Hey dont be too harsh on yourself and play with friends I did a burnout on multi player reaching dark matter so i dis a break to 100% zombies and I went back with friends on multi player and Now im going to the 100% in multi player and I find fun in this. Have new objectives like that or reaching a rank in ranked
Yeah I can relate with burning out because honestly the game is severely mind numbing but zombies is a lot of fun and it’s the only mode some of my friends are willing to play sometimes. Also you have to a good point with finding new objectives because that makes the game more interesting if I’m trying to reach a goal or work towards something and I am trying to get to master prestige but I haven’t been playing the game a whole lot
Hey dont be too harsh on yourself and play with friends I did a burnout on multi player reaching dark matter so i dis a break to 100% zombies and I went back with friends on multi player and Now im going to the 100% in multi player
For me its the uneven skill level in the lobbies and the cheaters that make it a bad experience.
Hey dont be too harsh on yourself and play with friends I did a burnout on multi player reaching dark matter so i dis a break to 100% zombies and I went back with friends on multi player and Now im going to the 100% in multi player and I find fun in this. Have new objectives like that or reaching a rank in ranked
Yeah I can relate with burning out because honestly the game is severely mind numbing but zombies is a lot of fun and it’s the only mode some of my friends are willing to play sometimes. Also you have to a good point with finding new objectives because that makes the game more interesting if I’m trying to reach a goal or work towards something and I am trying to get to master prestige but I haven’t been playing the game a whole lot
Hey dont be too harsh on yourself and play with friends I did a burnout on multi player reaching dark matter so i dis a break to 100% zombies and I went back with friends on multi player and Now im going to the 100% in multi player
Yeah I would like to play with friends but they don’t like playing cod multiplayer anymore