life solutions. "Your diet should be one you can live on and live with"
Anyone else reminded of the South Park episode where Cartman discovers the food pyramid is actually upside-down? hahaha...
One of the most brilliant episodes ever. Because it's based on the most factual nutritional advice available. Amazing from a comedic cartoon.
@@DeathWishGaming not a fan of South Park, but I looked up that scene. I might need to watch the entire episode.
@@Mehwhatevr SouthPark before 2015 was good
@@aaronlandry3934I used to watch in high school well before 2015 I didn’t realize it is still on the air until recently, do their air re-runs or new episodes? Just curious!
@@liveoutsidetheboxwithrachelfox Entirely new episodes are currently being made. It’s like the Simpsons, it’ll never die
Thank you so much for this movie, I have been on a high fat, low carb diet without grains for a year and I have lost 85 lbs and I have never had so much energy nor been this content emotionally. I no longer crave sugar and I can run! I pray that this message reaches others like me that followed the USDA approved recommendations for years and failed miserably. My heart hurts for those who are trying so hard but are being mislead. God bless you.
out of curiosity what does a high fat, i'm also assuming high protein and fiber, and low carb diet look like? i really wanna believe in this documentary and wanna try a diet like this.
gabez8 I've just decided to start one of these diets and am swimming in information. So far, this page ( seems to have a nice easy-to-digest idea of how all this works and, halway down, includes meal examples. I also bookmarked this earlier:
Anonneemuss so according to it says to avoid fruit because it has sugar. i'm skeptical of this because doesn't fruit have natural sugar for the most part?
Seems part of the goal is to avoid sugars in general mostly by watching the "net carbs" (which is total carbs-fibre carbs (which don't count against you)) So an apple with 13g of carbs and only 2g of fibre carbs counts as 11g. If you're trying to keep your carbs under 20g per day (for the hardcores), that's a lot of your carbs for one piece of fruit.
Anonneemuss i'm all for cutting down and eventually giving up high starchy food like bread and potatoes but i really don't like the idea of avoiding fruits. what should i do?
He kinda sounds like the fitness gram pacer guy. Just pitched up a bit.
He sounds like the evil cynical doomer NJB yet with an actual sense of humour and likeable personality unlike NJB.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." Plato, 5th Century B.C.
lol Plato also believed in the undemocratic downward stratification of society headed by a paternalistic intelligentsia whose judgement reigned sacrosanct over its masses
It's funny when libertarians quote Plato
Einzel Wolf lmaooo right? "The Republic" has literally been described as the precursor to the socialist welfare state due to the way it proposed collectivism and enforced heteronomy
Plato even believed in sharing wives. Interesting guy, ahead of his time, but the Republic is by no means the ideal state
* slams desk *
This film teaches us not to just demonize one business but to take a much larger look at the problems we're facing.
No it's basically telling people to stop pointing fingers and start taking accountability while also dunking on Spurlock
@@incoherentreviews9516 You just said the same thing he did
yup. supersizing isnt to blame for the obesity epidemic for example
@incoherentreviews9516 No he’s a ridiculous boomer whose answer to everything is “dUrR jUsT DoNT iT” and “bAcK In My dAy!”. If it was up to him we’d still have cigarettes advertised to children.
Teach also how to try to squeeze money from big companies
I watched this a long time ago but it's so interesting to see that here in 2018, so many things he mentioned (not all fat is bad for you, "sugar and fat free" stuff is just processed junk that's worse than natural high fat options like butter, etc.) have been coming out in "new" studies within the past year or so.
To those of you that think he is telling people to go out and eat more fast food HE was trying to show you that people can make conscious decisions about what they eat at a fast food restaurant and actually not gain anywhere near what that guy from Super Size me did. If you saw the second half of the film he actually tells you that all of the Low Fat and Low Cholesterol studies they have done in the past 30-40 years are bogus and carbohydrates (that bran muffin or whole grain cereal you like) and Vegetable oils will ultimately raise your bad cholesterol and could possibly lead to heart disease versus eating a diet higher in saturated fat and protein.
TL;DR: Jackass, watch the whole documentary and L2 comprehend the facts presented to you before you comment on it.
Exactly. People are completely missing the point
Only an idiot would think that the idea of this was him telling people to go out and eat more fast food
There's only ONE cholesterol, and it is required for life. LDL is NOT cholesterol.
@@Burialofagod Lots of idiots in this world, sadly (who would miss the point as badly as the people OP are targeting with their point).
I know this comment is almost a decade old, but it's aged pretty well. The diet that is catching on like wildfire is the carnivore diet, which is eating nothing but animal-based foods. It's showing a lot of promise.
22:16 - "You'd look like Oprah back in the 80s."
I'm gonna need some cream for that burn.
If you can't meme, you can't dream 🤣🤣not the first person I’d think of when I think “fat person” so I gotta respect that burn.
loved that part
You get obese and you get obese
Quite honestly this docu is giving me my joy back for living and makes me feel like I got this weight loss journey....not like other channels/people that make you feel like an absolute failure the whole way through even though you're munching on a salad.
Being that I literally can’t gain weight, much like his son, Super-size me when I was in the 8th grade broke me emotionally. i have long since had body trouble. This video is so important.
Can I borrow some of your thyroid for like a month or two?
Eryk Steele how do though? Did you end up just eating McDonald’s for a month in order to gain weight?
Green Giant, if I were to gain lots weight it wouldn’t be until I’m in my Middle Ages like how in this documentary the person got obese whenever he was in his Middle Ages.
If you can't gain, just wait until you 30+
Seriously though, I could do the exact same thing as the dude in supersize me, and knowing my body I would just end up losing weight.
"Supersize Me was an amusing documentary, but it's also full of baloney"
Good choice of words
I like it but it's definitely flawed
+David Gibson At least this one takes an somewhat different perspective...
nobody blame food industries with thier sugar addiction addictive in our food
i think 50% of it is made up bs but half of it is true and good so it works as entertainment more then a should not be shown in schools imo...its way too flimsy
As a health and fitness advisor/guru what ever you want to call it, I LOVED this video. Whilst junk food isn't helping the fact that most humans are over weight, it's not the thing that's causing it.
I feel like it needs to be a 'must watch'.
Well carbs are just as addictive as cocaine. It can be hard to ween off of it
It's the CARBOHYDRATES and SUGAR in the junk food, but I wouldn't expect a health and fitness advisor to know that, you're still stuck on the calories in/calories out/low fat diet bullshit!
If people didn't make vegetables a chore and burgers a forbidden fruit people wouldn't avoid the former and crave the latter. In the end you need BOTH vitamins AND fat to live.
Also I love how this documentary has a great sense of humor and also adresses the whole social aspects like demonizing the poor
Vegetables aren't a chore, they're just NOT food for humans. I know we've all heard our whole lives that they are and that they're good for us, but they're not. The sooner people can understand and accept that, the sooner they'll see better health. Plants are not food for humans. Not grains, not nuts, not seeds, not vegetables, not fruits. Fiber is not essential, fiber is actually harmful. And all plants contain toxins they create as self-defense against being eaten, they are as a group known as anti-nutrients. Just because they don't kill you fast doesn't mean they're not harmful. Oxalates, lectins, phytates are just a few of the more well known ones.
Fast food burgers are engineered to be as addictive as possible. The industry is very open about it... Also, no one is demonizing poor people. They are demonizing multinational corporations that prey on poor people. Big difference there.
The brain needs protein and fat to live. The body needs all nutrients, People are just irresponsible and want to be obtuse like an obstinate child rather than take care to eat a balanced diet. Plus people are lazy. The poorest meal of all is beans and rice but people are too lazy to cook them and choose cheap fast food instead.
@@vonhooper6986 you're not paying attention. there IS an anti-meat crusade led by the vegetarians. and there IS a paternalism against the poor. look harder
lol There's a massive difference between needing fat and eating highly addictive burgers. You can get fat from things like avocadoes, nuts, and seeds, and never crave it, never raise your blood pressure, and not gain weight.
The comment section from Supersize Me brought me here
People trying to justify unhealthy eating.
NO people want to get rid of well intended or sometimes not liars. Spurlock lied he is an alkoholik and admitted to it! Thats why he had damaged liver!
Spurlock is an anti-capitalist. Plain and simple.
@@AdderTude everyone with a brain is an anti capitalist
Drinking game idea! Take a shot every time he says bologna.
Hard mode: anytime he says anything take a shot
Ah, the Morgan Spurlock diet
The hard mode sounds like a death sentence to me, I’ll stick to keeping away from too much alcohol poisoning.
@@henrg lol tolled
The Room Temperature Challenge
To me it's pretty simple. Spurlock was a drinker. If you get drunk everyday on top of eating Mcdonald's you're going to get fat quick.
The only difference between alcohol and soda is that alcohol makes you drunk. Alcohol is made from sugar.
@@HammerheadGuitar And depends on what drink your talking about, it taste like shit too
Ever read The Drinking Man's Diet? One of the earliest low carb books. Author was a lush, but he had it figured out,
I guess that explains that scene where he puked after eating a double quarter pounder.
that explains it. i dont eat fast food anymore.. i mostly eat meat/veggies and occasionally crackers or bread. I hardly ever eat candy or sugar. but I drink every day. I tell myself to stop doing it but I hate myself and life so much that I wont
Getting Jacob Sullum who was also in Super Size Me to also do Fat Head is such a power move tbh
I agree. That was a great move by Tom.
Finally a documentary by hank hill
Such an underrated comment lmao
He cooks on methane however.
that boy aint right
That was one heck of a documentary I tell you Hwat.
The big difference with SupersizeMe guy is at 29'25'': He cuts off a big part of sugar intake!
The real enemy is carbs, and carbs are in fast foods (soda, ketchup, bread, pizza dough, etc..)
See "Fed up" movie.
If he went to a Walmart in Alabama he would have been able to get that obesity footage much faster.
I think a walmart anywhere would do :)
Came from a small Alabama town. I approve this message.
Amanda Adamson foreskin WHAT?????
Reginald Regency Wal Mart anywhere...
Texas is another good state for that
Best part was when he talked about the BMI scale. If you looked at pro athletes most of them would be considered obese by the BMI scale
@@dongeraci8599 yes look at NFL QB’s. Every single one is obese. Look at the actor the Rock is considered obese by using the BMI scale
Realistically, the amount of people with enough lean mass to classify as obese is completely irrelevant. Most of the population lives a very sedentary lifestyle, so the BMI is still a useful measurement. That part in his video just sounded like another excuse for fatties to avoid self-improvement.
@@donnydont now that’s just being judgmental without any proof. The body building community is huge that’s why companies like GNC and gyms are so successful
@@donnydont what about my big fat boobs, huh? did you ever consider that. am I overweight because of my natural honkers? that's discrimination buddy
Seeing that Borders made my heart break :(
Borders was awesome!
Soraluver .Forever my bf used to live near a Barnes and Noble... before it was replaced with a Binny’s and honestly that feels like such a metaphor for our society LOL
Soraluver .Forever, Borders in Fort Wayne, Indiana was replaced by a Half Price Books instead.
My Borders got turned into a gym, Like every other goddamn place that shuts down where I live!
@@katherinec4360 same here. Sat empty for ages first. Really sad. My family bought like 7 bookshelves from them and the house got a lot more intellectual-looking
Starts of as a bashing other documentaries attention looking lassie, but later on it holds it water and is actually interesting. Go through the documentary, don't be afraid of facts that contradicts popular beliefs.
Yeah. The first part seemed muddled. I wasn't sure what the point he was making other than advocating libertarianism. I almost gave up on it. But it got better in the second half.
Almost turned it off within the first 5 minutes. Its so childish in many of the points. Saying fast food restaurants don't force anyone to overeat, etc. Its such a dumb argument.
Casinos don't force anyone to gamble, but they use all the tricks they can to entice you to. The loosest slot machines are always near the doors so you see more winners, the flashing lights, the exciting atmosphere, free drinks, etc. is all coordinated to try to get you to part with your money. Fast food does the same thing but in different ways. Foods are carefully engineered to taste as good as possible to get you hooked/return. Advertisements literally everywhere. You can't consume any media without seeing a food ad every 10 minutes.
Imagine a Casino saying "We didn't force that man to gamble away his entire live savings." We hold the person who gambled responsible, but we understand that they have a problem and try to keep them away from Casinos. But Fast food? How do you keep people who have an eating problem away from them? They're literally everywhere.
Jaigarful holy shit wahhhhh I guess adults can’t be expected to have personal responsibility, shut up you moron fast isn’t that bad for you it’s simple, nobody forced to eat fast food or go to the casino AND SPEND ALL YOUR LIVE SAVINGS! Oh but you can’t say people just need to make good choices people are just dummies that don’t know what’s good or bad for them, shut up you fucking idiot people like you are why talentless hacks like Morgan spurlock get any attention
Jaigarful yeah but gambling to anybody with a brain knows they are bound to lose more money than gain money. That is how casinos operate a profit. You can say the same thing about speculating on commodities and stocks. That high valuations entice people. The truth of the matter is that you must figure out what works and what doesn't. This is how society progresses with success. I don't eat much fast food and I don't care for gambling. I have not had soda in years. I only apply risk on a sure thing. I am naturally a risk-averse person. If I were to apply a risk-on attitude, it is very brief and subtle.
Jaigarful So whats the solution? Ban casinos? Ban anything bad for someone because “people shouldn’t be able to make their own life decisions?”
Addiction and the strife derived from it is no joke (I used to use heroin, I destroyed my own life for years before I got clean years ago). However that has no bearing on wether adults should be able to do whatever they want with *their own body/life.*
I made my own decision to get high and strung out, and I made my own decision to get clean.
The “Nanny State” is a bullshit one.
Edit: Oh yea, and I play poker professionally (in these things called casinos), and in 2011 some fucking idiots in our “Free Country” of the USA banned Online Poker, culminating in the phenomenon known as “Black Friday”, while Europe and most of the rest of world are permitted to play Online Poker legally (If you want to play online poker in the US, you have do play with an unregulated offshore site you cant trust. GOVERNMENT NANNIES, HOW GREAT THEY ARE!)
I legitimately hate people who tell others what decisions ordinary people can and cannot make for their own lives “because they are too stupid”.
Just got the word that Morgan Spurlock was a CHRONIC ALCOHOLIC, including during the time he did Super Size Me. THAT was what caused his fatty liver, not McDonald's.
Huge Carbohydrate intake can also cause fatty liver, but it definitely is probably due to his alcoholism. That explains some weight gain too. If he added McDonalds to all his normal alcohol calories, that adds up a lot.
Where is your proof of this? I can't find anything related to his alcoholism.. Fake news????
@@graememudie7921 Morgan Spurlock's twitter on 14th of December 2017: "is it because I’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13? I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years", in a TwitLonger titled "I Am Part of the Problem" where he describes his sexual assault and harrassment of two women and his infidelity towards "every wife and girlfriend [he has] ever had". Took me about five minutes to find this along with multiple news articles. Did you even try?
maybe spurlock should have stuck with whiskey or cocaine. would have made a more entertaining film
I’m cackling like the evil little gremlin man that I am. >:3c
Just got the news of Morgan Spurlock's death, and instantly thought of this doc, which coincidentally I didn't even know about until a month or so ago when I watched it.
I watched this for the first time a couple of days ago. Talk about timing.
The best part is if Morgan Spurlock ate more McDonald's, he'd still be alive
Gald he didn't
This movie was the one that did it for me. This was my red pill. I weighed 220 lbs at 5'6 and was stuck on the food pyramid scheme. I now weigh 165 at 5'8 and feel the best I ever have based on the principles of the "paleo" "Low carb" and "IF" type diets. Thank yo so much Tom. The minute I got my TV and my Roku box back in 2010, this little documentary was the start of it ALL.
You grew 2 inches ??
you gained height? lmao
@@deafbyhiphop posture and stature can affect height
How did you gain height???
Probably was a teenager
I can't believe I've never watched this before.
Please dont listen to fucking moron. This guy doesnt know anything. Search up "Vegan Gains Fat head review" he debunks everything this moron claims.
You're right. I started eating a diet higher in fat and lower in carbs a couple years ago. I'm now down 40lbs. Feel much better. My asthma has almost disappeared completely. Less shoulder and knee pain. More energy - don't need naps. Can run 3 miles when I couldn't make even a half. Less hungry - only need 2 meals a day. Occasionally one...
@@justbeconfidentbro5816 vegan gains hahahaha hahahaha an over depressed guy who twerks for money hahahaha hahahaha that's funny
same here! love it!
@@justbeconfidentbro5816 You had me at the first half, not gonna lie.
Just wanted to say never leave that doctor. There is nothing more important when it comes to doctors than a sense of humor. I mean a college education helps but we all know we only care about that bedside manner.
Tbh personally I think the biggest take away from Super Size Me was we should limit the amount of advertising McDonald's and friends have oriented towards children, plus ask for better options and make sure ag check-offs actually go into advertising rather than some bureaucrats pocket.
If you watch closely in SuperSizeMe - he has to drink a Quart of CocaCola with every meal. That's diabetes territory - All of those carbs - causing his problems - not the fat in the beef.
Also his alcoholism didn’t help.
It’s such a stupid documentary duh eating all that slock will cause that. But even then when studies based off what he did were conducted the results weren’t even as drastic.
wait.. a LITRE? not every day but every MEAL? morgz was really dedicated to the bullshit, huh
@@axxwqw3117 his rule was he had to supersize everything, which meant 32 oz of coca cola at every meal.
@@eeeeejc Or he could have just gotten a supersized Diet Coke or water instead, but he wouldn’t have gained 25 pounds if he didn’t drink sugary sodas
That doctor was so salty when the guy lost body fat and lowered his cholesterol 🤣
He'll be great for my steak.
Nutritionists now have to admit it with the widespread success of keto and increasing examples of people living healthily on nothing but beef. Cholesterol does not raise cholesterol, fat does not raise fat, most grains aren't too great for you, etc etc etc.
It made me recall the professor who went on the “Twinkie diet” but restricted his calories and all his vitals improved because he lost weight.
@@maenad1231 You need to count calories only on carbs. You simply cannot exceed daily limit if you mainly consume fat.
@@maenad1231 the twinkie guy was payed by cocacola, when cocacola was underfire for the money they were giving out to people perhaps influencing results, they went transparent and listed everyone they ever gave money too, someone went through that list and found the twinkie guy
I watched this back in 2009 and then switched to butter instead of margarine and started using lard occasionally instead of canola oil. I'm 40 now. And I have no regrets.
Margarine's nasty anyway. It would ruin perfectly good spaghetti...
@@n.m3677 As a French person, I sometimes use butter on pasta because it unstucks the pasta if you messed up draining it.
I think it also tastes pretty good.
Good thinking. Lard and butter is natural. I love cooking my salmon in butter. Lard is used for everything else.
@@n.m3677 😁🤣😅 Aren't some pasta dishes made with butter 😋 such as Alfredo sauce or someone just butter, parmesan, garlic & shallots?
I'm just guessing 😁
I watched Super-size Me. Quite alarming what alcohol does to your liver. Sure explains the throwing up, sweats and other body effects that he was suffering. Tell your Doctor you are drinking when he sees those numbers. The Doctor was basically telling him stop what you are doing, and knew damn well he wasn't being told the truth about the liver damage cause. Funny he mentioned alcohol while he was there, and Morgan didn't confess. How about an Alcoholize Me doco.
Explains everything
NAFLD does exist though
eating 5000 sugary salty fatty calories a day for weeks with little movement and moderate beer or liquor dinking explains why morgan is a fraud ..he even admitted to smoking not that long before the documentary..this man's liver was done before the fatty diet...the video might as well show the effects of drinking and smoking..thats really what happened to morgan....he should of gone after those companies instead of food...its kinda insane that he went after the thing we need to survive and not you know poison meant to kill us
@@razkable 2 things can kill a liver - alcohol and fructose. I would personally choose booze.
Just today I learned of Spurlock's undisclosed (at the time of his documentary) alcoholism.
Explains the 5000 calories a day and liver issues that he supposedly had from eating McDonald's for 30 days straight.
Yes, the information he gave that expert who declared his daily calorie totals was almost certainly deliberately exaggerated.
The answers he gave the doctor at the beginning when asked about alcohol intake was almost certainly a lie, and the truth was again withheld at the end when he was faced with indicators of liver disease.
This man went keto before any of us
the "drunken man's diet" is really the starter since it was a book from the 60s.
Well, technically William Banting went keto before any of us.
I would say that keto is the extreme to the points he is making. It is obvious that keto has no benefits as opposed to a balanced diet low on refined sugars complemented with exercise. Obviously fat is not the enemy but carbohydrates are not the enemy either.
@@kikocr6440 "It is obvious that keto has no benefits..." Yeah, other than helping people burn unwanted fat off their bodies through ketosis.
@@stevepicray8438 and heal hormonal problems, type 2 diabetes, bloodpressure, joint pain, memory ilnesses, parkinson etc.
Saturated fat was the only fat you could even get a hundred years ago when we were all thin. There was no other type of fat.
Yep. That and olive oil.
No it wasn’t. You do know there are different kinds of saturates?
Some fish too has unsaturated fat such as salmon or mackerel
Because you had walkable areas with good public transport. Now it's all car dependence.
I think the main point of this is that no one is truly brainwashing or corrupting you to go to these places and eat their food. It's your own self-control that tempts you. We all make our own choices, and those choices have consequences
Not everyone who is fat just eats fast food. I'm overweight for my weight and height and I hardly ever eat fast food. Out of the month, I might eat out like once or twice if that. My problem is that I over eat and don't workout.
I know it's not the same for everyone and obviously fast food is shit but being fat doesn't mean all you do is eat out.
Even worse, a lot of the people who are fat don't overeat. I virtually never eat fast food, except maybe a salad or a bunless burger, and I don't overeat at home. I've been dieting nearly all my life and I know how much I'm eating. I'm constantly trying to make the best choices possible, with good protein and lots of vegetables. Sometimes I use a website to track my intake and do a spot check.
The weight problem comes down to either thyroid issues or toxicity or high cortisol from stress, or a combination of all three. I've worked on those a lot over the years, but haven't found the magic answer yet. Not long ago I did one straight month of very careful low carb dieting and didn't lose an ounce. I'm going to try an iodine supplement with supporting supplements soon and hope that is the final answer!
I've been struggling with my weight for at least 40 years but I haven't given up. People don't realize how persistent fat people are, and of course it's not nice to be judged. But I would never give up and pig out on junk because I value my health.
@@carnation_cat how much carbs were you eating on low carb?
@@carnation_cat Stress is a very big factor when it comes to how your body metabolism works. People can be obese and be eating 1500 cals a day and not lose a lot of weight because their body processes are simply not working properly due to stress. I suggest meditating, getting an animal (specifically a dog where you can get unconditional love from), and trying to pursue some goal and work towards it everyday. If it's not a thyroid issue then this will definitely work if you give it time and focus on improving your quality of life in every aspect: emotional, physical, and mental.
@@viktorepifanov7138 cats have different personalities, some are very affectionate. Not everyone is a dog person, so I'm saying this for their benefit.
@@w1975b what does that have anything to do with anything lol
I watched super size me years ago and smelled bullcrap as soon as a saw it. I watched it again before I found this documentary. Thank you soooooooo much for answering alot of the obvious bullcrap in super size me. Absolutely fabulous. Killem with facts that's the way you do it! Excellent job .....bravo sir!!
his script is so funny and educational at the same time i love it
33:30 Actually having the nutrition information in the menus have made me stop from eating some dishes.
I clearly remember the Ice Cream on Girardelli, that a single cup was more than 1000 calories. Without the labeling I would have guessed that that would be between 300 and 600 calories, but knowing that it was over 1000 made me reconsider. Labeling it's important.
How much weight have you lost since calorie labels were added?
@@MsClaudiaDuran I don't know when the labels were added, but I lost around 70 pounds between mid 2017 and mid 2019 and I made an habit of reading labels.
Yes I agree - this part of the documentary is oversimplified. Will the label stop you eating fries? No. But it might help you to be more aware of what you are eating
calories don't matter. its what your hormonal response is.
Calories are heat, humans can't eat heat - humans can't eat calories. If you don't believe me, look up what a bomb calorimeter is. It burns things with FIRE. Humans don't create fire inside their bodies for anything, thus they can't burn food to access calories. Humans use stomach acid and enzymes to break foods down into proteins, fats, carbs, vitamin and minerals. No calories at all.
can you say "moose and squirrel"?
Supernatural 😍
Anna Gołębiowska, the actor playing Crowley was English and not Russian, or I could be wrong.
...I thought I would flip over. That woman was pretty young; I know she had no idea WHAT he was saying!!!
As a Norwegian, I love the doctor's name; Eric Feit. In my language that is "Eric Fat" :-)
I love your smoked salmon. Straight from the coast of Norwegia.
So avoid sweets and starch, eat less carbs, also eat more animal fat and animal protein. Got it.
I couldn't believe the heart attack scene, especially when he smiled... talk about a world-class smirk!!
Also don’t waste carbs and calories on drinks
@@JadeHeartOfFire Except on rare occasions. Drinking with friends every once and a while is fun
@@aaronlandry3934 A bad meal here or there isn't going to kill you. Hell, even for obese people, it takes a LOT of abusive eating to kill a person.
This is really good. If I were a teacher in school, I would show students this instead of Super Size Me.
There is no way this is 2009. Looks more like 1999. Wtf
it intentionally dates itself by mimicking the aesthetic of Supersize Me which was done on a shoestring budget in the early 00's
Yes, I think the fashions people are wearing look more like the late 90s and 2000.
It's a small documentary, get over it
Lol right
Say why it looks more 1999. To me it is more timeless.
I think one of the unstated assumptions behind Spurlock's assault on fast food was the idea that it's unnatural, lab-grown, mysterious, carcinogenic mystery food. Not merely that it's high calorie.
Agreed. I have embraced the Keto diet, but I still stay away from fast food. I try to eat grassfed beef and bison, free-range chicken and eggs, raw milk, wild-caught salmon, venison and elk, and LOTS of fresh vegetables and fruits. No grains, no soda, no added sugar and definitely no McDonald's or Wendy's
Daniel McNamee this LCHF stuff sounds great and probably is very healthy but it's environmentally unsustainable.
way too many animal products.
is there a vegetarian alternative besides just f***ing coconut oil?
Y X Keto is not vegan friendly, but you can adapt it to vegan diets.
If you are not afraid of isoflavones or phytoestrogens from soy, then you can eat Tempeh, Tofu, Drink Almond Milk, Soy Milk, use Coconut Cream, Dip Pappadums (3g carbs per piece) into Guacamole, and you can use Yuba (Bean Curd Sticks) as pasta, TVP as mince, and shredded King Oyster Mushrooms as Pasta, also you can eat Wheat Gluten which has a small amount of carbs, and you can have dairy you can eat Paneer. Also Quorn is a good vegetarian alternative to meat. You can also eat peanut butter as a snack, propably add low carb protein shakes to get extra protein, eat flax, chia and use coconut flour.
Andrew Brookes lab grown? think they make McDonald's food in a lab?
Fact remains that he falsified reports to push his agenda.
This guys giving me Troy Mclure Simpson vibes
Hi you might remember me from 😂
Hi omg I was thinking he reminded me of someone but I couldn’t quite remember who lol. Thanks. He also reminds of a less annoying Ted Cruz
Rest in peace Troy , sadly a wrong diet killed him before the 2000', hot lead from his wife's gun is hard to digest .
Remember kids a cow would eat you if she could 🤣😂😅😅😂🤣😂😂😅🤣
He didnt drink the pop. It would have turned out completely different. The sugar in the pop is the killer
soft drink
Undoubtedly on of the best docuvids about eating sensibly.I have no doubt I would have begun my journey to better health a lot soon had I seen this video. I have lost 40 kilos (88 lbs or 6 and a quarter stone) by following a low carbohydrate diet and in that time have ceased being T2 diabetic. All that in 1 year where I could not lose it in the preceding 10 years. You don't need a 'fad' diet. Low carb is not a fad, it is a way of eating for life.
Morgan Spurlock was an alcoholic, his vegan gf got sick and gave up veganism, and Super Size Me glorified Jared Fogle and even showed him talking to kids. Moral of the Story: Don't meet your heroes.
To be fair, I don't think many people would've known about Jared Fogle's criminal activities at the time.
First of all, Being an alcoholic doesn’t make you a bad person. Second of all that’s her choice, lastly, how would they have known he was a pedophile at the time, nobody did. It’s not like they glorified him, they just showed clips of him.
@@Borganov20 While being an alcoholic doesn't make someone "a bad person" (whatever that means), critics have suggested, rightfully so, that the fatty liver problems he talked about in Super Size Me may have been cause by his alcohol problem, not fast food. The fact that he never disclosed this, not even years after the documentary premiered, and just let McDonalds take the fall for health problems that may not have been caused by them is misleading and dishonest.
What does his vegan girlfriend have to do with anything?
@@MultiDiarmuid that crazy evangelist vegans are the main kind of people you will find smearing the keto and any other LCHF diets, so yeah, thwu mentioned too.
As someone who has been doing keto for a few weeks with massive success, I think this guy is spot on with everything, EXCEPT when it comes to addictions.
Addiction is FAR more complex in psychology than "oh well I was able to stop cold turkey with ease, so that means that it's not addictive and people can't get addicted to it". People that have addictions often are people who have deep stemmed issues in life (maybe childhood abuse/trauma) high stress, depression, low self worth/self esteem issues, etc. In other words, they're usually fucked up in more ways than one or have something missing. We see this almost always without fail in shows like my 600lb life. The often bedridden people eating themselves to death on there always have a tragic story of childhood abuse, a close family member lost or something else very bad happen to them that caused the stress/depression (which is also related to hormones) that caused them to start eating more and more crap...which cased even more depression and feeling of low self worth because of the effect on too much sugar on the brain and also from getting fatter and they eat even's a vicious cycle.
NOW, I'm not saying that the junk food industry is to blame for that, or that everyone who had a tough hand in life medicates with food, but just pointing out that people deal with shit in different ways, and food addiction is very real.
That's why you have some people that do certain "recreational drugs" (coke, etc) or prescription drugs or alcohol just occasionally or as needed and are able to stop after one go, etc..... but you have other people who do a hard drug once or just a few times and they're hooked, because it's so pleasurable to them that they see it as an escape from any pain, stress, or depression they're keep doing it at whatever cost... even if they have to take more and more of it to have the same effect, and it ruins their life or even threatens to kill them.
Now that's not to say that people with addictions to carb laden junk food are helpless or shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, I'm living proof that anyone can.....but just saying I know first hand that sometimes people need help, extra motivation, and/or education to escape from the clutches of food addiction. We should try to understand it more and offer encouragement and knowledge to these people instead of assuming "well you just want to be fat, it'd be easy for you to change at any moment, so therefore I have no reason to give you any sympathy, or even to treat you like a fellow human being".
I would read your comment but I'm too lazy.
@Jen Tuesday Great comment
Hey! How's it been going on keto for you after three years?
That's not what I got from him - in fact, he was questioning Spurlock's claim that he was addicted to McDonald's food. The question he asked was if Spurlock was addicted, how did he so easily walk away from McDonald's food? Addiction does not work that way.
I am also keto - three years and counting. I find that the more healthy protein and fat I eat, the less I crave sugar and the longer I can go between meals.
@@IQTech61 ^ Yes, as far as i could tell, he was pointing out how Spurlock's claim about him being addicted was yet another falsified point to make fast food look bad. Which was basically what the entire "documentary" was honestly. Not saying that it's impossible to become addicted to it.
Spurlock died.
You won, Tom Naughton.
Morgan clearly showed that McDonald’s is bad for you.
@@MichaelSuperbacker he also was an alcoholic
@@MichaelSuperbacker WE KNEW THAT ALREADY. Stop acting like Spurlock was some prophet, he was just another opportunist taking advantage of a well acknowledged social concern to make a quick buck and justify his own failing health due to his alcoholism.
@@realquestforgreatness its well known that mcdonalds is extremely bad for you. the amount of crap they put in the food is insane
@@Maynards_so_blue so is alcoholism but he didn't did make "alcoholicise me"
Love this whole documentary but one thing that sticks out to me is Dr. Al Sears, "....the only saving grace of government is that they are incompetent because if they could do what they really wanted it would be horrible for all of us." This quote is applicable to more than just dietary issues. Well said doc! My only regret about watching this is that I didn't find it years ago.
Sick and tired of people blaming fast food companies for their health problems. Have some accountability people!
Leeeroy Jenkins!!! Sick and tired of people blamimg big pharma companies for their drug addiction. Have some accountability people!!!!
Here is the sound of your ignorance. Remember Oxycontin fiasco? Same thing with Mcd.
@@nickjohn2051 Lol I wouldn't be surprised if you advocated for gun control too
John Maltz what does that have to do with gun control tho
@@bro-oy8fk people blaming the nra for shootings
John Maltz i don’t think McDonalds is to blame for fat people, but pharmaceuticals aren’t completely innocent either ? I have been fighting cancer for 3 years and take 5 different types of medication just to deal with the side effects of trying to reduce opiates. I was given opiates to cope with my pain but the issue is that they can completely change your brain chemistry and cause more pain after awhile. So you try to stop taking them, but your body is now unable to cope with or without them? So now I’m on hydro to cope and gabapentin for the neuropathy caused from the withdrawals. Sometimes with Robaxin which is a muscle relaxer depends on the pain day. High dose Tylenol, antidepressants, promethazine, all with my other chemotherapy medications. This is really hard in my body and I definitely am pissed at Pharma for not looking into the side effects of long term use before hand. I feel bad for the people who become addicted who don’t have medical care, because it’s incredibly hard and painful and I don’t blame them for trying to just relieve pain or stop the sickness. You can’t always just speak up either. Some doctors will treat you like shit if they hear that and don’t even consider they’re the ones who prescribed it! They just dumb their patients. Seen it happen to several people.
It's been 15 years since this movie was made and people still think cholesterol is bad 🤦🏻♀️
There's also people commenting that believe that burgers are engineered to be addictive (after they've apparently watched this video) despite the video information proving otherwise! Then there's people who think that a comment saying "...this video has aged well..." was someone being sarcastic! You just can't teach stupid!
While I think that much of the criticism of Super Size Me is valid, it's worth noting that many of the experts on this documentary are highly questionable and do not represent the mainstream in nutritional science.
For example:
Al Sears pushes snake oil anti-aging supplements and advocates for a whole boatload of pseudoscience.
Mary Enig is a real scientist, but she and Sally Fallon work for the Weston Price foundation, which advocates for the consumption of unpasteurized milk as well as homeopathy...
Eric Oliver is not a doctor or scientist, but a political science professor.
Jacob Sullum is also not a doctor or scientist, but a libertarian writer.
It's important to keep in mind that just like Spurlock's film, this documentary's aim is not to present unbiased nutritional information.
Yeah but I'd take this over super size me. He's far more honest than Spurlock.
My first comment was really stupid and I didn't really address your comment.
"Jacob Sullum is also not a doctor or scientist, but a libertarian writer.
" That's irrelevant. Jacob never really refuted any points about nutrition. What he did was say McDonalds isn't doing anything wrong by giving people unhealthy foods. People voluntarily decide to eat those foods knowing they're unhealthy.
"Eric Oliver is not a doctor or scientist, but a political science professor.
" He was never addressing nutrition either. He was addressing the fact that the cdc and other organisations were misusing statistics to further their agenda.
You're right about the other two however the idea that the only people pushing a high fat, low carb diet are crazy people is wrong. There are plenty of respected people pushing it and plenty of example of people going on a high fat, low carb diet and becoming healthier and happier. You are right about the doc being biased and not really showing the other sides argument but that wasn't really the point. Everyone from birth has been told to eat a small amount of meat and a high amount of carbs. This doc was meant to provide evidence to refute that. Not to show "evidence" for an argument people have heard since they were young.
@Charles Quinn What are you trying to say?
The truth is the truth, regardless of who says it.
You can tell just by looking at Al Sears that he isn’t legit and that you shouldn’t believe a word he says, LOL!
Is this guy Squidward
Clayton Holland 😂😂 so true.
But come on, it's good.
Clayton Holland he sounds like the dad from American pie
Milkshakes with lunch and dinner could put someone well into the 5k caloric range.
OK, I watched this movie, I was bored. I'm obese but I don't care, neither do I give a crap about it. 21/6/2014 weight: 282 lbs, 43% body fat. I ate alot of fat, I cleared my fridge from all the meats, steaks, eggs, bacon and gotten more, I set a maximum of carbs to 50grams (I think is plenty), I was bored I wanted to experiment with food and weight loss for once I guess.
Update: 22nd July 2014, almost 30 days after. 259 lbs. 36% body fat. waistline down from 47 inches to 43 inches. I also did blood tests at the clinic near by they had an awsome executive package. My cholestrol is now normal, blood pressure is at 123/82 (first time in years), my heart rate down from 105 (tacachardya) to 89 bpm average which is normal level. I also received ultrasound for abdomen and the doctor said my liver is clear of fat, no more fatty liver. I cant believe this stupid documentary, I was trying it because I wanted to actually make a video of how this movie and the bald guy in it were wrong and stupid.
I am sorry to say this, but I am the one stupid. and I am never going to assume or have any bad intentions towards anyone ever again unless I go through it myself. Thanks all
you lost weight because you reduced calories.
That doesn't make sense. Everything I eat is full of butter. In fact so far I've lost 60 pounds on total. I have 3 meals a day and I consume 50g of butter alone (half a stick) as well as fats from MCT coconut oils and avocado. I feel more full than ever before. Yet for some reason the weight keeps going down. I really don't understand...
Naz Alomran Because you have reduced your calories. Have you not read into calories in vs calories out. Its simply maths, thermodynamics. You're losing weight because you're eat good sources of fat which fill you up for longer
Naz Alomran Well yeah, there you have it. You didn't eliminate fat from your diet and you reduced your carbs. That's uh, exactly what this guy did...not to mention, it isn't hard to lose body fat when you're at 43%.
Your blood pressure can never be an odd number. Either it's a typo or you're lying.
This movie was so well done I still rewatch it today. When I first saw it I was fortunate to have found the 2 Keto Dudes podcast around the same time. This movie and that podcast is when EVERYTHING changed for me in understanding food. I can’t thank them enough.