Damn this has aged REALLY well. Still sounds every bit as great today as it did the first time I heard it, almost 40 years ago. That's the thing about X. They have that timeless quality. A lot of the old punk bands from that era sound kind of dated today (though I still love 'em), but this still sounds fresh, and still gives me goosebumps. The first 3 X albums are sacred for me. The 4th album almost on the same level. X is a goddamn national treasure.
+brucetrueasblue Well THAT is because most dummies back at the time were to busy listening to ohhhhh Micheal Jackson, Madonna, Phill Collins, Sting, Huey Lewis, U2, Prince, Duran Duran, Def Lepard, Kenny Loggins, Bon Jovi, and THAT ilk to notice THIS group
I never liked Jackson's music either. Prince was a little overrated, but HE did do some pretty awesome stuff! U2 weren't bad but, again, they got too much media attention. And Sting was ok in The Police but I wasn't crazy about him as a soloist.
It was a big deal at the wiskey weirdos and X weirdos got the crowd going a tad more . For two years everybody played to see who could get them really moving. X came in second. Im on the first to get banned by the Congress . Those were the fun days
as an angeleno who lived through "the decline" years, X stood out. vastly under-rated, they were and are LA in ways the rest of the world doesn't get via Hollywood. Black Flag, The Jerks, The Germs, The Minutemen... X ... what a time.
Seeing the Minute Men by accident was one of the greatest mistakes of my life. Just remembering D. Boone dancing around never fails to brighten my moods for a bit.
Jp K yes grew up in the OC would go to H wood randomly sometimes just going into the Whiskey even we didn’t know the act lucky enough though to see these guys multiple times
That's awesome, I was born in LA in 83, but moved away when I was 2, I love punk but unfortunately I don't know alot of old or newer bands. I know main stream ones, like you mentioned. Maybe you can shout out some good bands, new or old to me?. I grew up listening to punk, which I still love, but I've out grown the.. " I only listen to punk" 😄. Silly punks kids think they are fighting against the system but actually we are the ones who feed it the most, with our negative energy. I've realized Bob Marley was right, about one love. Hate to say it but love is the thing that will save humanity. Compassion for fellow humans. It's all about the energy we put out. Our anger and outrage just becomes the fuel that is burned to run the machine. What we put our mental energy twords, it grows. Yeah, it's great to point out how fkd up shit is but I think change starts by taking back the power of our minds and manifesting shit to change or simply realizing we have more power then we were thought to believe, our minds are a very powerful resource, they have been programmed to be weapons of mass destruction that we use on ourselves and our fellow people. the term brainwashed is far deeper then we realize and we are so blinded it's just insanity. My recent realization is about commerical laundry soap anything with perfume..... endocrine disruptors, changes mood and brain chemistry, slowly makes people sick, it seeps into your skin 24-7, transfers from surface to surface, which it doesn't clean clothes at all, it embeds them with chemicals which decompose and go Rancid😉 .People think they smell good but to me it smells like chemicals and sour sweat and rotten laundry soap. I almost died from chronic acute carbon monoxide poisoning in 2014'. It was like a horrible bad acid trip and after....it was like experiencing every smell, taste, for the first time. It's like... when going to my mom's house I knew what it's going to be like, feel, look and smell like, after being gassed, it was like I had walked into my mom's house for the first time and she lived there 15 yrs. That feeling of comfortability and familiarity ahh I'm home, it was replaced by anxiety where the f am i. Even the grass and the terrain was different, it wasn't, to my gassed brain it was though. Its a curse at times but then again it awakened me a bit to reality. People tell me I'm just sensitive to chemicals, I see it like... My senses died off by being gassed and I was no longer brainwashed to ignore the simple things, such as humanity being poisoned by toxins. My body is aware of them now, I'm not sensitive just mentally and physically that's all. People would be surprised if they actually payed attention to their body's response to chemicals. It's quite sad how docile and complacent we are by using everyday products that are designed to poison our body and deteriorate our mind. I believe mental health issues are a byproduct of all the chemicals we pay money to poison ourselves with. It's all about the big companies and their fkn toxic shit, even tide free and clear is toxic. It just boggles my mind how brainwashed we are that we think nothing of washing our clothes in toxins because it's just what everyone does and why would they sell it to us if it wasn't ok to use?😂😂😂 I hope humanity wakes up to the fact that we are fking ourselves. We buy these toxic products, then turn around and give them more money because we are sick, because of their toxins in everything! People are gladly paying to be lab rats because they are told it smells good!😂 Anyhow, sorry for the spew. It was awesome to hear you grew up in LA, when punk.....was punk. Haha.😂 I'm still not a fan of country music though. 😁 Thanks again, sorry for the rant my brother killed himself on the 29th of may and I truly believe toxins made him depressed, fks with the hormones, and his depression was fueled by the whole COVID and society's pressures on men to make money and not express emotions. It just sucks you know, the way everything is, it's designed to keep us down. My brother worked 23 yrs as a butcher for a store. 23 FN years busted his ass and he never got ahead. It's jus not fair you know. Everyone matters you know and no one should struggle to pay rent or eat. Each homeless or drug addict person, guarantee when they were kids they never said I want to be homeless and or addicted to drugs when I grow up. Each person has a story and we all matter. My brother was a good man, a great dad to 3 daughters and he loved his wife of 17 years. He paid taxes and worked his ass off and yet no one knew he was in so much pain. I hope humanity can rise up, there shouldn't be so much suffering when there is so much love in people's hearts, the human spirit and it's ability to love is a super power 💜 thanks for letting me rant, I'm not sure why I did, sorry hope I wasn't a buzz kill. It's just, there are so many wonderful people on this planet, since children we have been slowly stripped of seeing the magic and beauty of our souls. You watch children be magical balls of light, that slowly dim with age ...it's being grown up, they say. No it's called conformity. My aunt told me the other day" if you were alone in the forest and you only had the trees to talk to, you wouldn't who know you are......because the trees can't talk back and tell you who you are."🤯 Anyhow sorry I know Im nuts. Thanks in advance for not calling me out. I apologize again for making you my counselor who just listens to me ramble. ☺️🤭I hope life brings you amazing things and much happiness!🥳😊 💜🖤☠️🖤💜
My fiancée turned me on to X. I'd heard of them, but never seriously. They came to N.O. on September 4 2015 to HOB, one day after my fiancée's birthday. One of the best concert's I've been to hands down. 3 months later he had a seizure whilst sleeping and never really came back. He died 3 months ago and I'll never forget that X concert. R.I.P Scott. I love you so much. G
Sorry to hear that, i too have had seizures recently and it came very randomly since im never had them in my 20 years of life. ive only had two and once while driving, while im ok im living my life the way i want to (playing video games and listening to X) stay strong. And know your fiancee will always be with u through memories
they were the best in the LA scene. the other punk bands had the energy, aggression, etc. but X was pure class all the way. Los Angeles, their first record, will always be my favorite.
Those first 3 albums are all equally amazing to me, and the 4th album is only barely less amazing. Los Angeles was the first one I heard, and it set the bar pretty damn high. Wild Gift was the perfect follow-up, and Under The Big Black Sun kept that momentum going, with even better production (definitely X's loudest album). Those albums have never lost their magic. I still get goosebumps even today listening to them. It's timeless stuff.
Brewzerr I think Big Black Sun is the best both on consistently high song quality and, as you say, the sound. Which unfortunately is only a little better, but every little bit helps. Few great bands were so poorly recorded (I suppose the Replacements and Hüsker Du sound even worse, but to me X matters much more than either of them). Look up a Billy Zoom interview and see how frustrated he remains with the poor engineering and production, and how he was unable to do anything about it. That said, the writing, playing and singing on the first four albums of course compel you to listen through the crappy sound and revel in the music anyway!
For me, the first album (which I missed when it came out) is of course a brilliant debut but the songs are a bit up and down. Wild Gift has SO MANY songs, including several of their best (White Girl, Adult Books, Some Other Time, In This House, Beyond), and maybe just a little filler. Black Sun (again, all my opinion) has zero filler other than Real Child of Hell - every other song is a unique gem in their stellar catalog and this album is their masterpiece. The fourth album is very good too. The sound is a little harsh (well they all sound harsh, but this is the first hint of a certain “Stadium-Rock Harsh” that will reach its nadir on the wretched fifth album). Songs on #4 very good, not quite up to #’s 2 and 3. The first two songs are fantastic and Think Bad Thoughts is a contender for greatest X song ever. Album #5: no comment except that Around My Heart is a good song buried under the hideous sound. The See How We Are album is slightly better despite no Billy: title track, When It Rains and Cyrano are terrific. Re-listening, I just noticed for the first time that Cyrano is copyright 1981, so it’s a song from the great period that they finally got around to recording in the late ‘80s. Not really impressed with live album (the one with no Billy) or Hey Zeus, don’t really know the solo stuff although I remember Meet John Doe wasn’t terrible. Interested to hear more of their new one - first song pretty good, didn’t like Cyrano remake. I just noticed that I rank the four great X albums exactly the same as I rank the Ramones’ big four: #3, #2, #4, #1. All worthwhile!
John Doe and Exene write such great lyrics together and the way John Doe and Billy Zoom played to/off each other is magical on stage. Going to see them again tomorrow night, can't wait!
saw X many times in LA from 79-83. Timeless great music . They weren't even anything like the hardcore scene, that emerged from LA at that time.They were and are great musicians.
14 times 80-86. Loved the "hardcore" scene every bit as much. Bands out of SST by the early and mid 80s weren't any less accomplished on their instruments--Greg Ginn beat the fuck out of everybody on guitar--and progressive in their music and lyrics. There was so much genius swarming around and I am so grateful I got to hear and witness a lot.
bigbillwaltonsacidheads Were there concerts always like I experienced in 2015; really cool people there because they loved X. Of course, when I saw them 1 of the most interesting things was the age differences; the university crowd in Pere Ubu t-shirts and then people in their 50’s. I was probably one of the very few who was 38, neither young nor Scott’s age (57). Everybody meshed so well though, lots of people to talk to... Best concert hands down. I’m not the arena type.
Did you see the daytime show free at cal State Fullerton? On a big lawn, edge of campus, I'd guess 5,000 maybe 4,000 - wildest punk show I ever saw and i saw a bunch from 81 to present.
look at exene singing about her husband cheating on her. "Listen to ghosts in the other room" john sings incredible stuff! Great music doesn't sound dated. this is a timeless song.
All 4 of the Ray Manzarek-produced albums have that timeless quality. Still sounds fresh even today. I've been listening to X ever since I first heard "Los Angeles" back in 1981, and they've never lost that magic for me. They're a national treasure.
@@matlockduybay1888 White Girl was written and released before Darby died. It was released as a single in early 1980, and then put onto Wild Gift in 1981.
X L.A. Band As a high school teenager Punk was in . Glad I was part of it when it was at its peak. Love their music, even as a middle aged man who now listens to talk radio and country. But now and then likes to go back to those high school rebel years.
Man, that would’ve been an interesting time to see X. Right after Billy left the band. Were both Dave Alvin and Tony Gilkyson on guitar, or only Tony Gilkyson (if you remember ofc lol)?
@@B0w.and.arr0w When I saw them Tony Gilkyson was the guitarist. I took a girl I was completely crazy about to see X for our first official 'date'. We got there early because it was X and even though I was head over heels for my date I was even crazier about X. We were able to be right at the stage - I mean, right at the stage for the whole show. It got pretty intense during the show with the Mosh Pit but I kept our in front of the stage the entire time. Now, my date was quite a beauty and at the end of the show Tony leaned over and handed her his guitar pick. I thought that was pretty cool and so did she. Not a bad first date and all courtesy of X.
@@B0w.and.arr0w When I saw them Tony Gilkyson was the guitarist. I took a girl I was completely crazy about to see X for our first official 'date'. We got there early because it was X and even though I was head over heels for my date I was even crazier about X. We were able to be right at the stage - I mean, right at the stage for the whole show. Now, my date was quite a beauty and at the end of the show Tony leaned over and handed her his guitar pick. I thought that was pretty cool and so did she. Not a bad first date and all courtesy of X.
@@sartoris9439 That’s super cool man. And thanks for telling me who was on guitar. I was super curious, because I know Dave Alvin left in ‘87 lol. I went and saw X for the first time in summer of 2021, and it was a great time. Billy signed my Wild Gift record, and John gave my sister a set list.
Thank god, that ray manzareks wife explained her husband, that the song the band on stage in front of him was playing their own version of' soul kitchen'. He was some kind of confused. But decided to produce the first LP of 'X'...
I'm from New York. I was turned on to X by the music editor of my High School newspaper when I was 14 I think. The next year I was out in Los Angeles visiting the other part of my family....I think I was 15, probably 1983....my half sister knew a guy from her High School that was into X. He was 17 and had a car. They were playing on Sunset - the Whiskey or the Roxy, can't remember. My family was way into the Valley, like Woodland Hills....this guy comes by, picks me up. We're going to see X. I was so excited...played a tape I had made of my vinyl "Under The Big Black Sun" LP....took forever to get there...got on line....can't remember if we already had tickets or they were at the door or what...but a big bouncer type guy comes down the line and asks us if we're 21 and do we have ID or something....we did not....it was a long car ride back to Woodland Hills.....I didn't see them live until 1991 when I was living in San Francisco, but I did see John and Excene do "White Girl" live, acoustic, at the old Largo on Fairfax after I moved to LA. It was incredible.
Exceptional band. I was lucky to see them at the Marquee London in 1984 - absolutely intense. We stood in front of Billy with his fixed grin like any second his pointed boot would knock our heads off. The room was full of bands: Damned, Motorhead, Buzzcocks. X were the biggest thing around. It looked like they were America's new alternative rock crossover superstars. Instead they faded and we got R.E.M zzzz...
REM were tremendous. Their first five albums bristle and they were epic live. Their middle period brought more guitar and sonic punch. They didn’t fade until around 2000.
This is fantastic! Seen many X videos, usually of them playing. Way back in the '80s, I was lucky enough to see them live. Never saw then in anything but a small NPR studio so this was special. I love how John Doe just lets his cigarette drop when he kicks off the song. X are #mandatory#listening!!!
My favourite all time band ever ....been listening to them since 79 ....saw them in Pensacola last year ...what a show ...I suggest you.go.see em ....Billy and extend are not in the best of health right now
If you've never seen them perform live, do yourself a favor and go see them when they tour. Their sound is just as vibrant now as back in the day. I saw them perform in L.A. back in the late seventies and early 80s and believe me, they sound just as great!
So glad I saw X in NYC now decades ago. Their first two albums -- now augmented with demos -- articulate artfully angst and anger and psychoanalysis. This song signifies that gift. Rockabilly's punk band is still important in hindsight. BACK 2 THE BASE...please post IT, someone.
The rumor amongst some of my 9th grade pals back in the day was that Señor Doe was Jim Morrison reincarnated. Silly kids. What a song. What a band. What a sweet video and even sweeter memories. Thank you!
X was never under rated...they actually have many fans and hit it as big as you can without going commercial...financially it is beneficial, but many underground bands are not for the general public? One thing you can say is that X never sold out and could have easily! That's why we are here and love them !
This song still evokes the exact same feeling in me now as it did in junior high... a strange blend of pensive sadness and introspection. And it sounds just as fresh and brilliant as it did back then.
Damn this has aged REALLY well. Still sounds every bit as great today as it did the first time I heard it, almost 40 years ago. That's the thing about X. They have that timeless quality. A lot of the old punk bands from that era sound kind of dated today (though I still love 'em), but this still sounds fresh, and still gives me goosebumps. The first 3 X albums are sacred for me. The 4th album almost on the same level. X is a goddamn national treasure.
Word up brewzerr, it takes a smart person to know that. I feel the same way for tibuk3
TOTALLY…. Still my favorite band…
Yeah agree. The first opening notes still resonate as strong today as they did back in the early 80s.
In my rotation for 42 years. Always will be.
So well said. One of the greatest American bands - ever!
X never got the fame(big name) they deserved, but their music stands immortal.
+brucetrueasblue Well THAT is because most dummies back at the time were to busy listening to ohhhhh Micheal Jackson, Madonna, Phill Collins, Sting, Huey Lewis, U2, Prince, Duran Duran, Def Lepard, Kenny Loggins, Bon Jovi, and THAT ilk to notice THIS group
+Ian Findlay Well at least Michael Jackson and Prince were good.
Ted Barsalou Get out of here! .. . Jacksons music sucked!
I never liked Jackson's music either. Prince was a little overrated, but HE did do some pretty awesome stuff! U2 weren't bad but, again, they got too much media attention. And Sting was ok in The Police but I wasn't crazy about him as a soloist.
All those bands/muscians are great and so is X. Your tribalism isn't impressing anyone.
Best band I ever saw live.
It was a big deal at the wiskey weirdos and X weirdos got the crowd going a tad more . For two years everybody played to see who could get them really moving. X came in second. Im on the first to get banned by the Congress . Those were the fun days
Just saw them this weekend. Still sound great.
Wow, you must not get out much.
Thank you Ray Manzarek,
for maybe opening a few Doors for X.
Billy Zoom Can remain motionless and smiling for 3 hours while delivering that huge sound. Superpower. They're all fantastic.
as an angeleno who lived through "the decline" years, X stood out. vastly under-rated, they were and are LA in ways the rest of the world doesn't get via Hollywood. Black Flag, The Jerks, The Germs, The Minutemen... X ... what a time.
Seeing the Minute Men by accident was one of the greatest mistakes of my life. Just remembering D. Boone dancing around never fails to brighten my moods for a bit.
Jp K yes grew up in the OC would go to H wood randomly sometimes just going into the Whiskey even we didn’t know the act lucky enough though to see these guys multiple times
Every band you mentioned is immortal
Those gigs gifted me a broken nose i flaunt today
That's awesome, I was born in LA in 83, but moved away when I was 2, I love punk but unfortunately I don't know alot of old or newer bands. I know main stream ones, like you mentioned. Maybe you can shout out some good bands, new or old to me?. I grew up listening to punk, which I still love, but I've out grown the..
" I only listen to punk" 😄. Silly punks kids think they are fighting against the system but actually we are the ones who feed it the most, with our negative energy. I've realized Bob Marley was right, about one love. Hate to say it but love is the thing that will save humanity. Compassion for fellow humans. It's all about the energy we put out. Our anger and outrage just becomes the fuel that is burned to run the machine. What we put our mental energy twords, it grows. Yeah, it's great to point out how fkd up shit is but I think change starts by taking back the power of our minds and manifesting shit to change or simply realizing we have more power then we were thought to believe, our minds are a very powerful resource, they have been programmed to be weapons of mass destruction that we use on ourselves and our fellow people. the term brainwashed is far deeper then we realize and we are so blinded it's just insanity. My recent realization is about commerical laundry soap anything with perfume..... endocrine disruptors, changes mood and brain chemistry, slowly makes people sick, it seeps into your skin 24-7, transfers from surface to surface, which it doesn't clean clothes at all, it embeds them with chemicals which decompose and go Rancid😉 .People think they smell good but to me it smells like chemicals and sour sweat and rotten laundry soap. I almost died from chronic acute carbon monoxide poisoning in 2014'. It was like a horrible bad acid trip and after....it was like experiencing every smell, taste, for the first time. It's like... when going to my mom's house I knew what it's going to be like, feel, look and smell like, after being gassed, it was like I had walked into my mom's house for the first time and she lived there 15 yrs. That feeling of comfortability and familiarity ahh I'm home, it was replaced by anxiety where the f am i. Even the grass and the terrain was different, it wasn't, to my gassed brain it was though. Its a curse at times but then again it awakened me a bit to reality. People tell me I'm just sensitive to chemicals, I see it like... My senses died off by being gassed and I was no longer brainwashed to ignore the simple things, such as humanity being poisoned by toxins. My body is aware of them now, I'm not sensitive just mentally and physically that's all. People would be surprised if they actually payed attention to their body's response to chemicals. It's quite sad how docile and complacent we are by using everyday products that are designed to poison our body and deteriorate our mind. I believe mental health issues are a byproduct of all the chemicals we pay money to poison ourselves with. It's all about the big companies and their fkn toxic shit, even tide free and clear is toxic. It just boggles my mind how brainwashed we are that we think nothing of washing our clothes in toxins because it's just what everyone does and why would they sell it to us if it wasn't ok to use?😂😂😂 I hope humanity wakes up to the fact that we are fking ourselves. We buy these toxic products, then turn around and give them more money because we are sick, because of their toxins in everything! People are gladly paying to be lab rats because they are told it smells good!😂 Anyhow, sorry for the spew. It was awesome to hear you grew up in LA, when punk.....was punk. Haha.😂 I'm still not a fan of country music though. 😁 Thanks again, sorry for the rant my brother killed himself on the 29th of may and I truly believe toxins made him depressed, fks with the hormones, and his depression was fueled by the whole COVID and society's pressures on men to make money and not express emotions. It just sucks you know, the way everything is, it's designed to keep us down. My brother worked 23 yrs as a butcher for a store. 23 FN years busted his ass and he never got ahead. It's jus not fair you know. Everyone matters you know and no one should struggle to pay rent or eat. Each homeless or drug addict person, guarantee when they were kids they never said I want to be homeless and or addicted to drugs when I grow up. Each person has a story and we all matter. My brother was a good man, a great dad to 3 daughters and he loved his wife of 17 years. He paid taxes and worked his ass off and yet no one knew he was in so much pain. I hope humanity can rise up, there shouldn't be so much suffering when there is so much love in people's hearts, the human spirit and it's ability to love is a super power 💜 thanks for letting me rant, I'm not sure why I did, sorry hope I wasn't a buzz kill. It's just, there are so many wonderful people on this planet, since children we have been slowly stripped of seeing the magic and beauty of our souls. You watch children be magical balls of light, that slowly dim with age ...it's being grown up, they say. No it's called conformity. My aunt told me the other day" if you were alone in the forest and you only had the trees to talk to, you wouldn't who know you are......because the trees can't talk back and tell you who you are."🤯 Anyhow sorry I know Im nuts. Thanks in advance for not calling me out. I apologize again for making you my counselor who just listens to me ramble. ☺️🤭I hope life brings you amazing things and much happiness!🥳😊
My fiancée turned me on to X. I'd heard of them, but never seriously. They came to N.O. on September 4 2015 to HOB, one day after my fiancée's birthday. One of the best concert's I've been to hands down. 3 months later he had a seizure whilst sleeping and never really came back. He died 3 months ago and I'll never forget that X concert. R.I.P Scott. I love you so much. G
Sorry to hear that, i too have had seizures recently and it came very randomly since im never had them in my 20 years of life. ive only had two and once while driving, while im ok im living my life the way i want to (playing video games and listening to X) stay strong. And know your fiancee will always be with u through memories
Genevieve Antoinette My God that is heartbreaking. My dearest sympathy, I hope the eternal nature of thier music gives you some degree of solice.
Sorry bout your loss 8(
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, he sounded amazing 😞❤
@@tammystoa6439 what the hell did he say that was so wrong
Most X songs make me think of hangovers for some reason. I actually mean this as a great compliment.
Nailed it!
My favorite
@M G 👋☮
Ecstasy. Was the drug of the time.
Sadness can be rewarding?
0:27 here's the point where the hippies and punks gather together... The Door's Ray Manzarek producing X's first album "Los Angeles", GREAT!!
They were in good hands.
+ second, this is Wild Gift
Ray actually produced the first 4 :)
X's first 4 records were stunning. Amazing live show. Raw, raunchy energy, pure punk with brains. Still one of my faves.
Great song. Cool to see Ray Manzerek in the studio.
Still fresh in 2024. An original.
Probably the most musical band to come out of the Hollywood punk scene.
I always love how sweet and innocent Billy Zoom looks with his big smile! Ha
Agreed 1000%
One of the greatest American rock bands. The biggest compliment you can pay a band is it's originality. X had it in spades..
they were the best in the LA scene. the other punk bands had the energy, aggression, etc. but X was pure class all the way.
Los Angeles, their first record, will always be my favorite.
35 years ago I bought "Wild Gift," and my life was never the same.
it was Los Angeles that did it for me.
We had 2 cassettes on the boat, just in case one broke.
Then they released Los Angeles and wild gift on opposite sides of a casette, what a day..!
Those first 3 albums are all equally amazing to me, and the 4th album is only barely less amazing. Los Angeles was the first one I heard, and it set the bar pretty damn high. Wild Gift was the perfect follow-up, and Under The Big Black Sun kept that momentum going, with even better production (definitely X's loudest album). Those albums have never lost their magic. I still get goosebumps even today listening to them. It's timeless stuff.
Brewzerr I think Big Black Sun is the best both on consistently high song quality and, as you say, the sound. Which unfortunately is only a little better, but every little bit helps. Few great bands were so poorly recorded (I suppose the Replacements and Hüsker Du sound even worse, but to me X matters much more than either of them). Look up a Billy Zoom interview and see how frustrated he remains with the poor engineering and production, and how he was unable to do anything about it. That said, the writing, playing and singing on the first four albums of course compel you to listen through the crappy sound and revel in the music anyway!
For me, the first album (which I missed when it came out) is of course a brilliant debut but the songs are a bit up and down. Wild Gift has SO MANY songs, including several of their best (White Girl, Adult Books, Some Other Time, In This House, Beyond), and maybe just a little filler. Black Sun (again, all my opinion) has zero filler other than Real Child of Hell - every other song is a unique gem in their stellar catalog and this album is their masterpiece.
The fourth album is very good too. The sound is a little harsh (well they all sound harsh, but this is the first hint of a certain “Stadium-Rock Harsh” that will reach its nadir on the wretched fifth album). Songs on #4 very good, not quite up to #’s 2 and 3. The first two songs are fantastic and Think Bad Thoughts is a contender for greatest X song ever. Album #5: no comment except that Around My Heart is a good song buried under the hideous sound. The See How We Are album is slightly better despite no Billy: title track, When It Rains and Cyrano are terrific. Re-listening, I just noticed for the first time that Cyrano is copyright 1981, so it’s a song from the great period that they finally got around to recording in the late ‘80s. Not really impressed with live album (the one with no Billy) or Hey Zeus, don’t really know the solo stuff although I remember Meet John Doe wasn’t terrible. Interested to hear more of their new one - first song pretty good, didn’t like Cyrano remake.
I just noticed that I rank the four great X albums exactly the same as I rank the Ramones’ big four: #3, #2, #4, #1. All worthwhile!
The band who I have seen in concert more than any other from 1980 all the way to the show this past July. Cant wait until the next one
Burning House of Love !
I like how Ray Manzarek is in the studio with them Such a genius he was
Love them!! Saw them during Covid..had a big X on my silver mask…lol
John Doe and Exene write such great lyrics together and the way John Doe and Billy Zoom played to/off each other is magical on stage. Going to see them again tomorrow night, can't wait!
Heck yeah they did
There duets seem almost like anti duets.
They don't quite harmonize.
But it's unique and works perfectly.
saw X many times in LA from 79-83. Timeless great music . They weren't even anything like the hardcore scene, that emerged from LA at that time.They were and are great musicians.
I saw them last night in santa cruz. They still put on a good show.
14 times 80-86. Loved the "hardcore" scene every bit as much. Bands out of SST by the early and mid 80s weren't any less accomplished on their instruments--Greg Ginn beat the fuck out of everybody on guitar--and progressive in their music and lyrics. There was so much genius swarming around and I am so grateful I got to hear and witness a lot.
Really wanted to see them back then,but was USMC at the time,duty called
bigbillwaltonsacidheads Were there concerts always like I experienced in 2015; really cool people there because they loved X. Of course, when I saw them 1 of the most interesting things was the age differences; the university crowd in Pere Ubu t-shirts and then people in their 50’s. I was probably one of the very few who was 38, neither young nor Scott’s age (57). Everybody meshed so well though, lots of people to talk to... Best concert hands down. I’m not the arena type.
Did you see the daytime show free at cal State Fullerton? On a big lawn, edge of campus, I'd guess 5,000 maybe 4,000 - wildest punk show I ever saw and i saw a bunch from 81 to present.
look at exene singing about her husband cheating on her.
"Listen to ghosts in the other room" john sings incredible stuff!
Great music doesn't sound dated. this is a timeless song.
All 4 of the Ray Manzarek-produced albums have that timeless quality. Still sounds fresh even today. I've been listening to X ever since I first heard "Los Angeles" back in 1981, and they've never lost that magic for me. They're a national treasure.
This song is about Lorna Doom.
"Listen to ghosts in the other room" i think that was about darby
@@matlockduybay1888 White Girl was written and released before Darby died. It was released as a single in early 1980, and then put onto Wild Gift in 1981.
i love exenes raw voice mixed with his beautiful smooth voice. such a great underappreciated band
A great sounding band. Ray Manzarek thought so. And his opinion mattered.
Another favorite X song!
Fav Band, saw at the Whiskey a Go Go in 1980.
That was when Crime played with them?
42 years after hearing this great song I'm now Living with a White Girl.
Exene always loved to write things on her hands for some reason.
I used to write on my hands because I saw she did that. I liked her two white bracelets too. Great time!
After hearing a snippet of this on a chili peppers song I searched and found it and years later it's still just as good!
great drumming.
Indeed. DJ Bonebreak is a really overlooked drummer. Great marimba player as well.
Drummer is next level.
that's cool how he swings the stick over his back for some reason but never missed the beat
@@goedeck1 I think he was throwing the wire from the headphones back.
This is one of the Greatest songs Ever Recorded !!! 🎁🎗🎲
X L.A. Band As a high school teenager Punk was in . Glad I was part of it when it was at its peak. Love their music, even as a middle aged man who now listens to talk radio and country. But now and then likes to go back to those high school rebel years.
Long live Ray’s memory.
xoxo The Clarences
I think X and Tom Waits have seen me through every dark period of my life.
Me too.
Me three.
@@kennethbrady You two have great taste.
Tom Waits not so much. Not at all to be honest.
I cut my first chops covering this song this was one of the best bands of the 80s to emulate .😊
Still listening in Dec. 2023.
Yeah well ain't many of us left
@@JSTNtheWZRD 2024
2024 and I'm 34
One of the most timeless, perfect songs.
White Girl and Los Angeles are the two best X songs. Been on my spotify playlist for years. They got attitude.
saw them back in 1987 when I was in the army. wanted to go AWOL to be their roadie....Greatest American band ever, period.
Certainly the best American band of the 80s and 90s
Man, that would’ve been an interesting time to see X. Right after Billy left the band. Were both Dave Alvin and Tony Gilkyson on guitar, or only Tony Gilkyson (if you remember ofc lol)?
@@B0w.and.arr0w When I saw them Tony Gilkyson was the guitarist. I took a girl I was completely crazy about to see X for our first official 'date'. We got there early because it was X and even though I was head over heels for my date I was even crazier about X. We were able to be right at the stage - I mean, right at the stage for the whole show. It got pretty intense during the show with the Mosh Pit but I kept our in front of the stage the entire time. Now, my date was quite a beauty and at the end of the show Tony leaned over and handed her his guitar pick. I thought that was pretty cool and so did she. Not a bad first date and all courtesy of X.
@@B0w.and.arr0w When I saw them Tony Gilkyson was the guitarist. I took a girl I was completely crazy about to see X for our first official 'date'. We got there early because it was X and even though I was head over heels for my date I was even crazier about X. We were able to be right at the stage - I mean, right at the stage for the whole show. Now, my date was quite a beauty and at the end of the show Tony leaned over and handed her his guitar pick. I thought that was pretty cool and so did she. Not a bad first date and all courtesy of X.
@@sartoris9439 That’s super cool man. And thanks for telling me who was on guitar. I was super curious, because I know Dave Alvin left in ‘87 lol. I went and saw X for the first time in summer of 2021, and it was a great time. Billy signed my Wild Gift record, and John gave my sister a set list.
This song is amazing seriously it completely captures the vibe of L.A and the voices are hauntingly beautiful.
Thank god, that ray manzareks wife explained her husband, that the song the band on stage in front of him was playing their own version of' soul kitchen'. He was some kind of confused. But decided to produce the first LP of 'X'...
I'm from New York. I was turned on to X by the music editor of my High School newspaper when I was 14 I think. The next year I was out in Los Angeles visiting the other part of my family....I think I was 15, probably 1983....my half sister knew a guy from her High School that was into X. He was 17 and had a car. They were playing on Sunset - the Whiskey or the Roxy, can't remember. My family was way into the Valley, like Woodland Hills....this guy comes by, picks me up. We're going to see X. I was so excited...played a tape I had made of my vinyl "Under The Big Black Sun" LP....took forever to get there...got on line....can't remember if we already had tickets or they were at the door or what...but a big bouncer type guy comes down the line and asks us if we're 21 and do we have ID or something....we did not....it was a long car ride back to Woodland Hills.....I didn't see them live until 1991 when I was living in San Francisco, but I did see John and Excene do "White Girl" live, acoustic, at the old Largo on Fairfax after I moved to LA. It was incredible.
X...I love you..XOXO🎶🎼😎
Exceptional band. I was lucky to see them at the Marquee London in 1984 - absolutely intense. We stood in front of Billy with his fixed grin like any second his pointed boot would knock our heads off. The room was full of bands: Damned, Motorhead, Buzzcocks. X were the biggest thing around. It looked like they were America's new alternative rock crossover superstars. Instead they faded and we got R.E.M zzzz...
REM were tremendous. Their first five albums bristle and they were epic live. Their middle period brought more guitar and sonic punch. They didn’t fade until around 2000.
Yeah, but X have long outlived REM! Just saw them last month. Great as ever!
Back again two years later ! Many memories of early 1980 s L.A. !!!
Forgot how much I dig these guys................been a while.............
that cig fall made me lol
Oh hell yeah!
a complete and utter masterpiece
This is fantastic! Seen many X videos, usually of them playing. Way back in the '80s, I was lucky enough to see them live. Never saw then in anything but a small NPR studio so this was special. I love how John Doe just lets his cigarette drop when he kicks off the song. X are #mandatory#listening!!!
This is more rockabilly than punk, and a damn fine example of 80s alternative music. Thank you X.
Music that MATTERS!!
Great footage. Thanks for posting 😎
awesome classic riff to start
Effin timeless song. Saw them at the stardust ballroom back in the day, perhaps one of the best show I've seen
Finally got to see this band 2-nights ago in DC. So awesome!
I also have epilepsy for 50 of my 56 years ..I have not had a seizure in 20 years..it started when I was 6years old. God bless..
X 💯
My favourite all time band ever ....been listening to them since 79 ....saw them in Pensacola last year ...what a show ...I suggest you.go.see em ....Billy and extend are not in the best of health right now
Exene not extend lol
I like them but I can think of over 100 bands that are better
One of the best American bands ever !!
Drummers got back beat!
If you've never seen them perform live, do yourself a favor and go see them when they tour. Their sound is just as vibrant now as back in the day. I saw them perform in L.A. back in the late seventies and early 80s and believe me, they sound just as great!
Going to see them tonight in Houston. I haven't seen them since '81. Billy Zoom back on guitar !
Didn't know Billy was back playing. Should be great!
@@cuervojoe13 Yeah Billy’s been back since ‘97. And thank god. Tony Gilkyson (and briefly Dave Alvin) were great, but nothing beats Billy.
This captures the essence of X. I saw them live several times in LA back in the day, and this really conveys their live performance, somehow.
Best punk rock band out of Los Angeles
So glad I saw X in NYC now decades ago.
Their first two albums -- now augmented with demos -- articulate artfully angst and anger and psychoanalysis. This song signifies that gift. Rockabilly's punk band is still important in hindsight.
BACK 2 THE BASE...please post IT, someone.
gotta love the LA punk scene.
Love the music by X!
Ray Manzarek producing. Brilliant.
Awesome to watch Manzarec rocking out to X.
the cigarette falling is the most punk rock moment in history 😁
Love this track from their 2nd LP and it's so cool seeing Ray in this video.
Dwight Whikehart .., not true!
Let's Move Andean Holedey Song.S
No X did not record at Sunset. The Doors recorded at Sunset but also moved to Electra and other studios after the first two
The rumor amongst some of my 9th grade pals back in the day was that Señor Doe was Jim Morrison reincarnated. Silly kids. What a song. What a band. What a sweet video and even sweeter memories. Thank you!
Michael G. Halle They were alive at the same time.
Wild Gift, what an extraordinary piece of Art…..
X was never under rated...they actually have many fans and hit it as big as you can without going commercial...financially it is beneficial, but many underground bands are not for the general public? One thing you can say is that X never sold out and could have easily! That's why we are here and love them !
Hear Hear!
I just got my tickets to see them again.
Had the pleasure of seeing them live.
2 inch tape! Love it
Love that Ray was so excited about it ❤️
I saw them in Palo Alto in 1983 best show I ever saw.
X ...and The Muffs! Some don't consider them legit punk bands but they most definitely are. They rock! And Muffs claim X as a huge influence.
RIP Kim.
X # 1
One of the few bands I can still enjoy listening to loud
This song still evokes the exact same feeling in me now as it did in junior high... a strange blend of pensive sadness and introspection. And it sounds just as fresh and brilliant as it did back then.
2024 still great !
saw x on mescaline like 30 years ago at the brooklyn zoo...billy zoom was a trip...literally
Saw X many times in the early 80s. A ton of great punk rock bands in early 80s in LA
Yes! These gen yzopgs$ what the fuck don't know & we danced! F rap!
A playlist of the L.A. scene from the good ol days
john doe was such a stud 😍 and what a voice
X is timeless...still get chicken skin from their tunes, love this forever.
Love the band ! was funny to see a master reel towards the end.
Great song. Timeless, 43 years later.
Awesome video. Awesome song. Awesome group.
The great Rick Perrotta on the board
first 2 LPs... two of the many of the soundtrack to our punk world in the early 80's.
I love how the drums fit in... just awesome :D
Been on an X kick lately. Raw LA energy from the early 1980s...and produced by Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist of The Doors.