When I first tested Ganymede, I went to a fairly large bakery and got the compliment that I was filling the whole room with awesome freshness. I never doubted projection ever
Ganymede is very strong and has massive sillage. I’d say to give it a few sprays to let some air in the bottle and let the fragrance sit for a week or two and come back to it.
Exactly because the last time I wore it, my mom told me she could smell it lingering in the air at her house and in the couch where I sat 2 days later.
@@dawwlo Ganymede doesn’t work how his fragrances work. Ganymede isn’t in your face and explosive. It likes to float in the air and you can become anosmic to it fairly quickly. Doesn’t mean it’s not there and performing.
I saw a meme about this fragrance and found this video and now I’m subscribed and just like absolutely enthralled with this guy. My whole like perfume review experience is just that sad blonde guy going through an existential crisis in memes, so to see someone actually breaking down the science of each element is really cool. Learning about new things is fun.
@@ManicMindTrick I’ll give you few examples, includin niche and designer: - Cuoium - Orto Parisi - this is N U C L E A R, insane sillage and 24h lasting power - Naxos - Xerjoff - on me this lasts 12-14h but projects nicely only for like 3h - Ursa Tiziana Terenzi - lasts like 24h but doesn’t project at all! I mean, at all - Montblanc Explorer - it was my siganture scent, everybody asked me what i’m wearing - CNIM - Armaf - same as Explorer - Amyris - MFK - worth mentioning, not very beast mode, like 8-10h longevity, but many people complimented this fragrance, which means peaople could smell it. Hope this helps!
@@MrDusteybowls When did you buy your bottle? Mine isn’t a beast unfortunately. Most recent batch owned for roughly 3 months, 6-8 hours longevity tops.
Projection is really subtle 5:15 for me. It does hang around for 6+ hours with small whiffs. There’s not enough air in the bottle yet for maceration. Very unique and also intriguing to most people.
On my skin Ganymede is an absolute beast, so much so that I am reluctant to wear it at times. I bought it about three weeks ago, sprayed it on before a dinner with friends at about 9 in the evening, showered and went to sleep. I remember smelling it on my skin the day after when leaving from work in the afternoon. Among my favorite scents for how distinctive yet elegant it smells and in my experience massive in its performance.
So I watched this review because I bought based on the reviews. I thought it smells good, but I wasn’t impressed. But I wore to work and I sprayed it. Not only did my compliments record get smashed! But all of my female co-workers said they would love their men to smell like it! And they all said it was the Silage that did it! So maybe it doesn’t project that much, but the central is amazing according to the compliments!
Pretty surprised by it not being monstrous on your skin, within the fragrance community Ganymede is regarded as one of the best performing scents on the market today. Like nuclear level performance, on-par with high-quality ouds and premium niche scents. I say that as somebody not a fan of Ganymede.
I had a decant before my new full bottle purchase.Decant performace was amazingly strong .I purchased 30 ml few months ago and was slightly dissapointed as I think performance is weaker, but I had compliments after many hours through the day.I often get this feeling with new purchases ..let them sit and do time it magic work😅Many fragrances gets stronger with time at least from my own experience
@@akilanvijayaratnam5891 did you try an older version too? I've heard a lot of people saying this was reformulated. I have a decant and 2 sprays lasts me the entire day, planning to buy it but if they reformulated it so drastically I don't think I will because it's super expensive for a synthetic perfume
Either this got reformulated or you should let it macerate a bit. This is the strongest projecting and Sillage perfume in my whole collection. Nuclear with at least 12 hours of longevity
Agree about the reformulation. It changes differently on my skin in my most recent FB purchase than when sampled in winter of 2022. Sample was awesome!
The perfume would have already been macerated before being shipped out. It’s probably been reformulated as most big companies are doing to their formulations. Andrew has always said as well he struggles with performance on a lot of fragrances due to his skin.
@@thanospsarogenis292 yeah it’s super annoying. I’ve been wanting to get Oajan by Parfum de Marley but heard it’s recently been reformulated and doesn’t last anywhere near as long. Getting sick of these companies doing this.
I bought this because I was intrigued by the mineral notes. Holy smokes, I don't think I have encountered another fragrance with this level of staying power. One spritz before I leave and I can still smell it in the room I sprayed it 24 hours later!
This is one of my favorite fragrances. On my skin it's a has huge performance both in sillage and longevity. Very masculine and great for a suit or Tux event.
I go nose blind to Ganymede, after about 20 mins. This also happens to me with Fahrenheit and Sauvage. But, if i spray ISO E Super on top...im smelling it for about 8-10 hours. Im wearing ganymede today, by pure coincidence
This is such an interesting fragrance, I love it and hate it at the same time. It almost smells alien to me because there’s nothing else like it. It’s very “sterile” smelling and very leathery to my nose. It almost smells like a dentists office right after it’s been cleaned or how i would picture the inside of a futuristic spaceship smelling like. It confuses my nose lol. Ganymede is beyond monstrous on my skin, bordering on obnoxious. It easily lasts 24 hours with 2 sprays. It becomes nauseating after a few hours because of how potent and metallic it is.
They have recently reformulated this. The reformulated versions have a sticker on the bottom of the bottle with the batch info etc. The pre formulated bottles this info is engraved on the bottom. I noticed a big difference between the 2 with the older formulation being a beast of my skin, the newer one is flat and doesn't project as much.
Reformulations are often fragcom myths. Brands want to beat their competitors, and sell the best fragrance possible to you. They aren't out to get you and sell you water lmao
@@alakazamhippity3192 creed is doing it on purpose because they’re just corporate trash now, that’s the difference. A small company like Marc antoin barrois doesn’t need to tarnish their name.
The first and second time wearing it after buying it i was very disappointed at the performance. But after having it for about 6 weeks, I put it on and, I don't know what happened, but it just lasts forever now and its one of the few perfumes that my nose does not become blind to it. I'm happy with it. On the other hand, Bois Imperial is just beast mode on my skin from the very beginning.
Interesting fragrance! Makes me think of Fahrenheit EDT a little bit, a Fahrenheit with less violets, less leather and a high dose of ISO E SUPER and a metallic thing. Quite expensive I'd say, as for me, personally it smells quite synthetic (not necessarily in a bad way, I just get a lot of synthetic aroma chemicals and less of naturals)
I don’t like the words “blind buy” but if one likes warm spicy/metallic kind of scent… It went a bit flat, lasted about 3 hrs with low projection. To my surprise, the extrait scores lower but smells even smoother and lasts well over a day. 5 weeks later and my jacket still smelled of the gorgeous dry down.
I noticed this one is not as strong on me as it is other people. Well, at least I don't smell it as long. I honestly think it may be the high amount of ambroxan in it. High doses of that stuff makes me go noseblind pretty fast. Heck, there are some frags that I stop smelling before I even get the cap back on the bottle (looking at you ATH Guapo and YSL Y lol). It's not the frags fault, though, I just have to be really careful and sample everything before I buy because I want something I can smell throughout the day. I could care less if others can smell it if I can't even enjoy it myself.
I have the same reaction to Ambroxan. It ruins perfumes for me. I noticed I hated most modern perfumes and couldn't figure out why they weren't as strong as others claimed. Now I know. What's the point in wearing perfume if I can't smell it for myself?
If this is not strong, I'm afraid to try ATH perfumes. This is one of the strongest and long lasting perfumes I have. And when you think it's gone, you catch wifts in the air when your body warms up. This even beats Aventus, at least this one I can smell, to Aventus I quickly become anosmic.
I have to agree with Aaron on this one. It's a lovely fragrance, very high quality. But it's a bit light on me as well. I still love it though. I spray on clothes and that helps a lot.
Thanks for the review Aron. Sillage on this one is amazing, pumps out a nice trail for at least three hours for me. Sometimes I get surprised when I get a whiff of it... I think you would like B-683 from the same house.
I’ve been waiting to hear your thoughts on this one. I use Bois Imperial which was done by the same perfumer , Quentin Bisch, and gets compared to this. I get 10+ hours on my skin. It pushes all day and is a compliment monster.
I got a sample of this and didn't like it but my wife loved it! So I got her a bottle for Christmas. This has lasting power on her skin. She applies it in the morning before she goes to work and when she comes back in the house, I can still smell it; 8+ hours.
@@isobel64 To my nose, it's unisex but at the end of the day, you should wear what you like. I wear Dolce Gabbana Light Blue for Her. To me, it's a better version than the men's. 🤷🏿♂️
@@garrisoneldum argument, so then wear the arianna grande perfume hmmm I thought you would back peddle, I see you🤣🤣 Ppl should stick to their fckn lane and stop trying to smell like a man 🤣
I think you are a great reviewer with a lot of knowledge and you are one of the few that I enjoy Watching the videos Ganymedes is a monstrous perfume and my skin is very complicated Ganymedes has a highly mineral alcoholic aftertaste that I have not felt before, it is a fairly linear perfume, the only The evolution that I see is when the leather note comes out after its initial stage, on my partner's skin it lasts more than 10 hours and on clothes for several days, I would like to know when is your bottle from? because I have heard complaints about reformulations
I can’t believe this died off so quickly on your skin Aaron, for me this fragrance lasts literally a day. I only put it one spray my wrists in the morning because it projects really well. After my shower at night a can still smell it on my wrists. For comparison i’m Irish and i have very fair skin.
Thanks again and keep the reviews coming! Unfortunately, I am not in Ganymede's camp. This brand does't do it for me and, as my skin consumes the fragrances, it does not last on me either.
I have both Tuxedo and Ganymede. Ganymede is undoubtedly strong and robust, and more so than tuxedo. Ganymede is my most beast-mode fragrance after Bodicea's blue saphire. It's stronger your ATH tabac, which is my favorite tobacco fragrance.
Great review Aaron 🤙🏻 Ganymede is very long lasting on my skin it pushes for about 2 hours and I can still slightly detect it after 8 hours , great scent it has a classy quality to it 👌🏻
I don't know... I had two bottles of this which never performed right on my skin .. it was weird cause the sample I had was epic... But as soon as I brought the bottle .. I was so disappointed in the juice... I thought I had a bad batch so I sent it back and got another.. but the second one was just a fraction of the sample I had. I don't know I really wanted to love it . But after 10 minutes I could barely smell it. And from the opening was just much lighter than The sample I had which was definitely beast mode, and would last on my clothes for a few days. Anyways I have seen several bottles for resale by owners with only a few sprays used ... Which makes me think other users have the same issues. I am a big fan of Encelade and B683 extrait
I really like this, it's not my favourite but this lasts and projects so much on me, a few sprays is all I need, unlike a lot of other fragrances I have
I also have no clue how it's not insanely monstrous off of his skin. This thing is a beast, and I'm wondering if maybe the fact that he has tattoo sleeves could somehow make his skin drier than most, which could explain the lack of longevity he's getting? Anywho, Ganymede is a masterpiece, one of the best I've ever smelled, and is right up there with Dior Homme Parfum/Intense, Bleu De Chanel, OG Creed Aventus, Xerjoff Naxos, etc. Review the extrait version next please, ATH!
I get really good performance out of Ganymede. Not quite beast mode but it's pretty close. It's a spectacular scent, though. I see why it's as hyped as it is.
Il liked Ganymede but i prefer, Bois Imperial (created by the same perfumer Quentin Bish) it has some similarities with Ganymede and it also reminded me of Grey Vetiver by Tom Ford and it projects more 👍
Ganymede was a love at first sniff for me. Longevity is easily 10+ hours on my skin and longer on clothes. It doesn’t project like a beast but it does latch onto my skin for hours and hours. It’s unique for my collection because I don’t have anything that smells similar to it. Cheers, Aaron!!
I’ve been going back/forth with purchasing this one primarily because I prefer brilliant lesser hyped fragrances. That said, think I’ll wait & revisit Ganymede after your Extrait review. 🤔
High End Mineral Leather Safron that has become one of my Signature scents. It's just luxurious, unique and very Confidence boosting. Better than BR540.
I bought this and it arrived today, wore it around and to the gym. It’s the strongest projecting fragrance in my collection, and I have some pretty beastly fragrances.
Surprised you had such a tame reaction to this. This was a very unique perfume for me. Very mineralic with Indian food like touches but with a soapy backbone. Never smelt anything like it. Maybe the Extrait has more of an impact
Great review and good choice of fragrance to review :) could you maybe do a review of Olfactive Studio's Ombre Indigo? 😊 Looking forward to see your next video ✌️
I think this fragrance is very good but a bit overhyped. It opens very interesting and different. I don’t know if it is me but I think it smells a bit like Aventus in the background after several hours. I agreed with Aaron, I wish it would be stronger and long lasting for the bucks.
Quite surprised about performance for you. For me its ridiculously strong. On my skin i could smell easily after 12hrs also with just one spray though it was kinda skin scent by then, and on cloths it lasted for 2-3 days easily.
About a year ago! There may be some differences in performance with some batch but still hardly seen people complaining about performance with Ganymede in general!
I love Ganymede. I got a decant first, and I am very disappointed to hear that it may have been reformulated before I could get a bottle. Mine easily lasts all day on me. I got the Emir Celestial dupe also and it is really good too! There is a little twist, but it definitely captures the DNA.
@@ashutoshdevshali2933 @ashutoshdevshali2933 not quite as strong as the original, but the scent is fantastic. It may even be more wearable because the metallic note is tamed down slightly, which allows the suede to be a little more present. It's been hot here and it doesn't last as well when you're out in the heat, so I haven't been wearing it as much lately. I love it indoors. I don't think it is projecting too far, but I can get whiffs of it without putting nose to skin for 8 hours. I highly recommend it, but maybe not as a blind buy.
For me performance was quite nice! It lasted all day for me personally. It’s clone Emir Celestial by Paris Corner is also quite nice and mineralic! I’m surprised you didn’t expound upon the akigalawood that Ganymede is also known to have.
@@miguelcardenas2413 you may be right about that. Quentin does do perfumery that smells quite similar however i still think Celestial was close. It’s not exactly it but it’s close. I’m sure Bois Imperial smells closer to Ganymede
When I first tested Ganymede, I went to a fairly large bakery and got the compliment that I was filling the whole room with awesome freshness. I never doubted projection ever
How many spreys?
@@Coolvaibhavv think it was 3 or 4 but from a 5ml tester bottle
new batch ?
This is my favourite perfume. It is 10/10 for me - beast mode performance, unique and crowd pleaser. I love EDP more than Extrait.
It's a leather perfume?
@@rk-ve6jyit is not - just with some leathery touches & not obviously so.
@@HT-ih8tr oh ok. I need some suggestions for ofc..
@@HT-ih8tr which batch bro may i know yours? mine doesnt perform well
@@h9n154what is yours ?
Ganymede is very strong and has massive sillage. I’d say to give it a few sprays to let some air in the bottle and let the fragrance sit for a week or two and come back to it.
Beast mode off my skin for the first 4 or 5 hours. 12 hour plus longevity. Top 3 in my collection.
Exactly because the last time I wore it, my mom told me she could smell it lingering in the air at her house and in the couch where I sat 2 days later.
I'd say that Aaron knows how the fragrance performs, no doubts... This is no longer a beast mode, sadly
@@dawwlo Ganymede doesn’t work how his fragrances work. Ganymede isn’t in your face and explosive. It likes to float in the air and you can become anosmic to it fairly quickly. Doesn’t mean it’s not there and performing.
@@LucidAnomalies_got the decant when it was released and the thing projected heavy... Nowdays, not anymore, sits very close
Watching Aarons hair journey is almost as interesting as the content itself.
No kidding been subscribed for years before he started his company
😂😂 so true
I saw a meme about this fragrance and found this video and now I’m subscribed and just like absolutely enthralled with this guy.
My whole like perfume review experience is just that sad blonde guy going through an existential crisis in memes, so to see someone actually breaking down the science of each element is really cool.
Learning about new things is fun.
I have a lot of “beast mode” fragrances, but this is on another level. Absolutely insane performance and I almost always get a compliment when wearing
I’ll give you few examples, includin niche and designer:
- Cuoium - Orto Parisi - this is N U C L E A R, insane sillage and 24h lasting power
- Naxos - Xerjoff - on me this lasts 12-14h but projects nicely only for like 3h
- Ursa Tiziana Terenzi - lasts like 24h but doesn’t project at all! I mean, at all
- Montblanc Explorer - it was my siganture scent, everybody asked me what i’m wearing
- CNIM - Armaf - same as Explorer
- Amyris - MFK - worth mentioning, not very beast mode, like 8-10h longevity, but many people complimented this fragrance, which means peaople could smell it.
Hope this helps!
This fragrance is a BEAST. Absolutely the strongest in my collection. I dont think you'd want it stronger lol.
Yeah this stuff is beyond monstrous
My wife gets pissed when I wear it 😂 super beast.
bear in mind he's heavily tatted, that often affects sillage.
@@MrDusteybowls When did you buy your bottle? Mine isn’t a beast unfortunately. Most recent batch owned for roughly 3 months, 6-8 hours longevity tops.
@andrew7650 beastly is about spillage and projection NOT longevity
This is my favorite fragrance Aaron! Thank you for reviewing this.
I love this fragrance and enjoy wearing it all year round. It's a monstrous scent on my skin/clothes. Thank you for another fun review! :D
Appreciate your truth Aaron. It's a beast of a performer on my skin. On clothes it's there the next day. Keep em coming
Projection is really subtle 5:15 for me. It does hang around for 6+ hours with small whiffs. There’s not enough air in the bottle yet for maceration. Very unique and also intriguing to most people.
@@markoq1879 same
On my skin Ganymede is an absolute beast, so much so that I am reluctant to wear it at times. I bought it about three weeks ago, sprayed it on before a dinner with friends at about 9 in the evening, showered and went to sleep. I remember smelling it on my skin the day after when leaving from work in the afternoon. Among my favorite scents for how distinctive yet elegant it smells and in my experience massive in its performance.
What is the batchcode of your bottle ?
Do you know what the batch code or year of your bottle is?
@@andrew7650 what is your batchcode ?
This is a stunning fragrance. It smells mysterious and so unique. Love it!
So I watched this review because I bought based on the reviews. I thought it smells good, but I wasn’t impressed. But I wore to work and I sprayed it. Not only did my compliments record get smashed! But all of my female co-workers said they would love their men to smell like it! And they all said it was the Silage that did it! So maybe it doesn’t project that much, but the central is amazing according to the compliments!
Would like to see you cover Bois Imperial after this
Pretty surprised by it not being monstrous on your skin, within the fragrance community Ganymede is regarded as one of the best performing scents on the market today. Like nuclear level performance, on-par with high-quality ouds and premium niche scents. I say that as somebody not a fan of Ganymede.
Maybe the newer ones don’t last. It doesn’t on me either
sometimes tatts and higher melanin content can affect projection.
I had a decant before my new full bottle purchase.Decant performace was amazingly strong .I purchased 30 ml few months ago and was slightly dissapointed as I think performance is weaker, but I had compliments after many hours through the day.I often get this feeling with new purchases ..let them sit and do time it magic work😅Many fragrances gets stronger with time at least from my own experience
@@akilanvijayaratnam5891 did you try an older version too? I've heard a lot of people saying this was reformulated. I have a decant and 2 sprays lasts me the entire day, planning to buy it but if they reformulated it so drastically I don't think I will because it's super expensive for a synthetic perfume
It stayed on my skin for more than 18 hours. I live in Mumbai and the climate is very humid. It’s a masterpiece for sure.
I have yet to smell anything like it. If I could use only one word to describe it: luxurious
In my opinion, Bois Imperiale is better. The sillage and performance are better
@@PANCAKEPAP1do they smell anything alike?....I have bois imperial already, do u think it would be redundant to have both?
Looking fabulous Aaron!
Either this got reformulated or you should let it macerate a bit. This is the strongest projecting and Sillage perfume in my whole collection. Nuclear with at least 12 hours of longevity
Agree about the reformulation. It changes differently on my skin in my most recent FB purchase than when sampled in winter of 2022. Sample was awesome!
The perfume would have already been macerated before being shipped out. It’s probably been reformulated as most big companies are doing to their formulations. Andrew has always said as well he struggles with performance on a lot of fragrances due to his skin.
Then most probably they reformulated to rise extrait sales. Unacceptable because the scent profile of extrait is bad
@@thanospsarogenis292 yeah it’s super annoying. I’ve been wanting to get Oajan by Parfum de Marley but heard it’s recently been reformulated and doesn’t last anywhere near as long. Getting sick of these companies doing this.
I bought this because I was intrigued by the mineral notes. Holy smokes, I don't think I have encountered another fragrance with this level of staying power. One spritz before I leave and I can still smell it in the room I sprayed it 24 hours later!
Excellent review. Hi Aaron love your perfumes and your reviews. Hoping to see more from my favorite house, Initio!
This is one of my favorite fragrances. On my skin it's a has huge performance both in sillage and longevity. Very masculine and great for a suit or Tux event.
I always keep my fragrances in the original box, in my opinion it looks more luxurious and conserve’s the perfume better.
I go nose blind to Ganymede, after about 20 mins. This also happens to me with Fahrenheit and Sauvage. But, if i spray ISO E Super on top...im smelling it for about 8-10 hours. Im wearing ganymede today, by pure coincidence
For me this has a lot of iso e super, I get lots of iso e super. I personally won't layer it with ISO
This is such an interesting fragrance, I love it and hate it at the same time. It almost smells alien to me because there’s nothing else like it.
It’s very “sterile” smelling and very leathery to my nose. It almost smells like a dentists office right after it’s been cleaned or how i would picture the inside of a futuristic spaceship smelling like. It confuses my nose lol.
Ganymede is beyond monstrous on my skin, bordering on obnoxious. It easily lasts 24 hours with 2 sprays. It becomes nauseating after a few hours because of how potent and metallic it is.
Ooooft Aaron that hair 😍😍
Great review Aaron! For me, Ganymede is an absolute beast as is Encelade from the same house/perfumer.
They have recently reformulated this. The reformulated versions have a sticker on the bottom of the bottle with the batch info etc. The pre formulated bottles this info is engraved on the bottom. I noticed a big difference between the 2 with the older formulation being a beast of my skin, the newer one is flat and doesn't project as much.
Curious where you heard that seeing as the ingredients and concentration are the same as when released.
Reformulations are often fragcom myths. Brands want to beat their competitors, and sell the best fragrance possible to you. They aren't out to get you and sell you water lmao
I must disagree... my sticker-bottomed bottle is extremely potent.
@@DuSeun explain why creed has turned into water then, lol
@@alakazamhippity3192 creed is doing it on purpose because they’re just corporate trash now, that’s the difference. A small company like Marc antoin barrois doesn’t need to tarnish their name.
The first and second time wearing it after buying it i was very disappointed at the performance. But after having it for about 6 weeks, I put it on and, I don't know what happened, but it just lasts forever now and its one of the few perfumes that my nose does not become blind to it. I'm happy with it.
On the other hand, Bois Imperial is just beast mode on my skin from the very beginning.
Interesting fragrance! Makes me think of Fahrenheit EDT a little bit, a Fahrenheit with less violets, less leather and a high dose of ISO E SUPER and a metallic thing.
Quite expensive I'd say, as for me, personally it smells quite synthetic (not necessarily in a bad way, I just get a lot of synthetic aroma chemicals and less of naturals)
Love Ganymede! Bois Imperial by Essential Parfums is super close to it. Also made by Quentin Bische
Thanks for the review😊 and your hairstyle is nice😊🦄🦄
I don’t like the words “blind buy” but if one likes warm spicy/metallic kind of scent… It went a bit flat, lasted about 3 hrs with low projection. To my surprise, the extrait scores lower but smells even smoother and lasts well over a day. 5 weeks later and my jacket still smelled of the gorgeous dry down.
Hey Aaron, reminder for u to make a review of Acqua di parma oud. You will love it ;)
I noticed this one is not as strong on me as it is other people. Well, at least I don't smell it as long. I honestly think it may be the high amount of ambroxan in it. High doses of that stuff makes me go noseblind pretty fast. Heck, there are some frags that I stop smelling before I even get the cap back on the bottle (looking at you ATH Guapo and YSL Y lol). It's not the frags fault, though, I just have to be really careful and sample everything before I buy because I want something I can smell throughout the day. I could care less if others can smell it if I can't even enjoy it myself.
I have the same reaction to Ambroxan. It ruins perfumes for me. I noticed I hated most modern perfumes and couldn't figure out why they weren't as strong as others claimed. Now I know. What's the point in wearing perfume if I can't smell it for myself?
If this is not strong, I'm afraid to try ATH perfumes. This is one of the strongest and long lasting perfumes I have. And when you think it's gone, you catch wifts in the air when your body warms up. This even beats Aventus, at least this one I can smell, to Aventus I quickly become anosmic.
This is definitely on my to buy list. Great review Aaron 👍👍
I have to agree with Aaron on this one. It's a lovely fragrance, very high quality. But it's a bit light on me as well. I still love it though. I spray on clothes and that helps a lot.
Thanks for the review Aron. Sillage on this one is amazing, pumps out a nice trail for at least three hours for me. Sometimes I get surprised when I get a whiff of it...
I think you would like B-683 from the same house.
Thank you Aaron for reviewing Ganymede ❤ lasting power on me 10 hours+ - and I love wearing it wery much ❤❤❤❤
Beautiful fragrance, give it a few sprays on your neck and you will feel it all around you all day! Ganeymede always gets compliments
So strong and long lasting I have to be careful where I spray it or I’ll get a headache.
I love the new hair ✨
Love the new hairstyle!
I’ve been waiting to hear your thoughts on this one. I use Bois Imperial which was done by the same perfumer , Quentin Bisch, and gets compared to this. I get 10+ hours on my skin. It pushes all day and is a compliment monster.
I got a sample of this and didn't like it but my wife loved it! So I got her a bottle for Christmas. This has lasting power on her skin. She applies it in the morning before she goes to work and when she comes back in the house, I can still smell it; 8+ hours.
so its unisex? most people and places say its leans very masculine?
@@isobel64 To my nose, it's unisex but at the end of the day, you should wear what you like. I wear Dolce Gabbana Light Blue for Her. To me, it's a better version than the men's. 🤷🏿♂️
@@garrisoneldum argument, so then wear the arianna grande perfume hmmm I thought you would back peddle, I see you🤣🤣 Ppl should stick to their fckn lane and stop trying to smell like a man 🤣
I think you are a great reviewer with a lot of knowledge and you are one of the few that I enjoy Watching the videos Ganymedes is a monstrous perfume and my skin is very complicated Ganymedes has a highly mineral alcoholic aftertaste that I have not felt before, it is a fairly linear perfume, the only The evolution that I see is when the leather note comes out after its initial stage, on my partner's skin it lasts more than 10 hours and on clothes for several days, I would like to know when is your bottle from? because I have heard complaints about reformulations
Ganymede and Bois Imperial are just perfect for all ocasion and all seasons...brilliant..compliment monsters and the longevity is insane
I can’t believe this died off so quickly on your skin Aaron, for me this fragrance lasts literally a day. I only put it one spray my wrists in the morning because it projects really well. After my shower at night a can still smell it on my wrists. For comparison i’m Irish and i have very fair skin.
I would like to see a Montale Oud Tobacco and Essential Parfums Bois Imperial reviews
Thanks again and keep the reviews coming! Unfortunately, I am not in Ganymede's camp. This brand does't do it for me and, as my skin consumes the fragrances, it does not last on me either.
I have both Tuxedo and Ganymede. Ganymede is undoubtedly strong and robust, and more so than tuxedo. Ganymede is my most beast-mode fragrance after Bodicea's blue saphire. It's stronger your ATH tabac, which is my favorite tobacco fragrance.
ATH Anubis is beast mode😳
@@osmathgreenle8986That's one I need to wear more. I smelt it just yesterday, funnily enough, and thought the same then.
Which version do you have ? 73% alcohol volume or 84% ?
Great review Aaron 🤙🏻 Ganymede is very long lasting on my skin it pushes for about 2 hours and I can still slightly detect it after 8 hours , great scent it has a classy quality to it 👌🏻
I really liked your comment, but I would like to know if this Ganymède perfume is sweet, because I love slightly sweet perfumes. thank you sir 🙏🏽🙏🏽
I don't know... I had two bottles of this which never performed right on my skin .. it was weird cause the sample I had was epic... But as soon as I brought the bottle .. I was so disappointed in the juice... I thought I had a bad batch so I sent it back and got another.. but the second one was just a fraction of the sample I had. I don't know I really wanted to love it . But after 10 minutes I could barely smell it. And from the opening was just much lighter than The sample I had which was definitely beast mode, and would last on my clothes for a few days. Anyways I have seen several bottles for resale by owners with only a few sprays used ... Which makes me think other users have the same issues. I am a big fan of Encelade and B683 extrait
I think it’s nice and long lasting. Smells similar to Wood by Dsquared2, imo.
Try the Ganymede Extrait.. for me the normal Ganymede is long lasting and most complimented
I really like this, it's not my favourite but this lasts and projects so much on me, a few sprays is all I need, unlike a lot of other fragrances I have
I also have no clue how it's not insanely monstrous off of his skin. This thing is a beast, and I'm wondering if maybe the fact that he has tattoo sleeves could somehow make his skin drier than most, which could explain the lack of longevity he's getting? Anywho, Ganymede is a masterpiece, one of the best I've ever smelled, and is right up there with Dior Homme Parfum/Intense, Bleu De Chanel, OG Creed Aventus, Xerjoff Naxos, etc. Review the extrait version next please, ATH!
heavy tatts and higher melanin content can affect projection.
I get really good performance out of Ganymede. Not quite beast mode but it's pretty close. It's a spectacular scent, though. I see why it's as hyped as it is.
Mr. Hughes hair looks so good.
Il liked Ganymede but i prefer, Bois Imperial (created by the same perfumer Quentin Bish) it has some similarities with Ganymede and it also reminded me of Grey Vetiver by Tom Ford and it projects more 👍
This fragrance is a monster on my skin. Both in longevity (12 hrs) and in silage
Ganymede was a love at first sniff for me. Longevity is easily 10+ hours on my skin and longer on clothes. It doesn’t project like a beast but it does latch onto my skin for hours and hours. It’s unique for my collection because I don’t have anything that smells similar to it. Cheers, Aaron!!
I was wondering when you were going to do this review.
Would love to hear how you’d compare this to Bois Imperial. Hope you do review that as well.
Great review !!! ☀️
I’ve been going back/forth with purchasing this one primarily because I prefer brilliant lesser hyped fragrances. That said, think I’ll wait & revisit Ganymede after your Extrait review. 🤔
High End Mineral Leather Safron that has become one of my Signature scents. It's just luxurious, unique and very Confidence boosting. Better than BR540.
I was just trying out a sample of YSL Tuxedo while watching your video. That's spooky! 👻
I bought this and it arrived today, wore it around and to the gym. It’s the strongest projecting fragrance in my collection, and I have some pretty beastly fragrances.
Got enormous performance out of this, but it also gave me headaches every time I used it.
Also, my partner found it too much.
Interesting because tuxedo and ganymede are two of my favorites
10/10 masterpiece. Beast mode but not for everyone
Not for me I hate Marc Antoine Barrois perfumes
@@denisrodrigue829 i hate enclade as well, smells like vegetable market 😂😂😂
Also got a tester of the Ganymede extrait and much prefer the original.
Completely unrelated comment but your hairstyle is killer🦄
Surprised you had such a tame reaction to this. This was a very unique perfume for me. Very mineralic with Indian food like touches but with a soapy backbone. Never smelt anything like it. Maybe the Extrait has more of an impact
indian food? 😮😮
@@rk-ve6jy the immortelle has a turmeric/curry vibe to me
Great review and good choice of fragrance to review :) could you maybe do a review of Olfactive Studio's Ombre Indigo? 😊 Looking forward to see your next video ✌️
You should try bois imperial by essential parfums. Made by the same perfumer
I think this fragrance is very good but a bit overhyped. It opens very interesting and different. I don’t know if it is me but I think it smells a bit like Aventus in the background after several hours. I agreed with Aaron, I wish it would be stronger and long lasting for the bucks.
Plz review mercedez benze club black. It's a beautiful designer.
I'd love to know your take on in.
I struggled to smell this on card. The next day the card came back to life. I didnt do skin as I was sampling others.
Thank you Aaron.
I have no complaints about the performance. I get 8+ hours on my skin…Tuxedo doesn’t even come close.
You're nuts! This is Nuclear 😂
Quite surprised about performance for you. For me its ridiculously strong. On my skin i could smell easily after 12hrs also with just one spray though it was kinda skin scent by then, and on cloths it lasted for 2-3 days easily.
When did you buy it?
About a year ago! There may be some differences in performance with some batch but still hardly seen people complaining about performance with Ganymede in general!
At least 8 hours. Pure perfection for me but not blind-buy safe
The content is fantastic
To me, Ganymede is an austere, rather linear fragrance that had a very prolonged suede/wood note that was different to me than IsoE. Akigalawood hmm!
Plz review Kajal Lamar and Kajal Dahab
I can still smell Ganymede after 24 hours, my favorite fragrance!
Didn’t last on me. Had to sell this one. I would wear it and regret wearing it for some reason unfortunately.
Aaron, will you be reviewing Le Male Elixir at any point? I know you love your sweet fragrances and honestly it gives 1 Million a run for its money!
I love Ganymede. I got a decant first, and I am very disappointed to hear that it may have been reformulated before I could get a bottle. Mine easily lasts all day on me. I got the Emir Celestial dupe also and it is really good too! There is a little twist, but it definitely captures the DNA.
How is the performance on celestial? Would you recommend buying it
@@ashutoshdevshali2933 @ashutoshdevshali2933 not quite as strong as the original, but the scent is fantastic. It may even be more wearable because the metallic note is tamed down slightly, which allows the suede to be a little more present. It's been hot here and it doesn't last as well when you're out in the heat, so I haven't been wearing it as much lately. I love it indoors. I don't think it is projecting too far, but I can get whiffs of it without putting nose to skin for 8 hours. I highly recommend it, but maybe not as a blind buy.
For me performance was quite nice! It lasted all day for me personally. It’s clone Emir Celestial by Paris Corner is also quite nice and mineralic! I’m surprised you didn’t expound upon the akigalawood that Ganymede is also known to have.
Celestial is not even close to the original Ganymede.
@@miguelcardenas2413 i had celestial and i have a decant of Ganymede and to MY nose it was fairly close. Everyone’s nose is different though.
@@MATTYUS891 the dry down on Ganymede can’t be replicated unless is another fragrance created by QB.
@@miguelcardenas2413 you may be right about that. Quentin does do perfumery that smells quite similar however i still think Celestial was close. It’s not exactly it but it’s close. I’m sure Bois Imperial smells closer to Ganymede
Who has tried Lattafa Masa?? New Ganymede clone
Just got a new bottle.Smells good and unique but the performance is lacklustre
On my skin Ganymede last for 30h easily! Only downside is that it gets a curry note at the very end which comes from the immortelle
My Favorite. I just have a Clone from Dua. But I will get a Bottle
That clone is dope recieved more complinents! Wouldn't bother w/OG get his other version released a year later Bois Impérial... Same perfumer.
whats the best time to wear this one would you guys say? signature worthy ?
Hi 👋 did you ever smelled Plum in Cognac from Scents of wood?