He actually plays this regularly, if you know his music. It is a Fylde (make) Octavius (model range) Bouzouki (actual model). Not made any longer according to the website instrument lists, but they have one for sale at www.fyldeguitars.com/obouzouki.html
Loved it. Very good melody, singing, and instrumentals, and the lyrics are quite funny and right on point!
Fantastic!! X
Simply brilliant.
Very awesome. I expected more views since the RDF linked to this project.
Does anyone know the name of the instrument Jez Lowe is playing?
Looks like a mando-cello to me.
octave mandola.
He actually plays this regularly, if you know his music. It is a Fylde (make) Octavius (model range) Bouzouki (actual model). Not made any longer according to the website instrument lists, but they have one for sale at www.fyldeguitars.com/obouzouki.html
A link between humans and monkeys has never been found.Darwin said he had found a way of Gods glory with evolution
Very amusing, although I fear it could become a genuine anthem for Christian fundamentalists who are irony-impaired (Which is probably all of them.)
@mutantleader When did you loose your sense of irony?