How can I balance my daily business with my OKRs?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 พ.ค. 2023
  • When it comes to daily business and OKRs, our most relevant tip is to be pragmatic.
    We want to avoid that OKRs are on top of everything else. Therefore, be realistic, make a capacity estimation beforehand, have an idea. If I have X amount of meetings a week, if I have X amount of projects that will take X amount of time, if X team members are on holiday it can be X weeks, where you have less capacity. Therefore, do some sort of estimation, where you can have a realistic number of hours that each team member can spend on OKRs.
    So let's be honest: The daily business, and the business as usual is not going away. And what we want is to plan realistically for OKRs. It's not about having seven OKRs, or as many topics in your accounts as you want, if you cannot achieve them. So be realistic and be pragmatic of what you can actually achieve. Be aware that cutting down maybe one or two OKRs and prioritizing them, postponing them to the next cycle can be much more beneficial than focusing on too many things while you still have so many daily tasks going on.
    Another thing that is super relevant when it comes to operational work, daily business and strategic work is that OKRs can show you that you're actually having too much operational stuff to do that you cannot even focus on anything strategic. So if you realize that your daily business is more than what you could focus on strategic topics, there is definitely a conversation with the people responsible for distributing work at your company needed. This will actually give you transparency and bring to the surface a lot of inequality and work distribution.

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